void CG_AddFragment( localEntity_t *le ) {
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;

	if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int		t;
		float	oldZ;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		if ( t < SINK_TIME ) {
			// we must use an explicit lighting origin, otherwise the
			// lighting would be lost as soon as the origin went
			// into the ground
			VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, le->refEntity.lightingOrigin );
			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
			oldZ = le->refEntity.origin[2];
			le->refEntity.origin[2] -= 16 * ( 1.0 - (float)t / SINK_TIME );
			CG_AddRefEntityWithMinLight( &le->refEntity );
			le->refEntity.origin[2] = oldZ;
		} else {
			CG_AddRefEntityWithMinLight( &le->refEntity );


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin );

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
	if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin );

		if ( le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE ) {
			vec3_t angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->angles, cg.time, angles );
			AnglesToAxis( angles, le->refEntity.axis );

		CG_AddRefEntityWithMinLight( &le->refEntity );

		// add a blood trail
		if ( le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD ) {
			CG_BloodTrail( le );


	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if ( CG_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	// leave a mark
	CG_FragmentBounceMark( le, &trace );

	// do a bouncy sound
	CG_FragmentBounceSound( le, &trace );

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );

	CG_AddRefEntityWithMinLight( &le->refEntity );
void CG_AddFragment( localEntity_t *le ) {
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;

	if (le->forceAlpha)
		le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA;
		le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = le->forceAlpha;

	if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int		t;
		float	t_e;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		if ( t < (SINK_TIME*2) ) {
			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA;
			t_e = (float)((float)(le->endTime - cg.time)/(SINK_TIME*2));
			t_e = (int)((t_e)*255);

			if (t_e > 255)
				t_e = 255;
			if (t_e < 1)
				t_e = 1;

			if (le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] && t_e > le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3])
				t_e = le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3];

			le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = t_e;

			trap->R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
		} else {
			trap->R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin );

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
	if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin );

		if ( le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE ) {
			vec3_t angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->angles, cg.time, angles );
			AnglesToAxis( angles, le->refEntity.axis );

		trap->R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

		// add a blood trail
		if ( le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD ) {
			CG_BloodTrail( le );


	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if ( trap->CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	if (!trace.startsolid)
		// leave a mark
		CG_FragmentBounceMark( le, &trace );

		// do a bouncy sound
		CG_FragmentBounceSound( le, &trace );

		if (le->bounceSound)
		{ //specified bounce sound (debris)
			trap->S_StartSound(le->pos.trBase, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, le->bounceSound);

		// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
		CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );

		trap->R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
void CG_AddFragment( localEntity_t *le ) {
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;
	refEntity_t		*re;
	float	flameAlpha = 0.0; // TTimo: init
	vec3_t	flameDir;
	qboolean	hasFlame = qfalse;
	int i;

	// Ridah
	re = &le->refEntity;
	if (!re->fadeStartTime || re->fadeEndTime < le->endTime) {
		if (le->endTime - cg.time > 5000) {
			re->fadeStartTime = le->endTime - 5000;
		} else {
			re->fadeStartTime = le->endTime - 1000;
		re->fadeEndTime = le->endTime;

	// Ridah, flaming gibs
	if (le->onFireStart && (le->onFireStart < cg.time && le->onFireEnd > cg.time)) {
		hasFlame = qtrue;
		// calc the alpha
		flameAlpha = 1.0 - ((float)(cg.time - le->onFireStart)/(float)(le->onFireEnd - le->onFireStart));
		if (flameAlpha < 0.0) flameAlpha = 0.0;
		if (flameAlpha > 1.0) flameAlpha = 1.0;
		trap_S_AddLoopingSound( -1, le->refEntity.origin, vec3_origin, cgs.media.flameCrackSound, (int)(20.0*flameAlpha) );

//----(SA)	added
	if(le->leFlags & LEF_SMOKING) {
		float		alpha;
		refEntity_t	flash;

