 *  ======== modifyDefaultLinkCfgObjectBasedOnUserCfgData ========
static Void modifyDefaultLinkCfgObjectBasedOnUserCfgData( String serverName )
    LINKCFG_MemEntry *  linkcfgMemTable;
    LINKCFG_MemEntry *  e;
    static LINKCFG_MemEntry * linkcfgMemTables[] = { NULL /* to be set */ };
    Global_ArmDspLinkConfig * armDspLinkConfig = NULL;
    Global_ArmDspLinkConfigMemTableEntry *mte;
    DSP_BootMode    staticCfgDspCtl;
    DSP_BootMode    newCfgDspCtl;
    Int    serverNameIndex;
    UInt32 cmemPhysBase;
    size_t cmemSize;
    Int    status;

    CMEM_BlockAttrs   blockAttrs;
    Int    numMemTableEntries, i = 0;
    Int    numMemEntries = 0;
    Int    memEntryIdx;
    Int    numCmemBlocks = 0;
    Bool   addCmemBlocks = FALSE;

    /* first locate our server in the list of server names */
    for (serverNameIndex = 0;;serverNameIndex++) {
        if (!strcmp(ti_sdo_ce_ipc_armDspLinkConfigServerNames[serverNameIndex],
            serverName)) {
        if (ti_sdo_ce_ipc_armDspLinkConfigServerNames[serverNameIndex] ==
            NULL ) {
            GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
                "ERROR: Cannot find DspLink configuration data for the server "
                "named '%s' -- verify that the name was specified correctly in "
                "the application configuration file.\n", serverName);

    GT_2trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
        "Using DspLink config data for entry #%d [server '%s']\n",
        serverNameIndex, serverName );

    armDspLinkConfig = ti_sdo_ce_ipc_armDspLinkConfigs[ serverNameIndex ];

    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->memTables = linkcfgMemTables;
    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->memTables[0] = NULL;

     *  Count the number of CMEM blocks, so we can add entries for these,
     *  if needed.
    status = CMEM_getNumBlocks(&numCmemBlocks);
    if (status != 0) {
        /* TODO: Is this always an error? */
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_6CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
                "CMEM_getNumBlocks() failed!");
        numCmemBlocks = 0;
    else {
        GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> Number of CMEM "
                "blocks: %d\n", numCmemBlocks);

    for (;armDspLinkConfig->memTable[i].segmentName != NULL; i++);

     *  Add a few extra entries in case we need to map CMEM blocks. The
     *  app's config will have at most one CMEM entry with base and length
     *  set to 0. We'll use CMEM_getBlockAttrs to get the base and length
     *  of all CMEM blocks. (Note: We will allocate at least one more entry
     *  then is actually needed, but this is easier than checking the
     *  memTable for "CMEM", and subtracting '1' from the nuber to allocate
     *  if "CMEM" is found.)
    numMemEntries = i;
    numMemTableEntries = numMemEntries + numCmemBlocks;

    /* anything allocated here must be deallocated in procDelete */
    linkcfgMemTable = (LINKCFG_MemEntry *) Memory_alloc(
            sizeof(LINKCFG_MemEntry) * numMemTableEntries, NULL);

    if (linkcfgMemTable == NULL) {
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "ERROR: Memory_alloc failed\n");

    /* point link config memTables only entry to our list of memTable entries */
    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->memTables[0] = linkcfgMemTable;

    for (i = 0, memEntryIdx = 0; i < numMemEntries; i++) {
        e   = &linkcfgMemTable[memEntryIdx];
        mte = &armDspLinkConfig->memTable[i];
        GT_4trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> Adding memTable "
                "entry for %s, physAddr = 0x%x, dspAddr = 0x%x, size = 0x%x\n",
                mte->segmentName, mte->gppAddress, mte->startAddress,

        if (!strcmp("CMEM", mte->segmentName)) {
            /* Skip CMEM entry, we'll add CMEM blocks later */
            addCmemBlocks = TRUE;

        e->entry        = memEntryIdx; //i;
        strncpy( e->name, mte->segmentName, DSP_MAX_STRLEN );
        e->physAddr     = mte->gppAddress; // gpp physical address
        e->dspVirtAddr  = mte->startAddress; // dsp view (physical or virtual)
        e->gppVirtAddr  = (UInt32)-1;
        e->size         = mte->sizeInBytes;
        e->shared       = mte->shared;
        e->syncd        = mte->syncd;


