  // CanMoveToCell
  // Calls above method, but first gets the movement balance data
  Bool CanMoveToCell(U8 tractionType, TerrainData::Cell &cell)
    // Get the balance info
    MoveTable::BalanceData &d = MoveTable::GetBalance(cell.surface, tractionType);

    // And call the above method
    return (CanMoveToCell(d, cell));
 // CanMoveToCell
 // Calls above method, but first checks that the position is on the map
 Bool CanMoveToCell(U8 tractionType, U32 x, U32 z)
     WorldCtrl::CellOnMap(x, z) && 
     CanMoveToCell(tractionType, TerrainData::GetCell(x, z))
  // RequestPath
  // Request a new path be found.  Returns FALSE if request is invalid.
  Finder::RequestResult Finder::RequestPath
    U32 sx, U32 sz, U32 dx, U32 dz, U8 traction, UnitObj *unit,
    SearchType type, U32 flags, PointList *blockList
    // Forget any current path

    // Is destination on the map
    if (!WorldCtrl::CellOnMap(sx, sz) || !WorldCtrl::CellOnMap(dx, dz))
      LOG_DIAG(("Request position is not on the map (%u, %u)->(%u,%u)", sx, sz, dx, dz));
      return (RR_OFFMAP);

    // Filter out requests to move to the same cell
    if (sx == dx && sz == dz)
      return (RR_SAMECELL);

    // Can this traction type move to this cell
    if (!CanMoveToCell(traction, dx, dz))
      U32 xNew, zNew;

      // Find the closest location we can move to
      if (FindClosestCell(traction, dx, dz, xNew, zNew, 15))
        // Use the new location
        dx = xNew;
        dz = zNew;

      // AStar will fail, so jump straight to trace
      if (type == ST_ASTAR)
        type = ST_TRACE;

    // Create a new path
    path = new Path(sx, sz, dx, dz, traction, unit, type, flags, blockList);

    // Add to the system

    // Success
    return (RR_SUBMITTED);