static void IT_ParseParms(const char *buffer) { const char *holdBuf; const char *token; // bg_numItems = 0; holdBuf = buffer; COM_BeginParseSession(); while ( holdBuf ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &holdBuf, qtrue ); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { token =token; IT_ParseWeaponParms(&holdBuf); } } COM_EndParseSession( ); // --bg_numItems; }
void G_ProcessIDBans( void ) { fileHandle_t f; int fileLen; char buffer[16000]; char *token, *filePtr; idFilter_t id; fileLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile( "RPG-X_Banned_Players.txt", &f, FS_READ ); if ( !f || !fileLen ) return; trap_FS_Read( buffer, fileLen, f ); if ( !buffer[0] ) return; buffer[fileLen] = '\0'; trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); COM_BeginParseSession(); filePtr = buffer; while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( &filePtr ); if ( !token[0] ) break; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { memset( &id, 0, sizeof( id ) ); token = COM_ParseExt( &filePtr, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) continue; //parse player id id.playerID = atoul( token ); token = COM_ParseExt( &filePtr, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) continue; //parse player name Q_strncpyz( id.playerName, token, sizeof( id.playerName ) ); token = COM_ParseExt( &filePtr, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) continue; //parse ban reason Q_strncpyz( id.banReason, token, sizeof( id.banReason ) ); AddID( &id ); } } G_Printf( "%i ban entries were successfully loaded.\n", numIDFilters ); }
/* =============== G_ParseInfos =============== */ int G_ParseInfos( char *buf, int max, char *infos[] ) { char *token; int count; char key[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; count = 0; COM_BeginParseSession ("G_ParseInfos"); while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( (const char **)(&buf) ); if ( !token[0] ) { break; } if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Com_Printf( "Missing { in info file\n" ); break; } if ( count == max ) { Com_Printf( "Max infos exceeded\n" ); break; } info[0] = '\0'; while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( (const char **)(&buf), qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { Com_Printf( "Unexpected end of info file\n" ); break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } Q_strncpyz( key, token, sizeof( key ) ); token = COM_ParseExt( (const char **)(&buf), qfalse ); if ( !token[0] ) { strcpy( token, "<NULL>" ); } Info_SetValueForKey( info, key, token ); } //NOTE: extra space for arena number infos[count] = (char *) G_Alloc(strlen(info) + strlen("\\num\\") + strlen(va("%d", MAX_ARENAS)) + 1); if (infos[count]) { strcpy(infos[count], info); count++; } } return count; }
void loadTIKI(const char *fname) { int len; char *txt; char *p; const char *fixedPath; const char *token; char path[MAX_TOOLPATH]; float scale; len = F_LoadBuf(fname,(byte**)&txt); if(len == -1) { T_Error("loadTIKI: Cannot open %s\n",fname); return; } path[0] = 0; scale = 1.f; // NOTE: this will not open the "fname" file! COM_BeginParseSession(fname); p = txt; token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); while(token[0]) { if (!Q_stricmp(token, "path") || !Q_stricmp(token, "$path")) { token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); strcpy(path,token); } else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "scale")) { token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); scale = atof(token); } else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "skelmodel")) { token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); mainModel = readSKD(fixPath(token,path,fname),scale); } else if(strstr(token,".skc")) { tAnim_t *a; fixedPath = fixPath(token,path,fname); a = appendSKC(mainModel,fixedPath,scale); if(a) { strcpy(inAnimFNames[numAnims],fixedPath); anims[numAnims] = a; numAnims++; } } token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); } F_FreeBuf(txt); }
void G_LoadIPBans( void ) {//load in all the banned IPs int i, len; char *p, *token; fileHandle_t fh; char banIPBuffer[MAX_IPFILTERS*32]; // The list of file names read in char banIPFile[MAX_QPATH]; len = trap_FS_FOpenFile("banip.txt", &fh, FS_READ); if ( !fh ) { G_Printf ( "G_LoadBanIP - ERROR: can't open banip.txt\n" ); return; } trap_FS_Read(banIPBuffer, len, fh); banIPBuffer[len] = 0; trap_FS_FCloseFile(fh); p = banIPBuffer; COM_BeginParseSession(banIPFile); //had to change this to compile linux token = COM_ParseExt( (const char **) &p, qtrue ); if ( token ) { numIPFilters = atoi(token); for ( i = 0 ; i < numIPFilters ; i++ ) { //had to change this to compile linux token = COM_ParseExt( (const char **) &p, qtrue ); if ( token ) {//have an ip if ( !Q_stricmp("unused",token) ) { ipFilters[i].compare = 0xffffffffu; } else { StringToFilter(token,&ipFilters[i]); } } else { break; } } } }
/** * @brief Sets com_expectedhunkusage, so the client knows how to draw the percentage bar * * @param[in] mapname * * @see SV_SetExpectedHunkUsage (Copied from server to here) */ void CL_SetExpectedHunkUsage(const char *mapname) { int handle; const char *memlistfile = "hunkusage.dat"; int len; len = FS_FOpenFileByMode(memlistfile, &handle, FS_READ); if (len >= 0) // the file exists, so read it in, strip out the current entry for this map, and save it out, so we can append the new value { char *token; char *buftrav; char *buf = (char *)Z_Malloc(len + 1); Com_Memset(buf, 0, len + 1); FS_Read((void *)buf, len, handle); FS_FCloseFile(handle); // now parse the file, filtering out the current map buftrav = buf; COM_BeginParseSession("CL_SetExpectedHunkUsage"); while ((token = COM_Parse(&buftrav)) != NULL && token[0]) { if (!Q_stricmp(token, mapname)) { // found a match token = COM_Parse(&buftrav); // read the size if (token && token[0]) { // this is the usage com_expectedhunkusage = atoi(token); Z_Free(buf); return; } } } Z_Free(buf); } // just set it to a negative number,so the cgame knows not to draw the percent bar com_expectedhunkusage = -1; }
//-------------------------------------------- static void WP_ParseParms(const char *buffer) { const char *holdBuf; const char *token; holdBuf = buffer; COM_BeginParseSession(); while ( holdBuf ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &holdBuf, qtrue ); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { token =token; WP_ParseWeaponParms(&holdBuf); } } }
void G_InitDamageLocations( void ) { const char *modelName; char filename[ MAX_QPATH ]; int i; int len; fileHandle_t fileHandle; char buffer[ MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ]; for ( i = PCL_NONE + 1; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES; i++ ) { modelName = BG_ClassModelConfig( i )->modelName; Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "configs/classes/%s.locdamage.cfg", modelName ); len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &fileHandle, FS_READ ); if ( !fileHandle ) { G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file not found: %s\n", filename ); continue; } if ( len >= MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ) { G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i\n", filename, len, MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle ); continue; } COM_BeginParseSession( filename ); trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, fileHandle ); buffer[ len ] = 0; trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle ); g_numDamageRegions[ i ] = ParseDmgScript( g_damageRegions[ i ], buffer ); } }
/* ==================== CM_CreateShaderTextHash ===================== */ void CM_CreateShaderTextHash(void) { const char *p; qboolean hasNewLines; char *token; CCMShaderText *shader; p = shaderText; COM_BeginParseSession ("CM_CreateShaderTextHash"); // look for label while (p) { p = SkipWhitespace(p, &hasNewLines); token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { break; } shader = new CCMShaderText(token, p); shaderTextTable.insert(shader); SkipBracedSection(&p); } }
/* ================= BG_ParseItemsText ================= */ void BG_ParseItemsText(char *buff) { char *token; char *buffer; int i,len; COM_BeginParseSession(); buffer = buff; while ( buffer ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buffer, qtrue ); i=0; while (itemnames[i]) { if (Q_stricmp(token, itemnames[i])==0) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buffer, qtrue ); if (token[0]) { len = strlen(token); if (len) { bg_itemlist[i].pickup_name = (buffer - (len + 1)); // The +1 is to get rid of the " at the beginning of the sting. *(buffer - 1) = '\0'; // Place an string end where is belongs. } } break; } i++; } } }
/* ============ AnimParseAnimConfig returns qfalse if error, qtrue otherwise ============ */ static qboolean AnimParseAnimConfig( playerInfo_t *animModelInfo, const char *filename, const char *input ) { char *text_p, *token; animation_t *animations; // headAnimation_t *headAnims; int i, fps, skip = -1; // if (!weaponStringsInited) { // BG_InitWeaponStrings(); // } // globalFilename = (char *)filename; animations = animModelInfo->animations; animModelInfo->numAnimations = 0; // headAnims = animModelInfo->headAnims; text_p = (char *)input; COM_BeginParseSession( "AnimParseAnimConfig" ); animModelInfo->footsteps = FOOTSTEP_NORMAL; VectorClear( animModelInfo->headOffset ); animModelInfo->gender = GENDER_MALE; animModelInfo->isSkeletal = qfalse; animModelInfo->version = 0; // read optional parameters while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "footsteps" ) ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "default" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "normal" ) ) { animModelInfo->footsteps = FOOTSTEP_NORMAL; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "boot" ) ) { animModelInfo->footsteps = FOOTSTEP_BOOT; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "flesh" ) ) { animModelInfo->footsteps = FOOTSTEP_FLESH; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "mech" ) ) { animModelInfo->footsteps = FOOTSTEP_MECH; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "energy" ) ) { animModelInfo->footsteps = FOOTSTEP_ENERGY; } else { // BG_AnimParseError( "Bad footsteps parm '%s'\n", token ); } continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headoffset" ) ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animModelInfo->headOffset[i] = atof( token ); } continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sex" ) ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( token[0] == 'f' || token[0] == 'F' ) { animModelInfo->gender = GENDER_FEMALE; } else if ( token[0] == 'n' || token[0] == 'N' ) { animModelInfo->gender = GENDER_NEUTER; } else { animModelInfo->gender = GENDER_MALE; } continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "version" ) ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animModelInfo->version = atoi( token ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "skeletal" ) ) { animModelInfo->isSkeletal = qtrue; continue; } if ( animModelInfo->version < 2 ) { // if it is a number, start parsing animations if ( Q_isnumeric( token[0] ) ) { text_p -= strlen( token ); // unget the token break; } } // STARTANIMS marks the start of the animations if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "STARTANIMS" ) ) { break; } // BG_AnimParseError( "unknown token '%s'", token ); } // read information for each frame for ( i = 0 ; ( animModelInfo->version > 1 ) || ( i < MAX_ANIMATIONS ) ; i++ ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( animModelInfo->version > 1 ) { // includes animation names at start of each line if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "ENDANIMS" ) ) { // end of animations break; } Q_strncpyz( animations[i].name, token, sizeof( animations[i].name ) ); // convert to all lower case Q_strlwr( animations[i].name ); // token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "end of file without ENDANIMS" ); break; } } else { // just set it to the equivalent animStrings[] Q_strncpyz( animations[i].name, animStrings[i], sizeof( animations[i].name ) ); // convert to all lower case Q_strlwr( animations[i].name ); } animations[i].firstFrame = atoi( token ); if ( !animModelInfo->isSkeletal ) { // skeletal models dont require adjustment // leg only