		// create a little less smoke

		//	TODO: FIXME: this is not quite right, because it'll become fps dependant - in a bad way.
		//		the slower the fps, the /more/ smoke there'll be, probably driving the fps lower.
		if(!(rand()%5)) {
			alpha = 1.0 - ((float)(cg.time - le->startTime)/(float)(le->endTime - le->startTime));
			alpha *= 0.25f;
			memset (&flash, 0, sizeof (flash));
			CG_PositionEntityOnTag( &flash, &le->refEntity, "tag_flash", 0, NULL);
			CG_ParticleImpactSmokePuffExtended(cgs.media.smokeParticleShader, flash.origin, 1000, 8, 20, 20, alpha);
//----(SA)	end

	if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
		int		t;

		// Ridah, add the flame
		if (hasFlame) {
			refEntity_t backupEnt;

			backupEnt = le->refEntity;

			VectorClear( flameDir );
			flameDir[2] = 1;

			le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = (unsigned char)(255.0*flameAlpha);
			VectorCopy( flameDir, le->refEntity.fireRiseDir );
			le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader;
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
			le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader2;
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

			le->refEntity = backupEnt;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );


	} else if ( le->pos.trType == TR_GRAVITY_PAUSED ) {
		int		t;

		// Ridah, add the flame
		if (hasFlame) {
			refEntity_t backupEnt;

			backupEnt = le->refEntity;

			VectorClear( flameDir );
			flameDir[2] = 1;

			le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = (unsigned char)(255.0*flameAlpha);
			VectorCopy( flameDir, le->refEntity.fireRiseDir );
			le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader;
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
			le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader2;
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

			le->refEntity = backupEnt;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

		// trace a line from previous position down, to see if I should start falling again

		VectorCopy(le->refEntity.origin, newOrigin);
		newOrigin [2] -= 5;
		CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_MISSILECLIP );

		if(trace.fraction == 1.0)	// it's clear, start moving again
			le->pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;	// nothing below me, start falling again


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin );

	if (hasFlame) {
		// calc the flame dir
		VectorSubtract( le->refEntity.origin, newOrigin, flameDir );
		if (VectorLength( flameDir ) == 0) {
			flameDir[2] = 1;
			// play a burning sound when not moving
			trap_S_AddLoopingSound( 0, newOrigin, vec3_origin, cgs.media.flameSound, (int)(0.3*255.0*flameAlpha) );
		} else {
			VectorNormalize( flameDir );
			// play a flame blow sound when moving
			trap_S_AddLoopingSound( 0, newOrigin, vec3_origin, cgs.media.flameBlowSound, (int)(0.3*255.0*flameAlpha) );

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
	if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin );

		if ( le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE || le->angles.trType == TR_LINEAR) {
			vec3_t angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->angles, cg.time, angles );
			AnglesToAxis( angles, le->refEntity.axis );
			if (le->sizeScale && le->sizeScale != 1.0) {
				for (i=0;i<3;i++) VectorScale( le->refEntity.axis[i], le->sizeScale, le->refEntity.axis[i] );

		// Ridah, add the flame
		if (hasFlame) {
			refEntity_t backupEnt;

			backupEnt = le->refEntity;

			le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = (unsigned char)(255.0*flameAlpha);
			VectorCopy( flameDir, le->refEntity.fireRiseDir );
			le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader;
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
			le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader2;
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

			le->refEntity = backupEnt;

		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

		// add a blood trail
		if ( le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD ) {
			CG_BloodTrail( le );

	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if ( trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	// do a bouncy sound
	CG_FragmentBounceSound( le, &trace );

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );

	// break on contact?
	if (le->breakCount) {
		clientInfo_t	*ci;
		int				clientNum;
		localEntity_t	*nle;
		vec3_t			dir;

		clientNum = le->ownerNum;
		if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
			CG_Error( "Bad clientNum on player entity");
		ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ];

