DDSIP_DetEqu ()
    CPXLPptr det_equ;

    int status, scen, i, j, k;
    char probname[] = "sipout/det_equ.lp.gz";
    double *obj_coef;
    double *scaled_obj_coef;
    char *sense;
    char **scen_spec_rowname;
    char **scen_spec_colname;
    char **rowname, *rownamestore;
    char **colname, *colnamestore;
    int rowstorespace, rowsurplus_p;
    int colstorespace, colsurplus_p;
    char *string1, *string2;
    double coef;
    double *lb, *lb_sorted;
    double *ub, *ub_sorted;
    char *vartype, *vartype_sorted;
    int *colindex_sorted, *colindex_revers, *matcol_sorted;
    double *value;
    double *det_equ_rhs = NULL;
    double *non_stoc_rhs = NULL;
    if (DDSIP_param->seccon)
        det_equ_rhs = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc(sizeof(double),DDSIP_param->seccon,"det_equ_rhs(DetEqu)");
        fprintf (stderr,"XXX ERROR: no second stage contraints, got DDSIP_param->seccon=%d.\n",DDSIP_param->seccon);
        exit (1);
    if (DDSIP_param->seccon - DDSIP_param->stocrhs>0)
        non_stoc_rhs = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc(sizeof(double),DDSIP_param->seccon - DDSIP_param->stocrhs,"non_stoc_rhs(DetEqu)");

    fprintf (stderr,
             "\nBuilding deterministic equivalent. This may take some time.\nWorks only for expectation-based model so far.\n");

    if (!(sense = (char *) calloc (DDSIP_param->seccon, sizeof (char))))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");

    if (!(obj_coef = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (double))) ||
            !(scaled_obj_coef = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_bb->secvar, sizeof (double))))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");

    det_equ = CPXcloneprob (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, &status);
    CPXchgprobname (DDSIP_env, det_equ, probname);

    if (!(rowname = (char **) calloc (DDSIP_param->seccon, sizeof (char *)))
            || !(scen_spec_rowname = (char **) calloc (DDSIP_param->seccon, sizeof (char *)))
            || !(rownamestore = (char *) calloc (DDSIP_param->seccon * 255, sizeof (char))))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
    rowstorespace = DDSIP_param->seccon * 255;
    status = CPXgetrowname (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, rowname, rownamestore,
                            rowstorespace, &rowsurplus_p, DDSIP_param->firstcon, DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_param->seccon - 1);

    if (!(colname = (char **) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (char *)))
            || !(scen_spec_colname = (char **) calloc (DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (char *)))
            || !(colnamestore = (char *) calloc (DDSIP_param->secvar * 255, sizeof (char))))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
    colstorespace = (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar) * 255;
    status = CPXgetcolname (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, colname, colnamestore,
                            colstorespace, &colsurplus_p, 0, DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar - 1);

    status = CPXgetsense (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, sense, DDSIP_param->firstcon, DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_param->seccon - 1);
    status = CPXgetrhs (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, non_stoc_rhs, DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_param->stocrhs, DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_param->seccon - 1);
    status = CPXgetobj (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, obj_coef, 0, DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar - 1);
    //copy rownames scenario many times, append scenario index
    //and enter sense and rhs
    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->seccon; j++)
            if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
            string1 = rowname[j];
            sprintf (string2, "%sSC%.3d", string1, scen);
            scen_spec_rowname[j] = string2;

            if (j < DDSIP_param->stocrhs)
                det_equ_rhs[j] = DDSIP_data->rhs[DDSIP_param->stocrhs * scen + j];
                det_equ_rhs[j] = non_stoc_rhs[j - DDSIP_param->stocrhs];
        status = CPXnewrows (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->seccon, det_equ_rhs, sense, NULL, scen_spec_rowname);
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->seccon; j++)
            DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_rowname[j]));

    //copy colnames scenario many times, append scenario index
    //and enter into constraint matrix
    if (!(lb = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (double)))
            || !(lb_sorted = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (double)))
            || !(ub = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (double)))
            || !(ub_sorted = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (double)))
            || !(vartype = (char *) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (char)))
            || !(vartype_sorted = (char *) calloc (DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (double)))
            || !(colindex_revers = (int *) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (int)))
            || !(colindex_sorted = (int *) calloc (DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar, sizeof (int))))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");

    status = CPXgetlb (DDSIP_env, det_equ, lb, 0, DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar - 1);
    status = CPXgetub (DDSIP_env, det_equ, ub, 0, DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar - 1);
    status = CPXgetctype (DDSIP_env, det_equ, vartype, 0, DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar - 1);
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->secvar; j++)
        vartype_sorted[j] = vartype[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
        lb_sorted[j] = lb[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
        ub_sorted[j] = ub[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];

    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->secvar; j++)
            if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
            string1 = colname[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
            sprintf (string2, "%sSC%.3d", string1, scen);
            scen_spec_colname[j] = string2;
            scaled_obj_coef[j] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen] * obj_coef[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];

        status =
            CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->secvar, scaled_obj_coef,
                        lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname);
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->secvar; j++)
            DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_colname[j]));