frames are adjusted to not count the upper body only frames if ( i == LEGS_WALKCR ) { skip = animations[LEGS_WALKCR].firstFrame - animations[TORSO_GESTURE].firstFrame; } if ( i >= LEGS_WALKCR ) { animations[i].firstFrame -= skip; } } token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "end of file without ENDANIMS" ); break; } animations[i].numFrames = atoi( token ); token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "end of file without ENDANIMS: line %i" ); break; } animations[i].loopFrames = atoi( token ); token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "end of file without ENDANIMS: line %i" ); break; } fps = atof( token ); if ( fps == 0 ) { fps = 1; } animations[i].frameLerp = 1000 / fps; animations[i].initialLerp = 1000 / fps; // movespeed token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "end of file without ENDANIMS" ); break; } animations[i].moveSpeed = atoi( token ); // animation blending token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); // must be on same line if ( !token ) { animations[i].animBlend = 0; } else { animations[i].animBlend = atoi( token ); } // calculate the duration animations[i].duration = animations[i].initialLerp + animations[i].frameLerp * animations[i].numFrames + animations[i].animBlend; // get the nameHash animations[i].nameHash = BG_StringHashValue( animations[i].name ); if ( !Q_strncmp( animations[i].name, "climb", 5 ) ) { animations[i].flags |= ANIMFL_LADDERANIM; } if ( strstr( animations[i].name, "firing" ) ) { animations[i].flags |= ANIMFL_FIRINGANIM; animations[i].initialLerp = 40; } } animModelInfo->numAnimations = i; if ( animModelInfo->version < 2 && i != MAX_ANIMATIONS ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "Incorrect number of animations" ); return qfalse; } #if 0 // check for head anims token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( token && token[0] ) { if ( animModelInfo->version < 2 || !Q_stricmp( token, "HEADFRAMES" ) ) { // read information for each head frame for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_HEAD_ANIMS ; i++ ) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { break; } if ( animModelInfo->version > 1 ) { // includes animation names at start of each line // just throw this information away, not required for head token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { break; } } if ( !i ) { skip = atoi( token ); } headAnims[i].firstFrame = atoi( token ); // modify according to last frame of the main animations, since the head is totally seperate headAnims[i].firstFrame -= animations[MAX_ANIMATIONS - 1].firstFrame + animations[MAX_ANIMATIONS - 1].numFrames + skip; token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { break; } headAnims[i].numFrames = atoi( token ); // skip the movespeed token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); } // animModelInfo->numHeadAnims = i; if ( i != MAX_HEAD_ANIMS ) { // BG_AnimParseError( "Incorrect number of head frames" ); return qfalse; } } } #endif return qtrue; }
qboolean UI_SaberParseParm( const char *saberName, const char *parmname, char *saberData ) { const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; if ( !saberName || !saberName[0] ) { return qfalse; } //try to parse it out p = SaberParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right saber while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, saberName ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { return qfalse; } if ( UI_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { return qfalse; } // parse the saber info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { ui.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", saberName ); return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, parmname ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } strcpy( saberData, value ); return qtrue; } SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } return qfalse; }
void AICast_ScriptParse( cast_state_t *cs ) { #define MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS 64 gentity_t *ent; char *pScript; char *token; qboolean wantName; qboolean inScript; int eventNum; cast_script_event_t events[MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS]; int numEventItems; cast_script_event_t *curEvent; char params[MAX_QPATH]; cast_script_stack_action_t *action; int i; int bracketLevel; qboolean buildScript; //----(SA) added if ( !level.scriptAI ) { return; } ent = &g_entities[cs->entityNum]; if ( !ent->aiName ) { return; } buildScript = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_buildScript" ); buildScript = qtrue; pScript = level.scriptAI; wantName = qtrue; inScript = qfalse; COM_BeginParseSession( "AICast_ScriptParse" ); bracketLevel = 0; numEventItems = 0; memset( events, 0, sizeof( events ) ); while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( &pScript ); if ( !token[0] ) { if ( !wantName ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } break; } // end of script if ( token[0] == '}' ) { if ( inScript ) { break; } if ( wantName ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' found, but not expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } wantName = qtrue; } else if ( token[0] == '{' ) { if ( wantName ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '{' found, NAME expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } } else if ( wantName ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( ent->aiName, token ) ) { inScript = qtrue; numEventItems = 0; } wantName = qfalse; } else if ( inScript ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( token, "attributes" ) ) { // read in all the attributes AICast_CheckLevelAttributes( cs, ent, &pScript ); continue; } eventNum = AICast_EventForString( token ); if ( eventNum < 0 ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown event: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } if ( numEventItems >= MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS reached (%d)\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS ); } // if this is a "friendlysightcorpse" event, then disable corpse vis sharing if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "friendlysightcorpse" ) ) { cs->aiFlags &= ~AIFL_CORPSESIGHTING; } curEvent = &events[numEventItems]; curEvent->eventNum = eventNum; memset( params, 0, sizeof( params ) ); // parse any event params before the start of this event's actions while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) && ( token[0] != '{' ) ) { if ( !token[0] ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } if ( eventNum == 13 ) { // statechange event, check params if ( strlen( token ) > 1 ) { if ( BG_IndexForString( token, animStateStr, qtrue ) < 0 ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown state type '%s'.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } } } if ( strlen( params ) ) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), " " ); } Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), token ); } if ( strlen( params ) ) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->params = G_Alloc( strlen( params ) + 1 ); Q_strncpyz( curEvent->params, params, strlen( params ) + 1 ); } // parse the actions for this event while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) && ( token[0] != '}' ) ) { if ( !token[0] ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } action = AICast_ActionForString( cs, token ); if ( !action ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown action: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].action = action; memset( params, 0, sizeof( params ) ); token = COM_ParseExt( &pScript, qfalse ); for ( i = 0; token[0]; i++ ) { if ( strlen( params ) ) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), " " ); } if ( i == 0 ) { // Special case: playsound's need to be cached on startup to prevent in-game pauses if ( !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "playsound" ) ) { G_SoundIndex( token ); } //----(SA) added a bit more if ( buildScript && ( !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "mu_start" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "mu_play" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "mu_queue" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "startcam" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "startcamblack" ) ) ) { if ( strlen( token ) ) { // we know there's a [0], but don't know if it's '0' trap_SendServerCommand( cs->entityNum, va( "addToBuild %s\n", token ) ); } } if ( !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "giveweapon" ) ) { // register weapon for client pre-loading gitem_t *weap = BG_FindItem2( token ); // (SA) FIXME: rats, need to fix this for weapon names with spaces: 'mauser rifle' // if(weap) RegisterItem( weap ); // don't be nice, just do it. if it can't find it, you'll bomb out to the error menu } //----(SA) end } if ( strrchr( token,' ' ) ) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), "\"" ); } Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), token ); if ( strrchr( token,' ' ) ) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), "\"" ); } token = COM_ParseExt( &pScript, qfalse ); } if ( strlen( params ) ) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params = G_Alloc( strlen( params ) + 1 ); Q_strncpyz( curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params, params, strlen( params ) + 1 ); } curEvent->stack.numItems++; if ( curEvent->stack.numItems >= AICAST_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(): script exceeded MAX_SCRIPT_ITEMS (%d), line %d\n", AICAST_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } } numEventItems++; } else // skip this character completely { // TTimo: gcc: suggest () around assignment used as truth value while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) ) { if ( !token[0] ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } else if ( token[0] == '{' ) { bracketLevel++; } else if ( token[0] == '}' ) { if ( !--bracketLevel ) { break; } } } } } // alloc and copy the events into the cast_state_t for this cast if ( numEventItems > 0 ) { cs->castScriptEvents = G_Alloc( sizeof( cast_script_event_t ) * numEventItems ); memcpy( cs->castScriptEvents, events, sizeof( cast_script_event_t ) * numEventItems ); cs->numCastScriptEvents = numEventItems; cs->castScriptStatus.castScriptEventIndex = -1; } }
static void UI_ManageDeckLoading( void ) { char fileRoute[MAX_QPATH]; char mapRoute[MAX_QPATH]; char info[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; fileHandle_t f; int file_len; char *textPtr; char buffer[20000]; char *token; //get the map name trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof( info ) ); Com_sprintf( mapRoute, sizeof( fileRoute ), "maps/%s", Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ) ); //check for language UI_LanguageFilename( mapRoute, "turbolift", fileRoute ); file_len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( fileRoute, &f, FS_READ ); if ( file_len <= 1 ) { //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Attempted to load %s, but wasn't found.\n", fileRoute ); UI_TurboliftMenu_LoadDecks(); return; } trap_FS_Read( buffer, file_len, f ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); if ( !buffer[0] ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Attempted to load %s, but no data was read.\n", fileRoute ); UI_TurboliftMenu_LoadDecks(); return; } s_turbolift.numDecks = 0; memset( &s_turbolift.deckData, 0, sizeof( s_turbolift.deckData ) ); buffer[file_len] = '\0'; COM_BeginParseSession(); textPtr = buffer; //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Beginning Parse\n" ); //expected format is 'decknum' <space> 'deck Desc' while( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( &textPtr ); if ( !token[0] ) break; //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "First Token: %s\n", token ); //in case of Scooter's EF SP style DAT files, which require 'DECK' in front of the number if ( !Q_strncmp( token, "DECK", 4 ) ) token += 4; //grab the deck number s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.numDecks].deckNum = atoi( token ); token = COM_ParseExt( &textPtr, qfalse ); if (!token[0]) continue; //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Second Token: %s\n", token ); Q_strncpyz( s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.numDecks].deckDesc, token, sizeof( s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.numDecks].deckDesc ) ); s_turbolift.numDecks++; //if this is an EF SP style script, there may be more data after these two. ignore them if ( COM_ParseExt( &textPtr, qfalse ) == NULL ) SkipRestOfLine( &textPtr ); } qsort( s_turbolift.deckData, s_turbolift.numDecks, sizeof( deckData_t ), SortDecks ); }
