PlatformFont::CharInfo& MacCarbFont::getCharInfo(const UTF16 ch) const
   // We use some static data here to avoid re allocating the same variable in a loop.
   // this func is primarily called by GFont::loadCharInfo(),
   Rect                 imageRect;
   CGContextRef         imageCtx;
   U32                  bitmapDataSize;
   ATSUTextMeasurement  tbefore, tafter, tascent, tdescent;
   OSStatus             err;

   // 16 bit character buffer for the ATUSI calls.
   // -- hey... could we cache this at the class level, set style and loc *once*, 
   //    then just write to this buffer and clear the layout cache, to speed up drawing?
   static UniChar chUniChar[1];
   chUniChar[0] = ch;

   // Declare and clear out the CharInfo that will be returned.
   static PlatformFont::CharInfo c;
   dMemset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
   // prep values for GFont::addBitmap()
   c.bitmapIndex = 0;
   c.xOffset = 0;
   c.yOffset = 0;

   // put the text in the layout.
   // we've hardcoded a string length of 1 here, but this could work for longer strings... (hint hint)
   // note: ATSUSetTextPointerLocation() also clears the previous cached layout information.
   ATSUSetTextPointerLocation( mLayout, chUniChar, 0, 1, 1);
   ATSUSetRunStyle( mLayout, mStyle, 0,1);
   // get the typographic bounds. this tells us how characters are placed relative to other characters.
   ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds( mLayout, 0, 1, &tbefore, &tafter, &tascent, &tdescent);
   c.xIncrement =  FixedToInt(tafter);
   // find out how big of a bitmap we'll need.
   // as a bonus, we also get the origin where we should draw, encoded in the Rect.
   ATSUMeasureTextImage( mLayout, 0, 1, 0, 0, &imageRect);
   U32 xFudge = 2;
   U32 yFudge = 1;
   c.width  = imageRect.right - imageRect.left + xFudge; // add 2 because small fonts don't always have enough room
   c.height = imageRect.bottom - imageRect.top + yFudge;
   c.xOrigin = imageRect.left; // dist x0 -> center line
   c.yOrigin = -imageRect.top; // dist y0 -> base line
   // kick out early if the character is undrawable
   if( c.width == xFudge || c.height == yFudge)
      return c;
   // allocate a greyscale bitmap and clear it.
   bitmapDataSize = c.width * c.height;
   c.bitmapData = new U8[bitmapDataSize];
   // get a graphics context on the bitmap
   imageCtx = CGBitmapContextCreate( c.bitmapData, c.width, c.height, 8, c.width, mColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaNone);
   if(!imageCtx) {
      Con::errorf("Error: failed to create a graphics context on the CharInfo bitmap! Drawing a blank block.");
      c.xIncrement = c.width;
      return c;

   // Turn off antialiasing for monospaced console fonts. yes, this is cheating.
   if(mSize < 12  && ( dStrstr(mName,"Monaco")!=NULL || dStrstr(mName,"Courier")!=NULL ))
      CGContextSetShouldAntialias(imageCtx, false);

   // Set up drawing options for the context.
   // Since we're not going straight to the screen, we need to adjust accordingly
   CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(imageCtx, false);
   CGContextSetRenderingIntent(imageCtx, kCGRenderingIntentAbsoluteColorimetric);
   CGContextSetInterpolationQuality( imageCtx, kCGInterpolationNone);
   CGContextSetGrayFillColor( imageCtx, 1.0, 1.0);
   CGContextSetTextDrawingMode( imageCtx,  kCGTextFill);
   // tell ATSUI to substitute fonts as needed for missing glyphs
   ATSUSetTransientFontMatching(mLayout, true); 

   // set up three parrallel arrays for setting up attributes. 
   // this is how most options in ATSUI are set, by passing arrays of options.
   ATSUAttributeTag theTags[] = { kATSUCGContextTag };
   ByteCount theSizes[] = { sizeof(CGContextRef) };
   ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = { &imageCtx };
   // bind the layout to the context.
   ATSUSetLayoutControls( mLayout, 1, theTags, theSizes, theValues );

   // Draw the character!
   int yoff = c.height < 3 ? 1 : 0; // kludge for 1 pixel high characters, such as '-' and '_'
   int xoff = 1;
   err = ATSUDrawText( mLayout, 0, 1, IntToFixed(-imageRect.left + xoff), IntToFixed(imageRect.bottom + yoff ) );
   if(err != noErr) {
      Con::errorf("Error: could not draw the character! Drawing a blank box.");

//   Con::printf("Font Metrics: Rect = %2i %2i %2i %2i  Char= %C, 0x%x  Size= %i, Baseline= %i, Height= %i",imageRect.top, imageRect.bottom, imageRect.left, imageRect.right,ch,ch, mSize,mBaseline, mHeight);
//   Con::printf("Font Bounds:  left= %2i right= %2i  Char= %C, 0x%x  Size= %i",FixedToInt(tbefore), FixedToInt(tafter), ch,ch, mSize);
   return c;
void CGContextSetRenderingIntent_wrap(CGContextRef c, uint32 i) {
     CGContextSetRenderingIntent(c, CGColorRenderingIntent(i));