    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->firstvar; j++)
        colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex[j];
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->secvar; j++)
        colindex_sorted[DDSIP_param->firstvar + j] = DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j];
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar; j++)
        colindex_revers[colindex_sorted[j]] = j;

    k = DDSIP_param->seccon / 60;
    printf ("\n0%%                                                         100%%\n");
    for (i = 0; i < DDSIP_param->seccon; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->firstvar; j++)
            if ((status = CPXgetcoef (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->firstcon + i, colindex_sorted[j], &coef)))
                fprintf (stderr, " Build det. equivalent: Error retrieving coefficient of first-stage Variable %d.\n", j);
                exit (1);
            if (coef)
                for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
                    status =
                        CPXchgcoef (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_bb->seccon + scen * DDSIP_param->seccon + i, colindex_sorted[j], coef);
                    if (status)
                        fprintf (stderr, " Build det. equivalent: Error setting coefficient of first-stage Variable %d.\n", j);
                        exit (1);
        for (j = DDSIP_param->firstvar; j < DDSIP_param->firstvar + DDSIP_param->secvar; j++)
            if ((status = CPXgetcoef (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->firstcon + i, colindex_sorted[j], &coef)))
                fprintf (stderr,
                         " Build det. equivalent: Error retrieving coefficient of second-stage Variable %d.\n",
                         j - DDSIP_param->firstvar);
                exit (1);
            if (coef)
                for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
                    status =
                        CPXchgcoef (DDSIP_env, det_equ,
                                    DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_bb->seccon + scen * DDSIP_param->seccon + i, (scen + 1) * DDSIP_param->secvar + j, coef);
                if (status)
                    fprintf (stderr,
                             " Build det. equivalent: Error setting coefficient of second-stage Variable %d.\n",
                             j - DDSIP_param->firstvar);
                    exit (1);
        if (!k)
            for (j = 0; j <= 60 / DDSIP_param->seccon; j++)
                printf ("#");
        else if (i % k == k - 1)
            printf ("#");
    printf ("\n\n");

    ///////delete original second stage rows & cols ////////////////////////////////////////////

    status = CPXdelrows (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->firstcon, DDSIP_param->firstcon + DDSIP_bb->seccon - 1);
    j = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < DDSIP_param->secvar; i++)
        status = CPXdelcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_bb->secondindex[i] - j, DDSIP_bb->secondindex[i] - j);

    ///////enter stochastic matrix entries//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if (DDSIP_param->stocmat)

        if (!(value = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->stocmat, sizeof (double)))
                || !(matcol_sorted = (int *) calloc (DDSIP_param->stocmat, sizeof (int))))
            fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
            matcol_sorted[j] = colindex_revers[DDSIP_data->matcol[j]];
        for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
                value[j] = DDSIP_data->matval[scen * DDSIP_param->stocmat + j];
            status = CPXchgcoeflist (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->stocmat, DDSIP_data->matrow, matcol_sorted, value);
            if (status)
                char errmsg[1024];
                CPXgeterrorstring (DDSIP_env, status, errmsg);
                fprintf (stderr, "in DetEqu: %s\n", errmsg);
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
                DDSIP_data->matrow[j] += DDSIP_param->seccon;
                if (matcol_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_param->firstvar)
                    matcol_sorted[j] += DDSIP_param->secvar;
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(value));
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(matcol_sorted));
        //set matrow to the old values
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
            DDSIP_data->matrow[j] -= DDSIP_param->scenarios * DDSIP_param->seccon;

    ///////enter stochastic cost coefficients //////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if (DDSIP_param->stoccost)

        if (!(value = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->stoccost, sizeof (double)))
                || !(matcol_sorted = (int *) calloc (DDSIP_param->stoccost, sizeof (int))))
            fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
            value[j] = 0.0;
            matcol_sorted[j] = colindex_revers[DDSIP_data->costind[j]];
        for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
                if (matcol_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_param->firstvar)
                    value[j] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen] * DDSIP_data->cost[scen * DDSIP_param->stoccost + j];
                    value[j] += DDSIP_data->prob[scen] * DDSIP_data->cost[scen * DDSIP_param->stoccost + j];
            status = CPXchgobj (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->stoccost, matcol_sorted, value);
            if (status)
                char errmsg[1024];
                CPXgeterrorstring (DDSIP_env, status, errmsg);
                fprintf (stderr, "in DetEqu: %s\n", errmsg);
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
                if (matcol_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_param->firstvar)
                    matcol_sorted[j] += DDSIP_param->secvar;
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(value));
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(matcol_sorted));


    status = CPXwriteprob (DDSIP_env, det_equ, probname, NULL);
    if (status)
        fprintf (DDSIP_outfile, " *** Deterministic equivalent not written successfully, status = %d\n", status);
        fprintf (DDSIP_outfile, " *** Deterministic equivalent written successfully\n");
    status = CPXfreeprob (DDSIP_env, &det_equ);

    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(sense));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(vartype));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rowname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rownamestore));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colnamestore));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(det_equ_rhs));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(non_stoc_rhs));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(lb));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(ub));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(vartype_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(lb_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(ub_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(obj_coef));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scaled_obj_coef));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colindex_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colindex_revers));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_rowname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_colname));
DDSIP_DetEqu ()
    CPXLPptr det_equ;

    int status, scen, i, j, k, nzcnt_row, ranged = 0;
    char probname[] = "sipout/det_equ.lp.gz";
    double *scaled_obj_coef = NULL;
    char *sense = NULL, *sense_sorted = NULL;
    char **scen_spec_rowname = NULL;
    char **scen_spec_colname = NULL;
    char **rowname = NULL, *rownamestore = NULL;
    char **colname = NULL, *colnamestore = NULL;
    int rowstorespace, rowsurplus;
    int colstorespace, colsurplus;
    char *string1 = NULL, *string2 = NULL;
    double *lb = NULL, *lb_sorted = NULL;
    double *ub = NULL, *ub_sorted = NULL;
    double *rng = NULL, *rng_sorted = NULL;
    char *vartype = NULL, *vartype_sorted = NULL;
    int *colindex_sorted = NULL, *colindex_revers = NULL;
    double *value = NULL;
    double *det_equ_rhs = NULL;
    double *base_rhs = NULL;
    int nzcnt=0, *rmatbeg=NULL, *rmatind=NULL, *rmatbeg_stage=NULL, *rmatind_stage=NULL, *rowindex=NULL;
    double *rmatval=NULL, *rmatval_stage=NULL;
    double time_start, time_end;
    time_start = DDSIP_GetCpuTime ();
    k = abs(DDSIP_param->riskmod);
    if (k > 2 && k != 4)
        fprintf (stderr,
             "\nNot building deterministic equivalent, not available for risk model %d\n",DDSIP_param->riskmod);
        fprintf (DDSIP_outfile,
             "\nNot building deterministic equivalent, not available for risk model %d\n",DDSIP_param->riskmod);
    if (DDSIP_data->seccon)
        det_equ_rhs = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc(sizeof(double),DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->seccon, DDSIP_param->scenarios), DDSIP_data->firstcon),"det_equ_rhs(DetEqu)");
        fprintf (stderr,"XXX ERROR: no second stage contraints, got DDSIP_data->seccon=%d.\n",DDSIP_data->seccon);