qboolean WP_SaberParseParms( const char *SaberName, saberInfo_t *saber, qboolean setColors ) { const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; float f; int n; if ( !saber ) { return qfalse; } //Set defaults so that, if it fails, there's at least something there WP_SaberSetDefaults( saber, setColors ); if ( !SaberName || !SaberName[0] ) { return qfalse; } saber->name = G_NewString( SaberName ); //try to parse it out p = SaberParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right saber while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, SaberName ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { return qfalse; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { return qfalse; } // parse the saber info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", SaberName ); return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } //saber fullName if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "name" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->fullName = G_NewString( value ); continue; } //saber type if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saberType" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } int saberType = GetIDForString( SaberTable, value ); if ( saberType >= SABER_SINGLE && saberType <= NUM_SABERS ) { saber->type = (saberType_t)saberType; } continue; } //saber hilt if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saberModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->model = G_NewString( value ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "customSkin" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->skin = G_NewString( value ); continue; } //on sound if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "soundOn" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->soundOn = G_SoundIndex( G_NewString( value ) ); continue; } //loop sound if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "soundLoop" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->soundLoop = G_SoundIndex( G_NewString( value ) ); continue; } //off sound if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "soundOff" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->soundOff = G_SoundIndex( G_NewString( value ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "numBlades" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n >= MAX_BLADES ) { G_Error( "WP_SaberParseParms: saber %s has illegal number of blades (%d) max: %d", SaberName, n, MAX_BLADES ); continue; } saber->numBlades = n; continue; } // saberColor if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saberColor", 10 ) ) { if ( !setColors ) {//don't actually want to set the colors //read the color out anyway just to advance the *p pointer COM_ParseString( &p, &value ); continue; } else { if (strlen(token)==10) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==11) { n = atoi(&token[10])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberColor '%s' in %s\n", token, SaberName ); //read the color out anyway just to advance the *p pointer COM_ParseString( &p, &value ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberColor '%s' in %s\n", token, SaberName ); //read the color out anyway just to advance the *p pointer COM_ParseString( &p, &value ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) //read the color { continue; } if (n==-1) {//NOTE: this fills in the rest of the blades with the same color by default saber_colors_t color = TranslateSaberColor( value ); for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { saber->blade[n].color = color; } } else { saber->blade[n].color = TranslateSaberColor( value ); } continue; } } //saber length if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saberLength", 11 ) ) { if (strlen(token)==11) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==12) { n = atoi(&token[11])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberLength '%s' in %s\n", token, SaberName ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberLength '%s' in %s\n", token, SaberName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( f < 4.0f ) { f = 4.0f; } if (n==-1) {//NOTE: this fills in the rest of the blades with the same length by default for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { saber->blade[n].lengthMax = f; } } else { saber->blade[n].lengthMax = f; } continue; } //blade radius if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saberRadius", 11 ) ) { if (strlen(token)==11) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==12) { n = atoi(&token[11])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberRadius '%s' in %s\n", token, SaberName ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberRadius '%s' in %s\n", token, SaberName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( f < 0.25f ) { f = 0.25f; } if (n==-1) {//NOTE: this fills in the rest of the blades with the same length by default for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { saber->blade[n].radius = f; } } else { saber->blade[n].radius = f; } continue; } //locked saber style if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saberStyle" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->style = TranslateSaberStyle( value ); continue; } //maxChain if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "maxChain" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->maxChain = n; continue; } //lockable if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "lockable" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->lockable = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } //throwable if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "throwable" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->throwable = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } //disarmable if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "disarmable" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->disarmable = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } //active blocking if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "blocking" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->activeBlocking = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } //twoHanded if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "twoHanded" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->twoHanded = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } //force power restrictions if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "forceRestrict" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } int fp = GetIDForString( FPTable, value ); if ( fp >= FP_FIRST && fp < NUM_FORCE_POWERS ) { saber->forceRestrictions |= (1<<fp); } continue; } //lockBonus if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "lockBonus" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->lockBonus = n; continue; } //parryBonus if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "parryBonus" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->parryBonus = n; continue; } //breakParryBonus if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "breakParryBonus" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->breakParryBonus = n; continue; } //disarmBonus if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "disarmBonus" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->disarmBonus = n; continue; } //single blade saber style if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "singleBladeStyle" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->singleBladeStyle = TranslateSaberStyle( value ); continue; } //single blade throwable if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "singleBladeThrowable" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->singleBladeThrowable = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } //broken replacement saber1 (right hand) if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "brokenSaber1" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->brokenSaber1 = G_NewString( value ); continue; } //broken replacement saber2 (left hand) if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "brokenSaber2" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->brokenSaber2 = G_NewString( value ); continue; } //spins and does damage on return from saberthrow if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "returnDamage" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } saber->returnDamage = ((qboolean)(n!=0)); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "notInMP" ) ) {//ignore this SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } gi.Printf( "WARNING: unknown keyword '%s' while parsing '%s'\n", token, SaberName ); SkipRestOfLine( &p ); } //FIXME: precache the saberModel(s)? if ( saber->type == SABER_SITH_SWORD ) {//precache all the sith sword sounds Saber_SithSwordPrecache(); } return qtrue; }
/* ============== AICast_ScriptParse Parses the script for the given character ============== */ void AICast_ScriptParse( cast_state_t *cs ) { #define MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS 64 gentity_t *ent; char *pScript; char *token; qboolean wantName; qboolean inScript; int eventNum; cast_script_event_t events[MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS]; int numEventItems; cast_script_event_t *curEvent; char params[MAX_QPATH]; cast_script_stack_action_t *action; int i; int bracketLevel; if (!level.scriptAI) return; ent = &g_entities[cs->entityNum]; if (!ent->aiName) return; pScript = level.scriptAI; wantName = qtrue; inScript = qfalse; COM_BeginParseSession("AICast_ScriptParse"); bracketLevel = 0; numEventItems = 0; memset( events, 0, sizeof(events) ); while (1) { token = COM_Parse( &pScript ); if ( !token[0] ) { if ( !wantName ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } break; } // end of script if ( token[0] == '}' ) { if ( inScript ) { break; } if ( wantName ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' found, but not expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } wantName = qtrue; } else if ( token[0] == '{' ) { if ( wantName ) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '{' found, NAME expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } } else if ( wantName ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( ent->aiName, token ) ) { inScript = qtrue; numEventItems = 0; } wantName = qfalse; } else if ( inScript ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( token, "attributes" ) ) { // read in all the attributes AICast_CheckLevelAttributes( cs, ent, &pScript ); continue; } eventNum = AICast_EventForString( token ); if (eventNum < 0) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown event: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } if (numEventItems >= MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS reached (%d)\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS ); } // if this is a "friendlysightcorpse" event, then disable corpse vis sharing if (!Q_stricmp(token, "friendlysightcorpse")) { cs->aiFlags &= ~AIFL_CORPSESIGHTING; } curEvent = &events[numEventItems]; curEvent->eventNum = eventNum; memset( params, 0, sizeof(params) ); // parse any event params before the start of this event's actions while ((token = COM_Parse( &pScript )) && (token[0] != '{')) { if (!token[0]) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } if (eventNum == 13) { // statechange event, check params if (strlen( token ) > 1) { if (BG_IndexForString( token, animStateStr, qtrue ) < 0) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown state type '%s'.