* CG_BuildProjectionOrigin
* store the orientation_t closer to the tag_flash we can create,
* or create one using an offset we consider acceptable.
* NOTE: This tag will ignore weapon models animations. You'd have to
* do it in realtime to use it with animations. Or be careful on not
* moving the weapon too much
static void CG_BuildProjectionOrigin( weaponinfo_t *weaponinfo )
	orientation_t tag, tag_barrel;
	static entity_t	ent;

	if( !weaponinfo )

	if( weaponinfo->model[WEAPON] )

		// assign the model to an entity_t, so we can build boneposes
		memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );
		ent.rtype = RT_MODEL;
		ent.scale = 1.0f;
		ent.model = weaponinfo->model[WEAPON];
		CG_SetBoneposesForTemporaryEntity( &ent ); // assigns and builds the skeleton so we can use grabtag

		// try getting the tag_flash from the weapon model
		if( CG_GrabTag( &weaponinfo->tag_projectionsource, &ent, "tag_flash" ) )
			return; // succesfully

		// if it didn't work, try getting it from the barrel model
		if( CG_GrabTag( &tag_barrel, &ent, "tag_barrel" ) && weaponinfo->model[BARREL] )
			// assign the model to an entity_t, so we can build boneposes
			memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );
			ent.rtype = RT_MODEL;
			ent.scale = 1.0f;
			ent.model = weaponinfo->model[BARREL];
			CG_SetBoneposesForTemporaryEntity( &ent );
			if( CG_GrabTag( &tag, &ent, "tag_flash" ) && weaponinfo->model[BARREL] )
				VectorCopy( vec3_origin, weaponinfo->tag_projectionsource.origin );
				Matrix3_Identity( weaponinfo->tag_projectionsource.axis );
				CG_MoveToTag( weaponinfo->tag_projectionsource.origin,
					tag.axis );
				return; // succesfully

	// doesn't have a weapon model, or the weapon model doesn't have a tag
	VectorSet( weaponinfo->tag_projectionsource.origin, 16, 0, 8 );
	Matrix3_Identity( weaponinfo->tag_projectionsource.axis );
* CG_AddViewWeapon
void CG_AddViewWeapon( cg_viewweapon_t *viewweapon )
	orientation_t tag;
	unsigned int flash_time = 0;

	if( !cg.view.drawWeapon || viewweapon->weapon == WEAP_NONE )

	// update the other origins
	VectorCopy( viewweapon->ent.origin, viewweapon->ent.origin2 );
	VectorCopy( cg_entities[viewweapon->POVnum].ent.lightingOrigin, viewweapon->ent.lightingOrigin );

	CG_AddColoredOutLineEffect( &viewweapon->ent, cg.effects, 0, 0, 0, 255 );
	CG_AddEntityToScene( &viewweapon->ent );
	CG_AddShellEffects( &viewweapon->ent, cg.effects );

	if( cg_weaponFlashes->integer == 2 )
		flash_time = cg_entPModels[viewweapon->POVnum].flash_time;

	// add attached weapon
	if( CG_GrabTag( &tag, &viewweapon->ent, "tag_weapon" ) )
		CG_AddWeaponOnTag( &viewweapon->ent, &tag, viewweapon->weapon, cg.effects|EF_OUTLINE, NULL, flash_time, cg_entPModels[viewweapon->POVnum].barrel_time );
* CG_AddWeaponOnTag
* Add weapon model(s) positioned at the tag
void CG_AddWeaponOnTag( entity_t *ent, orientation_t *tag, int weaponid, int effects, orientation_t *projectionSource, unsigned int flash_time, unsigned int barrel_time )
	entity_t weapon;
	weaponinfo_t *weaponInfo;
	float intensity;

	//don't try without base model
	if( !ent->model )

	//don't try without a tag
	if( !tag )

	weaponInfo = CG_GetWeaponInfo( weaponid );
	if( !weaponInfo )

	//if( ent->renderfx & RF_WEAPONMODEL )
	//	effects &= ~EF_RACEGHOST;

	memset( &weapon, 0, sizeof( weapon ) );
	Vector4Set( weapon.shaderRGBA, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
	weapon.scale = ent->scale;
	weapon.renderfx = ent->renderfx;
	weapon.frame = 0;
	weapon.oldframe = 0;
	weapon.model = weaponInfo->model[WEAPON];

	CG_PlaceModelOnTag( &weapon, ent, tag );

	CG_AddColoredOutLineEffect( &weapon, effects, 0, 0, 0, 255 );

	if( !( effects & EF_RACEGHOST ) )
		CG_AddEntityToScene( &weapon );

	if( !weapon.model )