    fprintf (stderr,
             "\nBuilding deterministic equivalent.\nWorks only for expectation-based models.\n");

    colstorespace = DDSIP_data->novar * 255;
    rowstorespace = DDSIP_data->nocon * 255;
    if (!(sense = (char *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char), DDSIP_data->nocon, "sense(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(sense_sorted = (char *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_param->scenarios, DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstcon,DDSIP_data->seccon)), "sense_sorted(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(base_rhs = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc(sizeof(double),DDSIP_data->nocon,"base_rhs(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(scaled_obj_coef = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstvar, DDSIP_data->secvar), "base_rhs(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(colname = (char **) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char *), DDSIP_data->novar,"base_rhs(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(scen_spec_colname = (char **) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char *), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstvar,DDSIP_data->secvar), "scen_spec_colname(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(colnamestore = (char *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char), colstorespace, "colnamestore(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rowname = (char **) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char *), DDSIP_data->nocon, "rowname(DetrEqu)")) ||
        !(scen_spec_rowname = (char **) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char *), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_param->scenarios, DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstcon,DDSIP_data->seccon)), "scen_spec_rowname(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rownamestore = (char *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char), rowstorespace, "rownamestore(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(lb = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_data->novar, "lb(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(lb_sorted = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstvar,DDSIP_data->secvar), "lb_sorted(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(ub = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_data->novar, "ub(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(ub_sorted = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstvar,DDSIP_data->secvar), "ub_sorted(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(vartype = (char *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (char), DDSIP_data->novar, "vartype(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(vartype_sorted = (char *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstvar,DDSIP_data->secvar), "vartype_sorted(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(colindex_sorted = (int *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (int), DDSIP_data->novar, "colindex_sorted(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rowindex = (int *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (int), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstcon, DDSIP_data->seccon), "rowindex(DetEqu)")))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
        goto FREE;

    // get problem data
    if((status = CPXgetcolname (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, colname, colnamestore,
                            colstorespace, &colsurplus, 0, DDSIP_data->novar - 1)) ||
       (status = CPXgetrowname (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, rowname, rownamestore,
                            rowstorespace, &rowsurplus, 0, DDSIP_data->nocon - 1)) ||
       (status = CPXgetsense (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, sense, 0, DDSIP_data->nocon - 1)) ||
       (status = CPXgetrhs (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, base_rhs, 0, DDSIP_data->nocon - 1)) ||
       (status = CPXgetlb (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, lb, 0, DDSIP_data->novar - 1)) ||
       (status = CPXgetub (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, ub, 0, DDSIP_data->novar - 1)) ||
       (status = CPXgetctype (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, vartype, 0, DDSIP_data->novar - 1)))
        fprintf (stderr, "Coud not get problem data, returned %d\n", status);
        goto FREE;
    // check whether there are ranged rows
    for (j=0; j<DDSIP_data->nocon; j++)
        if (sense[j] == 'R')
            ranged = 1;
    if (ranged)
        if (!(rng = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_data->nocon, "rng(DetEqu)")) ||
            !(rng_sorted = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstcon,DDSIP_data->seccon), "rng_sorted(DetEqu)")))
            fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
            goto FREE;
        if ((status = CPXgetrngval (DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, rng, 0, DDSIP_data->nocon-1)))
            fprintf (stderr, "Coud not get problem ranges, returned %d\n", status);
            goto FREE;

