void KMP_Matcher(char T[],char P[])
  int n = strlen(T); /* tresc */
  int m = strlen(P); /* wzorzec */
  int *pi;
  int i,q=0,licz=0;

   pi = CPF(P);

      for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ )
        while ( q>0 && P[q+1] != T[i] ) /* druga != drugiej */
          q = pi[q];

        if ( P[q+1] == T[i] )
          q = q+1;

        if ( q+1 == m )
          licz = licz+1;
          q = pi[q];
      printf("Wzorzec wystepuje %d razy\n",licz);
文件: kmp.c 项目: breagen/MachSuite
int kmp(char pattern[PATTERN_SIZE], char input[STRING_SIZE], int32_t kmpNext[PATTERN_SIZE], int32_t n_matches[1]) {
    int32_t i, q;
    n_matches[0] = 0;

    CPF(pattern, kmpNext);

    q = 0;
    k1 : for(i = 0; i < STRING_SIZE; i++){
        k2 : while (q > 0 && pattern[q] != input[i]){
            q = kmpNext[q];
        if (pattern[q] == input[i]){
        if (q >= PATTERN_SIZE){
            q = kmpNext[q - 1];
    return 0;
int kmp(char pattern[PATTERN_SIZE], char input[STRING_SIZE], int kmpNext[PATTERN_SIZE]) {
    int i, q;
    int outs;
    outs = 0;

    CPF(pattern, kmpNext);

    q = 0;
    k1 : for(i = 0; i < STRING_SIZE; i++){
        k2 : while (q > 0 && pattern[q] != input[i]){
            q = kmpNext[q];
        if (pattern[q] == input[i]){
        if (q >= PATTERN_SIZE){
            q = kmpNext[q - 1];
    return outs;
// Read the File Header....
int ReadHeader(V2_FILEHEADER *FileHeader, BYTE *fbuf, int bufsize)
  int HeaderLen = 0, HdrOffset;
  char	CreatedByProg[HDR_NAME_LEN +1],  CreatedByVersion[HDR_VERS_LEN +1];
  ULONG	CalcHdrCheck = 0;
  BYTE *HdrBuf, *bpFileHeader = (BYTE *) FileHeader;

  // Find and process the Header:  This could be a plain sfArk file, a self-extracting file or some other (invalid) file.
  // Also, it could be a sfArk V1 file, which we can't decompress, but should at least recognise.
  // We locate the header by looking for the string "sfArk" within the first HEADER_MAX_OFFSET bytes of the file
  // but because self-extractor code is likely to contain that string, we look for its final occurence
  // by searching backwards.
  // To speed things up, we first check at offset 0 (the case for a standard sfArk file)
  // If we think we've found a (V2) header, we veryify it using the Header checksum.  If the checksum fails,
  // chances are it was a corrupt file, but could conceivably be a non-sfArk file.  either way we report it as corrupt.
  int fbufsize = HEADER_MAX_OFFSET + V2_FILEHEADER_SIZE;		// Amount data to read
  if (fbufsize > bufsize)  fbufsize = bufsize;				// Buffer too small (should never happen)

  SetInputFilePosition(0);						// set to logical start (maybe a predefined offset) 
  ReadInputFile(fbuf, fbufsize);					// Read a chunk of data from the start of the file

  int SigFound = 0, SeemsV1 = 0, HdrCheckDone = 0;		// Some flags to remember what we're doing

  for(int TryOffset = 0; TryOffset < HEADER_MAX_OFFSET; TryOffset++)
    HdrOffset = (TryOffset == 0)? 0 : HEADER_MAX_OFFSET - TryOffset; // Check offset = 0 first, then backwards from end  
    BYTE *sigpos = fbuf + HdrOffset + HEADER_SIG_POS;
    if (*sigpos != 's'  ||  memcmp(sigpos, "sfArk", 5) != 0)  continue;
    SigFound = 1;					// Set a flag to remember that we at least got this far
    HdrBuf = fbuf + HdrOffset; 
    if (V2_FILEHEADER_SIZE != sizeof(V2_FILEHEADER))	// Compare structure size to real size
      // The compiler has messed with structure (alignment), so copy the data to the structure byte by byte...
      BYTE *bptr = HdrBuf;		// Point to start
      // Copy all fields...
      #define CPF(f) memcpy(&(FileHeader->f), bptr, sizeof(FileHeader->f)); bptr += sizeof(FileHeader->f)
      CPF(Flags); CPF(OriginalSize); CPF(CompressedSize); CPF(FileCheck); CPF(HdrCheck);
      CPF(ProgVersionNeeded); CPF(ProgVersion); CPF(ProgName); CPF(CompMethod);
      CPF(FileType); CPF(AudioStart); CPF(PostAudioStart); CPF(FileName);
      #undef CPF
      if (bptr != HdrBuf+V2_FILEHEADER_SIZE)	return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_OTHER);	// Sanity check
      memcpy(bpFileHeader, HdrBuf, V2_FILEHEADER_SIZE);	// Copy entire data block to structure
    if (FileHeader->CompMethod < COMPRESSION_v2)	// Looks like a sfArk V1 file?
      SeemsV1 = 1;					// set a flag
      continue;						// and keep searching

