文件: MQcoder.cpp 项目: korzec/Cube
void MQencoder::ENCODE()
    if (D == 0)
文件: vlc.c 项目: duke1102/psxdev
	DC code
	Y				U,V
0	100				00	 				0
1	00x				01x					-1,1
2	01xx			10xx				-3,-2,2,3
3	101xxx			110xxx				-7..-4,4..7
4	110xxxx			1110xxxx			-15..-8,8..15
5	1110xxxxx		11110xxxxx			-31..-16,16..31
6	11110xxxxxx		111110xxxxxx		-63..-32,32..63
7	111110xxxxxxx	1111110xxxxxxx		-127..-64,64..127
8	1111110xxxxxxxx	11111110xxxxxxxx	-255..-128,128..255

static const u_long DC_Ytab0[48] = {



LIST_ITEM (L"• @@Logistic regression@")
NORMAL (L"For more sophisticated techniques, see:")
LIST_ITEM (L"• @@Principal component analysis@")
LIST_ITEM (L"• @@Multidimensional scaling@")
LIST_ITEM (L"• @@Discriminant analysis@")

MAN_BEGIN (L"Difference of two proportions", L"ppgb", 20090717)
INTRO (L"This page explains how you compute the significance of a difference between two proportions "
	"with a %\\ci^2 (chi-square) test.")
ENTRY (L"1. Example of normal use")
NORMAL (L"Suppose that you are interested in proving that for a certain experimental participant Task B is easier than Task A."
	"You let the participant perform Task A 110 times, and she turns out to perform this task correctly 71 times. "
	"You also let her perform Task B 120 times, and she performs this task correctly 93 times. "
	"The following table summarizes the results of your experiment:")
CODE1 (L"\t\tCorrect\tIncorrect")
CODE1 (L"\tTask A\t71\t39")
CODE1 (L"\tTask B\t93\t27")
NORMAL (L"The null hypothesis is that both tasks are equally difficult for the participant "
	"and that the probability that she performs Task A correctly is equal to "
	"the probability that she performs Task B correctly.")
NORMAL (L"To compute the probability that the observed proportions are at least as different as 93/120 and 71/110 "
	"if the null hypothesis is true, go to ##Report difference of two proportions# in the @Goodies menu "
	"and fill in the four values 71, 39, 93, and 27. The resulting two-tailed %p is 0.04300, suggesting "
	"that the null hypothesis can be rejected and the two tasks are not equally difficult for the participant "
	"(if the possibility that Task A is easier for her than Task B can be ruled out a priori, "
	"then the resulting one-tailed %p is 0.02150).")
ENTRY (L"2. Example of incorrect use: areal features")
NORMAL (L"An anonymous linguist once proposed that there was a causal relation between blood groups and the incidence "
	"of dental fricatives. He noticed that dental fricatives occurred mainly in languages whose speakers "
	"predominantly had blood group O. To prove his point, he tabulated 100 languages:")
ENTRY (U"1. The full text format of a minimal TextGrid")
NORMAL (U"If you record a Sound with a druation of 2.3 seconds, and then do ##To TextGrid...#, "
	"you are asked to provide tier names and to say which of these tiers are point tiers. "
	"If you click OK without changing the settings from their standard values, "
	" you obtain a TextGrid with two interval tiers, called %Mary and %John, and one point tier called %bell. "
	"When you save this TextGrid to disk by choosing @@Save as text file...@ from the #New menu, "
	"the resulting text file, when opened in a text editor, will look as follows:")
CODE (U"File type = \"ooTextFile\"")
CODE (U"Object class = \"TextGrid\"")
CODE (U"")
CODE (U"xmin = 0")
CODE (U"xmax = 2.3")
CODE (U"tiers? <exists>")
CODE (U"size = 3")
CODE (U"item []:")
	CODE1 (U"item [1]:")
		CODE2 (U"class = \"IntervalTier\"")
		CODE2 (U"name = \"Mary\"")
		CODE2 (U"xmin = 0")
		CODE2 (U"xmax = 2.3")
		CODE2 (U"intervals: size = 1")
		CODE2 (U"intervals [1]:")
			CODE3 (U"xmin = 0")
			CODE3 (U"xmax = 2.3")
			CODE3 (U"text = \"\"")
	CODE1 (U"item [2]:")
		CODE2 (U"class = \"IntervalTier\"")
		CODE2 (U"name = \"John\"")
		CODE2 (U"xmin = 0")
		CODE2 (U"xmax = 2.3")
		CODE2 (U"intervals: size = 1")
NORMAL (L"So you press the #Genericize button. You can see that the Strings object changes to")
CODE (L"cook")
CODE (L"cooked")
CODE (L"cookie")
CODE (L"cookies")
CODE (L"cooking")
CODE (L"cooks")
CODE (L"Copenhagen")
CODE (L"K\\bso/bnhavn")
CODE (L"M\\bsu\\\" nchen")
CODE (L"Munich")
CODE (L"\\bsaongstr\\bso\\\" m")
NORMAL (L"The strings are now in the generic system-independent format that is used everywhere in Praat "
	"to draw strings (see @@Special symbols@).")
NORMAL (L"You can again try to click the ##To WordList# button. However, you will get a complaint again:")
CODE1 (L"String \"Copenhagen\" not sorted. Please sort first.")
NORMAL (L"This complaint means that the strings have not been sorted in ASCII sorting order. "
	"So you click #Sort, and the Strings object becomes:")
CODE (L"Copenhagen")
CODE (L"K\\bso/bnhavn")
CODE (L"M\\bsu\\\" nchen")