    // create empty problem
    det_equ = CPXcreateprob (DDSIP_env, &status, probname);
    if (status)
        fprintf (stderr, "CPXcreateprob returned %d\n", status);
        goto FREE;
    // add (original) first-stage variables
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->firstvar; j++)
        vartype_sorted[j]   = vartype[DDSIP_bb->firstindex[j]];
        lb_sorted[j]        = lb[DDSIP_bb->firstindex[j]];
        ub_sorted[j]        = ub[DDSIP_bb->firstindex[j]];
        if (DDSIP_param->deteqType && DDSIP_param->riskmod >= 0)
            scaled_obj_coef[j]  = DDSIP_data->obj_coef[DDSIP_bb->firstindex[j]];
        scen_spec_colname[j]= colname[DDSIP_bb->firstindex[j]];
    if ((status = CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_data->firstvar, scaled_obj_coef,
                        lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname)))
        fprintf (stderr, "CPXnewcols returned %d for first-stage variables\n", status);
        goto FREE;
    // add (original) second-stage variables for all scenarios
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->secvar; j++)
        vartype_sorted[j] = vartype[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
        lb_sorted[j]      = lb[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
        ub_sorted[j]      = ub[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->secvar; j++)
            if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
                goto FREE;
            // append scenario index to colname
            string1 = colname[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
            sprintf (string2, "%sSC%.3d", string1, scen+1);
            scen_spec_colname[j] = string2;
            if (DDSIP_param->deteqType && DDSIP_param->riskmod >= 0)
                scaled_obj_coef[j] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen] * DDSIP_data->obj_coef[DDSIP_bb->secondindex[j]];
        if ((status = CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_data->secvar, scaled_obj_coef,
                        lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname)))
            fprintf (stderr, "CPXnewcols returned %d for second-stage variables of scenario %d\n", status, scen+1);
            goto FREE;
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->secvar; j++)
            DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_colname[j]));
    // add second-stage variable for objective value of the scenarios
    if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
        goto FREE;
    scen_spec_colname[0] = string2;
    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        vartype_sorted[0] = 'C';
        lb_sorted[0]      = -DDSIP_infty;
        ub_sorted[0]      =  DDSIP_infty;
        sprintf (string2, "DDSIPobj_SC%.3d", scen+1);
        if (!DDSIP_param->deteqType && DDSIP_param->riskmod >= 0)
            scaled_obj_coef[0] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen];
            scaled_obj_coef[0] = 0.;
        if ((status = CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, 1, scaled_obj_coef,
                        lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname)))
            fprintf (stderr, "CPXnewcols returned %d for second-stage variable  DDSIPobj_SC%.3d\n", status, scen+1);
            goto FREE;
    // add the additional variables needed for risk models ///////////////////////////////////////
    if (DDSIP_param->riskmod)
        switch (abs(DDSIP_param->riskmod))
          case 1:  // Expected excess
             // one continuous second-stage variable for each scenario
             for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
                vartype_sorted[0] = 'C';
                lb_sorted[0]      = 0.;
                ub_sorted[0]      = DDSIP_infty;
                sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_expexc_SC%.3d", scen+1);
                if (DDSIP_param->riskmod > 0)
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = DDSIP_param->riskweight*DDSIP_data->prob[scen];
                else if (DDSIP_param->riskmod < 0)
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen];
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = 0.;
                if ((status = CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, 1, scaled_obj_coef,
                                lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname)))
                    fprintf (stderr, "CPXnewcols returned %d for second-stage variable  %s\n", status, string2);
                    goto FREE;
          case 2:  // Excess Probability
             // one binary second-stage variable for each scenario
             for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
                vartype_sorted[0] = 'B';
                lb_sorted[0]      = 0.;
                ub_sorted[0]      = 1.;
                sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_excprob_SC%.3d", scen+1);
                if (DDSIP_param->riskmod > 0)
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = DDSIP_param->riskweight*DDSIP_data->prob[scen];
                else if (DDSIP_param->riskmod < 0)
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen];
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = 0.;
                if ((status = CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, 1, scaled_obj_coef,
                                lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname)))
                    fprintf (stderr, "CPXnewcols returned %d for second-stage variable  %s\n", status, string2);
                    goto FREE;
          case 4:  // Worst Case Costs
             // one continuous first-stage variable
                vartype_sorted[0] = 'C';
                lb_sorted[0]      = -DDSIP_infty;
                ub_sorted[0]      =  DDSIP_infty;
                if (DDSIP_param->prefix)
                    if (!(strlen(DDSIP_param->prefix)))
                        fprintf (stderr," *** ERROR: The prefix for the first stage variables has to have a positive length.\n");
                        exit (1);
                    sprintf (string2, "%sDDSIP_n_aux01",DDSIP_param->prefix);
                    if (!(strlen(DDSIP_param->postfix)))
                        fprintf (stderr," *** ERROR: The postfix for the first stage variables has to have a positive length.\n");
                        exit (1);
                    sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_worstc_%s",DDSIP_param->postfix);
                if (DDSIP_param->riskmod > 0)
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = DDSIP_param->riskweight;
                else if (DDSIP_param->riskmod < 0)
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = 1.;
                    scaled_obj_coef[0] = 0.;
                if ((status = CPXnewcols (DDSIP_env, det_equ, 1, scaled_obj_coef,
                                lb_sorted, ub_sorted, vartype_sorted, scen_spec_colname)))
                    fprintf (stderr, "CPXnewcols returned %d for second-stage variable  %s\n", status, string2);
                    goto FREE;
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_colname[0]));
    ///////enter stochastic cost coefficients in case of deteqType 1 //////////////////////////////
    if (DDSIP_param->stoccost && DDSIP_param->deteqType && DDSIP_param->riskmod >= 0)
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
            scaled_obj_coef[j] = 0.0;
            if ((colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[DDSIP_data->costind[j]]))
                 colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_bb->secondindex_reverse[DDSIP_data->costind[j]];
        for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
                if (colindex_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_data->firstvar)
                    scaled_obj_coef[j] = DDSIP_data->prob[scen] * DDSIP_data->cost[scen * DDSIP_param->stoccost + j];
                    scaled_obj_coef[j] += DDSIP_data->prob[scen] * DDSIP_data->cost[scen * DDSIP_param->stoccost + j];
            status = CPXchgobj (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->stoccost, colindex_sorted, scaled_obj_coef);
            if (status)
                char errmsg[1024];
                CPXgeterrorstring (DDSIP_env, status, errmsg);
                fprintf (stderr, "in DetEqu: %s\n", errmsg);
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
                if (colindex_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_data->firstvar)
                    colindex_sorted[j] += DDSIP_data->secvar;
    // free arrays needeed only for columns
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(vartype));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colnamestore));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(lb));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(ub));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(vartype_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(lb_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(ub_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scaled_obj_coef));
    // get problem matrix coefficients
    // query the length needed for storage of coefficients
    CPXgetrows(DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, &nzcnt, rmatbeg, rmatind, rmatval, 0, &rowsurplus, 0, DDSIP_data->nocon-1);
    nzcnt = -rowsurplus;
    if (!(rmatbeg = (int *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (int), DDSIP_data->nocon, "rmatbeg(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rmatind = (int *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (int), DDSIP_Imax(nzcnt, DDSIP_param->stocmat), "rmatind(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rmatval = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), nzcnt, "rmatval(DetEqu)")))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
        goto FREE;
    CPXgetrows(DDSIP_env, DDSIP_lp, &nzcnt, rmatbeg, rmatind, rmatval, nzcnt, &rowsurplus, 0, DDSIP_data->nocon-1);

    printf(" got %d elements of the matrix\n", nzcnt);

    k = DDSIP_Imax(nzcnt + DDSIP_param->stocmat, DDSIP_param->scenarios*(DDSIP_data->novar+1));
    if (!(rmatbeg_stage = (int *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (int), DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_param->scenarios, DDSIP_Imax(DDSIP_data->firstcon, DDSIP_data->seccon)), "rmatbeg_stage(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rmatind_stage = (int *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (int), k, "rmatind_stage(DetEqu)")) ||
        !(rmatval_stage = (double *) DDSIP_Alloc (sizeof (double), k, "rmatval_stage(DetEqu)")))
        fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
        goto FREE;

