/* approximate update cost */
static int
update_cost(NCURSES_CH_T * from, NCURSES_CH_T * to)
    int cost = 0;
    int i;

    for (i = TEXTWIDTH; i > 0; i--)
	if (!(CharEq(*from++, *to++)))

    return cost;
static int
update_cost_from_blank(NCURSES_CH_T * to)
    int cost = 0;
    int i;
    NCURSES_CH_T blank = blankchar;

    if (back_color_erase)
	SetPair(blank, GetPair(stdscr->_nc_bkgd));

    for (i = TEXTWIDTH; i > 0; i--)
	if (!(CharEq(blank, *to++)))

    return cost;
pnoutrefresh(WINDOW *win,
	     int pminrow,
	     int pmincol,
	     int sminrow,
	     int smincol,
	     int smaxrow,
	     int smaxcol)
    NCURSES_SIZE_T i, j;
    NCURSES_SIZE_T m, n;
    NCURSES_SIZE_T pmaxrow;
    NCURSES_SIZE_T pmaxcol;
    SCREEN *sp;

    const int my_len = 2;	/* parameterize the threshold for hardscroll */
    NCURSES_SIZE_T displaced;
    bool wide;

    T((T_CALLED("pnoutrefresh(%p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)"),
       (void *) win, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol));

    if (win == 0)

    if (!(win->_flags & _ISPAD))

    sp = _nc_screen_of(win);

    /* negative values are interpreted as zero */
    if (pminrow < 0)
	pminrow = 0;
    if (pmincol < 0)
	pmincol = 0;
    if (sminrow < 0)
	sminrow = 0;
    if (smincol < 0)
	smincol = 0;

    pmaxrow = pminrow + smaxrow - sminrow;
    pmaxcol = pmincol + smaxcol - smincol;

    T((" pminrow + smaxrow - sminrow %ld, win->_maxy %ld",
       (long) pmaxrow, (long) win->_maxy));
    T((" pmincol + smaxcol - smincol %ld, win->_maxx %ld",
       (long) pmaxcol, (long) win->_maxx));

     * Trim the caller's screen size back to the actual limits.
    if (pmaxrow > win->_maxy) {
	smaxrow -= (pmaxrow - win->_maxy);
	pmaxrow = pminrow + smaxrow - sminrow;
    if (pmaxcol > win->_maxx) {
	smaxcol -= (pmaxcol - win->_maxx);
	pmaxcol = pmincol + smaxcol - smincol;

    if (smaxrow >= screen_lines(sp)
	|| smaxcol >= screen_columns(sp)
	|| sminrow > smaxrow
	|| smincol > smaxcol)

    T(("pad being refreshed"));

    if (win->_pad._pad_y >= 0) {
	displaced = pminrow - win->_pad._pad_y
	    - (sminrow - win->_pad._pad_top);
	T(("pad being shifted by %d line(s)", displaced));
    } else
	displaced = 0;

     * For pure efficiency, we'd want to transfer scrolling information
     * from the pad to newscr whenever the window is wide enough that
     * its update will dominate the cost of the update for the horizontal
     * band of newscr that it occupies.  Unfortunately, this threshold
     * tends to be complex to estimate, and in any case scrolling the
     * whole band and rewriting the parts outside win's image would look
     * really ugly.  So.  What we do is consider the pad "wide" if it
     * either (a) occupies the whole width of newscr, or (b) occupies
     * all but at most one column on either vertical edge of the screen
     * (this caters to fussy people who put boxes around full-screen
     * windows).  Note that changing this formula will not break any code,
     * merely change the costs of various update cases.
    wide = (smincol < my_len && smaxcol > (NewScreen(sp)->_maxx - my_len));

    for (i = pminrow, m = sminrow + win->_yoffset;
	 i <= pmaxrow && m <= NewScreen(sp)->_maxy;
	 i++, m++) {
	register struct ldat *nline = &NewScreen(sp)->_line[m];
	register struct ldat *oline = &win->_line[i];
	for (j = pmincol, n = smincol; j <= pmaxcol; j++, n++) {
	    NCURSES_CH_T ch = oline->text[j];
	     * Special case for leftmost character of the displayed area.
	     * Only half of a double-width character may be visible.
	    if (j == pmincol
		&& j > 0
		&& isWidecExt(ch)) {
		SetChar(ch, L(' '), AttrOf(oline->text[j - 1]));
	    if (!CharEq(ch, nline->text[n])) {
		nline->text[n] = ch;
		CHANGED_CELL(nline, n);