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } } } if (strlen( params )) // add a space between each param Q_strcat( params, sizeof(params), " " ); Q_strcat( params, sizeof(params), token ); } if (strlen( params )) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->params = G_Alloc( strlen( params ) + 1 ); Q_strncpyz( curEvent->params, params, strlen(params)+1 ); } // parse the actions for this event while ((token = COM_Parse( &pScript )) && (token[0] != '}')) { if (!token[0]) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } action = AICast_ActionForString( token ); if (!action) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown action: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].action = action; memset( params, 0, sizeof(params) ); token = COM_ParseExt( &pScript, qfalse ); for (i=0; token[0]; i++) { if (strlen( params )) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat( params, sizeof(params), " " ); } // Special case: playsound's need to be cached on startup to prevent in-game pauses if ((i==0) && !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "playsound")) { G_SoundIndex(token); } if (strrchr(token,' ')) // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat( params, sizeof(params), "\"" ); Q_strcat( params, sizeof(params), token ); if (strrchr(token,' ')) // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat( params, sizeof(params), "\"" ); token = COM_ParseExt( &pScript, qfalse ); } if (strlen( params )) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params = G_Alloc( strlen( params ) + 1 ); Q_strncpyz( curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params, params, strlen(params)+1 ); } curEvent->stack.numItems++; if (curEvent->stack.numItems >= AICAST_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(): script exceeded MAX_SCRIPT_ITEMS (%d), line %d\n", AICAST_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } } numEventItems++; } else // skip this character completely { // TTimo gcc: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) ) { if (!token[0]) { G_Error( "AICast_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } else if (token[0] == '{') { bracketLevel++; } else if (token[0] == '}') { if (!--bracketLevel) break; } } } } // alloc and copy the events into the cast_state_t for this cast if (numEventItems > 0) { cs->castScriptEvents = G_Alloc( sizeof(cast_script_event_t) * numEventItems ); memcpy( cs->castScriptEvents, events, sizeof(cast_script_event_t) * numEventItems ); cs->numCastScriptEvents = numEventItems; cs->castScriptStatus.castScriptEventIndex = -1; } }
//void UI_SaberGetHiltInfo( const char *singleHilts[MAX_SABER_HILTS], const char *staffHilts[MAX_SABER_HILTS] ) void UI_SaberGetHiltInfo(void){ int numSingleHilts = 0, numStaffHilts = 0; const char *saberName; const char *token; const char *p; //go through all the loaded sabers and put the valid ones in the proper list p = SaberParms; COM_BeginParseSession("saberlist"); // look for a saber while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) {//invalid name continue; } saberName = String_Alloc( token ); //see if there's a "{" on the next line SkipRestOfLine( &p ); if ( UI_ParseLiteralSilent( &p, "{" ) ) {//nope, not a name, keep looking continue; } //this is a saber name if ( !UI_SaberValidForPlayerInMP( saberName ) ) { SkipBracedSection( &p ); continue; } if ( UI_IsSaberTwoHanded( saberName ) ) { #ifndef DYNAMICMEMORY_SABERS if ( numStaffHilts < MAX_SABER_HILTS-1 )//-1 because we have to NULL terminate the list { staffHilts[numStaffHilts++] = saberName; } else { Com_Printf( "WARNING: too many two-handed sabers, ignoring saber '%s'\n", saberName ); } #else UI_ReaAllocMem((void *)&saberStaffHiltInfo, sizeof(char *), numStaffHilts+1); saberStaffHiltInfo[numStaffHilts++] = (char *) saberName; #endif } else { #ifndef DYNAMICMEMORY_SABERS if ( numSingleHilts < MAX_SABER_HILTS-1 )//-1 because we have to NULL terminate the list { singleHilts[numSingleHilts++] = saberName; } else { Com_Printf( "WARNING: too many one-handed sabers, ignoring saber '%s'\n", saberName ); } #else UI_ReaAllocMem((void *)&saberSingleHiltInfo, sizeof(char *), numSingleHilts+1); saberSingleHiltInfo[numSingleHilts++] = (char *) saberName; #endif } //skip the whole braced section and move on to the next entry SkipBracedSection( &p ); } //null terminate the list so the UI code knows where to stop listing them #ifndef DYNAMICMEMORY_SABERS singleHilts[numSingleHilts] = NULL; staffHilts[numStaffHilts] = NULL; #else saberSingleHiltCount = numSingleHilts; saberStaffHiltCount = numStaffHilts; #endif }
qboolean NPC_ParseParms( const char *NPCName, gentity_t *NPC ) { const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; int n; float f; char *patch; char sound[MAX_QPATH]; char playerModel[MAX_QPATH]; char customSkin[MAX_QPATH]; clientInfo_t *ci = &NPC->client->clientInfo; renderInfo_t *ri = &NPC->client->renderInfo; gNPCstats_t *stats = NULL; qboolean md3Model = qtrue; char surfOff[1024]; char surfOn[1024]; strcpy(customSkin,"default"); if ( !NPCName || !NPCName[0]) { NPCName = "Player"; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats = &NPC->NPC->stats; /* NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[0] = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[1] = WP_SABER; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[2] = WP_IMOD; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[3] = WP_SCAVENGER_RIFLE; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[4] = WP_TRICORDER; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[6] = WP_NONE; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[6] = WP_NONE; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[7] = WP_NONE; */ // fill in defaults stats->aggression = 3; stats->aim = 3; stats->earshot = 1024; stats->evasion = 3; stats->hfov = 90; stats->intelligence = 3; stats->move = 3; stats->reactions = 3; stats->vfov = 60; stats->vigilance = 0.1f; stats->visrange = 1024; stats->health = 0; stats->moveType = MT_RUNJUMP; stats->yawSpeed = 90; stats->walkSpeed = 90; stats->runSpeed = 300; stats->acceleration = 15;//Increase/descrease speed this much per frame (20fps) } else { stats = NULL; } Q_strncpyz( ci->name, NPCName, sizeof( ci->name ) ); NPC->playerModel = -1; //Set defaults //FIXME: should probably put default torso and head models, but what about enemies //that don't have any- like Stasis? //Q_strncpyz( ri->headModelName, DEFAULT_HEADMODEL, sizeof(ri->headModelName), qtrue); //Q_strncpyz( ri->torsoModelName, DEFAULT_TORSOMODEL, sizeof(ri->torsoModelName), qtrue); //Q_strncpyz( ri->legsModelName, DEFAULT_LEGSMODEL, sizeof(ri->legsModelName), qtrue); memset( ri->headModelName, 0, sizeof( ri->headModelName ) ); memset( ri->torsoModelName, 0, sizeof( ri->torsoModelName ) ); memset( ri->legsModelName, 0, sizeof( ri->legsModelName ) ); //FIXME: should we have one for weapon too? memset( (char *)surfOff, 0, sizeof(surfOff) ); memset( (char *)surfOn, 0, sizeof(surfOn) ); /* ri->headYawRangeLeft = 50; ri->headYawRangeRight = 50; ri->headPitchRangeUp = 40; ri->headPitchRangeDown = 50; ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = 60; ri->torsoYawRangeRight = 60; ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = 30; ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = 70; */ ri->headYawRangeLeft = 80; ri->headYawRangeRight = 80; ri->headPitchRangeUp = 45; ri->headPitchRangeDown = 45; ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = 60; ri->torsoYawRangeRight = 60; ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = 30; ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = 50; VectorCopy(playerMins, NPC->mins); VectorCopy(playerMaxs, NPC->maxs); NPC->client->crouchheight = CROUCH_MAXS_2; NPC->client->standheight = DEFAULT_MAXS_2; NPC->client->dismemberProbHead = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbArms = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbHands = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbWaist = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbLegs = 100; if ( !Q_stricmp( "random", NPCName ) ) {//Randomly assemble a starfleet guy NPC_BuildRandom( NPC ); } else { p = NPCParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right NPC while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, NPCName ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { return qfalse; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { return qfalse; } // parse the NPC info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", NPCName ); return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } //===MODEL PROPERTIES=========================================================== // headmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { ri->headModelName[0] = NULL; //Zero the head clamp range so the torso & legs don't lag behind ri->headYawRangeLeft = ri->headYawRangeRight = ri->headPitchRangeUp = ri->headPitchRangeDown = 0; } else { Q_strncpyz( ri->headModelName, value, sizeof(ri->headModelName), qtrue); } continue; } // torsomodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsomodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { ri->torsoModelName[0] = NULL; //Zero the torso clamp range so the legs don't lag behind ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = ri->torsoYawRangeRight = ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = 0; } else { Q_strncpyz( ri->torsoModelName, value, sizeof(ri->torsoModelName), qtrue); } continue; } // legsmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "legsmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( ri->legsModelName, value, sizeof(ri->legsModelName), qtrue); //Need to do this here to get the right index G_ParseAnimFileSet( ri->legsModelName, ri->legsModelName, &ci->animFileIndex ); continue; } // playerModel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( playerModel, value, sizeof(playerModel), qtrue); md3Model = qfalse; continue; } // customSkin if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "customSkin" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( customSkin, value, sizeof(customSkin), qtrue); continue; } // surfOff if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfOff" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( surfOff[0] ) { strncat( (char *)surfOff, ",", sizeof(surfOff) ); strncat( (char *)surfOff, value, sizeof(surfOff) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( surfOff, value, sizeof(surfOff), qtrue); } continue; } // surfOn if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfOn" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( surfOn[0] ) { strncat( (char *)surfOn, ",", sizeof(surfOn) ); strncat( (char *)surfOn, value, sizeof(surfOn) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( surfOn, value, sizeof(surfOn), qtrue); } continue; } //headYawRangeLeft if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headYawRangeLeft" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headYawRangeLeft = n; continue; } //headYawRangeRight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headYawRangeRight" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headYawRangeRight = n; continue; } //headPitchRangeUp if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headPitchRangeUp" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headPitchRangeUp = n; continue; } //headPitchRangeDown if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headPitchRangeDown" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headPitchRangeDown = n; continue; } //torsoYawRangeLeft if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoYawRangeLeft" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = n; continue; } //torsoYawRangeRight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoYawRangeRight" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoYawRangeRight = n; continue; } //torsoPitchRangeUp if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoPitchRangeUp" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = n; continue; } //torsoPitchRangeDown if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoPitchRangeDown" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = n; continue; } // Uniform XYZ scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scale" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[0] = NPC->s.modelScale[1] = NPC->s.modelScale[2] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //X scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scaleX" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[0] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //Y scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scaleY" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[1] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //Z scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scaleZ" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[2] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //===AI STATS===================================================================== // aggression if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "aggression" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->aggression = n; } continue; } // aim if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "aim" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->aim = n; } continue; } // earshot if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "earshot" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->earshot = f; } continue; } // evasion if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "evasion" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->evasion = n; } continue; } // hfov if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "hfov" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 30 || n > 180 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->hfov = n;// / 2; //FIXME: Why was this being done?! } continue; } // intelligence if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "intelligence" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->intelligence = n; } continue; } // move if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "move" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->move = n; } continue; } // reactions if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "reactions" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->reactions = n; } continue; } // shootDistance if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saberColor" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( NPC->client ) { NPC->client->ps.saberColor = TranslateSaberColor( value ); } continue; } // shootDistance if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shootDistance" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->shootDistance = f; } continue; } // shootDistance if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "health" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->health = n; } continue; } // vfov if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "vfov" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 30 || n > 180 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->vfov = n / 2; } continue; } // vigilance if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "vigilance" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->vigilance = f; } continue; } // visrange if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "visrange" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->visrange = f; } continue; } // race // if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "race" ) ) // { // if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) // { // continue; // } // NPC->client->race = TranslateRaceName(value); // continue; // } // rank if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "rank" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->NPC->rank = TranslateRankName(value); } continue; } // fullName if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "fullName" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->fullName = G_NewString(value); continue; } // playerTeam if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerTeam" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->playerTeam = TranslateTeamName(value); continue; } // enemyTeam if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "enemyTeam" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->enemyTeam = TranslateTeamName(value); continue; } // class if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "class" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->NPC_class = TranslateClassName(value); continue; } // dismemberment probability for head if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbHead" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbHead = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for arms if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbArms" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbArms = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for hands if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbHands" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbHands = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for waist if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbWaist" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbWaist = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for legs if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbLegs" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbLegs = n; } continue; } //===MOVEMENT STATS============================================================ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "width" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } NPC->mins[0] = NPC->mins[1] = -n; NPC->maxs[0] = NPC->maxs[1] = n; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "height" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } NPC->mins[2] = DEFAULT_MINS_2;//Cannot change NPC->maxs[2] = NPC->client->standheight = n + DEFAULT_MINS_2; NPC->radius = n; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "crouchheight" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->crouchheight = n + DEFAULT_MINS_2; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "movetype" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->moveType = (movetype_t)MoveTypeNameToEnum(value); } continue; } // yawSpeed if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "yawSpeed" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n <= 0) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->yawSpeed = ((float)(n)); } continue; } // walkSpeed if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "walkSpeed" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->walkSpeed = n; } continue; } //runSpeed if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "runSpeed" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->runSpeed = n; } continue; } //acceleration if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "acceleration" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->acceleration = n; } continue; } //===MISC=============================================================================== // default behavior if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "behavior" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < BS_DEFAULT || n >= NUM_BSTATES ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->NPC->defaultBehavior = (bState_t)(n); } continue; } // snd if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "snd" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customBasicSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndcombat if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndcombat" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customCombatSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndextra if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndextra" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customExtraSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndjedi if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndjedi" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customJediSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } gi.Printf( "WARNING: unknown keyword '%s' while parsing '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); SkipRestOfLine( &p ); } } ci->infoValid = qfalse; /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ if ( !md3Model ) { NPC->weaponModel = -1; G_SetG2PlayerModel( NPC, playerModel, customSkin, surfOff, surfOn ); } /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ if( NPCsPrecached ) {//Spawning in after initial precache, our models are precached, we just need to set our clientInfo CG_RegisterClientModels( NPC->s.number ); CG_RegisterNPCCustomSounds( ci ); CG_RegisterNPCEffects( NPC->client->playerTeam ); } return qtrue; }
/* void NPC_Precache ( char *NPCName ) Precaches NPC skins, tgas and md3s. */ void NPC_Precache ( gentity_t *spawner ) { clientInfo_t ci={0}; renderInfo_t ri={0}; team_t playerTeam = TEAM_FREE; const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; char *patch; char sound[MAX_QPATH]; qboolean md3Model = qfalse; char playerModel[MAX_QPATH]; char customSkin[MAX_QPATH]; if ( !Q_stricmp( "random", spawner->NPC_type ) ) {//sorry, can't precache a random just yet return; } strcpy(customSkin,"default"); p = NPCParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right NPC while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, spawner->NPC_type ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { return; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { return; } // parse the NPC info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", spawner->NPC_type ); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } // headmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { } else { Q_strncpyz( ri.headModelName, value, sizeof(ri.headModelName), qtrue); } md3Model = qtrue; continue; } // torsomodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsomodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { } else { Q_strncpyz( ri.torsoModelName, value, sizeof(ri.torsoModelName), qtrue); } md3Model = qtrue; continue; } // legsmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "legsmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( ri.legsModelName, value, sizeof(ri.legsModelName), qtrue); md3Model = qtrue; continue; } // playerModel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( playerModel, value, sizeof(playerModel), qtrue); md3Model = qfalse; continue; } // customSkin if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "customSkin" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( customSkin, value, sizeof(customSkin), qtrue); continue; } // playerTeam if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerTeam" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } playerTeam = TranslateTeamName(value); continue; } // snd if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "snd" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customBasicSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndcombat if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndcombat" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customCombatSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndextra if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndextra" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customExtraSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndjedi if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndjedi" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customJediSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } } if ( md3Model ) { CG_RegisterClientRenderInfo( &ci, &ri ); } else { char skinName[MAX_QPATH]; //precache ghoul2 model gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( va( "models/players/%s/model.glm", playerModel ) ); //precache skin Com_sprintf( skinName, sizeof( skinName ), "models/players/%s/", playerModel, customSkin ); // lets see if it's out there gi.RE_RegisterSkin( skinName ); } //precache this NPC's possible weapons NPC_PrecacheWeapons( playerTeam, spawner->spawnflags, spawner->NPC_type ); CG_RegisterNPCCustomSounds( &ci ); CG_RegisterNPCEffects( playerTeam ); //FIXME: Look for a "sounds" directory and precache death, pain, alert sounds }