CODE (L"Munich")
CODE (L"\\bsaongstr\\bso\\\" m")
CODE (L"cook")
CODE (L"cooked")
CODE (L"cookie")
CODE (L"cookies")
CODE (L"cooking")
CODE (L"cooks")
NORMAL (L"The strings are now in the ASCII order, in which capitals come before lower-case letters, "
	"and backslashes come in between these two series.")
NORMAL (L"The format of the sound link \"$$\\@ \\@ \\bsFIo.aifc|o\\@ $\" is to be understood "
	"as follows. The pipe symbol separates the link information (\\bsFIo.aifc) from the viewable "
	"link text (o). The link information is introduced with a symbol (\\bsFI) that "
	"tells the manual system that a sound file name follows. The manual system reads "
	"this file, sees that it contains a sound, and plays that sound.")
NORMAL (L"You can use relative path names, e.g., \\bsFIsounds/o.aifc refers to the file "
	"##o.aifc# in the subdirectory #sounds, which must be contained in the same directory "
	"as the ##.man# files. To make sure that your manual pages run on all platforms "
	"(Windows, Macintosh, Unix), you will want to use the forward slash (/) to separate "
	"the directory name(s) from the file name, as in this example "
	"(i.e. you avoid the backslash (\\bs) that is usual on Windows computers).")
ENTRY (L"Pictures as embedded scripts")
NORMAL (L"Your text may contain Praat scripts. They typically draw a picture in your manual page, "
	"with the font and font size of the manual until you specify otherwise in the script. The format is:")
CODE (L"<script> 4.5 4 \"")
CODE1 (L"Draw inner box")
CODE1 (L"Axes... 0 100 0 100")
CODE1 (L"Text... 50 Centre 50 Half Hello!!")
CODE (L"\\\"r")
NORMAL (L"The two numbers after ##<script># are the width and the height of the picture "
	"(the \"outer viewport\") in inches, if the font size of the manual is 12. "
	"If the font size is larger, the viewport will be scaled up accordingly.")
NORMAL (L"Please note that the script is enclosed within double quotes. "
	"Therefore, you will have to double any double quotes that occur in the script.")
NORMAL (L"If needed, a script like this can create objects in the object list of the manual. "
	"However, you have to make sure that you remove them after use:")
CODE (L"<script> 6 3 \"")
CODE1 (L"Create Sound from formula... sineWithNoise Mono 0.0 1.0 44100 1/2*sin(2*pi*377*x)+randomGauss(0,0.1)")
CODE1 (L"To Spectrogram... 0.005 5000 0.002 20 Gaussian")
CODE1 (L"Paint... 0 0 0 0 100.0 yes 50.0 6.0 0.0 yes")
CODE1 (L"plus Sound sineWithNoise")
NORMAL (U"The format of the sound link \"$$\\@ \\@ \\bsFIo.aifc|o\\@ $\" is to be understood "
	"as follows. The pipe symbol separates the link information (\\bsFIo.aifc) from the viewable "
	"link text (o). The link information is introduced with a symbol (\\bsFI) that "
	"tells the manual system that a sound file name follows. The manual system reads "
	"this file, sees that it contains a sound, and plays that sound.")
NORMAL (U"You can use relative path names, e.g., \\bsFIsounds/o.aifc refers to the file "
	"##o.aifc# in the subdirectory #sounds, which must be contained in the same directory "
	"as the ##.man# files. To make sure that your manual pages run on all platforms "
	"(Windows, Macintosh, Unix), you will want to use the forward slash (/) to separate "
	"the directory name(s) from the file name, as in this example "
	"(i.e. you avoid the backslash (\\bs) that is usual on Windows computers).")
ENTRY (U"Pictures as embedded scripts")
NORMAL (U"Your text may contain Praat scripts. They typically draw a picture in your manual page, "
	"with the font and font size of the manual until you specify otherwise in the script. The format is:")
CODE (U"<script> 4.5 4 \"")
CODE1 (U"Draw inner box")
CODE1 (U"Axes: 0, 100, 0, 100")
CODE1 (U"Text: 50, \"Centre\", 50, \"Half\", \"Hello!!\"")
CODE (U"\\\"r")
NORMAL (U"The two numbers after ##<script># are the width and the height of the picture "
	"(the \"outer viewport\") in inches, if the font size of the manual is 12. "
	"If the font size is larger, the viewport will be scaled up accordingly.")
NORMAL (U"Please note that the script is enclosed within double quotes. "
	"Therefore, you will have to double any double quotes that occur in the script.")
NORMAL (U"If needed, a script like this can create objects in the object list of the manual. "
	"However, you have to make sure that you remove them after use:")
CODE (U"<script> 6 3 \"")
CODE1 (U"Create Sound from formula: \"sineWithNoise\", 1, 0.0, 1.0, 44100, \"1/2*sin(2*pi*377*x)+randomGauss(0,0.1)\"")
CODE1 (U"To Spectrogram: 0.005, 5000, 0.002, 20, \"Gaussian\"")
CODE1 (U"Paint: 0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, \"yes\", 50.0, 6.0, 0.0, \"yes\"")
CODE1 (U"plusObject: \"Sound sineWithNoise\"")