int DHT::readData() { int err = ERROR_NONE; Timer tmr; DigitalInOut data_pin(_pin); // We make sure we are the only ones // reading data right now. _mutex.lock(); // BUFFER TO RECEIVE uint8_t cnt = 7; uint8_t idx = 0; tmr.stop(); tmr.reset(); // EMPTY BUFFER for(int i=0; i< 5; i++) DHT_data[i] = 0; // REQUEST SAMPLE data_pin.output(); data_pin.write(0); wait_ms(18); data_pin.write(1); wait_us(40); data_pin.input(); // ACKNOWLEDGE or TIMEOUT unsigned int loopCnt = 10000; while(!!loopCnt--) { _mutex.unlock(); return ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT; } loopCnt = 10000; while(!loopCnt--) { _mutex.unlock(); return ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT; } // READ OUTPUT - 40 BITS => 5 BYTES or TIMEOUT for(int i=0; i<40; i++){ loopCnt = 10000; while(! == 0) { _mutex.unlock(); return ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT; } //unsigned long t = micros(); tmr.start(); loopCnt = 10000; while(!loopCnt--) { _mutex.unlock(); return ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT; } if(tmr.read_us() > 40) DHT_data[idx] |= (1 << cnt); tmr.stop(); tmr.reset(); if(cnt == 0){ // next byte? cnt = 7; // restart at MSB idx++; // next byte! }else cnt--; } // WRITE TO RIGHT VARS uint8_t sum = (DHT_data[0] + DHT_data[1] + DHT_data[2] + DHT_data[3]) & 0xFF; if(DHT_data[4] != sum) { _mutex.unlock(); return ERROR_CHECKSUM; } _lastTemperature= CalcTemperature(); _lastHumidity= CalcHumidity(); _mutex.unlock(); return err; }
eError DHT::readData() { uint8_t i = 0, j = 0, b = 0, data_valid = 0; uint32_t bit_value[DHT_DATA_BIT_COUNT] = {0}; eError err = ERROR_NONE; //time_t currentTime = time(NULL); DigitalInOut DHT_io(_pin); // IO must be in hi state to start if (ERROR_NONE != stall(DHT_io, 0, 250)) { return BUS_BUSY; } // start the transfer DHT_io.output(); DHT_io = 0; // only 500uS for DHT22 but 18ms for DHT11 (_DHTtype == 22) ? wait_ms(18) : wait(1); DHT_io = 1; wait_us(30); DHT_io.input(); // wait till the sensor grabs the bus if (ERROR_NONE != stall(DHT_io, 1, 40)) { return ERROR_NOT_PRESENT; } // sensor should signal low 80us and then hi 80us if (ERROR_NONE != stall(DHT_io, 0, 100)) { return ERROR_SYNC_TIMEOUT; } if (ERROR_NONE != stall(DHT_io, 1, 100)) { return ERROR_NO_PATIENCE; } // capture the data for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (ERROR_NONE != stall(DHT_io, 0, 75)) { return ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT; } // logic 0 is 28us max, 1 is 70us wait_us(40); bit_value[i * 8 + j] = DHT_io; if (ERROR_NONE != stall(DHT_io, 1, 50)) { return ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT; } } } // store the data for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { b = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (bit_value[i * 8 + j] == 1) { b |= (1 << (7 - j)); } } DHT_data[i] = b; } // uncomment to see the checksum error if it exists //printf(" 0x%02x + 0x%02x + 0x%02x + 0x%02x = 0x%02x \n", DHT_data[0], DHT_data[1], DHT_data[2], DHT_data[3], DHT_data[4]); data_valid = DHT_data[0] + DHT_data[1] + DHT_data[2] + DHT_data[3]; if (DHT_data[4] == data_valid) { //_lastReadTime = currentTime; _lastTemperature = CalcTemperature(); _lastHumidity = CalcHumidity(); } else { err = ERROR_CHECKSUM; } return err; }