
Sets cg.snap, cg.oldFrame, and cg.backlerp
cg.time should be between oldFrameTime and frameTime after exit
static void CG_RunBuildableLerpFrame( centity_t *cent )
  buildable_t           buildable = cent->currentState.modelindex;
  lerpFrame_t           *lf = &cent->lerpFrame;
  buildableAnimNumber_t newAnimation = cent->buildableAnim & ~( ANIM_TOGGLEBIT|ANIM_FORCEBIT );

  // see if the animation sequence is switching
  if( newAnimation != lf->animationNumber || !lf->animation )
    if( cg_debugRandom.integer )
      CG_Printf( "newAnimation: %d lf->animationNumber: %d lf->animation: %d\n",
                 newAnimation, lf->animationNumber, lf->animation );

    CG_SetBuildableLerpFrameAnimation( buildable, lf, newAnimation );

    if( !cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ newAnimation ].looped &&
        cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ newAnimation ].enabled )
      if( cg_debugRandom.integer )
        CG_Printf( "Sound for animation %d for a %s\n",
            newAnimation, BG_Buildable( buildable )->humanName );

      trap_S_StartSound( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO,
        cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ newAnimation ].sound );

  if( cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ lf->animationNumber ].looped &&
      cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ lf->animationNumber ].enabled )
    trap_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin,
      cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ lf->animationNumber ].sound );

  CG_RunLerpFrame( lf, 1.0f );

  // animation ended
  if( lf->frameTime == cg.time )
    cent->buildableAnim = cent->currentState.torsoAnim;
    cent->buildableIdleAnim = qtrue;

Sets cg.snap, cg.oldFrame, and cg.backlerp
cg.time should be between oldFrameTime and frameTime after exit
static void CG_RunBuildableLerpFrame( centity_t *cent )
  int                   f, numFrames;
  buildable_t           buildable = cent->currentState.modelindex;
  lerpFrame_t           *lf = &cent->lerpFrame;
  animation_t           *anim;
  buildableAnimNumber_t newAnimation = cent->buildableAnim & ~( ANIM_TOGGLEBIT|ANIM_FORCEBIT );

  // debugging tool to get no animations
  if( cg_animSpeed.integer == 0 )
    lf->oldFrame = lf->frame = lf->backlerp = 0;

  // see if the animation sequence is switching
  if( newAnimation != lf->animationNumber || !lf->animation )
    if( cg_debugRandom.integer )
      CG_Printf( "newAnimation: %d lf->animationNumber: %d lf->animation: %d\n",
                 newAnimation, lf->animationNumber, lf->animation );

    CG_SetBuildableLerpFrameAnimation( buildable, lf, newAnimation );

    if( !cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ newAnimation ].looped &&
        cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ newAnimation ].enabled )
      if( cg_debugRandom.integer )
        CG_Printf( "Sound for animation %d for a %s\n",
            newAnimation, BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( buildable ) );

      trap_S_StartSound( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO,
        cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ newAnimation ].sound );

  if( cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ lf->animationNumber ].looped &&
      cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ lf->animationNumber ].enabled )
    trap_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin,
      cg_buildables[ buildable ].sounds[ lf->animationNumber ].sound );

  // if we have passed the current frame, move it to
  // oldFrame and calculate a new frame
  if( cg.time >= lf->frameTime )
    lf->oldFrame = lf->frame;
    lf->oldFrameTime = lf->frameTime;

    // get the next frame based on the animation
    anim = lf->animation;
    if( !anim->frameLerp )
      return;   // shouldn't happen

    if ( cg.time < lf->animationTime )
      lf->frameTime = lf->animationTime;    // initial lerp
      lf->frameTime = lf->oldFrameTime + anim->frameLerp;

    f = ( lf->frameTime - lf->animationTime ) / anim->frameLerp;
    numFrames = anim->numFrames;
      numFrames *= 2;

    if( f >= numFrames )
      f -= numFrames;
      if( anim->loopFrames )
        f %= anim->loopFrames;
        f += anim->numFrames - anim->loopFrames;
        f = numFrames - 1;
        // the animation is stuck at the end, so it
        // can immediately transition to another sequence
        lf->frameTime = cg.time;
        cent->buildableAnim = cent->currentState.torsoAnim;

    if( anim->reversed )
      lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames - 1 - f;
    else if( anim->flipflop && f >= anim->numFrames )
      lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames - 1 - ( f % anim->numFrames );
      lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + f;

    if( cg.time > lf->frameTime )
      lf->frameTime = cg.time;
      if( cg_debugAnim.integer )
        CG_Printf( "Clamp lf->frameTime\n");

  if( lf->frameTime > cg.time + 200 )
    lf->frameTime = cg.time;

  if( lf->oldFrameTime > cg.time )
    lf->oldFrameTime = cg.time;

  // calculate current lerp value
  if( lf->frameTime == lf->oldFrameTime )
    lf->backlerp = 0;
    lf->backlerp = 1.0 - (float)( cg.time - lf->oldFrameTime ) / ( lf->frameTime - lf->oldFrameTime );