int BrowserManager::Impl::CreateBrowser( const BrowserSettings &browserSettings, const std::shared_ptr<BrowserListener> &browserListener) { int browserIdentifier = 0; os_event_t *createdEvent; os_event_init(&createdEvent, OS_EVENT_TYPE_AUTO); CefPostTask(TID_UI, BrowserTask::newTask( [&] { CefRefPtr<BrowserRenderHandler> renderHandler( new BrowserRenderHandler(browserSettings.width, browserSettings.height, browserListener)); CefRefPtr<BrowserLoadHandler> loadHandler( new BrowserLoadHandler(browserSettings.css)); CefRefPtr<BrowserClient> browserClient( new BrowserClient(renderHandler,loadHandler)); CefWindowInfo windowInfo; windowInfo.transparent_painting_enabled = true; windowInfo.width = browserSettings.width; windowInfo.height = browserSettings.height; windowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled = true; CefBrowserSettings cefBrowserSettings; cefBrowserSettings.windowless_frame_rate = browserSettings.fps; CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo, browserClient, browserSettings.url, cefBrowserSettings, nullptr); if (browser != nullptr) { browserIdentifier = browser->GetIdentifier(); browserMap[browserIdentifier] = browser; } os_event_signal(createdEvent); })); os_event_wait(createdEvent); os_event_destroy(createdEvent); return browserIdentifier; }
void CMainFrame::OnCefCallJavaScriptFunction() { CCEFView *pView = CCEFView::GetView(); CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = pView->m_clientHandler->GetBrowser(); CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame = browser->GetMainFrame(); CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableMethod(pView->m_clientHandler.get(), &ClientHandler::GetURL)); frame->ExecuteJavaScript("foo();", "", 0); CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableMethod(pView->m_clientHandler.get(), &ClientHandler::JavaScriptTest)); }
void ClientHandler::CloseAllBrowsers(bool force_close) { std::cout << "Executing CloseAllBrowsers"; if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::CloseAllBrowsers, this, force_close)); return; } if (!popup_browsers_.empty()) { // Request that any popup browsers close. BrowserList::const_iterator it = popup_browsers_.begin(); for (; it != popup_browsers_.end(); ++it) (*it)->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(force_close); } if (browser_.get()) { // Request that the main browser close. developerStudioProcess->StopProcess(); browser_->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(force_close); } }
// The download is complete. virtual void Complete() { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); // Flush and close the file on the FILE thread. CefPostTask(TID_FILE, NewCefRunnableMethod(this, &ClientDownloadHandler::OnComplete)); }
// A portion of the file contents have been received. This method will be // called multiple times until the download is complete. Return |true| to // continue receiving data and |false| to cancel. virtual bool ReceivedData(void* data, int data_size) { REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (data_size == 0) return true; received_size += data_size; buffer_size += data_size; // Create a new vector for the data. std::vector<char>* buffer = new std::vector<char>(data_size); memcpy(&(*buffer)[0], data, data_size); // Add the new data vector to the pending data queue. { AutoLock lock_scope(this); pending_data_.push_back(buffer); } // Write data to file on the FILE thread. if (buffer_size > flush_size) { buffer_size = 0; CefPostTask(TID_FILE, NewCefRunnableMethod(this, &ClientDownloadHandler::OnReceivedData)); } return bcontinue; }
// Cef的初始化接口,同时备注了使用各个版本的Cef时遇到的各种坑 // Cef1916版本较稳定,各个功能使用正常,但是某些在debug模式网页打开时会出中断警告(但并不是错误),可能是因为对新html标准支持不够,但是在release模式下正常使用 // Cef2357版本无法使用,当程序处理重定向信息并且重新加载页面后,渲染进程会崩掉 // Cef2526、2623版本对各种新页面都支持,唯一的坑就是debug模式在多线程消息循环开启下,程序退出时会中断,但是release模式正常。 // (PS:如果开发者不使用负责Cef功能的开发,可以切换到release模式的cef dll文件,这样即使在deubg下也不会报错,修改AddCefDllToPath代码可以切换到release目录) bool CefManager::Initialize(const std::wstring& app_data_dir, CefSettings &settings, bool is_enable_offset_render /*= true*/) { #if !defined(SUPPORT_CEF) return true; #endif is_enable_offset_render_ = is_enable_offset_render; CefMainArgs main_args(GetModuleHandle(NULL)); CefRefPtr<ClientApp> app(new ClientApp); // 如果是在子进程中调用,会堵塞直到子进程退出,并且exit_code返回大于等于0 // 如果在Browser进程中调用,则立即返回-1 int exit_code = CefExecuteProcess(main_args, app.get(), NULL); if (exit_code >= 0) return false; GetCefSetting(app_data_dir, settings); bool bRet = CefInitialize(main_args, settings, app.get(), NULL); if (is_enable_offset_render_) { HWND hwnd = CreateWindow(L"Static", L"", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&FixContextMenuBug, hwnd)); } return bRet; }
