文件: csparse.c 项目: chrfilip/Spice
int cs_ereach(const cs *A, int k, const int *parent, int *s, int *w) {

	int i, p, n, len, top, *Ap, *Ai;
	if (!CS_CSC (A) || !parent || !s || !w)
		return (-1); /* check inputs */
	top = n = A->n;
	Ap = A->p;
	Ai = A->i;
	CS_MARK (w, k); /* mark node k as visited */
	for (p = Ap[k]; p < Ap[k + 1]; p++) {
		i = Ai[p]; /* A(i,k) is nonzero */
		if (i > k)
			continue; /* only use upper triangular part of A */
		for (len = 0; !CS_MARKED (w,i); i = parent[i]) /* traverse up etree*/
			s[len++] = i; /* L(k,i) is nonzero */
			CS_MARK (w, i); /* mark i as visited */
		while (len > 0)
			s[--top] = s[--len]; /* push path onto stack */
	for (p = top; p < n; p++)
		CS_MARK (w, s [p]); /* unmark all nodes */
	CS_MARK (w, k); /* unmark node k */
	return (top); /* s [top..n-1] contains pattern of L(k,:)*/
文件: csparse.c 项目: chrfilip/Spice
int cs_dfs (int j, cs *G, int top, int *xi, int *pstack, const int *pinv)
    int i, p, p2, done, jnew, head = 0, *Gp, *Gi ;
    if (!CS_CSC (G) || !xi || !pstack) return (-1) ;    /* check inputs */
    Gp = G->p ; Gi = G->i ;
    xi [0] = j ;                /* initialize the recursion stack */
    while (head >= 0)
        j = xi [head] ;         /* get j from the top of the recursion stack */
        jnew = pinv ? (pinv [j]) : j ;
        if (!CS_MARKED (Gp, j))
            CS_MARK (Gp, j) ;       /* mark node j as visited */
            pstack [head] = (jnew < 0) ? 0 : CS_UNFLIP (Gp [jnew]) ;
        done = 1 ;                  /* node j done if no unvisited neighbors */
        p2 = (jnew < 0) ? 0 : CS_UNFLIP (Gp [jnew+1]) ;
        for (p = pstack [head] ; p < p2 ; p++)  /* examine all neighbors of j */
            i = Gi [p] ;            /* consider neighbor node i */
            if (CS_MARKED (Gp, i)) continue ;   /* skip visited node i */
            pstack [head] = p ;     /* pause depth-first search of node j */
            xi [++head] = i ;       /* start dfs at node i */
            done = 0 ;              /* node j is not done */
            break ;                 /* break, to start dfs (i) */
        if (done)               /* depth-first search at node j is done */
            head-- ;            /* remove j from the recursion stack */
            xi [--top] = j ;    /* and place in the output stack */
    return (top) ;
/* xi [top...n-1] = nodes reachable from graph of G*P' via nodes in B(:,k).
 * xi [n...2n-1] used as workspace */
int csr_reach (csr *G, const csr *B, int k, int *xi, const int *pinv)
    int p, m, top, *Bp, *Bj, *Gp ;
    if (!CS_CSC (G) || !CS_CSC (B) || !xi) return (-1) ;    /* check inputs */
    m = G->m ; Bp = B->p ; Bj = B->j ; Gp = G->p ;
    top = m ;
    for (p = Bp [k] ; p < Bp [k+1] ; p++)
        if (!CS_MARKED (Gp, Bj [p]))    /* start a dfs at unmarked node i */
            top = csr_dfs (Bj [p], G, top, xi, xi+m, pinv) ;
    for (p = top ; p < m ; p++) CS_MARK (Gp, xi [p]) ;  /* restore G */
    return (top) ;
文件: csparse.c 项目: chrfilip/Spice
int cs_reach (cs *G, const cs *B, int k, int *xi, const int *pinv)
    int p, n, top, *Bp, *Bi, *Gp ;
    if (!CS_CSC (G) || !CS_CSC (B) || !xi) return (-1) ;    /* check inputs */
    n = G->n ; Bp = B->p ; Bi = B->i ; Gp = G->p ;
    top = n ;
    for (p = Bp [k] ; p < Bp [k+1] ; p++)
        if (!CS_MARKED (Gp, Bi [p]))    /* start a dfs at unmarked node i */
            top = cs_dfs (Bi [p], G, top, xi, xi+n, pinv) ;
    for (p = top ; p < n ; p++) CS_MARK (Gp, xi [p]) ;  /* restore G */
    return (top) ;
文件: cs_scc.c 项目: Aharobot/mrpt
/* find the strongly connected components of a square matrix */
csd *cs_scc (cs *A)     /* matrix A temporarily modified, then restored */
    int n, i, k, b, nb = 0, top, *xi, *pstack, *p, *r, *Ap, *ATp, *rcopy, *Blk ;
    cs *AT ;
    csd *D ;
    if (!CS_CSC (A)) return (NULL) ;                /* check inputs */
    n = A->n ; Ap = A->p ;
    D = cs_dalloc (n, 0) ;                          /* allocate result */
    AT = cs_transpose (A, 0) ;                      /* AT = A' */
    xi = cs_malloc (2*n+1, sizeof (int)) ;          /* get workspace */
    if (!D || !AT || !xi) return (cs_ddone (D, AT, xi, 0)) ;
    Blk = xi ; rcopy = pstack = xi + n ;
    p = D->p ; r = D->r ; ATp = AT->p ;
    top = n ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)   /* first dfs(A) to find finish times (xi) */
        if (!CS_MARKED (Ap, i)) top = cs_dfs (i, A, top, xi, pstack, NULL) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) CS_MARK (Ap, i) ; /* restore A; unmark all nodes*/
    top = n ;
    nb = n ;
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)   /* dfs(A') to find strongly connnected comp */
        i = xi [k] ;            /* get i in reverse order of finish times */
        if (CS_MARKED (ATp, i)) continue ;  /* skip node i if already ordered */
        r [nb--] = top ;        /* node i is the start of a component in p */
        top = cs_dfs (i, AT, top, p, pstack, NULL) ;
    r [nb] = 0 ;                /* first block starts at zero; shift r up */
    for (k = nb ; k <= n ; k++) r [k-nb] = r [k] ;
    D->nb = nb = n-nb ;         /* nb = # of strongly connected components */
    for (b = 0 ; b < nb ; b++)  /* sort each block in natural order */
        for (k = r [b] ; k < r [b+1] ; k++) Blk [p [k]] = b ;
    for (b = 0 ; b <= nb ; b++) rcopy [b] = r [b] ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) p [rcopy [Blk [i]]++] = i ;
    return (cs_ddone (D, AT, xi, 1)) ;