void FCV_BPINIT(long int *N, long int *mu, long int *ml, int *ier) { /* Call CVBandPrecInit to initialize the CVBANDPRE module: N is the vector size mu, ml are the half-bandwidths of the retained preconditioner blocks */ *ier = CVBandPrecInit(CV_cvodemem, *N, *mu, *ml); return; }
int CVBandPrecInitB(void *cvode_mem, int which, int nB, int muB, int mlB) { CVodeMem cv_mem; CVadjMem ca_mem; CVodeBMem cvB_mem; void *cvodeB_mem; int flag; /* Check if cvode_mem exists */ if (cvode_mem == NULL) { cvProcessError(NULL, CVSPILS_MEM_NULL, "CVBANDPRE", "CVBandPrecInitB", MSGBP_MEM_NULL); return(CVSPILS_MEM_NULL); } cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem; /* Was ASA initialized? */ if (cv_mem->cv_adjMallocDone == FALSE) { cvProcessError(cv_mem, CVSPILS_NO_ADJ, "CVBANDPRE", "CVBandPrecInitB", MSGBP_NO_ADJ); return(CVSPILS_NO_ADJ); } ca_mem = cv_mem->cv_adj_mem; /* Check which */ if ( which >= ca_mem->ca_nbckpbs ) { cvProcessError(cv_mem, CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT, "CVBANDPRE", "CVBandPrecInitB", MSGBP_BAD_WHICH); return(CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT); } /* Find the CVodeBMem entry in the linked list corresponding to which */ cvB_mem = ca_mem->cvB_mem; while (cvB_mem != NULL) { if ( which == cvB_mem->cv_index ) break; cvB_mem = cvB_mem->cv_next; } cvB_mem->cv_pfree = NULL; cvodeB_mem = (void *) (cvB_mem->cv_mem); flag = CVBandPrecInit(cvodeB_mem, nB, muB, mlB); return(flag); }
int main() { realtype abstol, reltol, t, tout; N_Vector u; UserData data; void *cvode_mem; int flag, iout, jpre; long int ml, mu; u = NULL; data = NULL; cvode_mem = NULL; /* Allocate and initialize u, and set problem data and tolerances */ u = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ); if(check_flag((void *)u, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1); data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data); if(check_flag((void *)data, "malloc", 2)) return(1); InitUserData(data); SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy); abstol = ATOL; reltol = RTOL; /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the * Backward Differentiation Formula and the use of a Newton iteration */ cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON); if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1); /* Set the pointer to user-defined data */ flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data); if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1); /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and * the initial dependent variable vector u. */ flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u); if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1); /* Call CVodeSStolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance * and scalar absolute tolerances */ flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol); if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1); /* Call CVSpgmr to specify the linear solver CVSPGMR with left preconditioning and the maximum Krylov dimension maxl */ flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, 0); if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpgmr", 1)) return(1); /* Call CVBandPreInit to initialize band preconditioner */ ml = mu = 2; flag = CVBandPrecInit(cvode_mem, NEQ, mu, ml); if(check_flag(&flag, "CVBandPrecInit", 0)) return(1); PrintIntro(mu, ml); /* Loop over jpre (= PREC_LEFT, PREC_RIGHT), and solve the problem */ for (jpre = PREC_LEFT; jpre <= PREC_RIGHT; jpre++) { /* On second run, re-initialize u, the solver, and CVSPGMR */ if (jpre == PREC_RIGHT) { SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy); flag = CVodeReInit(cvode_mem, T0, u); if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeReInit", 1)) return(1); flag = CVSpilsSetPrecType(cvode_mem, PREC_RIGHT); check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetPrecType", 1); printf("\n\n-------------------------------------------------------"); printf("------------\n"); } printf("\n\nPreconditioner type is: jpre = %s\n\n", (jpre == PREC_LEFT) ? "PREC_LEFT" : "PREC_RIGHT"); /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */ for (iout = 1, tout = TWOHR; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += TWOHR) { flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL); check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1); PrintOutput(cvode_mem, u, t); if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) { break; } } /* Print final statistics */ PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem); } /* End of jpre loop */ /* Free memory */ N_VDestroy_Serial(u); free(data); CVodeFree(&cvode_mem); return(0); }
void CvodeSolver::initialize(const double &pVoiStart, const int &pRatesStatesCount, double *pConstants, double *pRates, double *pStates, double *pAlgebraic, ComputeRatesFunction pComputeRates) { if (!mSolver) { // Retrieve some of the CVODE properties double maximumStep = MaximumStepDefaultValue; int maximumNumberOfSteps = MaximumNumberOfStepsDefaultValue; QString integrationMethod = IntegrationMethodDefaultValue; QString iterationType = IterationTypeDefaultValue; QString linearSolver = LinearSolverDefaultValue; QString preconditioner = PreconditionerDefaultValue; int upperHalfBandwidth = UpperHalfBandwidthDefaultValue; int lowerHalfBandwidth = LowerHalfBandwidthDefaultValue; double relativeTolerance = RelativeToleranceDefaultValue; double absoluteTolerance = AbsoluteToleranceDefaultValue; if (mProperties.contains(MaximumStepId)) { maximumStep = mProperties.value(MaximumStepId).toDouble(); } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'maximum step' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(MaximumNumberOfStepsId)) { maximumNumberOfSteps = mProperties.value(MaximumNumberOfStepsId).toInt(); } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'maximum number of steps' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(IntegrationMethodId)) { integrationMethod = mProperties.value(IntegrationMethodId).toString(); } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'integration method' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(IterationTypeId)) { iterationType = mProperties.value(IterationTypeId).toString(); if (!iterationType.compare(NewtonIteration)) { // We are dealing with a Newton iteration, so retrieve and check // its linear solver if (mProperties.contains(LinearSolverId)) { linearSolver = mProperties.value(LinearSolverId).toString(); bool needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths = false; if ( !linearSolver.compare(DenseLinearSolver) || !linearSolver.compare(DiagonalLinearSolver)) { // We are dealing with a dense/diagonal linear solver, // so nothing more to do } else if (!linearSolver.compare(BandedLinearSolver)) { // We are dealing with a banded linear solver, so we // need both an upper and a lower half bandwidth needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths = true; } else { // We are dealing with a GMRES/Bi-CGStab/TFQMR linear // solver, so retrieve and check its preconditioner if (mProperties.contains(PreconditionerId)) { preconditioner = mProperties.value(PreconditionerId).toString(); } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'preconditioner' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (!preconditioner.compare(BandedPreconditioner)) { // We are dealing with a banded preconditioner, so // we need both an upper and a lower half bandwidth needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths = true; } } if (needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths) { if (mProperties.contains(UpperHalfBandwidthId)) { upperHalfBandwidth = mProperties.value(UpperHalfBandwidthId).toInt(); if ( (upperHalfBandwidth < 0) || (upperHalfBandwidth >= pRatesStatesCount)) { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'upper half-bandwidth' property must have a value between 0 and %1").arg(pRatesStatesCount-1)); return; } } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'upper half-bandwidth' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(LowerHalfBandwidthId)) { lowerHalfBandwidth = mProperties.value(LowerHalfBandwidthId).toInt(); if ( (lowerHalfBandwidth < 0) || (lowerHalfBandwidth >= pRatesStatesCount)) { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'lower half-bandwidth' property must have a value between 0 and %1").arg(pRatesStatesCount-1)); return; } } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'lower half-bandwidth' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } } } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'linear solver' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } } } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'iteration type' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(RelativeToleranceId)) { relativeTolerance = mProperties.value(RelativeToleranceId).toDouble(); if (relativeTolerance < 0) { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'relative tolerance' property must have a value greater than or equal to 0")); return; } } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'relative tolerance' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(AbsoluteToleranceId)) { absoluteTolerance = mProperties.value(AbsoluteToleranceId).toDouble(); if (absoluteTolerance < 0) { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'absolute tolerance' property must have a value greater than or equal to 0")); return; } } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'absolute tolerance' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } if (mProperties.contains(InterpolateSolutionId)) { mInterpolateSolution = mProperties.value(InterpolateSolutionId).toBool(); } else { emit error(QObject::tr("the 'interpolate solution' property value could not be retrieved")); return; } // Initialise the ODE solver itself OpenCOR::Solver::OdeSolver::initialize(pVoiStart, pRatesStatesCount, pConstants, pRates, pStates, pAlgebraic, pComputeRates); // Create the states vector mStatesVector = N_VMake_Serial(pRatesStatesCount, pStates); // Create the CVODE solver bool newtonIteration = !iterationType.compare(NewtonIteration); mSolver = CVodeCreate(!integrationMethod.compare(BdfMethod)?CV_BDF:CV_ADAMS, newtonIteration?CV_NEWTON:CV_FUNCTIONAL); // Use our own error handler CVodeSetErrHandlerFn(mSolver, errorHandler, this); // Initialise the CVODE solver CVodeInit(mSolver, rhsFunction, pVoiStart, mStatesVector); // Set some user data mUserData = new CvodeSolverUserData(pConstants, pAlgebraic, pComputeRates); CVodeSetUserData(mSolver, mUserData); // Set the maximum step CVodeSetMaxStep(mSolver, maximumStep); // Set the maximum number of steps CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(mSolver, maximumNumberOfSteps); // Set the linear solver, if needed if (newtonIteration) { if (!linearSolver.compare(DenseLinearSolver)) { CVDense(mSolver, pRatesStatesCount); } else if (!linearSolver.compare(BandedLinearSolver)) { CVBand(mSolver, pRatesStatesCount, upperHalfBandwidth, lowerHalfBandwidth); } else if (!linearSolver.compare(DiagonalLinearSolver)) { CVDiag(mSolver); } else { // We are dealing with a GMRES/Bi-CGStab/TFQMR linear solver if (!preconditioner.compare(BandedPreconditioner)) { if (!linearSolver.compare(GmresLinearSolver)) CVSpgmr(mSolver, PREC_LEFT, 0); else if (!linearSolver.compare(BiCgStabLinearSolver)) CVSpbcg(mSolver, PREC_LEFT, 0); else CVSptfqmr(mSolver, PREC_LEFT, 0); CVBandPrecInit(mSolver, pRatesStatesCount, upperHalfBandwidth, lowerHalfBandwidth); } else { if (!linearSolver.compare(GmresLinearSolver)) CVSpgmr(mSolver, PREC_NONE, 0); else if (!linearSolver.compare(BiCgStabLinearSolver)) CVSpbcg(mSolver, PREC_NONE, 0); else CVSptfqmr(mSolver, PREC_NONE, 0); } } } // Set the relative and absolute tolerances CVodeSStolerances(mSolver, relativeTolerance, absoluteTolerance); } else { // Reinitialise the CVODE object CVodeReInit(mSolver, pVoiStart, mStatesVector); } }