    // Header->FileName is a null-terminated string, we need it's length to calculate actual length of header data...
    FileHeader->FileName[sizeof(FileHeader->FileName) -1] = '\0'; // Ensure strlen finds a terminator (string may be junk)
    HeaderLen = V2_FILEHEADER_SIZE - sizeof(FileHeader->FileName) + strlen(FileHeader->FileName) + 1;

    // If we get this far, there's a good chance we've got the header...
    /*#ifdef	__BIG_ENDIAN__
      // FixEndians of all multi-byte integers (currently only relevent to Mac)
      #define FIXENDIAN(field)	FixEndian(&(FileHeader->field), sizeof(FileHeader->field))
      FIXENDIAN(Flags); 	FIXENDIAN(OriginalSize); 	FIXENDIAN(CompressedSize);
      FIXENDIAN(FileCheck);	FIXENDIAN(HdrCheck); 		FIXENDIAN(FileType);
      FIXENDIAN(AudioStart);	FIXENDIAN(PostAudioStart);
      #undef FIXENDIAN
    // Ok now, we know the HeaderLength and have the FileHeader structure properly populated...
    #if 0
    // debug, display header...
    printf("Flags %lx  OrignalSize %ld  CompressedSize %ld\n", FileHeader->Flags, FileHeader->OriginalSize, FileHeader->CompressedSize);
    printf("FileCheck %lx  HdrCheck %lx  ProgVersionNeeded %d\n", FileHeader->FileCheck, FileHeader->HdrCheck, FileHeader->ProgVersionNeeded);
    printf("AudioStart %ld  PostAudioStart %ld  Orginal filename %s\n", FileHeader->AudioStart, FileHeader->PostAudioStart, FileHeader->FileName);
    *(uint32_t *)(HdrBuf+HEADER_HDRCHECK_POS) = 0;			// Zero-out the HeaderChecksum position in the buffer
    CalcHdrCheck = adler32(0, HdrBuf, HeaderLen);		// and recalculate the header checksum
    HdrCheckDone = 1;
    if (CalcHdrCheck == FileHeader->HdrCheck)  break;		// Check passed: Yes, we've found the header!

  // When we get here, see what happened:
  if (SigFound && HdrCheckDone && CalcHdrCheck == FileHeader->HdrCheck)	// Everything Ok!  File is V2 and valid
    ; 							// Fall through to below (everything else is an error)
  else if (SeemsV1)					// Seems to be a sfArkV1 file
    sprintf(MsgTxt, "This file was created with sfArk V1, and this program only handles sfArk V2+ files.  Unfortunately sfArk V1 uses a proprietary compression algorithm for the non-audio metadata, so we cannot really support that. You might try running the Windows sfArk program from http://melodymachine.com/sfark.htm under Wine."); 
    msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
    return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE);
  else if (SigFound)					// Apparently a corrupt sfArk file (well, it had "sfArk" in it!)
    sprintf(MsgTxt, "File Header fails checksum!%s", CorruptedMsg);
    msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
    return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_HEADERCHECK);
  else							// Either very corrupted, or not a sfArk file
    sprintf(MsgTxt, "This does not appear to be a sfArk file!");
    msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
    return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_SIGNATURE);

  // Get CreatedBy program name and version number (need null-terminated strings)...
  strncpy(CreatedByProg, FileHeader->ProgName, HDR_NAME_LEN);			// Copy program name
  CreatedByProg[HDR_NAME_LEN] = 0;																		// Terminate string
  strncpy(CreatedByVersion, FileHeader->ProgVersion, HDR_VERS_LEN);		// Copy version string
  CreatedByVersion[HDR_VERS_LEN] = 0;																	// Terminate string

  // Check for compatible version...
  if (FileHeader->ProgVersionNeeded > ProgVersionMaj)
    sprintf(MsgTxt, "You need %s version %2.1f (or higher) to decompress this file (your version is %s) %s", 
		ProgName, (float)FileHeader->ProgVersionNeeded/10, ProgVersion, UpgradeMsg);
    msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
    return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE);

  // Warn if file was created by a newer version than this version...
  float fProgVersion = (float) atof(ProgVersion);
  float fCreatedByVersion = (float) atof(CreatedByVersion);
  if (fCreatedByVersion > fProgVersion)
    sprintf(MsgTxt, "This file was created with %s %s.  Your version of %s (%s) can uncompress this file, "
			"but you might like to obtain the latest version.  %s",
			CreatedByProg, CreatedByVersion, ProgName, ProgVersion, UpgradeMsg);
    msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);

  SetInputFilePosition(HdrOffset + HeaderLen);	// re-wind file to start of post-header data