void CL_DrawParticles( void )
	particle_t	*p, *kill;
	float		frametime;
	static int	framecount = -1;

	if( !cl_draw_particles->integer )

	// HACKHACK: don't evaluate particles when executes many times at same frame
	// e.g. mirror rendering
	if( framecount != tr.realframecount )
		frametime = cl.time - cl.oldtime;
		framecount = tr.realframecount;
	else frametime = 0.0f;

	if( tracerred->modified || tracergreen->modified || tracerblue->modified )
		gTracerColors[4][0] = (byte)(tracerred->value * 255);
		gTracerColors[4][1] = (byte)(tracergreen->value * 255);
		gTracerColors[4][2] = (byte)(tracerblue->value * 255);
		tracerred->modified = tracergreen->modified = tracerblue->modified = false;

	while( 1 ) 
		// free time-expired particles
		kill = cl_active_particles;
		if( kill && kill->die < cl.time )
			cl_active_particles = kill->next;
			CL_FreeParticle( kill );

	for( p = cl_active_particles; p; p = p->next )
		while( 1 )
			kill = p->next;
			if( kill && kill->die < cl.time )
				p->next = kill->next;
				CL_FreeParticle( kill );

		CL_UpdateParticle( p, frametime );
文件: cl_fx.c 项目: raynorpat/cake
void CL_AddParticles (void)
	cparticle_t		*p, *next;
	float			alpha;
	float			time, time2;
	vec3_t			org;
	int				color;
	cparticle_t		*active, *tail;
	int             contents;
	float			grav;

	active = NULL;
	tail = NULL;

	if (!cl_drawParticles->integer)

	// allow gravity tweaks by the server
	grav = Cvar_VariableValue("sv_gravity");
	if (!grav)
		grav = 1;
		grav /= 800;

	for (p = active_particles; p; p = next)
		next = p->next;

		// set alpha
		// PMM - added INSTANT_PARTICLE handling
		if (p->alphavel != INSTANT_PARTICLE)
			time = (cl.time - p->time) * 0.001;
			alpha = p->alpha + time * p->alphavel;

			if (alpha <= 0)
				// faded out
				CL_FreeParticle (p);
			else if (alpha <= 0.3f && p->color == 240) // this is HACK central...
				// do blood decals
				if (rand() & 4)
					trace_t tr;

					time2 = time * time;
					org[0] = p->org[0] + p->vel[0] * time + p->accel[0] * time2;
					org[1] = p->org[1] + p->vel[1] * time + p->accel[1] * time2;
					org[2] = p->org[2] + p->vel[2] * time + p->accel[2] * time2;

					tr = CL_Trace(p->org, org, 0, MASK_SOLID);
					if (tr.fraction != 1.0f)
						if (!VectorCompare(tr.plane.normal, vec3_origin) && !(CM_PointContents(p->org, 0) & MASK_WATER)) // no blood splatters underwater...
							vec4_t color;
							Vector4Set(color, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0f);
							RE_AddDecal(tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, color, 16 + ((rand() % 21 * 0.05f) - 0.5f), DECAL_BLOOD + (rand() & 4), 0, frand() * 360);
			alpha = p->alpha;

		if (alpha > 1.0)
			alpha = 1;

		// set color
		color = p->color;

		// backup old position
		VectorCopy (p->org, p->oldOrg);

		// calculate new position
		time2 = time * time;

		org[0] = p->org[0] + p->vel[0] * time + p->accel[0] * time2;
		org[1] = p->org[1] + p->vel[1] * time + p->accel[1] * time2;
		org[2] = p->org[2] + p->vel[2] * time + p->accel[2] * time2;

		// gravity modulation
		//if (!p->ignoreGrav)
		//	org[2] += time2 * -PARTICLE_GRAVITY;

		// collision test
		if (cl_particleCollision->integer)
			if (p->bounceFactor)
				trace_t trace;
				vec3_t vel;
				int hitTime;
				float time;

				trace = CL_Trace(p->oldOrg, org, 0, CONTENTS_SOLID);
				if (trace.fraction > 0 && trace.fraction < 1)
					// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
					hitTime = cl.time - cls.rframetime + cls.rframetime * trace.fraction;

					time = ((float)hitTime - p->time) * 0.001;

					Vector3Set (vel, p->vel[0], p->vel[1], p->vel[2] + p->accel[2] * time * grav);
					VectorReflect (vel, trace.plane.normal, p->vel);
					VectorScale (p->vel, p->bounceFactor, p->vel);

					// check for stop, making sure that even on low FPS systems it doesn't bobble
					if (trace.allsolid || (trace.plane.normal[2] > 0 && (p->vel[2] < 40 || p->vel[2] < -cls.rframetime * p->vel[2])))

						p->bounceFactor = 0.0f;

					VectorCopy (trace.endpos, org);

					// reset particle
					p->time = cl.time;

					VectorCopy (org, p->org);

		// kill all particles in solid
		contents = CM_PointContents (org, 0);
		if (contents & MASK_SOLID)
			CL_FreeParticle (p);

		// have this always below CL_FreeParticle(p); !
		p->next = NULL;
		if (!tail)
			active = tail = p;
			tail->next = p;
			tail = p;

		// add to scene
		V_AddParticle (org, color, alpha);

		// PMM
		if (p->alphavel == INSTANT_PARTICLE)
			p->alphavel = 0.0;
			p->alpha = 0.0;

	active_particles = active;