		// spawn some new fragments
		for (i=0;i<=le->breakCount;i++) {
			nle = CG_AllocLocalEntity();
			memcpy( &(nle->leType), &(le->leType), sizeof(localEntity_t) - 2*sizeof(localEntity_t *) );
			if (nle->breakCount-- < 2)
				nle->refEntity.hModel = ci->gibModels[rand()%2];
				nle->refEntity.hModel = ci->gibModels[rand()%4];
			// make it smaller
			nle->endTime = cg.time + 5000 + rand()%2000;
			nle->sizeScale *= 0.8;
			if (nle->sizeScale < 0.7) {
				nle->sizeScale = 0.7;
				nle->leBounceSoundType = 0;
			// move us a bit
			VectorNormalize2( nle->pos.trDelta, dir );
			VectorMA( trace.endpos, 4.0*le->sizeScale*i, dir, nle->pos.trBase );
			// randomize vel a bit
			VectorMA( nle->pos.trDelta, VectorLength(nle->pos.trDelta)*0.3, bytedirs[rand()%NUMVERTEXNORMALS], nle->pos.trDelta );
		// we're done
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	if (le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY && le->leMarkType == LEMT_BLOOD) 
		// RF, disabled for performance reasons in boss1
		//if (le->leBounceSoundType)
		//	CG_BloodPool (le, cgs.media.bloodPool, &trace);		
		// leave a mark
		if (le->leMarkType)
			CG_FragmentBounceMark( le, &trace );

	// Ridah, add the flame
	if (hasFlame) {
		refEntity_t backupEnt;

		backupEnt = le->refEntity;

		le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = (unsigned char)(255.0*flameAlpha);
		VectorCopy( flameDir, le->refEntity.fireRiseDir );
		le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader;
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
		le->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.onFireShader2;
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

		le->refEntity = backupEnt;

	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
void CG_AddDebrisElements( localEntity_t *le ) {
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;
	float	lifeFrac;
	int		t, step = 50;

	for (t = le->lastTrailTime + step; t < cg.time; t += step) {
		// calculate new position
		BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, t, newOrigin );

		// trace a line from previous position to new position
		CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, MASK_SHOT );

		// if stuck, kill it
		if (trace.startsolid) {
			// HACK, some walls screw up, so just pass through if starting in a solid
			VectorCopy( newOrigin, trace.endpos );
			trace.fraction = 1.0;

		// moved some distance
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, le->refEntity.origin );

		// add a trail
		lifeFrac = (float)(t - le->startTime) / (float)(le->endTime - le->startTime);

#if 0
		// fire
#if 1	// flame
		if (le->effectWidth > 0) {
			le->headJuncIndex = CG_AddSparkJunc( le->headJuncIndex,
										(int)(500.0 * (0.5 + 0.5*(1.0 - lifeFrac))),	// trail life
										1.0,	// alpha
										0.5,	// end alpha
										3,		// start width
										le->effectWidth );	// end width
#else	// spark line
		if (le->effectWidth > 0) {
			le->headJuncIndex = CG_AddSparkJunc( le->headJuncIndex,
										(int)(600.0 * (0.5 + 0.5*(0.5 - lifeFrac))),	// trail life
										1.0 - lifeFrac*2,	// alpha
										0.5 * (1.0 - lifeFrac),	// end alpha
										5.0 * (1.0 - lifeFrac),	// start width
										5.0 * (1.0 - lifeFrac) );	// end width

		// smoke
		if (le->effectFlags & 1)
			le->headJuncIndex2 = CG_AddSmokeJunc( le->headJuncIndex2,
										(int)(2000.0 * (0.5 + 0.5*(1.0 - lifeFrac))),	// trail life
										1.0 * (trace.fraction == 1.0) * (0.5 + 0.5 * (1.0 - lifeFrac)),	// alpha
										1,		// start width
										(int)(60.0 * (0.5 + 0.5*(1.0 - lifeFrac))) );	// end width

		// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
		// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
		// and floating levels
//		if ( trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
//			CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
//			return;
//		}

		if (trace.fraction < 1.0) {
			// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
			CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );
			if (VectorLength(le->pos.trDelta) < 1) {
				CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
			// the intersection is a fraction of the frametime
			le->pos.trTime = t;

		le->lastTrailTime = t;


// Rafael Shrapnel
void CG_AddShrapnel (localEntity_t *le) 
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;

	if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int		t;
		float	oldZ;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		if ( t < SINK_TIME ) {
			// we must use an explicit lighting origin, otherwise the
			// lighting would be lost as soon as the origin went
			// into the ground
			VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, le->refEntity.lightingOrigin );
			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
			oldZ = le->refEntity.origin[2];
			le->refEntity.origin[2] -= 16 * ( 1.0 - (float)t / SINK_TIME );
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
			le->refEntity.origin[2] = oldZ;
		} else {
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
			CG_AddParticleShrapnel (le);


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin );

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
	if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin );

		if ( le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE ) {
			vec3_t angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->angles, cg.time, angles );
			AnglesToAxis( angles, le->refEntity.axis );

		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
		CG_AddParticleShrapnel (le);

	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if ( trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	// leave a mark
	CG_FragmentBounceMark( le, &trace );

	// do a bouncy sound
	CG_FragmentBounceSound( le, &trace );

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );

	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
	CG_AddParticleShrapnel (le);
void CG_AddFragment(localEntity_t *le) {
	vec3_t newOrigin, angles;
	trace_t trace;

	if (le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY) {
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int t;
		float oldZ;

		CG_AdjustPositionForMover(le->refEntity.origin, le->groundEntityNum, le->pos.trTime, cg.time, le->refEntity.origin, le->angles.trBase, le->angles.trBase);
		AnglesToAxis(le->angles.trBase, le->refEntity.axis);

		le->pos.trTime = cg.time;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;

		if (t < SINK_TIME) {
			// we must use an explicit lighting origin, otherwise the lighting would be lost as soon as the origin went into the ground
			VectorCopy(le->refEntity.origin, le->refEntity.lightingOrigin);

			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
			oldZ = le->refEntity.origin[2];
			le->refEntity.origin[2] -= 16 * (1.0 - (float)t / SINK_TIME);


			le->refEntity.origin[2] = oldZ;
		} else {

	// never free fragments while they're flying
	if (le->endTime < cg.time + 2000) {
		le->endTime = cg.time + 2000;
	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin);
	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace(&trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID);

	if (trace.fraction == 1.0) {
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy(newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin);

		switch (le->leFlags) {
			case LEF_TUMBLE:
				BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->angles, cg.time, angles);
			case LEF_GIBS:
				angles[1] = ((cg.time & 2047) * 360 / 2048.0 + 120);
				angles[0] = ((cg.time & 2047) * 360 / 2048.0);
				angles[2] = ((cg.time & 2047) * 360 / 2048.0 + 240);

		AnglesToAxis(angles, le->refEntity.axis);
		// add a blood trail
		if (le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD) {

	// fragment inside mover, find the direction/origin of impact
	if (trace.allsolid && cg_entities[trace.entityNum].currentState.eType == ET_MOVER) {
		vec3_t origin, angles, dir;
		float dist;
		int oldTime;
		trace_t tr;

		// get last location
		if (cg.time == le->pos.trTime) {
			// fragment was added this frame. no good way to fix this.
		} else {
			oldTime = le->pos.trTime;

		BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->pos, oldTime, origin);
		// add the distance mover has moved since then
		CG_AdjustPositionForMover(origin, trace.entityNum, oldTime, cg.time, origin, angles, angles);
		// nudge the origin farther to avoid being co-planar
		VectorSubtract(origin, newOrigin, dir);

		dist = VectorNormalize(dir);