    // add first-stage constraints
    k = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->firstcon; j++)
        sense_sorted[j] = sense[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]];
        det_equ_rhs[j] = base_rhs[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]];
        scen_spec_rowname[j] = rowname[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]];
	rmatbeg_stage[j] = k;
	if (DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j] == DDSIP_data->nocon -1)
            nzcnt_row = nzcnt - rmatbeg[DDSIP_data->nocon -1];
            nzcnt_row = rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]+1] - rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]];
	for (i = 0; i < nzcnt_row; i++)
            rmatind_stage[k + i] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[rmatind[rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]] + i]];
            rmatval_stage[k + i] = rmatval[rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]] + i];
	k += nzcnt_row;
    if ((status = CPXaddrows(DDSIP_env, det_equ, 0, DDSIP_data->firstcon, k, det_equ_rhs, sense_sorted, rmatbeg_stage, rmatind_stage, rmatval_stage, NULL, scen_spec_rowname)))
        fprintf (stderr, "CPXaddrows returned %d for first-stage constraints\n", status);
        goto FREE;
    if (ranged)
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->firstcon; j++)
            rng_sorted[j] = rng[DDSIP_bb->firstrowind[j]];
            rowindex[j]   = j;
        if((status = CPXchgrngval(DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_data->firstcon, rowindex, rng_sorted)))
            fprintf (stderr, "CPXchgrngval returned %d for first-stage constraints\n", status);
            goto FREE;

    // add second-stage constraints
    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        k = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->seccon; j++)
            sense_sorted[j] = sense[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]];
            det_equ_rhs[j] = base_rhs[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]];
            if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
                goto FREE;
            // append scenario index to colname
            string1 = rowname[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]];
            sprintf (string2, "%sSC%.3d", string1, scen+1);
            scen_spec_rowname[j] = string2;
            rmatbeg_stage[j] = k;
            if (DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j] == DDSIP_data->nocon -1)
                nzcnt_row = nzcnt - rmatbeg[DDSIP_data->nocon -1];
                nzcnt_row = rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]+1] - rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]];

            for (i = 0; i < nzcnt_row; i++)
                if (DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[rmatind[rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]] + i]] < 0)
                    rmatind_stage[k + i] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + scen*DDSIP_data->secvar + DDSIP_bb->secondindex_reverse[rmatind[rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]] + i]];
                    rmatind_stage[k + i] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[rmatind[rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]] + i]];
                rmatval_stage[k + i] = rmatval[rmatbeg[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]] + i];
            k += nzcnt_row;
        ///////enter stochastic rhs entries//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        for (j=0; j< DDSIP_param->stocrhs; j++)
            det_equ_rhs[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind_reverse[DDSIP_data->rhsind[j]]] = DDSIP_data->rhs[scen * DDSIP_param->stocrhs + j];

        if ((status = CPXaddrows(DDSIP_env, det_equ, 0, DDSIP_data->seccon, k, det_equ_rhs, sense_sorted, rmatbeg_stage, rmatind_stage, rmatval_stage, NULL, scen_spec_rowname)))
            fprintf (stderr, "CPXaddrows returned %d for second-stage constraints scenario %d\n", status, scen+1);
            goto FREE;
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->seccon; j++)
            DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_rowname[j]));
        if (ranged)
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_data->seccon; j++)
                rng_sorted[j] = rng[DDSIP_bb->secondrowind[j]];
                rowindex[j]   = DDSIP_data->firstcon + scen * DDSIP_data->seccon + j;
            if ((status = CPXchgrngval(DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_data->seccon, rowindex, rng_sorted)))
                fprintf (stderr, "CPXchgrngval returned %d for first-stage constraints\n", status);
                goto FREE;
    ///////enter stochastic matrix entries//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if (DDSIP_param->stocmat)

        if (!(value = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->stocmat, sizeof (double))))
            fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
            goto FREE;
        for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
            if ((colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[DDSIP_data->matcol[j]]))
                 colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_bb->secondindex_reverse[DDSIP_data->matcol[j]];
            rmatind[j] = DDSIP_data->firstcon + DDSIP_bb->secondrowind_reverse[DDSIP_data->matrow[j]];
        for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
                value[j] = DDSIP_data->matval[scen * DDSIP_param->stocmat + j];
            status = CPXchgcoeflist (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->stocmat, rmatind, colindex_sorted, value);
            if (status)
                char errmsg[1024];
                CPXgeterrorstring (DDSIP_env, status, errmsg);
                fprintf (stderr, "in DetEqu chgcoeflist returned %d: %s\n", status, errmsg);
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
                rmatind[j] += DDSIP_data->seccon;
                if (colindex_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_data->firstvar)
                    colindex_sorted[j] += DDSIP_data->secvar;
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(value));