        GT_6trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Adding DSP segment #%d to Link configuration: "
            "name='%s', startAddress=0x%x, sizeInBytes=0x%x, shared=%d, "
            i, e->name, e->physAddr, e->size, e->shared, e->syncd);

    /* Now add the CMEM blocks if needed */
    if (addCmemBlocks) {
        for (i = 0; i < numCmemBlocks; i++) {
            e = &linkcfgMemTable[memEntryIdx];
            status = CMEM_getBlockAttrs(i, &blockAttrs);
            if (status != 0) {
                GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
                        "ERROR: failed to get CMEM attrs of block %d\n", i);
            sprintf(e->name, "CMEM_BLOCK%d", i);
            e->physAddr = blockAttrs.phys_base;
            e->dspVirtAddr = blockAttrs.phys_base;
            e->size = blockAttrs.size;

    /* set number of memTable entries */
    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->dspObject[0].memEntries =
        memEntryIdx; //numMemTableEntries;

    /* RESET vector is always #3 in the list (that's how Global.xdt arranges it;
     * read its start address and size and adjust some other params in the
     * dsplink config object. (Note: third in the list is index [2].
    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->dspObject[0].resumeAddr =
        armDspLinkConfig->memTable[2].startAddress + 0x20;
    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->dspObject[0].resetVector =
    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->dspObject[0].resetCodeSize =

    staticCfgDspCtl =

    if (armDspLinkConfig->doDspCtrl == BootNoPwr) {
        newCfgDspCtl = DSP_BootMode_Boot_NoPwr;
    else if (armDspLinkConfig->doDspCtrl == BootPwr) {
        newCfgDspCtl = DSP_BootMode_Boot_Pwr;
    else if (armDspLinkConfig->doDspCtrl == NoLoadNoPwr) {
        newCfgDspCtl = DSP_BootMode_NoLoad_NoPwr;
    else if (armDspLinkConfig->doDspCtrl == NoLoadPwr) {
        newCfgDspCtl = DSP_BootMode_NoLoad_Pwr;
    else { /* NoBoot */
        newCfgDspCtl = DSP_BootMode_NoBoot;

    ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg.dspConfigs[0]->dspObject[0].doDspCtrl =
    GT_2trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "DODSPCTRL was=%d; now=%d\n", staticCfgDspCtl, newCfgDspCtl);
 *  ======== procCreate ========
static Bool procCreate(Processor_Handle proc)
    Int status = 0;
    Bool retVal;
    ProcMgr_AttachParams attachParams;
    ProcMgr_StartParams  startParams;
    ProcMgr_State        state;
    ProcMgr_AddrInfo     CMEMAddrInfo;
    HeapBufMP_Params heapP;
    CMEM_BlockAttrs cmemBlockAttrs;
    Int blockNum;
    Int nCMEMBlocks;
    Bool createAndRegisterHeap;
    Int16 heapId;
    UInt16 regionId;
    UInt32 numMsgs;
    UInt32 msgSize;
    Char heapName[32];

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_create_d> Enter(proc=0x%x)",

    /* Create and initialize the PROC object */
    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
    "Retrieving CPU ID for '%s'...", (IArg)(proc->attrs.cpuId));

    proc->cpuId = Processor_getCoreId(proc->attrs.cpuId);
    if (proc->cpuId < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
               "Processor_getCoreId() failed: %d", proc->cpuId);
        goto fail;

    /* Open DSP ProcMgr */
    Log_print2(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
           "Opening %s ProcMgr for cpuId %d...",
           (IArg)proc->attrs.cpuId, proc->cpuId);
    status = ProcMgr_open(&proc->procMgrH, proc->cpuId);

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
               "ProcMgr_open() failed: %d", (IArg)status);
        goto fail;

    /* Attach the DSP */
    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
           "Attaching to %s...", (IArg)proc->attrs.cpuId);

    if (proc->useExtLoader == FALSE) {
        /* We load the slave */
        ProcMgr_getAttachParams(NULL, &attachParams);
        status = ProcMgr_attach(proc->procMgrH, &attachParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_attach() failed: %d", (IArg)status);
            goto fail;

        /* Map slave memory */
        if (!mapByFile(proc->procMgrH, proc->memMapName, proc->cpuId, TRUE)) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER6, "Processor_create_d> mapByFile() failed!");

