// called instead of InitAI() on load if IsLoadSupported() returns 1 void CGlobalAI::Load(IGlobalAICallback* callback, std::istream* ifs) { ai = new AIClasses; ai->cb = callback->GetAICallback(); ai->cheat = callback->GetCheatInterface(); // initialize log filename string mapname = string(callback->GetAICallback()->GetMapName()); mapname.resize(mapname.size() - 4); time_t now1; time(&now1); struct tm* now2 = localtime(&now1); int team = ai->cb->GetMyTeam(); sprintf(c, "%s%s %2.2d-%2.2d-%4.4d %2.2d%2.2d (%d).log", string(LOGFOLDER).c_str(), mapname.c_str(), now2->tm_mon + 1, now2->tm_mday, now2->tm_year + 1900, now2->tm_hour, now2->tm_min, team); char cfgFolder[256]; sprintf(cfgFolder, "%s", CFGFOLDER); ai->cb->GetValue(AIVAL_LOCATE_FILE_W, this->c); ai->cb->GetValue(AIVAL_LOCATE_FILE_W, cfgFolder); ai->LOGGER = new std::ofstream(this->c); CREX_SC_LOAD(KAIK, ifs); }
// called instead of InitAI() on load if IsLoadSupported() returns 1 void CKAIK::Load(IGlobalAICallback* callback, std::istream* ifs) { ai = new AIClasses(); ai->cb = callback->GetAICallback(); ai->cheat = callback->GetCheatInterface(); ai->logger = new CLogger(ai->cb); CREX_SC_LOAD(KAIK, ifs); }
void CGroupAI::Load(IGroupAICallback* callback,std::istream *ifs) { this->callback=callback; aicb=callback->GetAICallback(); CREX_SC_LOAD(MexUpgraderAI,ifs); }
// called instead of InitAI() on load if IsLoadSupported() returns 1 void CKAIK::Load(IGlobalAICallback* callback, std::istream* ifs) { CREX_SC_LOAD(KAIK, ifs); }