void CSamMdFormatter::FormatDeletion( const char * t, int count ) 
    m_data += "^";
    while( count-- ) {
        char ref = CIupacnaBase( CNcbi8naBase( t++ ) );
        switch( ref ) {
        case 'A': case 'C': case 'G': case 'T': m_data += ref; break;
        default: m_data += 'N';
void CSamMdFormatter::FormatAligned( const char * s, const char * t, int count )
    while( count-- ) {
        char query = *s++;
        char subj = CIupacnaBase( CNcbi8naBase( t++ ) );
        if( query == subj ) { ++m_keepCount; }
        else {
            switch( subj ) {
            case 'A': case 'C': case 'G': case 'T': m_data += subj; break;
            default: m_data += 'N';
	static CIupacnaBase Any() { return CIupacnaBase('N'); }
int CAlignTest::Execute()
    CScoreTbl scoreTbl( m_identityScore, m_mismatchScore, m_gapOpeningScore, m_gapExtentionScore );
    auto_ptr<IAligner> aligner( CreateAligner( m_algo, &scoreTbl ) );
    CAlignerBase::SetPrintDebug( true );

    if( m_flags & fAlign_colorspace )
        THROW( logic_error, "Colorspace option is not immplemented" );

    if( GetArgIndex() + 2 > GetArgCount() )
        THROW( runtime_error, "Two sequences are required!" );

    if( m_offsetQuery < 0 || m_offsetSubject < 0 )
        THROW( runtime_error, "Offset should never be negative" );

    const char * qs = GetArg( GetArgIndex() );
    const char * ss = GetArg( GetArgIndex() + 1 );
    int ql = strlen( qs );
    int sl = strlen( ss );

    cerr << DISPLAY( qs ) << DISPLAY( ql ) << endl;
    cerr << DISPLAY( ss ) << DISPLAY( sl ) << endl;

    if( ql == 0 || sl == 0 ) 
        THROW( runtime_error, "Sequences should have at least one base!" );

    vector<char> query;
    vector<char> subject;
    query.reserve( ql );
    subject.reserve( sl );

    while( *qs ) query.push_back( CNcbi8naBase( CIupacnaBase( *qs++ ) ) );
    while( *ss ) subject.push_back( CNcbi8naBase( CIupacnaBase( *ss++ ) ) );

    qs = &query[0];
    ss = &subject[0];

    qs += m_offsetQuery; ql -= m_offsetQuery;
    ss += m_offsetSubject; sl -= m_offsetSubject;

    if( ql <= 0 || sl <= 0 ) 
        THROW( runtime_error, "Offset is too big" );

    if( GetFlags( fQuery_reverse ) ) { qs = qs + ql; ql = -ql; }
    if( GetFlags( fSubject_reverse ) ) { ss = ss + sl; sl = -sl; }

    int aflags = CAlignerBase::fComputePicture | CAlignerBase::fComputeScore | CAlignerBase::fPictureSubjectStrand;

    aligner->SetBestPossibleQueryScore( min( ql, sl ) * m_identityScore );
    aligner->Align( CSeqCoding::eCoding_ncbi8na, qs, ql, CSeqCoding::eCoding_ncbi8na, ss, sl, aflags );

    const CAlignerBase& abase = aligner->GetAlignerBase();

    cout << ( GetFlags( fQuery_reverse ) ? 3 : 5 ) << "'=" << abase.GetQueryString() << "=" << ( GetFlags( fQuery_reverse ) ? 5 : 3 ) << "'\n";
    cout << "   " << abase.GetAlignmentString() << "  "
        << "  i=" << abase.GetIdentityCount() 
        << ", m=" << abase.GetMismatchCount() 
        << ", g=" << abase.GetIndelCount() 
        << ", s=" << abase.GetRawScore() << "/" << abase.GetBestQueryScore() << "=" << abase.GetScore() << "%\n";
    cout << "5'=" << abase.GetSubjectString() << "=3'\n";

    return 0;