	CG_AddShellEffects( &weapon, effects );

	// update projection source
	if( projectionSource != NULL )
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, projectionSource->origin );
		Matrix3_Copy( axis_identity, projectionSource->axis );
		CG_MoveToTag( projectionSource->origin, projectionSource->axis,
			weapon.origin, weapon.axis,
			weaponInfo->tag_projectionsource.axis );

	if( ( effects & EF_STRONG_WEAPON ) && weaponInfo->model[EXPANSION] )
		if( CG_GrabTag( tag, &weapon, "tag_expansion" ) )
			entity_t expansion;
			memset( &expansion, 0, sizeof( expansion ) );
			Vector4Set( expansion.shaderRGBA, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
			expansion.model = weaponInfo->model[EXPANSION];
			expansion.scale = ent->scale;
			expansion.renderfx = ent->renderfx;
			expansion.frame = 0;
			expansion.oldframe = 0;

			CG_PlaceModelOnTag( &expansion, &weapon, tag );

			CG_AddColoredOutLineEffect( &expansion, effects, 0, 0, 0, 255 );

			if( !( effects & EF_RACEGHOST ) )
				CG_AddEntityToScene( &expansion ); // skelmod

			CG_AddShellEffects( &expansion, effects );

	// barrel
	if( weaponInfo->model[BARREL] )
		if( CG_GrabTag( tag, &weapon, "tag_barrel" ) )
			orientation_t barrel_recoiled;
			vec3_t rotangles = { 0, 0, 0 };

			entity_t barrel;
			memset( &barrel, 0, sizeof( barrel ) );
			Vector4Set( barrel.shaderRGBA, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
			barrel.model = weaponInfo->model[BARREL];
			barrel.scale = ent->scale;
			barrel.renderfx = ent->renderfx;
			barrel.frame = 0;
			barrel.oldframe = 0;

			// rotation
			if( barrel_time > cg.time )
				intensity =  (float)( barrel_time - cg.time ) / (float)weaponInfo->barrelTime;
				rotangles[2] = ( 360.0f * weaponInfo->barrelSpeed * intensity * intensity );
				while( rotangles[2] > 360 ) rotangles[2] -= 360;

				// Check for tag_recoil
				if( CG_GrabTag( &barrel_recoiled, &weapon, "tag_recoil" ) )
					VectorLerp( tag->origin, intensity, barrel_recoiled.origin, tag->origin );

			AnglesToAxis( rotangles, barrel.axis );

			// barrel requires special tagging
			CG_PlaceRotatedModelOnTag( &barrel, &weapon, tag );

			CG_AddColoredOutLineEffect( &barrel, effects, 0, 0, 0, 255 );

			if( !( effects & EF_RACEGHOST ) )
				CG_AddEntityToScene( &barrel ); // skelmod

			CG_AddShellEffects( &barrel, effects );

	if( flash_time < cg.time )

	// flash
	if( !CG_GrabTag( tag, &weapon, "tag_flash" ) )

	if( weaponInfo->model[FLASH] )
		entity_t flash;
		qbyte c;

		if( weaponInfo->flashFade )
			intensity = (float)( flash_time - cg.time )/(float)weaponInfo->flashTime;
			c = ( qbyte )( 255 * intensity );
			intensity = 1.0f;
			c = 255;

		memset( &flash, 0, sizeof( flash ) );
		Vector4Set( flash.shaderRGBA, c, c, c, c );
		flash.model = weaponInfo->model[FLASH];
		flash.scale = ent->scale;
		flash.renderfx = ent->renderfx | RF_NOSHADOW;
		flash.frame = 0;
		flash.oldframe = 0;

		CG_PlaceModelOnTag( &flash, &weapon, tag );

		if( !( effects & EF_RACEGHOST ) )
			CG_AddEntityToScene( &flash );

		CG_AddLightToScene( flash.origin, weaponInfo->flashRadius * intensity,
			weaponInfo->flashColor[0], weaponInfo->flashColor[1], weaponInfo->flashColor[2] );
* CG_CalcViewWeapon
void CG_CalcViewWeapon( cg_viewweapon_t *viewweapon )
	orientation_t tag;
	weaponinfo_t *weaponInfo;
	vec3_t gunAngles;
	vec3_t gunOffset;
	float fallfrac, fallkick;

	CG_ViewWeapon_RefreshAnimation( viewweapon );