    // add second-stage equations for the objective values of the scenarios
    k = 0;
    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        sense_sorted[scen] = 'E';
        det_equ_rhs[scen] = 0.;
        if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
            fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
            goto FREE;
        sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_o_SC%.3d", scen+1);
        scen_spec_rowname[scen] = string2;
        rmatbeg_stage[scen] = k;
        nzcnt_row = DDSIP_data->novar + 1;
        for (i = 0; i < DDSIP_data->novar; i++)
            if (DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[i] < 0)
                rmatind_stage[k + i] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + scen*DDSIP_data->secvar + DDSIP_bb->secondindex_reverse[i];
                rmatind_stage[k + i] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[i];
            rmatval_stage[k + i] = DDSIP_data->obj_coef[i];
        rmatind_stage[k + DDSIP_data->novar] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + scen;
        rmatval_stage[k + DDSIP_data->novar] = -1.;
        k += nzcnt_row;
    if ((status = CPXaddrows(DDSIP_env, det_equ, 0, DDSIP_param->scenarios, k, det_equ_rhs, sense_sorted, rmatbeg_stage, rmatind_stage, rmatval_stage, NULL, scen_spec_rowname)))
        fprintf (stderr, "CPXaddrows returned %d for second-stage objective constraints\n", status);
        goto FREE;
    for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_rowname[scen]));
    ///////enter stochastic cost coefficients in the objective equations //////////////////////////////
    if (DDSIP_param->stoccost)
        if (!(value = (double *) calloc (DDSIP_param->stoccost, sizeof (double))))
            fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
            goto FREE;
        for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stoccost; j++)
                if ((colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_bb->firstindex_reverse[DDSIP_data->costind[j]]) < 0)
                     colindex_sorted[j] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + scen * DDSIP_data->secvar +DDSIP_bb->secondindex_reverse[DDSIP_data->costind[j]];
                rmatind[j] = DDSIP_data->firstcon + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->seccon + scen;
                value[j] = DDSIP_data->cost[scen * DDSIP_param->stoccost + j];
            status = CPXchgcoeflist (DDSIP_env, det_equ, DDSIP_param->stoccost, rmatind, colindex_sorted, value);
            if (status)
                char errmsg[1024];
                CPXgeterrorstring (DDSIP_env, status, errmsg);
                fprintf (stderr, "in DetEqu chgcoeflist returned %d: %s\n", status, errmsg);
            for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->stocmat; j++)
                rmatind[j] += DDSIP_data->seccon;
                if (colindex_sorted[j] >= DDSIP_data->firstvar)
                    colindex_sorted[j] += DDSIP_data->secvar;
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(value));
    // add second-stage equations for the risk models //////////////////////////////////
    switch (abs(DDSIP_param->riskmod))
      case 1:  // Expected excess
         k = 0;
         for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
             sense_sorted[scen] = 'L';
             det_equ_rhs[scen]  = DDSIP_param->risktarget;
             if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                 fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
                 goto FREE;
             sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_exp_excess_SC%.3d", scen+1);
             scen_spec_rowname[scen] = string2;
             rmatbeg_stage[scen] = k;
             nzcnt_row = 2;
             rmatind_stage[k]     = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + scen; 
             rmatval_stage[k]     = 1.;
             rmatind_stage[k + 1] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios + scen; 
             rmatval_stage[k + 1] = -1.;
             k += nzcnt_row;
         if ((status = CPXaddrows(DDSIP_env, det_equ, 0, DDSIP_param->scenarios, k, det_equ_rhs, sense_sorted, rmatbeg_stage, rmatind_stage, rmatval_stage, NULL, scen_spec_rowname)))
             fprintf (stderr, "CPXaddrows returned %d for second-stage risk constraints\n", status);
             goto FREE;
      case 2:  // Excess probability
         k = 0;
         for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
             sense_sorted[scen] = 'L';
             det_equ_rhs[scen]  = DDSIP_param->risktarget;
             if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                 fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
                 goto FREE;
             sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_excess_prob_SC%.3d", scen+1);
             scen_spec_rowname[scen] = string2;
             rmatbeg_stage[scen] = k;
             nzcnt_row = 2;
             rmatind_stage[k]     = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + scen; 
             rmatval_stage[k]     = 1.;
             rmatind_stage[k + 1] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios + scen; 
             rmatval_stage[k + 1] = -DDSIP_param->riskM;
             k += nzcnt_row;
         if ((status = CPXaddrows(DDSIP_env, det_equ, 0, DDSIP_param->scenarios, k, det_equ_rhs, sense_sorted, rmatbeg_stage, rmatind_stage, rmatval_stage, NULL, scen_spec_rowname)))
             fprintf (stderr, "CPXaddrows returned %d for second-stage risk constraints\n", status);
             goto FREE;
      case 4:  // Worst case cost
         k = 0;
         for (scen = 0; scen < DDSIP_param->scenarios; scen++)
             sense_sorted[scen] = 'L';
             det_equ_rhs[scen]  = 0.;
             if (!(string2 = (char *) calloc (1, 255 * sizeof (char))))
                 fprintf (stderr, "Not enough memory for building deterministic equivalent\n");
                 goto FREE;
             sprintf (string2, "DDSIP_worst_case_SC%.3d", scen+1);
             scen_spec_rowname[scen] = string2;
             rmatbeg_stage[scen] = k;
             nzcnt_row = 2;
             rmatind_stage[k]     = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + scen; 
             rmatval_stage[k]     = 1.;
             rmatind_stage[k + 1] = DDSIP_data->firstvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios*DDSIP_data->secvar + DDSIP_param->scenarios; 
             rmatval_stage[k + 1] = -1.;
             k += nzcnt_row;
         if ((status = CPXaddrows(DDSIP_env, det_equ, 0, DDSIP_param->scenarios, k, det_equ_rhs, sense_sorted, rmatbeg_stage, rmatind_stage, rmatval_stage, NULL, scen_spec_rowname)))
             fprintf (stderr, "CPXaddrows returned %d for second-stage risk constraints\n", status);
             goto FREE;
    for (j = 0; j < DDSIP_param->scenarios; j++)
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_rowname[j]));

    time_end = DDSIP_GetCpuTime ();
    fprintf (DDSIP_outfile, " %6.2f sec  for building deterministic equivalent\n",time_end-time_start);

    status = CPXwriteprob (DDSIP_env, det_equ, probname, NULL);
    if (status)
        fprintf (DDSIP_outfile, " *** Deterministic equivalent not written successfully, status = %d\n", status);
        printf  (" *** Deterministic equivalent not written successfully, status = %d\n", status);
        fprintf (DDSIP_outfile, " *** Deterministic equivalent %s written successfully\n", probname);
        printf  (" *** Deterministic equivalent %s written successfully\n", probname);
    status = CPXfreeprob (DDSIP_env, &det_equ);
    time_start = DDSIP_GetCpuTime ();
    fprintf (DDSIP_outfile, " %6.2f sec  for writing deterministic equivalent\n",time_start-time_end);