// Called due to cefQuery execution in binding.html. bool QueryHandler::OnQuery(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame, int64 query_id, const CefString& request, bool persistent, CefRefPtr<Callback> callback) { try { auto query = createQuery(browser, frame, request.ToString()); if (!query) return false; CefPostTask(TID_FILE, base::Bind(&Query::execute, query, callback)); } catch (std::exception& e) { auto logger = lootState_.getLogger(); if (logger) { logger->error("Failed to parse CEF query request \"{}\": {}", request.ToString(), e.what()); } callback->Failure(-1, e.what()); } return true; }
void CefClientImpl::OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) { if (!message_router_) { // Create the browser-side router for query handling. CefMessageRouterConfig config; message_router_ = CefMessageRouterBrowserSide::Create(config); // Register handlers with the router. message_router_->AddHandler(new Handler(), false); } if(!GetBrowser()) { base::AutoLock lock_scope(lock_); browser_child = browser; browser_id_ = browser->GetIdentifier(); }else if (browser->IsPopup()) { // Add to the list of popup browsers. popup_browsers_.push_back(browser); // Give focus to the popup browser. Perform asynchronously because the // parent window may attempt to keep focus after launching the popup. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&CefBrowserHost::SetFocus, browser->GetHost().get(), true)); } browser_count_++; //std::stringstream ss; //ss << "<html><body bgcolor=\"white\"><h1>Chatting with xxx</h1>Text:<pre>" << "XXXYY" << // "</pre></body></html>"; //browser->GetMainFrame()->LoadString(ss.str(), "http://tests/gettext"); }
void ClientHandler::SendNotification(NotificationType type) { if (type == NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE) { std::string downloadedFile(GetLastDownloadFile()); GtkWidget* widget = NULL; CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableFunction(AppCreateWebinosBrowser,downloadedFile,false,true,widget,0,0)); } }
void Initialize() { received_size = 0; buffer_size = 0; bcontinue = true; // Open the file on the FILE thread. CefPostTask(TID_FILE, NewCefRunnableMethod(this, &ClientDownloadHandler::OnOpen)); }
// Change the zoom factor on the UI thread. static void ModifyZoom(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, double delta) { if (CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { browser->GetHost()->SetZoomLevel( browser->GetHost()->GetZoomLevel() + delta); } else { CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableFunction(ModifyZoom, browser, delta)); } }
bool Application::Execute( const CefString& name, CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> object, const CefV8ValueList& arguments, CefRefPtr<CefV8Value>& retval, CefString& exception ) { if (name == "exit") { printf("Exiting with value %d!\n", arguments[0]->GetIntValue()); this->firstBrowser = NULL; // see for the 'right' way to do this CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message = CefProcessMessage::Create("quit"); message->GetArgumentList()->SetInt(0, arguments[0]->GetIntValue()); message->GetArgumentList()->SetString(1, this->outBuffer); if(CefV8Context::GetEnteredContext()->GetBrowser()->SendProcessMessage(PID_BROWSER, message)) { printf("Got true from quit send process\n"); } else { printf("Got false from quit send process message\n"); } return true; } else if (name == "open") { } else if (name == "openWindow") { CefPostTask( TID_UI, NewCefRunnableFunction(&noOpenWindow) ); return true; } else if (name == "nop") { return true; } else if (name == "log") { /*if (object->IsSame(this->leprechaunObj)) { // Figure out if we need this some day... return false; }*/ std::wstringstream ss; for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { ss << arguments[i]->GetStringValue().ToWString(); } printf("Got log: %S\n", ss.str().c_str()); return true; } else if (name == "echo") { std::wstringstream ss; for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { ss << arguments[i]->GetStringValue().ToWString(); } this->outBuffer += ss.str().c_str(); this->outBuffer += L"\n"; return true; } else if (name == "onerror") { return true; } return false; }