/** * @brief Finds and loads all .shader files, combining them into * a single large text block that can be scanned for shader names */ int ScanAndLoadShaderFilesR1() { char **shaderFiles; char *buffers[MAX_SHADER_FILES]; char *p; int numShaderFiles, i; char *oldp, *token, *textEnd; char **hashMem; int shaderTextHashTableSizes[MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH], hash; unsigned int size; char filename[MAX_QPATH]; long sum = 0, summand; Com_Memset(buffers, 0, MAX_SHADER_FILES); Com_Memset(shaderTextHashTableSizes, 0, MAX_SHADER_FILES); // scan for shader files shaderFiles = ri.FS_ListFiles("scripts", ".shader", &numShaderFiles); if (!shaderFiles || !numShaderFiles) { Ren_Print("----- ScanAndLoadShaderFilesR1 (no files)-----\n"); return 0; } Ren_Print("----- ScanAndLoadShaderFilesR1 (%i files)-----\n", numShaderFiles); if (numShaderFiles >= MAX_SHADER_FILES) { Ren_Drop("MAX_SHADER_FILES limit is reached!"); } // load and parse shader files for (i = 0; i < numShaderFiles; i++) { Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "scripts/%s", shaderFiles[i]); COM_BeginParseSession(filename); Ren_Developer("...loading '%s'\n", filename); summand = ri.FS_ReadFile(filename, (void **)&buffers[i]); if (!buffers[i]) { Ren_Drop("Couldn't load %s", filename); // in this case shader file is cought/listed but the file can't be read - drop! } p = buffers[i]; while (1) { token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); if (!*token) { break; } // Step over the "table"/"guide" and the name if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table") || !Q_stricmp(token, "guide")) { token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (!*token) { break; } } oldp = p; token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (token[0] != '{' && token[1] != '\0') { Ren_Warning("WARNING: Bad shader file %s has incorrect syntax near token '%s' line %i\n", filename, token, COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); ri.FS_FreeFile(buffers[i]); buffers[i] = NULL; break; } SkipBracedSection(&oldp); p = oldp; } if (buffers[i]) { sum += summand; } } // build single large buffer s_shaderTextR1 = (char *)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sum + numShaderFiles * 2, h_low); s_shaderTextR1[0] = '\0'; textEnd = s_shaderTextR1; // free in reverse order, so the temp files are all dumped for (i = numShaderFiles - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { if (!buffers[i]) { continue; } strcat(textEnd, buffers[i]); strcat(textEnd, "\n"); textEnd += strlen(textEnd); ri.FS_FreeFile(buffers[i]); } COM_Compress(s_shaderTextR1); // free up memory ri.FS_FreeFileList(shaderFiles); Com_Memset(shaderTextHashTableSizes, 0, sizeof(shaderTextHashTableSizes)); size = 0; p = s_shaderTextR1; // look for shader names while (1) { token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); if (token[0] == 0) { break; } // skip shader tables if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table")) { // skip table name (void) COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); SkipBracedSection(&p); } // support shader templates else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "guide")) { // parse shader name token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); //Ren_Print("...guided '%s'\n", token); hash = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH); shaderTextHashTableSizes[hash]++; size++; // skip guide name token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); // skip parameters token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (Q_stricmp(token, "(")) { Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token); break; } while (1) { token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (!token[0]) { break; } if (!Q_stricmp(token, ")")) { break; } } if (Q_stricmp(token, ")")) { Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token); break; } } else { hash = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH); shaderTextHashTableSizes[hash]++; size++; SkipBracedSection(&p); } } //Ren_Print("Shader hash table size %i\n", size); size += MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH; hashMem = (char **)ri.Hunk_Alloc(size * sizeof(char *), h_low); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH; i++) { shaderTextHashTableR1[i] = hashMem; hashMem += shaderTextHashTableSizes[i] + 1; } Com_Memset(shaderTextHashTableSizes, 0, sizeof(shaderTextHashTableSizes)); p = s_shaderTextR1; // look for shader names while (1) { oldp = p; token = COM_ParseExt(&p, qtrue); if (token[0] == 0) { break; } // parse shader tables if (!Q_stricmp(token, "table")) { int depth; float values[FUNCTABLE_SIZE]; int numValues; shaderTable_t *tb; qboolean alreadyCreated; Com_Memset(&values, 0, sizeof(values)); Com_Memset(&table, 0, sizeof(table)); token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); Q_strncpyz(, token, sizeof(; // check if already created alreadyCreated = qfalse; hash = generateHashValue(, MAX_SHADERTABLE_HASH); for (tb = shaderTableHashTable[hash]; tb; tb = tb->next) { if (Q_stricmp(tb->name, == 0) { // match found alreadyCreated = qtrue; break; } } depth = 0; numValues = 0; do { token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (!Q_stricmp(token, "snap")) { table.snap = qtrue; } else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "clamp")) { table.clamp = qtrue; } else if (token[0] == '{') { depth++; } else if (token[0] == '}') { depth--; } else if (token[0] == ',') { continue; } else { if (numValues == FUNCTABLE_SIZE) { Ren_Warning("WARNING: FUNCTABLE_SIZE hit\n"); break; } values[numValues++] = atof(token); } } while (depth && p); if (!alreadyCreated) { Ren_Developer("...generating '%s'\n",; GeneratePermanentShaderTable(values, numValues); } } // support shader templates else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "guide")) { // parse shader name oldp = p; token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); //Ren_Print("...guided '%s'\n", token); hash = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH); shaderTextHashTableR1[hash][shaderTextHashTableSizes[hash]++] = oldp; // skip guide name token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); // skip parameters token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (Q_stricmp(token, "(")) { Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token); break; } while (1) { token = COM_ParseExt2(&p, qtrue); if (!token[0]) { break; } if (!Q_stricmp(token, ")")) { break; } } if (Q_stricmp(token, ")")) { Ren_Warning("expected ( found '%s'\n", token); break; } } else { hash = generateHashValue(token, MAX_SHADERTEXT_HASH); shaderTextHashTableR1[hash][shaderTextHashTableSizes[hash]++] = oldp; SkipBracedSection(&p); } } return numShaderFiles; }
/* =============== UI_ParseInfos =============== */ int UI_ParseInfos( char *buf, int max, char *infos[] ) { char *token; int count; char key[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; count = 0; COM_BeginParseSession ("UI_ParseInfos"); while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( (const char **)&buf ); if ( !token[0] ) { break; } if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Com_Printf( "Missing { in info file\n" ); break; } if ( count == max ) { Com_Printf( "Max infos exceeded\n" ); break; } info[0] = '\0'; while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( (const char **)&buf, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { Com_Printf( "Unexpected end of info file\n" ); break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } Q_strncpyz( key, token, sizeof( key ) ); token = COM_ParseExt( (const char **)&buf, qfalse ); if ( !token[0] ) { strcpy( token, "<NULL>" ); } Info_SetValueForKey( info, key, token ); } //NOTE: extra space for arena number infos[count] = (char *) UI_Alloc(strlen(info) + strlen("\\num\\") + strlen(va("%d", MAX_ARENAS)) + 1); if (infos[count]) { strcpy(infos[count], info); #ifndef FINAL_BUILD if (trap->Cvar_VariableValue("com_buildScript")) { char *botFile = Info_ValueForKey(info, "personality"); if (botFile && botFile[0]) { int fh = 0; trap->FS_Open(botFile, &fh, FS_READ); if (fh) { trap->FS_Close(fh); } } } #endif count++; } } return count; }
/* =============== IN_IsConsoleKey TODO: If the SDL_Scancode situation improves, use it instead of both of these methods =============== */ static qboolean IN_IsConsoleKey( fakeAscii_t key, int character ) { typedef struct consoleKey_s { enum { QUAKE_KEY, CHARACTER } type; union { fakeAscii_t key; int character; } u; } consoleKey_t; static consoleKey_t consoleKeys[ MAX_CONSOLE_KEYS ]; static int numConsoleKeys = 0; int i; // Only parse the variable when it changes if( cl_consoleKeys->modified ) { const char *text_p; char *token; cl_consoleKeys->modified = qfalse; text_p = cl_consoleKeys->string; numConsoleKeys = 0; COM_BeginParseSession(); while( numConsoleKeys < MAX_CONSOLE_KEYS ) { consoleKey_t *c = &consoleKeys[ numConsoleKeys ]; int charCode = 0; token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) break; if( strlen( token ) == 4 ) charCode = Com_HexStrToInt( token ); if( charCode > 0 ) { c->type = consoleKey_t::CHARACTER; c->u.character = charCode; } else { c->type = consoleKey_t::QUAKE_KEY; c->u.key = (fakeAscii_t)Key_StringToKeynum( token ); // 0 isn't a key if( c->u.key <= 0 ) continue; } numConsoleKeys++; } COM_EndParseSession(); } // If the character is the same as the key, prefer the character if( key == character ) key = A_NULL; for( i = 0; i < numConsoleKeys; i++ ) { consoleKey_t *c = &consoleKeys[ i ]; switch( c->type ) { case consoleKey_t::QUAKE_KEY: if( key && c->u.key == key ) return qtrue; break; case consoleKey_t::CHARACTER: if( c->u.character == character ) return qtrue; break; } } return qfalse; }
/* ============== G_Script_ScriptParse Parses the script for the given entity ============== */ void G_Script_ScriptParse( gentity_t *ent ) { #define MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS 64 char *pScript; char *token; qboolean wantName; qboolean inScript; int eventNum; g_script_event_t events[MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS]; int numEventItems; g_script_event_t *curEvent; // DHM - Nerve :: Some of our multiplayer script commands have longer parameters //char params[MAX_QPATH]; char params[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // dhm - end g_script_stack_action_t *action; int i; int bracketLevel; qboolean buildScript; //----(SA) added if ( !ent->scriptName ) { return; } if ( !level.scriptEntity ) { return; } buildScript = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_buildScript" ); buildScript = qtrue; pScript = level.scriptEntity; wantName = qtrue; inScript = qfalse; COM_BeginParseSession( "G_Script_ScriptParse" ); bracketLevel = 0; numEventItems = 0; memset( events, 0, sizeof( events ) ); while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( &pScript ); if ( !token[0] ) { if ( !wantName ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } break; } // end of script if ( token[0] == '}' ) { if ( inScript ) { break; } if ( wantName ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' found, but not expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } wantName = qtrue; } else if ( token[0] == '{' ) { if ( wantName ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '{' found, NAME expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } } else if ( wantName ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( ent->scriptName, token ) ) { inScript = qtrue; numEventItems = 0; } wantName = qfalse; } else if ( inScript ) { //if ( !Q_strcasecmp( token, "attributes" ) ) { // // read in all the attributes // G_Script_CheckLevelAttributes( cs, ent, &pScript ); // continue; //} eventNum = G_Script_EventForString( token ); if ( eventNum < 0 ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown event: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } if ( numEventItems >= MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS reached (%d)\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS ); } curEvent = &events[numEventItems]; curEvent->eventNum = eventNum; memset( params, 0, sizeof( params ) ); // parse any event params before the start of this event's actions while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) && ( token[0] != '{' ) ) { if ( !token[0] ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } if ( strlen( params ) ) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), " " ); } Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), token ); } if ( strlen( params ) ) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->params = G_Alloc( strlen( params ) + 1 ); Q_strncpyz( curEvent->params, params, strlen( params ) + 1 ); } // parse the actions for this event while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) && ( token[0] != '}' ) ) { if ( !token[0] ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } action = G_Script_ActionForString( token ); if ( !action ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown action: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token ); } curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].action = action; memset( params, 0, sizeof( params ) ); token = COM_ParseExt( &pScript, qfalse ); for ( i = 0; token[0]; i++ ) { if ( strlen( params ) ) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), " " ); } if ( i == 0 ) { // Special case: playsound's need to be cached on startup to prevent in-game pauses if ( !