    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(sense));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(sense_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(vartype));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rowname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rownamestore));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colnamestore));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(det_equ_rhs));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(base_rhs));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(lb));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(ub));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(vartype_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(lb_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(ub_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scaled_obj_coef));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colindex_sorted));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(colindex_revers));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_rowname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(scen_spec_colname));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rmatbeg));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rmatind));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rmatval));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rmatbeg_stage));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rmatind_stage));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rmatval_stage));
    DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rowindex));
    if (ranged)
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rng));
        DDSIP_Free ((void **) &(rng_sorted));
 * The function returns a true value if the tested KKT conditions are
 * satisfied and false otherwise.
static int
checkkkt (CPXCENVptr env, CPXLPptr lp, int const *cone, double tol)
   int cols = CPXgetnumcols (env, lp);
   int rows = CPXgetnumrows (env, lp);
   int qcons = CPXgetnumqconstrs (env, lp);
   double *dslack = NULL, *pi = NULL, *socppi = NULL;
   double *val = NULL, *rhs = NULL;
   int *ind = NULL;
   char *sense = NULL;
   double *x = NULL, *slack = NULL, *qslack = NULL;
   double *sum = NULL;
   qbuf_type qbuf;
   CPXCHANNELptr resc, warnc, errc, logc;
   int ok = 0, skip = 0;
   int status;
   int i, j, q;

   qbuf_init (&qbuf);

   /* Get the channels on which we may report. */
   if ( (status = CPXgetchannels (env, &resc, &warnc, &errc, &logc)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;

   /* Fetch results and problem data that we need to check the KKT
    * conditions.
   CPXmsg (logc, "Fetching results ... ");
   if ( (cols  > 0 && (dslack = malloc (cols *  sizeof (*dslack))) == NULL) ||
        (rows  > 0 && (pi =     malloc (rows *  sizeof (*pi)))     == NULL) ||
        (qcons > 0 && (socppi = malloc (qcons * sizeof (*socppi))) == NULL) ||
        (cols  > 0 && (x =      malloc (cols *  sizeof (*x)))      == NULL) ||
        (rows  > 0 && (sense =  malloc (rows *  sizeof (*sense)))  == NULL ) ||
        (rows  > 0 && (slack =  malloc (rows *  sizeof (*slack)))  == NULL ) ||
        (qcons > 0 && (qslack = malloc (qcons * sizeof (*qslack))) == NULL) ||
        (cols  > 0 && (sum =    malloc (cols *  sizeof (*sum)))    == NULL) ||
        (cols  > 0 && (val =    malloc (cols *  sizeof (*val)))    == NULL) ||
        (cols  > 0 && (ind =    malloc (cols *  sizeof (*ind)))    == NULL) ||
        (rows  > 0 && (rhs =    malloc (rows *  sizeof (*rhs)))    == NULL) )
      CPXmsg (errc, "Out of memory!\n");
      goto TERMINATE;

   /* Fetch problem data. */
   if ( (status = CPXgetsense (env, lp, sense, 0, rows - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;
   if ( (status = CPXgetrhs (env, lp, rhs, 0, rows - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;

   /* Fetch solution information. */
   if ( (status = CPXgetx (env, lp, x, 0, cols - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;
   if ( (status = CPXgetpi (env, lp, pi, 0, rows - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;
   if ( (status = getsocpconstrmultipliers (env, lp, dslack, socppi)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;
   if ( (status = CPXgetslack (env, lp, slack, 0, rows - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;
   if ( (status = CPXgetqconstrslack (env, lp, qslack, 0, qcons - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;
   CPXmsg (logc, "ok.\n");

   /* Print out the solution data we just fetched. */
   CPXmsg (resc, "x      = [");
   for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
      CPXmsg (resc, " %+7.3f", x[j]);
   CPXmsg (resc, " ]\n");
   CPXmsg (resc, "dslack = [");
   for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
      CPXmsg (resc, " %+7.3f", dslack[j]);
   CPXmsg (resc, " ]\n");
   CPXmsg (resc, "pi     = [");
   for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
      CPXmsg (resc, " %+7.3f", pi[i]);
   CPXmsg (resc, " ]\n");
   CPXmsg (resc, "slack  = [");
   for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
      CPXmsg (resc, " %+7.3f", slack[i]);
   CPXmsg (resc, " ]\n");
   CPXmsg (resc, "socppi = [");
   for (q = 0; q < qcons; ++q)
      CPXmsg (resc, " %+7.3f", socppi[q]);
   CPXmsg (resc, " ]\n");
   CPXmsg (resc, "qslack = [");
   for (q = 0; q < qcons; ++q)
      CPXmsg (resc, " %+7.3f", qslack[q]);
   CPXmsg (resc, " ]\n");

   /* Test primal feasibility. */
   CPXmsg (logc, "Testing primal feasibility ... ");
   /* This example illustrates the use of dual vectors returned by CPLEX
    * to verify dual feasibility, so we do not test primal feasibility
    * here. */
   CPXmsg (logc, "ok.\n");