void ClientHandler::BeginTracing() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::BeginTracing, this)); return; } CefBeginTracing(CefString(), NULL); }
// Set focus to |browser| on the UI thread. static void SetFocusBrowser(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&SetFocusBrowser, browser)); return; } browser->GetHost()->SetFocus(true); }
void RunJavaScriptInvokeTest(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) { if (CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { UIT_InvokeScript(browser); } else { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableFunction(&UIT_InvokeScript, browser)); } }
void ClientHandler::SetOSRHandler(CefRefPtr<RenderHandler> handler) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::SetOSRHandler, this, handler)); return; } osr_handler_ = handler; }
void ClientHandler::SetEditWindowHandle(ClientWindowHandle handle) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::SetEditWindowHandle, this, handle)); return; } edit_handle_ = handle; }
void BrowserManager::Impl::ExecuteOnBrowser(int browserIdentifier, std::function<void(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser>)> f, bool async) { if (browserMap.count(browserIdentifier) > 0) { CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = browserMap[browserIdentifier]; if (async) { CefPostTask(TID_UI, BrowserTask::newTask([&] { f(browser); })); } else { os_event_t *finishedEvent; os_event_init(&finishedEvent, OS_EVENT_TYPE_AUTO); CefPostTask(TID_UI, BrowserTask::newTask([&] { f(browser); os_event_signal(finishedEvent); })); os_event_wait(finishedEvent); os_event_destroy(finishedEvent); } } }
void FCEFWebBrowserWindow::CloseBrowser(bool bForce) { if (IsValid()) { // In case this is called from inside a CEF event handler, use CEF's task mechanism to // postpone the actual closing of the window until it is safe. CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHost> Host = InternalCefBrowser->GetHost(); CefPostTask(TID_UI, new FCEFBrowserClosureTask(nullptr, [=]() { Host->CloseBrowser(bForce); })); } }
void HttpTrans::recvData(const int& code, FILE* fp, const int& id, const int& reDirectCount) { //std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_); std::wstring rsp; if ( fp ) { fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); long length = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if ( length > 0 ) { char* szBuf = new char[length+1]; memset(szBuf, 0, length + 1); if (fread_s(szBuf, length + 1, 1, length, fp) > 0){ rsp = cyjh::UTF8ToUnicode(szBuf); delete[]szBuf; } } } std::shared_ptr<resp_context_> parm(new resp_context_); parm->id_ = id; parm->errcode_ = code; parm->head_ = " "; parm->body_ = " "; int i = 0; int pos = 0; while (i < reDirectCount) { pos = rsp.find(L"\r\n\r\n"); if ( pos > 0 ) { rsp.erase(0, pos + 4); } ++i; } pos = rsp.find(L"\r\n\r\n"); if ( pos > 0 ) { std::wstring whead = rsp.substr(0, pos); int size = rsp.size() - pos - 4; if ( size > 0 ) { std::wstring wbody = rsp.substr(pos + 4, size); parm->body_ = cyjh::UnicodeToUTF8(wbody); } parm->head_ = cyjh::UnicodeToUTF8(whead); } CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ackData, parm)); }
void LootHandler::CloseAllBrowsers(bool force_close) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableMethod(this, &LootHandler::CloseAllBrowsers, force_close)); return; } if (browser_list_.empty()) return; for (BrowserList::const_iterator it = browser_list_.begin(); it != browser_list_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(force_close); } }
void SimpleHandler::CloseAllBrowsers(bool force_close) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&SimpleHandler::CloseAllBrowsers, this, force_close)); return; } if (browser_list_.empty()) return; BrowserList::const_iterator it = browser_list_.begin(); for (; it != browser_list_.end(); ++it) (*it)->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(force_close); }
