/// <summary>Constructor</summary>
/// <param name="symbol">IDiaSymbol to wrap. Symbol must be of type SymTagUDTType</summary>
/// <exception cref="runtime_error">Thrown if an internal error occurs</exception>
PdbTypeClass::PdbTypeClass(IDiaSymbol* symbol) {
  CHECKTAG(symbol, SymTagUDT, "PdbTypeClass");

  // check it is a class
  DWORD kind;
  if (FAILED(symbol->get_udtKind(&kind))) {
  if (kind != UdtClass) {
    throw runtime_error("Attempt to make a PdbTypeClass out of something not a class");

  // remember the symbol
  this->symbol = symbol;
/* run a queue depth detection test sending messages 
 * of a message of size msgsz bytes and no acknowledgements -
 * messages are shoveled into a send queue of size up to queuesz,
 * as quickly as MPI will take them and injection rate is timed for each queue size
void queuetest(int iters, int msgsz, int printoutput) {
  int iamsender = (rank % 2 == 0);
  int iamreceiver = !iamsender || peerid == rank; /* handle loopback */
  MPI_Request *recvHandle = NULL;
  MPI_Request *sendHandle = NULL;
  char *sendbuffer = NULL;
  char *recvbuffer = NULL;
  MPI_Status *statustmp = malloc(sizeof(MPI_Status)*queuedepth);
  int depth;
  char row[1024];
  char *prow = row;

  if (iamsender) {
    int i;
    sendbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz);
    sendHandle = (MPI_Request*)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)*queuedepth);
    assert(sendbuffer && sendHandle);
    for (i=0; i < queuedepth; i++) {
      sendHandle[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
    sprintf(prow, "%-8i", msgsz); prow += strlen(prow);
  if (iamreceiver) {
    recvbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz);
    recvHandle = (MPI_Request*)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)*queuedepth);
    assert(recvbuffer && recvHandle);


  for (depth = 1; depth <= queuedepth; depth *= 2) {
    int64_t totaltime = 0;
    int it;
    for (it = 0; it < iters; it++) {

      if (iamreceiver) { /* prepost recieves */
        int i;
        for (i=0; i < depth; i++) {
          recvHandle[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
          /* prepost recvs */
          MPI_SAFE(MPI_Irecv(recvbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, 
                    peerid, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
          assert(recvHandle[i] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL);


      if (iamsender) { 
        int i;
        int64_t starttime, endtime;
        /* measure time to inject depth operations of payload sz */
        starttime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp();
        for (i=0; i < depth; i++) {
          MPI_SAFE(MPI_Isend(sendbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendHandle[i]));
          assert(sendHandle[i] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
        endtime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp();
        totaltime += (endtime - starttime);

      if (iamreceiver) { /* complete nb recvs */
          int i;
          MPI_SAFE(MPI_Waitall(depth, recvHandle, statustmp));
          for (i=0; i < depth; i++) {
      if (iamsender) { /* complete nb sends */
          MPI_SAFE(MPI_Waitall(depth, sendHandle, statustmp));

    if (iamsender) { /* output */
      double avgus = totaltime / (double)iters / (double)depth;
      int prec;
      if (avgus < 1000.0) prec = 3;
      else if (avgus < 10000.0) prec = 2;
      else if (avgus < 100000.0) prec = 1;
      else prec = 0;
      sprintf(prow, " %7.*f", prec, avgus); prow += strlen(prow);
  if (iamsender && printoutput) {
    printf("%s\n", row); fflush(stdout);

  if (recvHandle) free(recvHandle);
  if (sendHandle) free(sendHandle);
  if (sendbuffer) free(sendbuffer);
  if (recvbuffer) free(recvbuffer);

/* run a pairwise flood test sending iters messages 
 * of a message of size msgsz bytes and no acknowledgements -
 * messages are shoveled into a send queue of size queuesz,
 * as quickly as MPI will take them
 * uses nonblocking recvs and nonblocking sends
 * returns the total number of microseconds consumed during the test
double floodtest(int iters, int msgsz) {
  int numsent = 0, numrecvd = 0, numrecvposted = 0;
  int64_t starttime, endtime;
  int iamsender = (rank % 2 == 0);
  int iamreceiver = !iamsender || peerid == rank; /* handle loopback */
  MPI_Request *recvHandle = NULL;
  MPI_Request *sendHandle = NULL;
  char *sendbuffer = NULL;
  char *recvbuffer = NULL;
  int *indextmp = malloc(sizeof(int)*queuedepth);
  MPI_Status *statustmp = malloc(sizeof(MPI_Status)*queuedepth);

  if (iters < queuedepth) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: iters must be >= queuedepth\n");

  if (iamsender) {
    int i;
    sendbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz*queuedepth);
    sendHandle = (MPI_Request*)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)*queuedepth);
    assert(sendbuffer && sendHandle);
    for (i=0; i < queuedepth; i++) {
      sendHandle[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
  if (iamreceiver) {
    recvbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz*queuedepth);
    recvHandle = (MPI_Request*)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)*queuedepth);
    assert(recvbuffer && recvHandle);
    while(numrecvposted < queuedepth && numrecvposted < iters) {
      recvHandle[numrecvposted] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
      /* prepost recvs */
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Irecv(BUFFER_CALC(recvbuffer,msgsz*numrecvposted), msgsz, MPI_BYTE, 
                peerid, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
      assert(recvHandle[numrecvposted] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL);