	if (wide) {
	    int nind = m + displaced;
	    if (oline->oldindex < 0
		|| nind < sminrow
		|| nind > smaxrow) {
		nind = _NEWINDEX;
	    } else if (displaced) {
		register struct ldat *pline = &CurScreen(sp)->_line[nind];
		for (j = 0; j <= my_len; j++) {
		    int k = NewScreen(sp)->_maxx - j;
		    if (pline->text[j] != nline->text[j]
			|| pline->text[k] != nline->text[k]) {
			nind = _NEWINDEX;

	    nline->oldindex = nind;
#endif /* USE_SCROLL_HINTS */
	oline->firstchar = oline->lastchar = _NOCHANGE;
	if_USE_SCROLL_HINTS(oline->oldindex = i);

     * Clean up debris from scrolling or resizing the pad, so we do not
     * accidentally pick up the index value during the next call to this
     * procedure.  The only rows that should have an index value are those
     * that are displayed during this cycle.
    for (i = pminrow - 1; (i >= 0) && (win->_line[i].oldindex >= 0); i--)
	win->_line[i].oldindex = _NEWINDEX;
    for (i = pmaxrow + 1; (i <= win->_maxy)
	 && (win->_line[i].oldindex >= 0); i++)
	win->_line[i].oldindex = _NEWINDEX;

    win->_begx = smincol;
    win->_begy = sminrow;

    if (win->_clear) {
	win->_clear = FALSE;
	NewScreen(sp)->_clear = TRUE;

     * Use the pad's current position, if it will be visible.
     * If not, don't do anything; it's not an error.
    if (win->_leaveok == FALSE
	&& win->_cury >= pminrow
	&& win->_curx >= pmincol
	&& win->_cury <= pmaxrow
	&& win->_curx <= pmaxcol) {
	NewScreen(sp)->_cury = win->_cury - pminrow + win->_begy + win->_yoffset;
	NewScreen(sp)->_curx = win->_curx - pmincol + win->_begx;
    NewScreen(sp)->_leaveok = win->_leaveok;
    win->_flags &= ~_HASMOVED;

     * Update our cache of the line-numbers that we displayed from the pad.
     * We will use this on subsequent calls to this function to derive
     * values to stuff into 'oldindex[]' -- for scrolling optimization.
    win->_pad._pad_y = pminrow;
    win->_pad._pad_x = pmincol;
    win->_pad._pad_top = sminrow;
    win->_pad._pad_left = smincol;
    win->_pad._pad_bottom = smaxrow;
    win->_pad._pad_right = smaxcol;

copywin(const WINDOW *src, WINDOW *dst,
	int sminrow, int smincol,
	int dminrow, int dmincol,
	int dmaxrow, int dmaxcol,
	int over)
    int rc = ERR;
    int sx, sy, dx, dy;
    bool touched;
    attr_t bk;
    attr_t mask;

    T((T_CALLED("copywin(%p, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)"),
       src, dst, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol, over));

    if (src && dst) {

	bk = AttrOf(dst->_nc_bkgd);
	mask = ~(attr_t) ((bk & A_COLOR) ? A_COLOR : 0);

	/* make sure rectangle exists in source */
	if ((sminrow + dmaxrow - dminrow) <= (src->_maxy + 1) &&
	    (smincol + dmaxcol - dmincol) <= (src->_maxx + 1)) {

	    T(("rectangle exists in source"));

	    /* make sure rectangle fits in destination */
	    if (dmaxrow <= dst->_maxy && dmaxcol <= dst->_maxx) {

		T(("rectangle fits in destination"));

		for (dy = dminrow, sy = sminrow;
		     dy <= dmaxrow;
		     sy++, dy++) {

		    touched = FALSE;
		    for (dx = dmincol, sx = smincol;
			 dx <= dmaxcol;
			 sx++, dx++) {
			if (over) {
			    if ((CharOf(src->_line[sy].text[sx]) != L(' ')) &&
					 src->_line[sy].text[sx]))) {
				dst->_line[dy].text[dx] =
					((AttrOf(src->_line[sy].text[sx]) &
					  mask) | bk));
				touched = TRUE;
			} else {
			    if (!CharEq(dst->_line[dy].text[dx],
					src->_line[sy].text[sx])) {
				dst->_line[dy].text[dx] =
				touched = TRUE;
		    if (touched) {
			touchline(dst, dminrow, (dmaxrow - dminrow + 1));
		T(("finished copywin"));
		rc = OK;