        /* Load the executable on the DSP */
        Log_print3(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "Loading %s on %s (%d args)...",
                (IArg)(proc->imageName), (IArg)(proc->attrs.cpuId),

        status = ProcMgr_load(proc->procMgrH, proc->imageName,
                proc->attrs.argc, proc->attrs.argv, NULL, &proc->fileId);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_load() failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;

        /* temporary: to be done by SysLink in the future */
        Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK)...");
        status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_LOADCALLBACK, NULL);
        Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK) status: %d", (IArg)status);

        /* Start execution on DSP */
        Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> Starting %s ...",

        ProcMgr_getStartParams(proc->procMgrH, &startParams);
        status = ProcMgr_start(proc->procMgrH, &startParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_start() failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;
    } // if (proc->useExtLoader == FALSE)
    else {
        /* Check the state of the processor to make sure it's really running */
        state = ProcMgr_getState(proc->procMgrH);
        if (state != ProcMgr_State_Running) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> Invalid processor "
                    "state [%d].", state);
            goto fail;

        Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK)...");
        status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_LOADCALLBACK, NULL);
        proc->loadCallBackStatus = status;
        Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK) status: %d", (IArg)status);

        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> "
                    "Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK) failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;

    status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_STARTCALLBACK, NULL);
    proc->startCallBackStatus = status;
    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
            "Ipc_control(STARTCALLBACK) status: %d", (IArg)status);
    if (status < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> "
                "Ipc_control(STARTCALLBACK) failed: %d", status);
        goto fail;

    /* get user-specified heapId */
    heapId = perCoreHeapId(proc->cpuId);
    createAndRegisterHeap = FALSE;

    if (heapId == Processor_INVALID) {
        /* runtime validation of user configuration */
        if (perCoreUserCreatedHeapFlag(proc->cpuId) == TRUE ||
                perCoreNumMsgs(proc->cpuId) != Processor_INVALID ||
                perCoreMsgSize(proc->cpuId) != Processor_INVALID ||
                perCoreSharedRegionId(proc->cpuId) != Processor_INVALID) {

            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "Invalid heap configuration for core %d: "
                    "attempting to set other Processor_CommDesc "
                    "elements while Processor_CommDesc.heapId is "

            goto fail;

        /* will return default heapId since user didn't specify */
        heapId = Processor_getHeapId(proc->cpuId);

        if (defaultHeapRefCount++ == 0) {
            createAndRegisterHeap = TRUE;

            /* tell code below to record heapH in defaultHeapH */
            defaultHeapH = (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1;
    else {
        if (perCoreUserCreatedHeapFlag(proc->cpuId) == FALSE) {
            createAndRegisterHeap = TRUE;

    if (createAndRegisterHeap) {
        /* create a heap for message queue usage */

        /* get either user-config'ed or module default */
        numMsgs = Processor_getNumMsgs(proc->cpuId);
        msgSize = Processor_getMsgSize(proc->cpuId);
        regionId = Processor_getSharedRegionId(proc->cpuId);

        heapP.numBlocks = numMsgs;
        heapP.blockSize = msgSize;
        heapP.sharedAddr = NULL;
        heapP.regionId = regionId;
        if (defaultHeapH == (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1) {
            sprintf(heapName, "CE-default");
        else {
            sprintf(heapName, "CE<->Svr%d", proc->cpuId);
        heapP.name = heapName;

        Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling HeapBufMP_create(): nblocks %d, blocksize 0x%x",
                heapP.numBlocks, heapP.blockSize);

        proc->heapH = HeapBufMP_create(&heapP);

        if (proc->heapH == NULL) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "HeapBufMP_create failed");
            goto fail;

        if (defaultHeapH == (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1) {
            /* we've just created the module default heap singleton */
            defaultHeapH = proc->heapH;

        /* register this heap with MessageQ */
        Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "MessageQ_registerHeap(heapH: 0x%x, heapId: %d)",
                (IArg)(proc->heapH), (IArg)heapId);

        if (MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(proc->heapH), heapId) !=
                    MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                "MessageQ_registerHeap() failed for heapId %d", heapId);

        goto fail;
    else {
         *  createAndRegisterHeap == FASLE
         *  If using the default heap, need to set proc->heapH for use by
         *  procDelete().
        if (heapId == Processor_defaultHeapId) {
            proc->heapH = defaultHeapH;

    proc->heapId = heapId;

    blockNum = 0;
    nCMEMBlocks = 0;
    status = CMEM_getNumBlocks(&nCMEMBlocks);
    if (status != 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "CMEM_getNumBlocks() failed, not registering: %d",

    while (blockNum < nCMEMBlocks) {
        status = CMEM_getBlockAttrs(blockNum, &cmemBlockAttrs);
        if (status != 0) {
            Log_print2(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "CMEM_getBlockAttrs(%d) failed: %d",
                    blockNum, status);

            goto fail;

        CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterPhys] =
        CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt] =
        CMEMAddrInfo.size = cmemBlockAttrs.size;
        CMEMAddrInfo.isCached = FALSE;

        Log_print3(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_create_d> CMEM block "
                "#%d found, doing ProcMgr_map(0x%x, 0x%x)...", blockNum,

        status = ProcMgr_map(proc->procMgrH, ProcMgr_SLAVEVIRT, &CMEMAddrInfo,
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_map() failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;

        if (CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt] !=
                cmemBlockAttrs.phys_base) {
            Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                    "mapped CMEM slave virtual address 0x%x doesn't "
                    "match expected value 0x%x",


    if (Global_getenv("CE_DSPDEBUG") != NULL) {
        printf("Codec Engine system message (b/c CE_DSPDEBUG=1) : %s image "
               "loaded and started, press Enter to continue: ",

    retVal = TRUE;
    goto procCreate_return;

    /* TODO:[4] should try those asyncErrorHandlers that link supports?
     * (MSGQ_SetErrorHandler)

    Log_print3(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
            "Loading and starting %s server '%s' FAILED, status=[0x%x]",
            (IArg)proc->attrs.cpuId, (IArg)proc->imageName, status);


    retVal = FALSE;


    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> return (%d)",

    return (retVal);
 *  ======== procDelete ========
static Void procDelete(Processor_Handle proc)
    Int status = 0;
    Int16 heapId;
    Bool unregisterAndDeleteHeap;
    ProcMgr_AddrInfo CMEMAddrInfo;
    CMEM_BlockAttrs cmemBlockAttrs;
    Int blockNum;
    Int nCMEMBlocks;

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_delete_d> Enter (proc=0x%x)",

    if (proc == NULL) {
        goto procDelete_return;

    /* close tranport and stop DSP, detach, destroy */
    /* unregister this heap with MessageQ */

    if (proc->startCallBackStatus >= 0) {
        blockNum = 0;
        nCMEMBlocks = 0;
        status = CMEM_getNumBlocks(&nCMEMBlocks);
        if (status != 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> "
                    "CMEM_getNumBlocks() failed: %d",

        while (blockNum < nCMEMBlocks) {
            status = CMEM_getBlockAttrs(blockNum, &cmemBlockAttrs);
            if (status != 0) {
                Log_print2(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_delete_d> "
                        "CMEM_getBlockAttrs(%d) failed: %d",
                        blockNum, status);

                goto cmemDone;

            CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterPhys] =
            CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt] =
            CMEMAddrInfo.size = cmemBlockAttrs.size;
            CMEMAddrInfo.isCached = FALSE;

            Log_print3(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> CMEM block "
                    "#%d found, doing ProcMgr_unmap(0x%x, 0x%x)...", blockNum,

            status = ProcMgr_unmap(proc->procMgrH, ProcMgr_SLAVEVIRT,
            if (status < 0) {
                Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_delete_d> "
                        "ProcMgr_unmap() failed: %d", status);
                goto cmemDone;


        Log_print2(Diags_USER7, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> "
                "defaultHeapH: 0x%x, proc->heapH: 0x%x", (IArg)defaultHeapH,
        if (proc->heapH != NULL) {
            unregisterAndDeleteHeap = FALSE;
            if (proc->heapH == defaultHeapH) {
                Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> "
                        "defaultHeapRefCount = %d",
                if (--defaultHeapRefCount == 0) {
                    /* this is the last one using the default heap */
                    unregisterAndDeleteHeap = TRUE;
            else {
                unregisterAndDeleteHeap = TRUE;

            if (unregisterAndDeleteHeap) {
                heapId = proc->heapId;
                Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> "
                        "unregisterAndDeleteHeap, heapId = %d", (IArg)heapId);
                if (heapId != Processor_INVALID) {
                    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> "
                            "MessageQ_unregisterHeap(heapId: %d)",

                    if (MessageQ_unregisterHeap(heapId) !=MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) {
                        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_delete_d> "
                                "MessageQ_unregisterHeap(heapId: %d) failed",

                /* delete heap used by message queue */
                Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> "
                        "calling HeapBufMP_delete(heapH: 0x%x)",


        /* Stop execution on DSP */
        Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> "
                "calling Ipc_control(STOPCALLBACK)...");
        status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_STOPCALLBACK, NULL);

        Log_print2(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> "
                "Ipc_control(STOPCALLBACK) status: 0x%x [%d]", (IArg)status,
    else {
        Log_print2(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> Not calling "
                "Ipc_control(STOPCALLBACK) because startCallBackStatus =  "
                "0x%x [%d]", (IArg)proc->startCallBackStatus,

    if (proc->useExtLoader == FALSE) {
        /* We unload the slave processor */
        Log_print0(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> Stopping DSP...");

        status = ProcMgr_stop(proc->procMgrH);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER6, "[+6] Processor_delete_d> "
                    "Stopping DSP FAILED, status=0x%x", (IArg)status);

        if (proc->fileId != 0xffffffff) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_delete_d> "
                    "Unloading DSP...");
            status = ProcMgr_unload(proc->procMgrH, proc->fileId);
            if (status < 0) {
                Log_print1(Diags_USER6, "[+6] Processor_delete_d> "
                        "Unloading DSP FAILED, status=0x%x", (IArg)status);

        /* Unmap slave memory */
        if (!mapByFile(proc->procMgrH, proc->memMapName, proc->cpuId, FALSE)) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER6, "Processor_delete_d> mapByFile() failed!");

        /* Detach from the processor */
        Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> "
                "calling ProcMgr_detach()...");

        status = ProcMgr_detach(proc->procMgrH);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER6, "[+6] Processor_delete_d> "
                    "Detaching from DSP FAILED, status=0x%x", (IArg)status);
    } // proc->useExtLoader == FALSE

    Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_delete_d> "
            "calling ProcMgr_close()...");

    status = ProcMgr_close(&proc->procMgrH);
    if (status < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER6, "[+6] Processor_delete_d> "
                "Closing ProcMgr FAILED, status=0x%x", (IArg)status);


    Log_print0(Diags_EXIT, "[+X] Processor_delete_d> return");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    size_t size;
    int version;
    CMEM_BlockAttrs attrs;
    int i;
    int c;
    non_interactive_flag = FALSE;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "n")) != -1) {
	switch (c) {
	case 'n':
	    non_interactive_flag = TRUE; 	

	    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-n] <Number of bytes to allocate>\n",
                    "    -n: non-interactive mode (no ENTER prompts)\n");

    if ((argc - optind + 1) != 2) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-n] <Number of bytes to allocate>\n",
	fprintf(stderr, "    -n: non-interactive mode (no ENTER prompts)\n");

    errno = 0;
    size = strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 0);

    if (errno) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Bad argument ('%s'), strtol() set errno %d\n",
	        argv[optind], errno);

    /* First initialize the CMEM module */
    if (CMEM_init() == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize CMEM\n");

    printf("CMEM initialized.\n");

    version = CMEM_getVersion();
    if (version == -1) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to retrieve CMEM version\n");
    printf("CMEM version = 0x%x\n", version);



    if (CMEM_getNumBlocks(&nblocks)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to retrieve number of blocks\n");
    printf("\n# of CMEM blocks (doesn't include possible CMA global 'block'): %d\n", nblocks);

    if (nblocks) {
	for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
	    if (CMEM_getBlockAttrs(i, &attrs) == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to retrieve CMEM memory block %d bounds\n", i);
	    else {
		printf("CMEM memory block %d: phys start = %#llx, size = %#llx\n",
		       i, (unsigned long long)attrs.phys_base, attrs.size);

	    testHeap(size, i);
	    testHeap(size, i);
	    testPools(size, i);
	    testPools(size, i);
	    testCache(size, i);
    else {
	printf("    no physical block found, not performing block-based testing\n");

    /* block 'nblocks' is the special CMEM CMA "block" */
    testPools(size, CMEM_CMABLOCKID);

    if (CMEM_exit() < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to finalize the CMEM module\n");
    printf("...test done\n");