  starttime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp();

  if (iamsender) { /* fill the outgoing pipe */
    while (numsent < iters && numsent < queuedepth) {
      char *buf = BUFFER_CALC(sendbuffer,msgsz*numsent);
      WRITEMSG(buf, msgsz);
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Isend(buf, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendHandle[numsent]));
      assert(sendHandle[numsent] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

  while ( (iamsender && numsent < iters) || 
          (iamreceiver && numrecvd < iters)) {

    if (iamreceiver) {
      int numcomplete = 0;
      /* reap any completions and do more recvs */
      MPI_SAFE(mpi_testwait_some(queuedepth, recvHandle, &numcomplete, indextmp, statustmp));
      while (numcomplete != MPI_UNDEFINED && numcomplete > 0) {
        int idx = indextmp[--numcomplete];
        char *buf = BUFFER_CALC(recvbuffer,msgsz*idx);
        READMSG(buf, msgsz);
        assert(recvHandle[idx] == MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
        if (numrecvposted < iters) { /* not done yet - recv another */
          MPI_SAFE(MPI_Irecv(buf, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, 
                    peerid, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
          assert(recvHandle[idx] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

    if (iamsender) {
      int numcomplete = 0;
      /* reap any completions and do more sends */
      MPI_SAFE(mpi_testwait_some(queuedepth, sendHandle, &numcomplete, indextmp, statustmp));
      while (numcomplete != MPI_UNDEFINED && numcomplete > 0) {
        int idx = indextmp[--numcomplete];
        char *buf = BUFFER_CALC(sendbuffer,msgsz*idx);
        assert(sendHandle[idx] == MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
        if (numsent < iters) { /* not done yet - send another */
          WRITEMSG(buf, msgsz);
          MPI_SAFE(MPI_Isend(buf, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendHandle[idx]));
          assert(sendHandle[idx] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL);


  if (iamsender) { /* pause for all sends to complete locally */
    MPI_SAFE(MPI_Waitall(queuedepth, sendHandle, statustmp));

  endtime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp();

  if (recvHandle) free(recvHandle);
  if (sendHandle) free(sendHandle);
  if (sendbuffer) free(sendbuffer);
  if (recvbuffer) free(recvbuffer);

  return (double)(endtime - starttime);
double pingpongtest(int iters, int msgsz) {
  int i;
  int64_t starttime, endtime;
  int iamsender = (rank % 2 == 0);
  int iamreceiver = !iamsender || peerid == rank; /* handle loopback */
  char *sendMsgbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz);
  char *sendAckbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz);
  char *recvMsgbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz);
  char *recvAckbuffer = (char*)malloc(msgsz);
  MPI_Request recvMsgHandle = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
  MPI_Request recvAckHandle = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
  MPI_Request sendMsgHandle = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
  MPI_Request sendAckHandle = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
  MPI_Status status;

    #define ACKSZ 0
    #define ACKSZ msgsz

  if (iamreceiver) {
    /* prepost a recv */
    MPI_SAFE(MPI_Irecv(recvMsgbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, 
              peerid, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 


  starttime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp();

  for (i=0; i < iters; i++) {

    if (iamsender) {
      /* send message */
      WRITEMSG(sendMsgbuffer, msgsz);
   #if USE_ISEND
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Isend(sendMsgbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendMsgHandle));
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Send(sendMsgbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD));

      /* prepost a recv for acknowledgement */
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Irecv(recvAckbuffer, ACKSZ, MPI_BYTE, 
                peerid, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 

   #if USE_ISEND
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Wait(&sendMsgHandle, &status));

    if (iamreceiver) {
      /* wait for message */
     #if USE_TEST
      int flag = 0;
      while (!flag) MPI_SAFE(MPI_Test(&recvMsgHandle, &flag, &status)); 
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Wait(&recvMsgHandle, &status));

      READMSG(recvMsgbuffer, msgsz);

      /* send acknowledgement */
      WRITEMSG(sendAckbuffer, 1);
    #if USE_ISEND
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Isend(sendAckbuffer, ACKSZ, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sendAckHandle));
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Send(sendAckbuffer, ACKSZ, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD));

      /* pre-post recv for next message */
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Irecv(recvMsgbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, 
                peerid, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
    #if USE_ISEND
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Wait(&sendAckHandle, &status));

    if (iamsender) {
      /* wait for acknowledgement */
      MPI_SAFE(MPI_Wait(&recvAckHandle, &status));
      READMSG(recvAckbuffer, 1);


  endtime = getMicrosecondTimeStamp();

  /* last recv must be cancelled (not included in timing) */
  #if 0
      if (iamreceiver) MPI_SAFE(MPI_Cancel(&recvMsgHandle));
      /* apparently some MPI impls don't implement cancel at all.. (grr..) */
      /* use an extra send instead to get the same effect */
      if (iamsender) 
        MPI_SAFE(MPI_Send(sendMsgbuffer, msgsz, MPI_BYTE, peerid, peermpitag, MPI_COMM_WORLD));

  if (iamreceiver) MPI_SAFE(MPI_Wait(&recvMsgHandle, &status));


  return (double)(endtime - starttime);