   /* Test dual feasibility.
    * We must have
    * - for all <= constraints the respective pi value is non-negative,
    * - for all >= constraints the respective pi value is non-positive,
    * - since all quadratic constraints are <= constraints the socppi
    *   value must be non-negative for all quadratic constraints,
    * - the dslack value for all non-cone variables must be non-negative.
    * Note that we do not support ranged constraints here.
   CPXmsg (logc, "Testing dual feasibility ... ");
   for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
      switch (sense[i]) {
      case 'L':
         if ( pi[i] < -tol ) {
            CPXmsg (errc, "<= row %d has invalid dual multiplier %f.\n",
                    i, pi[i]);
            goto TERMINATE;
      case 'G':
         if ( pi[i] > tol ) {
            CPXmsg (errc, ">= row %d has invalid dual multiplier %f.\n",
                    i, pi[i]);
            goto TERMINATE;
      case 'E':
         /* Nothing to check here. */
   for (q = 0; q < qcons; ++q) {
      if ( socppi[q] < -tol ) {
         CPXmsg (errc, "Quadratic constraint %d has invalid dual multiplier %f.\n",
                 q, socppi[q]);
         goto TERMINATE;
   for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
      if ( cone[j] == NOT_IN_CONE && dslack[j] < -tol ) {
         CPXmsg (errc, "dslack value for column %d is invalid: %f\n", j, dslack[j]);
         goto TERMINATE;
   CPXmsg (logc, "ok.\n");

   /* Test complementary slackness.
    * For each constraint either the constraint must have zero slack or
    * the dual multiplier for the constraint must be 0. Again, we must
    * consider the special case in which a variable is not explicitly
    * contained in a second order cone constraint (conestat[j] == 0).
   CPXmsg (logc, "Testing complementary slackness ... ");
   for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
      if ( fabs (slack[i]) > tol && fabs (pi[i]) > tol ) {
         CPXmsg (errc, "Complementary slackness not satisfied for row %d (%f, %f)\n",
                 i, slack[i], pi[i]);
         goto TERMINATE;
   for (q = 0; q < qcons; ++q) {
      if ( fabs (qslack[q]) > tol && fabs (socppi[q]) > tol ) {
         CPXmsg (errc, "Complementary slackness not satisfied for cone %d (%f, %f).\n",
                 q, qslack[q], socppi[q]);
         goto TERMINATE;
   for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
      if ( cone[j] == NOT_IN_CONE ) {
         if ( fabs (x[j]) > tol && fabs (dslack[j]) > tol ) {
            CPXmsg (errc, "Complementary slackness not satisfied for non-cone variable %f (%f, %f).\n",
                    j, x[j], dslack[j]);
            goto TERMINATE;
   CPXmsg (logc, "ok.\n");

   /* Test stationarity.
    * We must have
    *  c - g[i]'(X)*pi[i] = 0
    * where c is the objective function, g[i] is the i-th constraint of the
    * problem, g[i]'(x) is the derivate of g[i] with respect to x and X is the
    * optimal solution.
    * We need to distinguish the following cases:
    * - linear constraints g(x) = ax - b. The derivative of such a
    *   constraint is g'(x) = a.
    * - second order constraints g(x[1],...,x[n]) = -x[1] + |(x[2],...,x[n])|
    *   the derivative of such a constraint is
    *     g'(x) = (-1, x[2]/|(x[2],...,x[n])|, ..., x[n]/|(x[2],...,x[n])|
    *   (here |.| denotes the Euclidean norm).
    * - bound constraints g(x) = -x for variables that are not explicitly
    *   contained in any second order cone constraint. The derivative for
    *   such a constraint is g'(x) = -1.
    * Note that it may happen that the derivative of a second order cone
    * constraint is not defined at the optimal solution X (this happens if
    * X=0). In this case we just skip the stationarity test.
   CPXmsg (logc, "Testing stationarity ... ");
   /* Initialize sum = c. */
   if ( (status = CPXgetobj (env, lp, sum, 0, cols - 1)) != 0 )
      goto TERMINATE;

   /* Handle linear constraints. */
   for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
      int nz, surplus, beg;
      int n;

      status = CPXgetrows (env, lp, &nz, &beg, ind, val, cols, &surplus,
                           i, i);
      if ( status != 0 )
         goto TERMINATE;
      for (n = 0; n < nz; ++n) {
         sum[ind[n]] -= pi[i] * val[n];
   /* Handle second order cone constraints. */
   for (q = 0; q < qcons; ++q) {
      double norm = 0.0;
      int n;

      if ( !getqconstr (env, lp, q, &qbuf) )
         goto TERMINATE;

      for (n = 0; n < qbuf.qnz; ++n) {
         if ( qbuf.qval[n] > 0 )
            norm += x[qbuf.qcol[n]] * x[qbuf.qcol[n]];
      norm = sqrt (norm);
      if ( fabs (norm) <= tol ) {
         CPXmsg (warnc, "WARNING: Cannot test stationarity at non-differentiable point.\n");
         skip = 1;

      for (n = 0; n < qbuf.qnz; ++n) {
         if ( qbuf.qval[n] < 0 )
            sum[qbuf.qcol[n]] -= socppi[q];
            sum[qbuf.qcol[n]] += socppi[q] * x[qbuf.qcol[n]] / norm;
   /* Handle variables that do not appear in any second order cone constraint.
   for (j = 0; !skip && j < cols; ++j) {
      if ( cone[j] == NOT_IN_CONE ) {
         sum[j] -= dslack[j];

   /* Now test that all the entries in sum[] are 0.
   for (j = 0; !skip && j < cols; ++j) {
      if ( fabs (sum[j]) > tol ) {
         CPXmsg (errc, "Stationarity not satisfied at index %d: %f\n",
                 j, sum[j]);
         goto TERMINATE;
   CPXmsg (logc, "ok.\n");

   CPXmsg (logc, "KKT conditions are satisfied.\n");

   ok = 1;
   if ( !ok )
      CPXmsg (logc, "failed.\n");
   qbuf_clear (&qbuf);
   free (rhs);
   free (ind);
   free (val);
   free (sum);
   free (qslack);
   free (slack);
   free (sense);
   free (x);
   free (socppi);
   free (pi);
   free (dslack);

   return ok;