	//if( cg.view.thirdperson )
	//	return;

	weaponInfo = CG_GetWeaponInfo( viewweapon->weapon );
	viewweapon->ent.model = weaponInfo->model[HAND];
	viewweapon->ent.renderfx = RF_MINLIGHT|RF_WEAPONMODEL|RF_FORCENOLOD|(cg_shadows->integer < 2 ? RF_NOSHADOW : 0);
	viewweapon->ent.scale = 1.0f;
	viewweapon->ent.customShader = NULL;
	viewweapon->ent.customSkin = NULL;
	viewweapon->ent.rtype = RT_MODEL;
	Vector4Set( viewweapon->ent.shaderRGBA, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	// calculate the entity position
#if 1
	VectorCopy( cg.view.origin, viewweapon->ent.origin );
	VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.pmove.origin, viewweapon->ent.origin );
	viewweapon->ent.origin[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight;
	// weapon config offsets
	VectorAdd( weaponInfo->handpositionAngles, cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles, gunAngles );
	gunOffset[FORWARD] = cg_gunz->value + weaponInfo->handpositionOrigin[FORWARD];
	gunOffset[RIGHT] = cg_gunx->value + weaponInfo->handpositionOrigin[RIGHT];
	gunOffset[UP] = cg_guny->value + weaponInfo->handpositionOrigin[UP];

	// hand cvar offset
	if( cgs.demoPlaying )
		if( hand->integer == 0 )
			gunOffset[RIGHT] += cg_handOffset->value;
		else if( hand->integer == 1 )
			gunOffset[RIGHT] -= cg_handOffset->value;
		if( cgs.clientInfo[cg.view.POVent-1].hand == 0 )
			gunOffset[RIGHT] += cg_handOffset->value;
		else if( cgs.clientInfo[cg.view.POVent-1].hand == 1 )
			gunOffset[RIGHT] -= cg_handOffset->value;

	// fallkick offset
	if( cg.weapon.fallEff_Time > cg.time )
		fallfrac = (float)( cg.time - cg.weapon.fallEff_rebTime ) / (float)( cg.weapon.fallEff_Time - cg.weapon.fallEff_rebTime );
		fallkick = sin( DEG2RAD( fallfrac*180 ) ) * ( ( cg.weapon.fallEff_Time - cg.weapon.fallEff_rebTime ) * 0.01f );
		cg.weapon.fallEff_Time = cg.weapon.fallEff_rebTime = 0;
		fallkick = fallfrac = 0;

	gunOffset[UP] -= fallkick;

	// apply the offsets
#if 1
	VectorMA( viewweapon->ent.origin, gunOffset[FORWARD], &cg.view.axis[AXIS_FORWARD], viewweapon->ent.origin );
	VectorMA( viewweapon->ent.origin, gunOffset[RIGHT], &cg.view.axis[AXIS_RIGHT], viewweapon->ent.origin );
	VectorMA( viewweapon->ent.origin, gunOffset[UP], &cg.view.axis[AXIS_UP], viewweapon->ent.origin );
	Matrix3_FromAngles( cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles, offsetAxis );
	VectorMA( viewweapon->ent.origin, gunOffset[FORWARD], &offsetAxis[AXIS_FORWARD], viewweapon->ent.origin );
	VectorMA( viewweapon->ent.origin, gunOffset[RIGHT], &offsetAxis[AXIS_RIGHT], viewweapon->ent.origin );
	VectorMA( viewweapon->ent.origin, gunOffset[UP], &offsetAxis[AXIS_UP], viewweapon->ent.origin );
	// add angles effects
	CG_ViewWeapon_AddAngleEffects( gunAngles );

	// finish
	AnglesToAxis( gunAngles, viewweapon->ent.axis );

	if( cg_gun_fov->integer && !cg.predictedPlayerState.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_ZOOMTIME] )
		float gun_fov = bound( 20, cg_gun_fov->value, 160 );
		float fracWeapFOV = ( 1.0f / cg.view.fracDistFOV ) * tan( gun_fov * ( M_PI/180 ) * 0.5f );
		VectorScale( &viewweapon->ent.axis[AXIS_FORWARD], fracWeapFOV, &viewweapon->ent.axis[AXIS_FORWARD] );

	// if the player doesn't want to view the weapon we still have to build the projection source
	if( CG_GrabTag( &tag, &viewweapon->ent, "tag_weapon" ) )
		CG_ViewWeapon_UpdateProjectionSource( viewweapon->ent.origin, viewweapon->ent.axis, tag.origin, tag.axis );
		CG_ViewWeapon_UpdateProjectionSource( viewweapon->ent.origin, viewweapon->ent.axis, vec3_origin, axis_identity );