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "playsound" ) ) { G_SoundIndex( token ); } //----(SA) added a bit more if ( buildScript && ( !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "mu_start" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "mu_play" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "mu_queue" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "startcam" ) || !Q_stricmp( action->actionString, "startcamblack" ) ) ) { if ( strlen( token ) ) { // we know there's a [0], but don't know if it's '0' trap_SendServerCommand( ent->s.number, va( "addToBuild %s\n", token ) ); } } } //----(SA) end if ( strrchr( token,' ' ) ) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), "\"" ); } Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), token ); if ( strrchr( token,' ' ) ) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat( params, sizeof( params ), "\"" ); } token = COM_ParseExt( &pScript, qfalse ); } if ( strlen( params ) ) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params = G_Alloc( strlen( params ) + 1 ); Q_strncpyz( curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params, params, strlen( params ) + 1 ); } curEvent->stack.numItems++; if ( curEvent->stack.numItems >= G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(): script exceeded MAX_SCRIPT_ITEMS (%d), line %d\n", G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } } numEventItems++; } else // skip this character completely { // TTimo: gcc: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &pScript ) ) ) { if ( !token[0] ) { G_Error( "G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } else if ( token[0] == '{' ) { bracketLevel++; } else if ( token[0] == '}' ) { if ( !--bracketLevel ) { break; } } } } } // alloc and copy the events into the gentity_t for this cast if ( numEventItems > 0 ) { ent->scriptEvents = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_script_event_t ) * numEventItems ); memcpy( ent->scriptEvents, events, sizeof( g_script_event_t ) * numEventItems ); ent->numScriptEvents = numEventItems; } }
/* ============== Bot_ScriptParseAllCharacters ============== */ void Bot_ScriptParseAllCharacters() { char *pScript; char *token; bot_script_global_data_t *bsd; char params[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; if(!level.scriptEntity) { return; } pScript = level.scriptEntity; COM_BeginParseSession("Bot_ScriptParse"); numScriptCharacters = 0; memset(botCharacterScriptData, 0, sizeof(botCharacterScriptData)); while(1) { token = COM_Parse(&pScript); // we are expecting a name here if(!token[0]) { // end of script break; } if(token[0] == '{' || token[0] == '}') { G_Error("Bot_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): entry identifier expected, '%s' found.\n", 1 + COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token); } // is this a bot? if(Q_stricmp(token, "BOT") != 0) { // not a bot, skip this whole entry SkipRestOfLine(&pScript); // skip this section SkipBracedSection(&pScript); // continue; } // this is the name if(numScriptCharacters == MAX_BOT_SCRIPT_CHARACTERS) { G_Error ("Bot_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): MAX_BOT_SCRIPT_CHARACTERS exceeded (%i), too many bot script characters\n", 1 + COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), MAX_BOT_SCRIPT_CHARACTERS); break; } bsd = &botCharacterScriptData[numScriptCharacters++]; bsd->lineNum = 1 + COM_GetCurrentParseLine(); // read the name token = COM_Parse(&pScript); // we are expecting a name here if(!token[0]) { G_Error("Bot_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): name expected, end of line found.\n", 1 + COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } if(token[0] == '{' || token[0] == '}') { G_Error("Bot_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): name expected, '%s' found.\n", 1 + COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token); } // allocate the name bsd->name = G_Alloc(strlen(token) + 1); Q_strncpyz(bsd->name, token, strlen(token) + 1); // read the params memset(params, 0, sizeof(params)); while((token = COM_ParseExt(&pScript, qfalse)) && token[0]) { if(strlen(params) + strlen(token) >= sizeof(params)) { G_Error("Bot_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): parameters exceed maximum size\n", 1 + COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } if(strlen(params) > 0) { Q_strcat(params, sizeof(params), " "); } Q_strcat(params, sizeof(params), token); } // allocate the params bsd->params = G_Alloc(strlen(params) + 1); Q_strncpyz(bsd->params, params, strlen(params) + 1); // allocate memory for this character script bsd->data = G_Alloc(sizeof(bot_script_data_t)); memset(bsd->data, 0, sizeof(bot_script_data_t)); // now parse the script data for this character Bot_ScriptParse(bsd->data, &pScript); } }
void NPC_PrecacheAnimationCFG( const char *NPC_type ) { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; int junk; if ( !Q_stricmp( "random", NPC_type ) ) {//sorry, can't precache a random just yet return; } p = NPCParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right NPC while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, NPC_type ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { return; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { return; } // parse the NPC info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", NPC_type ); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } // legsmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "legsmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } //must copy data out of this pointer into a different part of memory because the funcs we're about to call will call COM_ParseExt Q_strncpyz( filename, value, sizeof( filename ), qtrue ); G_ParseAnimFileSet( filename, filename, &junk ); return; } // playerModel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } char animName[MAX_QPATH]; char *GLAName; char *slash = NULL; char *strippedName; int handle = gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( va( "models/players/%s/model.glm", value ) ); if ( handle > 0 )//FIXME: isn't 0 a valid handle? { GLAName = gi.G2API_GetAnimFileNameIndex( handle ); if ( GLAName ) { Q_strncpyz( animName, GLAName, sizeof( animName ), qtrue ); slash = strrchr( animName, '/' ); if ( slash ) { *slash = 0; } strippedName = COM_SkipPath( animName ); //must copy data out of this pointer into a different part of memory because the funcs we're about to call will call COM_ParseExt Q_strncpyz( filename, value, sizeof( filename ), qtrue ); G_ParseAnimFileSet( value, strippedName, &junk );//qfalse ); //FIXME: still not precaching the animsounds.cfg? return; } } } } }
qboolean BG_ParseRankNames( char* fileName, rankNames_t rankNames[] ) { fileHandle_t f; int file_len; char charText[20000]; char* textPtr; char* token; int i = 0; file_len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( fileName, &f, FS_READ ); if ( file_len<= 0 ) { return qfalse; } if ( file_len >= ( sizeof(charText) - 1) ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "File length of %s is too long.\n", fileName ); } memset( &charText, 0, sizeof( charText ) ); memset( rankNames, 0, sizeof( rankNames ) ); trap_FS_Read( charText, file_len, f ); charText[file_len] = 0; trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); COM_BeginParseSession(); textPtr = charText; token = COM_Parse( &textPtr ); if ( !token[0] ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "No data found in buffer: %s\n", fileName ); return qfalse; } if ( Q_stricmpn( token, "{", 1 ) ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "No beginning { found in %s\n", fileName ); return qfalse; } //Parse out the default cell. Default has no names anyway, //but in case a n00bie modder put names in anyway. SkipBracedSection( &textPtr ); while( 1 ) { //lastPtr = textPtr; token = COM_Parse( &textPtr ); if( !token[0] ) { break; } if ( i >= MAX_RANKS ) { break; } //If we hit an open brace (ie, assuming we hit the start of a new rank cell) if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "{", 1 ) ) { while ( 1 ) { token = COM_Parse( &textPtr ); if( !token[0] ) { break; } //We hit a MenuTexture entry, since this uses { symbols, we'll skip these to stop errors. if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "MenuTexture", 11 ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &textPtr ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "ConsoleName", 11) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &textPtr, &token ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( rankNames[i].consoleName, token, sizeof( rankNames[i].consoleName ) ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "FormalName", 10) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &textPtr, &token ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( rankNames[i].formalName, token, sizeof( rankNames[i].formalName ) ); continue; } //We hit the end of the cell. else if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "}", 1 ) ) { break; } } //Error check. If we didn't get both a formal and console name, pwn the caller. ;P if ( !rankNames[i].consoleName[0] || !rankNames[i].formalName[0] ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "One or more rank names were not found in rank#: %i\n", i ); return qfalse; } else { i++; } } } return qtrue; }
/* ================ R_LoadEntities ================ */ void R_LoadEntities( lump_t *l, world_t &worldData ) { const char *p, *token; char keyname[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; char value[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; world_t *w; float ambient = 1; COM_BeginParseSession(); w = &worldData; w->lightGridSize[0] = 64; w->lightGridSize[1] = 64; w->lightGridSize[2] = 128; VectorSet(tr.sunAmbient, 1, 1, 1); tr.distanceCull = 12000;//DEFAULT_DISTANCE_CULL; p = (char *)(fileBase + l->fileofs); token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if (!*token || *token != '{') { COM_EndParseSession(); return; } // only parse the world spawn while ( 1 ) { // parse key token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !*token || *token == '}' ) { break; } Q_strncpyz(keyname, token, sizeof(keyname)); // parse value token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !*token || *token == '}' ) { break; } Q_strncpyz(value, token, sizeof(value)); // check for remapping of shaders for vertex lighting /* s = "vertexremapshader"; if (!Q_strncmp(keyname, s, strlen(s)) ) { s = strchr(value, ';'); if (!s) { ri.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: no semi colon in vertexshaderremap '%s'\n", value ); break; } *s++ = 0; if (r_vertexLight->integer) { R_RemapShader(value, s, "0"); } continue; } // check for remapping of shaders s = "remapshader"; if (!Q_strncmp(keyname, s, strlen(s)) ) { s = strchr(value, ';'); if (!s) { ri.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: no semi colon in shaderremap '%s'\n", value ); break; } *s++ = 0; R_RemapShader(value, s, "0"); continue; } */ if (!Q_stricmp(keyname, "distanceCull")) { sscanf(value, "%f", &tr.distanceCull ); continue; } //check for linear fog -rww if (!Q_stricmp(keyname, "linFogStart")) { sscanf(value, "%f", &tr.rangedFog ); tr.rangedFog = -tr.rangedFog; continue; } // check for a different grid size if (!Q_stricmp(keyname, "gridsize")) { sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &w->lightGridSize[0], &w->lightGridSize[1], &w->lightGridSize[2] ); continue; } // find the optional world ambient for arioche if (!Q_stricmp(keyname, "_color")) { sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &tr.sunAmbient[0], &tr.sunAmbient[1], &tr.sunAmbient[2] ); continue; } if (!Q_stricmp(keyname, "ambient")) { sscanf(value, "%f", &ambient); continue; } } //both default to 1 so no harm if not present. VectorScale( tr.sunAmbient, ambient, tr.sunAmbient); COM_EndParseSession(); }