		VectorMA(origin, dist, dir, origin);
		CG_Trace(&tr, origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID);
		// found impact. restore allsolid because trace fraction won't work correct in CG_ReflectVelocity
		if (!tr.allsolid) {
			trace = tr;
			trace.allsolid = qtrue;
	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death and floating levels
	if (CG_PointContents(trace.endpos, 0) & CONTENTS_NODROP) {
	// leave a mark
	CG_FragmentBounceMark(le, &trace);
	// do a bouncy sound
	CG_FragmentBounceSound(le, &trace);
	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity(le, &trace);
void CG_AddFragment(localEntity_t * le)
	vec3_t          newOrigin;
	trace_t         trace;

	if(le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY)
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int             t;
		float           oldZ;

		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		if(t < SINK_TIME)
			// we must use an explicit lighting origin, otherwise the
			// lighting would be lost as soon as the origin went
			// into the ground
			VectorCopy(le->refEntity.origin, le->refEntity.lightingOrigin);
			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
			oldZ = le->refEntity.origin[2];
			le->refEntity.origin[2] -= 16 * (1.0 - (float)t / SINK_TIME);
			le->refEntity.origin[2] = oldZ;


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin);

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace(&trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID);
	if(trace.fraction == 1.0)
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy(newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin);

		if(le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE)
#if 0
			vec3_t          angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->angles, cg.time, angles);
			AnglesToAxis(angles, le->refEntity.axis);
			// Tr3B - new quaternion code
			quat_t          qrot;

			// angular rotation for this frame
			float           angle = le->angVel * (cg.time - le->angles.trTime) * 0.001 / 2;

			// create the rotation quaternion
			qrot[3] = cos(angle);	// real part
			VectorScale(le->rotAxis, sin(angle), qrot);	// imaginary part

			// create the new orientation
			QuatMultiply0(le->quatOrient, qrot);

			// apply the combined previous rotations around other axes
			QuatMultiply1(le->quatOrient, le->quatRot, qrot);

			// convert the orientation into the form the renderer wants
			QuatToAxis(qrot, le->refEntity.axis);
			le->angles.trTime = cg.time;


		// add a blood trail
		if(le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD)


	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if(trap_CM_PointContents(trace.endpos, 0) & CONTENTS_NODROP)

	// leave a mark
	CG_FragmentBounceMark(le, &trace);

	// do a bouncy sound
	CG_FragmentBounceSound(le, &trace);

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity(le, &trace);

void CG_AddFragment( localEntity_t *le ) {
	vec3_t	newOrigin;
	trace_t	trace;

	if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int		t;
		float	oldZ;
		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		if ( t < SINK_TIME ) {
			// we must use an explicit lighting origin, otherwise the
			// lighting would be lost as soon as the origin went
			// into the ground
			VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, le->refEntity.lightingOrigin );
			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
			oldZ = le->refEntity.origin[2];
			le->refEntity.origin[2] -= 16 * ( 1.0 - (float)t / SINK_TIME );
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
			le->refEntity.origin[2] = oldZ;
		} else {
			trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin );

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
	if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
		qboolean	inWater;
		vec3_t		newDelta;

		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin );

		// check for water
		inWater = CG_PointContents( newOrigin, -1 ) & CONTENTS_WATER;

		if ( inWater && le->pos.trType == TR_GRAVITY ) {
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &le->pos, cg.time, newDelta );
			le->pos.trType = TR_WATER_GRAVITY;
			VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->pos.trBase );
			VectorCopy( newDelta, le->pos.trDelta );
			le->pos.trTime = cg.time;
		if ( !inWater && le->pos.trType == TR_WATER_GRAVITY ) {
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &le->pos, cg.time, newDelta );
			le->pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
			VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->pos.trBase );
			VectorCopy( newDelta, le->pos.trDelta );
			le->pos.trTime = cg.time;

		if ( le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE ) {
			vec3_t angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->angles, cg.time, angles );
			AnglesToAxis( angles, le->refEntity.axis );

		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );

		// add a fire trail
		// CG_FireTrail( le );


	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if ( trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	// stop rotation
	le->angles.trType = TR_STATIONARY;

	// leave a mark
	CG_FragmentBounceMark( le, &trace );

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );

	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );