** Name: opt_chkprint	- Check that text string contains printable ascii.
** Description:
**	Check that all characters in the text string provided are ascii
**	for the length provided, or up to the first '\0' encountered,
**	whichever comes first.  Return TRUE if all
**	characters are ascii, FALSE otherwise.
** Inputs:
**	buf_to_check			Ptr to char string to check
**	buflen				Maximum length to be checked
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    VOID
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      03jul-89 (robin)
**          Created.
	char	*buf_to_check,
	i4	buflen)
    char    wbuf[5];
    i4	    bytecount;
    char    *bufptr;

    for ( bytecount = 0;
	  bytecount <= buflen && *buf_to_check != '\0';
	  CMbyteinc( bytecount, buf_to_check))
	bufptr = &wbuf[0];
	*bufptr = '\0';
	if ( !CMprint(&wbuf[0] ))
	    return( FALSE );
    return( TRUE );
** Name: rms_movestring - moves a string into a DB_DATA_VALUE.
** Description:
**        Moves a "C" string into a DB_DATA_VALUE padding the DB_DATA_VALUE
**	string appropriately.  If the DB_DATA_VALUE string has INGRES type c,
**	any non-printing characters will be mapped to blanks.  If the string
**	has INGRES type text, then null characters are converted to blanks.
** Inputs:
**      source                          The source "C" string.
**      sourcelen                       The length of the source string.
**      dest	                        Ptr to the destination DB_DATA_VALUE.
**	    .db_datatype		Datatype of the DB_DATA_VALUE.
**	    .db_length			Length of the result DB_DATA_VALUE.
** Outputs:
**      dest                            Ptr to the destination DB_DATA_VALUE.
**	    .db_data			Ptr to memory where string is moved to.
**	Returns:
**	    E_DB_OK
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	12-apr-90 (jrb)
**	    Created.
    register u_char	   *source,
    register i4		   sourcelen,
    register DB_DATA_VALUE *dest
    DB_STATUS           db_stat;
    char		*cptr;
    u_char		*endsource;
    register u_char     *outstring;
    register i4		outlength;
    u_char		*endout;

    if (db_stat = rms_straddr(dest, &cptr) != E_DB_OK)
	return (db_stat);
    outstring = (u_char *)cptr;

    switch (dest->db_datatype)
      case DB_CHA_TYPE:
      case DB_CHR_TYPE:
      case DB_BYTE_TYPE:
      case DB_LBYTE_TYPE:
        outlength = dest->db_length;

      case DB_TXT_TYPE:
      case DB_VCH_TYPE:
      case DB_VBYTE_TYPE:
        outlength = dest->db_length - DB_CNTSIZE;

    endsource = source + sourcelen;
    endout    = outstring + outlength;
    if (dest->db_datatype == DB_CHR_TYPE)
        while (source < endsource  &&  outstring + CMbytecnt(source) <= endout)
	    ** The characters that are allowed as part of a string of type
	    ** c are the printable characters(alpha, numeric, 
	    ** punctuation), blanks, IIMAX_CHAR_VALUE, or the pattern matching
	    ** characters.  NOTE: other whitespace (tab, etc.) is not
	    ** allowed.
            if (!CMprint(source) && (*source) != ' ' 
		&& (*source) != IIMAX_CHAR_VALUE
		&& (*source) != DB_PAT_ANY && (*source) != DB_PAT_ONE
		&& (*source) != DB_PAT_LBRAC && (*source) != DB_PAT_RBRAC)
                *outstring++ = ' ';
		CMcpyinc(source, outstring);
    else if (dest->db_datatype == DB_TXT_TYPE)
	while (source < endsource  &&  outstring + CMbytecnt(source) <= endout)
	    /* NULLCHARs get cvt'ed to blank for text */
	    if (*source == NULLCHAR)
                *outstring++ = ' ';
		CMcpyinc(source, outstring);
	while (source < endsource  &&  outstring + CMbytecnt(source) <= endout)
	    CMcpyinc(source, outstring);

    switch (dest->db_datatype)
      case DB_CHA_TYPE:
      case DB_CHR_TYPE:
	while (outstring < endout)
	    *outstring++ = ' ';

      case DB_VCH_TYPE:
      case DB_TXT_TYPE:
	((DB_TEXT_STRING *)dest->db_data)->db_t_count =
						    outstring - (u_char *)cptr;
    return (E_DB_OK);
** Name: psy_print	- Format query text to send to user
** Description:
**      This function decodes query text that comes from the iiqrytext relation
**	and formats it to send to the user.  It is useful for the "help permit",
**	"help integrity", and "help view" commands.
**	Query text stored in the iiqrytext relation consists of human-readable
**	text and special symbols.  Some of these special symbols are numbers
**	and strings sent from EQUEL or ESQL programs.  Others stand for table
**	names, range variables, and column numbers.  This functio decodes all
**	this stuff, and puts the result into a chain of PSY_QTEXT blocks to be
**	sent back to the user.
** Inputs:
**	mstream				Memory stream to allocate blocks from
**	map				map of range var numbers to those
**					in rngtab.
**	block				Current query text block
**      text                            Pointer to the query text
**	length				Length of the query text
**	rngtab				The range table (used for decoding the
**					special symbol standing for range
**					variable numbers, and column numbers).
**					The result range variable should stand
**					for the table we're getting help on.
**	err_blk				Filled in if an error happens
** Outputs:
**      err_blk                         Filled in if an error happened
**	Returns:
**	    E_DB_OK			Success
**	    E_DB_ERROR			Non-catastrophic failure
**	    E_DB_FATAL			Catastrophic failure
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    Sends query text to user
** History:
**      15-jul-86 (jeff)
**          written
**	14-jul-93 (ed)
**	    replacing <dbms.h> by <gl.h> <sl.h> <iicommon.h> <dbdbms.h>
	PSF_MSTREAM	   *mstream,
	i4		    map[],
	PSY_QTEXT	   **block,
	u_char             *text,
	i4		   length,
	PSS_USRRANGE	   *rngtab,
	DB_ERROR	   *err_blk)
    char                buf[1024 + DB_TAB_MAXNAME];
    i4                  i4align;
    i2                  i2align;
    f8                  f8align;
    register u_char	*p;
    register i4	j;
    register i4	i;
    PSS_RNGTAB		*lastvar = (PSS_RNGTAB *) NULL;
    DB_STATUS		status;
    i4			slength;

    /* Put out range statements */
    for (i = 0; i < PST_NUMVARS; i++)
	/* Only look at range vars that are being used */
	if (!rngtab->pss_rngtab[i].pss_used ||
	    rngtab->pss_rngtab[i].pss_rgno < 0)

	status = psy_put(mstream, (char*) "range of ", 
	    (i4) sizeof("range of ") - 1, block, 
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
	    return (status);

	/* NULL terminate and trim blanks from range variable name */
	MEcopy(rngtab->pss_rngtab[i].pss_rgname, DB_TAB_MAXNAME, buf);
	buf[DB_TAB_MAXNAME] = '\0';
	slength = STtrmwhite(buf);
	status = psy_put(mstream, buf, slength, block, err_blk);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
	    return (status);
	status = psy_put(mstream, " is ", (i4) sizeof(" is ") - 1,
	     block, err_blk);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
	    return (status);

	/* NULL terminate and trim blanks from table name */
	MEcopy((char *) &rngtab->pss_rngtab[i].pss_tabname, DB_TAB_MAXNAME, buf);
	buf[DB_TAB_MAXNAME] = '\0';
	slength = STtrmwhite(buf);
	status = psy_put(mstream, buf, slength, block, err_blk);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
	    return (status);

	/* Newline after every range statement */
	status = psy_put(mstream, (char*) "\n", (i4) 1, block, err_blk);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
	    return (status);

    for (p = text; p < (u_char*) text + length;)
	switch (*p++)
	case PSQ_HVSTR:	    /* String sent from user program */
	    slength = STlength((char*) p);

	    /* Emit opening quote */
	    status = psy_put(mstream, (char *) "\"", 1, block, err_blk);
	    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		return (status);

	    for (j = slength; j > 0; j--, p++)
		if (*p == '"')
		    /* Escape any quote characters */
		    status = psy_put(mstream, "\\\"", 2, block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);
		else if (!CMprint(p))
		    /* Non-printing characters show up as escape sequence */
		    STprintf(buf, "\\%o", *p);
		    status = psy_put(mstream, buf, (i4) STlength(buf),
			block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);
		    status = psy_put(mstream, (char*) p, 1, block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);

	case PSQ_HVF8:	    /* f8 sent from user program */
	    MEcopy((char *) p, sizeof(f8align), (char *) &f8align);
	    STprintf(buf, "%f", f8align);
	    status = psy_put(mstream, buf, (i4) STlength(buf), block, err_blk);
	    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		return (status);
	    p += sizeof(f8align);

	case PSQ_HVI4:	    /* i4 sent from user program */
	    MEcopy((char *) p, sizeof(i4align), (char *) &i4align);
	    CVla(i4align, buf);
	    status = psy_put(mstream, buf, (i4) STlength(buf), block, err_blk);
	    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		return (status);
	    p += sizeof(i4align);

	case PSQ_HVI2:	    /* i2 sent from user program */
	    MEcopy((char *) p, sizeof(i2align), (char *) &i2align);
	    CVla((i4) i2align, buf);
	    status = psy_put(mstream, buf, (i4) STlength(buf), block, err_blk);
	    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		return (status);
	    p += sizeof(i2align);

	case DB_INTRO_CHAR: /* Intro char for special sequence */
	    switch (*p++)
	    case DB_RNG_VAR:
		/* Put a blank before the table name */
		status = psy_put(mstream, " ", 1, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);

		/* Get the range variable number */
		MEcopy((char *) p, sizeof(i4align), (char *) &i4align);
		p += sizeof(i4align);

		i4align = map[i4align];
		/* Look up range variable number */
		for (j = 0; j < PST_NUMVARS; j++)
		    if (rngtab->pss_rngtab[j].pss_used &&
			rngtab->pss_rngtab[j].pss_rgno == i4align)

		/* If found, give variable name, otherwise question marks */
		if (j < PST_NUMVARS)
		    /* trim trailing blanks and NULL terminate */
		    MEcopy(rngtab->pss_rngtab[j].pss_rgname, DB_TAB_MAXNAME, buf);
		    buf[DB_TAB_MAXNAME] = '\0';
		    slength = STtrmwhite(buf);
		    status = psy_put(mstream, buf, slength, block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);
		    /* Remember the range variable for when we get the colnum */
		    lastvar = &rngtab->pss_rngtab[j];
		    lastvar = (PSS_RNGTAB*) 0;
		    /* Put question marks if not found */
		    status = psy_put(mstream, "???", 3, block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);

	    case DB_COL_NUM:	    /* Column number for a range var */

		/* Get the column number */
		MEcopy((char *) p, sizeof(i4align), (char *) &i4align);
		p += sizeof(i4align);

		/* If there was no range variable, put question marks */
		if (lastvar != (PSS_RNGTAB *) NULL)
		    status = psy_put(mstream, 
			block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);
		    /* Don't know column name, just give question marks */
		    status = psy_put(mstream, "???", 3, block, err_blk);
		    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
			return (status);

		/* Put a blank after the column name */
		status = psy_put(mstream, " ", 1, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);


	    case DB_TBL_NM:
		/* The table name is in the result slot of the range table */

		/* Put a blank before the table name */
		status = psy_put(mstream, " ", 1, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);

		/* NULL terminate and trim blanks from the table name */
		MEcopy((char *) &rngtab->pss_rsrng.pss_tabname,
		    sizeof(DB_TAB_NAME), buf);
		buf[DB_TAB_MAXNAME] = '\0';
		slength = STtrmwhite(buf);
		status = psy_put(mstream, buf, slength, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);

		/* Put a blank after the table name */
		status = psy_put(mstream, " ", 1, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);


	    case DB_RES_COL:	/* Result column: column in result table */
		/* Put a blank before the column name */
		status = psy_put(mstream, " ", 1, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);

		/* Get the column number for the result column */
		MEcopy((char *) p, sizeof(i4align), (char *) &i4align);
		p += sizeof(i4align);

		/* Get the column name from the result range variable */
		lastvar = &rngtab->pss_rsrng;
		status = psy_put(mstream,
			block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);

		/* Put a blank after the column name */
		status = psy_put(mstream, " ", 1, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);

		/* Unknown special sequence: just put out as it came in */
		status = psy_put(mstream, (char*) p - 1, 2, block, err_blk);
		if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(status))
		    return (status);
	    /* No special case, just put the char */
	    status = psy_put(mstream, (char*) p - 1, 1, block, err_blk);

    /* Put a newline just after the statement */
    status = psy_put(mstream, "\n", 1, block, err_blk);
    return (status);
STATUS gcn_recrypt( bool clustered, u_i1 *local_mask, char *gcn_val, 
    bool *v1DecryptErr, bool *writeOutput)
    i2 pc;
    char *pv[ 3 ];
    STATUS status = OK;
    char *p;
    char pwd[GC_L_PASSWORD];
    i2 j;
    bool printable;

    *v1DecryptErr = FALSE;

    pc = gcu_words( gcn_val, NULL, pv, ',', 3 );
    if (pc < 2 )  
        pv[1] = "";
    if (pc < 3 )  
        pv[2] = "";

    if (!STcasecmp(pv[2],"V0") || (pc < 3))
        status = gcn_decrypt( pv[0], pv[1], pwd );
        status = gcn_decode( pv[0],(u_i1*)local_mask, pv[1], pwd );
    if (status != OK)
        if (!STcasecmp(pv[2],"V1"))
            *v1DecryptErr = TRUE;
        goto end_routine;      
    if (!STlength(pwd))
        if (!STcasecmp(pv[2],"V1"))
            *v1DecryptErr = TRUE;
        status = FAIL;
        goto end_routine;
    p = &pwd[0];
    printable = TRUE;
    for (j = 0; j < STlength(pwd); j++)
        if (!CMprint(p))
            printable = FALSE;
    if (!printable)
         if (!STcasecmp(pv[2],"V1"))
             *v1DecryptErr = TRUE;
         status = FAIL;
         goto end_routine;

    if (clustered)
        if (!STncasecmp("V1", pv[2], STlength(pv[2])))
            *writeOutput = TRUE;
        status = gcu_encode( pv[0], pwd, pv[1] );
        STpolycat( 5, pv[0], ",", pv[1], ",", "V0", gcn_val );
        status = gcn_encode( pv[0],(u_i1*)local_mask, pwd, pv[1] );
        STpolycat( 5, pv[0], ",", pv[1], ",", "V1", gcn_val );

     return status;