/** * @brief This updates the "hunkusage.dat" file with the current map and it's hunk usage count * * This is used for level loading, so we can show a percentage bar dependant on the amount * of hunk memory allocated so far * * This will be slightly inaccurate if some settings like sound quality are changed, but these * things should only account for a small variation (hopefully) */ void CL_UpdateLevelHunkUsage(void) { int handle; const char *memlistfile = "hunkusage.dat"; char outstr[256]; int len, memusage; memusage = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_hunkused"); len = FS_FOpenFileByMode(memlistfile, &handle, FS_READ); if (len >= 0) // the file exists, so read it in, strip out the current entry for this map, and save it out, so we can append the new value { char *buftrav, *outbuftrav; char *outbuf; char *token; char *buf; buf = (char *)Z_Malloc(len + 1); Com_Memset(buf, 0, len + 1); outbuf = (char *)Z_Malloc(len + 1); Com_Memset(outbuf, 0, len + 1); (void) FS_Read((void *)buf, len, handle); FS_FCloseFile(handle); // now parse the file, filtering out the current map buftrav = buf; outbuftrav = outbuf; outbuftrav[0] = '\0'; COM_BeginParseSession("CL_UpdateLevelHunkUsage"); while ((token = COM_Parse(&buftrav)) != NULL && token[0]) { if (!Q_stricmp(token, cl.mapname)) { // found a match token = COM_Parse(&buftrav); // read the size if (token && token[0]) { if (atoi(token) == memusage) // if it is the same, abort this process { Z_Free(buf); Z_Free(outbuf); return; } } } else // send it to the outbuf { Q_strcat(outbuftrav, len + 1, token); Q_strcat(outbuftrav, len + 1, " "); token = COM_Parse(&buftrav); // read the size if (token && token[0]) { Q_strcat(outbuftrav, len + 1, token); Q_strcat(outbuftrav, len + 1, "\n"); } else { //Com_Error does memory clean up //Z_Free(buf); //Z_Free(outbuf); Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "hunkusage.dat file is corrupt"); } } } handle = FS_FOpenFileWrite(memlistfile); if (handle < 0) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "cannot create %s", memlistfile); } // input file is parsed, now output to the new file len = strlen(outbuf); if (FS_Write((void *)outbuf, len, handle) != len) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "cannot write to %s", memlistfile); } FS_FCloseFile(handle); Z_Free(buf); Z_Free(outbuf); } // now append the current map to the current file (void) FS_FOpenFileByMode(memlistfile, &handle, FS_APPEND); if (handle < 0) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "cannot write to hunkusage.dat, check disk full"); } Com_sprintf(outstr, sizeof(outstr), "%s %i\n", cl.mapname, memusage); (void) FS_Write(outstr, strlen(outstr), handle); FS_FCloseFile(handle); // now just open it and close it, so it gets copied to the pak dir len = FS_FOpenFileByMode(memlistfile, &handle, FS_READ); if (len >= 0) { FS_FCloseFile(handle); } }
/* ============== G_Script_ScriptParse Parses the script for the given entity ============== */ void G_Script_ScriptParse(gentity_t *ent) { char *pScript; qboolean wantName; qboolean inScript; int eventNum; g_script_event_t events[G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS]; int numEventItems; g_script_event_t *curEvent; char params[MAX_INFO_STRING]; g_script_stack_action_t *action; int i; int bracketLevel; qboolean buildScript; if (!ent->scriptName) { return; } if (!level.scriptEntity) { return; } buildScript = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_buildScript"); pScript = level.scriptEntity; wantName = qtrue; inScript = qfalse; COM_BeginParseSession("G_Script_ScriptParse"); bracketLevel = 0; numEventItems = 0; memset(events, 0, sizeof (events)); for (;;) { char *token; token = COM_Parse(&pScript); if (!token[0]) { if (!wantName) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } break; } // end of script if (token[0] == '}') { if (inScript) { break; } if (wantName) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' found, but not expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } wantName = qtrue; } else if (token[0] == '{') { if (wantName) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '{' found, NAME expected.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } } else if (wantName) { if (!Q_stricmp(token, "bot")) { // a bot, skip this whole entry SkipRestOfLine(&pScript); // skip this section SkipBracedSection(&pScript); // continue; } if (!Q_stricmp(token, "entity")) { // this is an entity, so go back to look for a name continue; } if (!Q_stricmp(ent->scriptName, token)) { inScript = qtrue; numEventItems = 0; } wantName = qfalse; } else if (inScript) { Q_strlwr(token); eventNum = G_Script_EventForString(token); if (eventNum < 0) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown event: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token); } if (numEventItems >= G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS reached (%d)\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS); } curEvent = &events[numEventItems]; curEvent->eventNum = eventNum; memset(params, 0, sizeof (params)); // parse any event params before the start of this event's actions while ((token = COM_Parse(&pScript)) != NULL && (token[0] != '{')) { if (!token[0]) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } if (strlen(params)) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), " "); } Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), token); } if (strlen(params)) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->params = G_Alloc(strlen(params) + 1); Q_strncpyz(curEvent->params, params, strlen(params) + 1); } // parse the actions for this event while ((token = COM_Parse(&pScript)) != NULL && (token[0] != '}')) { if (!token[0]) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } action = G_Script_ActionForString(token); if (!action) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): unknown action: %s.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine(), token); } curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].action = action; memset(params, 0, sizeof (params)); // Ikkyo - Parse for {}'s if this is a set command // Nico, added "create" & "delete" condition if (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "set") || !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "create") || !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "delete")) { token = COM_Parse(&pScript); if (token[0] != '{') { COM_ParseError("'{' expected, found: %s.\n", token); } while ((token = COM_Parse(&pScript)) != NULL && (token[0] != '}')) { if (strlen(params)) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), " "); } if (strrchr(token, ' ')) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\""); } Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), token); if (strrchr(token, ' ')) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has mor Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\""); } } } else // hackly precaching of custom characters if (!Q_stricmp(token, "spawnbot")) { // this is fairly indepth, so I'll move it to a separate function for readability G_Script_ParseSpawnbot(&pScript, params, MAX_INFO_STRING); } else { token = COM_ParseExt(&pScript, qfalse); for (i = 0; token[0]; ++i) { if (strlen(params)) { // add a space between each param Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), " "); } if (i == 0) { // Special case: playsound's need to be cached on startup to prevent in-game pauses if (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "playsound")) { G_SoundIndex(token); } else if (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "changemodel")) { G_ModelIndex(token); } else if (buildScript && (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "mu_start") || !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "mu_play") || !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "mu_queue") || !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "startcam")) && strlen(token)) { trap_SendServerCommand(-1, va("addToBuild %s\n", token)); } } if ((i == 0 || i == 1) && !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "remapshader")) { G_ShaderIndex(token); } if (strrchr(token, ' ')) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\""); } Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), token); if (strrchr(token, ' ')) { // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\""); } token = COM_ParseExt(&pScript, qfalse); } } if (strlen(params)) { // copy the params into the event curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params = G_Alloc(strlen(params) + 1); Q_strncpyz(curEvent->stack.items[curEvent->stack.numItems].params, params, strlen(params) + 1); } curEvent->stack.numItems++; if (curEvent->stack.numItems >= G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(): script exceeded G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS (%d), line %d\n", G_MAX_SCRIPT_STACK_ITEMS, COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } } numEventItems++; } else { // skip this character completely // TTimo gcc: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value while ((token = COM_Parse(&pScript)) != NULL) { if (!token[0]) { G_Error("G_Script_ScriptParse(), Error (line %d): '}' expected, end of script found.\n", COM_GetCurrentParseLine()); } else if (token[0] == '{') { bracketLevel++; } else if (token[0] == '}' && !--bracketLevel) { break; } } } } // alloc and copy the events into the gentity_t for this cast if (numEventItems > 0) { ent->scriptEvents = G_Alloc(sizeof (g_script_event_t) * numEventItems); memcpy(ent->scriptEvents, events, sizeof (g_script_event_t) * numEventItems); ent->numScriptEvents = numEventItems; } }
/* ====================== CG_ParseAnimationFile Read a configuration file containing animation coutns and rates models/players/visor/animation.cfg, etc ====================== */ qboolean G_ParseAnimationFile( const char *af_filename ) { const char *text_p; int len; int i; const char *token; float fps; int skip; char text[40000]; int animNum; animation_t *animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[level.numKnownAnimFileSets].animations; len = gi.RE_GetAnimationCFG(af_filename, NULL, 0); if (len <= 0) { return qfalse; } if ( len <= 0 ) { return qfalse; } if ( len >= sizeof( text ) - 1 ) { G_Error( "G_ParseAnimationFile: File %s too long\n (%d > %d)", af_filename, len, sizeof( text ) - 1); return qfalse; } len = gi.RE_GetAnimationCFG(af_filename, text, sizeof(text)); // parse the text text_p = text; skip = 0; // quiet the compiler warning //FIXME: have some way of playing anims backwards... negative numFrames? //initialize anim array so that from 0 to MAX_ANIMATIONS, set default values of 0 1 0 100 for(i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) { animations[i].firstFrame = 0; animations[i].numFrames = 0; animations[i].loopFrames = -1; animations[i].frameLerp = 100; animations[i].initialLerp = 100; } // read information for each frame COM_BeginParseSession(); while(1) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token || !token[0]) { break; } animNum = GetIDForString(animTable, token); if(animNum == -1) { //#ifndef FINAL_BUILD #ifdef _DEBUG Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"WARNING: Unknown token %s in %s\n", token, af_filename); #endif continue; } token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animations[animNum].firstFrame = atoi( token ); token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animations[animNum].numFrames = atoi( token ); token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animations[animNum].loopFrames = atoi( token ); token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } fps = atof( token ); if ( fps == 0 ) { fps = 1;//Don't allow divide by zero error } if ( fps < 0 ) {//backwards animations[animNum].frameLerp = floor(1000.0f / fps); } else { animations[animNum].frameLerp = ceil(1000.0f / fps); } animations[animNum].initialLerp = ceil(1000.0f / fabs(fps)); } COM_EndParseSession(); #ifdef CONVENIENT_ANIMATION_FILE_DEBUG_THING if (strstr(af_filename, "humanoid")) { SpewDebugStuffToFile(animations); } #endif return qtrue; }