void ClientHandler::EndTracing() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::EndTracing, this)); return; } class Client : public CefEndTracingCallback, public CefRunFileDialogCallback { public: explicit Client(CefRefPtr<ClientHandler> handler) : handler_(handler) { RunDialog(); } void RunDialog() { static const char kDefaultFileName[] = "trace.txt"; std::string path = handler_->GetDownloadPath(kDefaultFileName); if (path.empty()) path = kDefaultFileName; // Results in a call to OnFileDialogDismissed. handler_->GetBrowser()->GetHost()->RunFileDialog( FILE_DIALOG_SAVE, CefString(), path, std::vector<CefString>(), this); } virtual void OnFileDialogDismissed( CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHost> browser_host, const std::vector<CefString>& file_paths) OVERRIDE { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); if (!file_paths.empty()) { // File selected. Results in a call to OnEndTracingComplete. CefEndTracing(file_paths.front(), this); } else { // No file selected. Discard the trace data. CefEndTracing(CefString(), NULL); } } virtual void OnEndTracingComplete( const CefString& tracing_file) OVERRIDE { CEF_REQUIRE_UI_THREAD(); handler_->SetLastDownloadFile(tracing_file.ToString()); handler_->SendNotification(NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE); } private:
void WebViewFactory::ClearData(int compType) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)){ CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&WebViewFactory::ClearData, this, compType)); return; } int len = m_viewList.size(); if ( len > 0 ) { WebViewList::iterator it = m_viewList.begin(); //it->second->m_provider->GetBrowser()->GetHost()->CleaarData(compType); (*it)->clearData(compType); } }
void OnComplete() { REQUIRE_FILE_THREAD(); if (!file_) return; // Make sure any pending data is written. OnReceivedData(); fclose(file_); file_ = NULL; // Notify the listener that the download completed. CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableMethod(this, &ClientDownloadHandler::SendComplete)); }
void CloseBrowser(bool force_close) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&WebClientPrivate::CloseBrowser, this, force_close)); return; } if (!browser_.get()) return; browser_->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(force_close); }
void WindowClient::CloseAllBrowsers() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&WindowClient::CloseAllBrowsers, this)); return; } if (browsers_.empty()) { CefQuitMessageLoop(); } for (BrowserList::const_iterator i = browsers_.begin(); i != browsers_.end(); ++i) { (*i)->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(true); } }
void ClientHandler::SetButtonWindowHandles(ClientWindowHandle backHandle, ClientWindowHandle forwardHandle, ClientWindowHandle reloadHandle, ClientWindowHandle stopHandle) { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { // Execute on the UI thread. CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&ClientHandler::SetButtonWindowHandles, this, backHandle, forwardHandle, reloadHandle, stopHandle)); return; } back_handle_ = backHandle; forward_handle_ = forwardHandle; reload_handle_ = reloadHandle; stop_handle_ = stopHandle; }
void OSRWindow::Invalidate() { if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) { CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&OSRWindow::Invalidate, this)); return; } // Don't post another task if the previous task is still pending. if (render_task_pending_) return; render_task_pending_ = true; // Render at 30fps. static const int kRenderDelay = 1000 / 30; CefPostDelayedTask(TID_UI, base::Bind(&OSRWindow::Render, this), kRenderDelay); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_cef_browser_CefBrowser_1N_N_1UpdateUI (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject jcontentRect, jobject jbrowserRect) { CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = JNI_GET_BROWSER_OR_RETURN(env, obj); CefRect contentRect = GetJNIRect(env, jcontentRect); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) CefRect browserRect = GetJNIRect(env, jbrowserRect); util_mac::UpdateView(browser->GetHost()->GetWindowHandle(), contentRect, browserRect); #elif defined(OS_WIN) HWND hwnd = browser->GetHost()->GetWindowHandle(); if (CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) UpdateWindowRgn(hwnd, contentRect); else CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableFunction(&UpdateWindowRgn, hwnd, contentRect)); #endif }