//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Computes the spheremap color at a particular (x,y) texcoord //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CalcSphereColor( SphereCalc_t *pCalc, float x, float y ) { Vector normal; float flRadiusSq = x*x + y*y; if (flRadiusSq > pCalc->m_flRadiusSq) { // Force a glancing reflection normal.Init( 0, 1, 0 ); } else { // Compute the z distance based on x*x + y*y + z*z = r*r float z = sqrt( pCalc->m_flRadiusSq - flRadiusSq ); // Here's the untransformed surface normal normal.Init( x, y, z ); normal *= pCalc->m_flOORadius; } // Transform the normal based on the actual view direction TransformNormal( pCalc, normal ); // Compute the reflection vector (full spheremap solution) // R = 2 * (N dot L)N - L Vector vecReflect; float nDotL = DotProduct( normal, pCalc->m_vecLookDir ); VectorMA( pCalc->m_vecLookDir, -2.0f * nDotL, normal, vecReflect ); vecReflect *= -1.0f; int iFace = CalcFaceIndex( vecReflect ); CalcColor( pCalc, iFace, vecReflect, pCalc->m_pColor ); }
void ScriptEditCtrl::Impl::PreSubclassWindow() { self_->m_hWnd = m_hWnd; // expose HWND SetupDirectAccess(); // If we are running as Unicode, then use the UTF8 codepage #ifdef _UNICODE SetCodePage(SC_CP_UTF8); #endif SetLexer(SCLEX_LUA); StyleSetFont(STYLE_DEFAULT, "Lucida Console"); StyleSetSize(STYLE_DEFAULT, 10); SetKeyWords(0, LuaKeywords); SetKeyWords(1, LuaFunctions); if (enable_input_attribs_) SetKeyWords(2, LuaUser); SetKeyWords(3, ConcatAttributes().c_str()); COLORREF comment= RGB(0,128,128); COLORREF string= RGB(128,128,0); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_COMMENT, comment); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_COMMENTLINE, comment); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_COMMENTDOC, comment); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_NUMBER, RGB(0,0,255)); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_WORD, RGB(34,78,160)); // keywords StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_STRING, string); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_CHARACTER, string); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_LITERALSTRING, string); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_WORD2, RGB(53,113,202)); // functions StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_WORD3, RGB(124,37,203)); // test & number StyleSetBack(SCE_LUA_WORD3, CalcColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW), RGB(0,0,255), 0.95f)); StyleSetFore(SCE_LUA_WORD4, RGB(164,97,49)); // todo: attributes StyleSetFont(SCE_LUA_WORD, "Lucida Console"); StyleSetSize(SCE_LUA_WORD, 10); StyleSetBold(SCE_LUA_WORD, true); //#define SCE_LUA_PREPROCESSOR 9 //#define SCE_LUA_OPERATOR 10 //#define SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER 11 //#define SCE_LUA_STRINGEOL 12 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD2 13 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD3 14 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD4 15 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD5 16 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD6 17 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD7 18 //#define SCE_LUA_WORD8 19 Colorize(0, -1); //MarkerDefine(MARKER_POINTER, SC_MARK_ARROW); //MarkerSetBack(MARKER_POINTER, RGB(255,255,0)); //MarkerDefine(MARKER_BREAKPOINT, SC_MARK_ROUNDRECT); //MarkerSetBack(MARKER_BREAKPOINT, RGB(0,0,255)); //MarkerDefine(MARKER_ERROR, SC_MARK_ARROW); //MarkerSetBack(MARKER_ERROR, RGB(255,0,0)); int width= 0; SetMarginWidthN(1, width); SetScrollWidthTracking(true); SetScrollWidth(1); SetWrapMode(SC_WRAP_WORD); SetWrapVisualFlags(SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END); SetSelBack(true, CalcShade(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT), 50.0f)); SetTabWidth(4); SetIndent(4); DWORD pixels= 1; ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCARETWIDTH, 0, &pixels, 0); SetCaretWidth(pixels); // hwnd is attached, but message processing is not working yet, we are not yet subclassed, // so postpone this WM_NCCALCSIZE call: PostMessage(WM_APP+1234); }