WinAbsSD::WinAbsSD(PSID owner, PSID group, PACL dacl, bool protect): m_owner(nullptr), m_group(nullptr), m_dacl(nullptr), m_sacl(nullptr) { m_sd = alloc(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); CheckApi(::InitializeSecurityDescriptor(m_sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)); try { m_owner = Sid::clone(owner); set_owner(m_sd, m_owner); } catch (exception::Abstract & e) { LogDebug(L"exception cought: %s, %s", e.what(), e.where()); } try { m_group = Sid::clone(group); set_group(m_sd, m_group); } catch (exception::Abstract & e) { LogDebug(L"exception cought: %s, %s", e.what(), e.where()); } try { WinDacl(dacl).detach(m_dacl); set_dacl(m_sd, m_dacl); } catch (exception::Abstract & e) { LogDebug(L"exception cought: %s, %s", e.what(), e.where()); } CheckApi(::IsValidSecurityDescriptor(m_sd)); set_protect(protect); }
ustring get_name(PCWSTR priv_name) { DWORD size = 0, lang = 0; ::LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW(nullptr, priv_name, nullptr, &size, &lang); CheckApi(::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); memory::auto_array<wchar_t> name(size); CheckApi(::LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW(nullptr, priv_name, name, &size, &lang)); return ustring(name); }
uint64_t Facade::get_position() const { LARGE_INTEGER tmp, np; tmp.QuadPart = 0; CheckApi(::SetFilePointerEx(m_hndl, tmp, &np, FILE_CURRENT)); return np.QuadPart; }
bool is_exist(HANDLE token, const LUID & priv) { DWORD size = 0; ::GetTokenInformation(token, TokenPrivileges, nullptr, 0, &size); CheckApi(::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); memory::auto_buf<PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES> ptp(size); CheckApi(::GetTokenInformation(token, TokenPrivileges, ptp, ptp.size(), &size)); for (DWORD i = 0; i < ptp->PrivilegeCount; ++i) { if (ptp->Privileges[i].Luid == priv) { return true; } } return false; }
Status Item::get_status() const { Status ret; DWORD bytesNeeded; CheckApi(::QueryServiceStatusEx(m_hndl, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (PBYTE )&ret, sizeof(ret), &bytesNeeded)); return ret; }
// PSID to sid string ustring Sid::as_str(value_type psid) { check(psid); memory::auto_close<PWSTR> ret(nullptr, ::LocalFree); CheckApi(::ConvertSidToStringSidW(psid, &ret)); return ustring(ret); }
Version::Version(const wchar_t* path) { DWORD size = version_dll::inst().GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(path, nullptr); CheckApi(size); memory::auto_array<BYTE> data(size); CheckApi(version_dll::inst().GetFileVersionInfoW(path, 0, size,; UINT bufLen; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * ffi; CheckApi(version_dll::inst().VerQueryValueW(data, L"\\", (void** )&ffi, &bufLen)); wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH]; _snwprintf(tmp, lengthof(tmp), L"%d.%d", HIWORD(ffi->dwFileVersionMS), LOWORD(ffi->dwFileVersionMS) // ,HIWORD(ffi->dwFileVersionLS) // LOWORD(ffi->dwFileVersionLS) ); m_ver = tmp; }
void create(const wchar_t* path, const void* content, ssize_t size, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa) { memory::auto_close<HANDLE> file(CheckHandleErr(::CreateFileW(path, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, sa, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr))); DWORD bytesWritten = 0; DWORD bytesToWrite = size; CheckApi(::WriteFile(file, content, bytesToWrite, &bytesWritten, nullptr) && bytesToWrite == bytesWritten); }
void Sid::get_name_dom(value_type sid, ustring& name, ustring& dom, PCWSTR srv) { check(sid); DWORD size_nam = 0; DWORD size_dom = 0; SID_NAME_USE type; // determine size of name ::LookupAccountSidW(srv, sid, nullptr, &size_nam, nullptr, &size_dom, &type); CheckApi(::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); memory::auto_array<wchar_t> pName(size_nam); memory::auto_array<wchar_t> pDom(size_dom); CheckApi(::LookupAccountSidW(srv, sid,, &size_nam,, &size_dom, &type)); name = pName; dom = pDom; }
SMJS_Plugin *LoadPlugin(const char *dir){ auto plugin = SMJS_Plugin::GetPluginByDir(dir); if(plugin != NULL) return plugin; bool isSandboxed = true; for(auto it = trustedPlugins.begin(); it != trustedPlugins.end(); ++it){ if(strcmp(dir, it->c_str()) == 0){ isSandboxed = false; break; } } plugin = new SMJS_Plugin(isSandboxed); char path[512]; smutils->BuildPath(Path_SM, path, sizeof(path), "plugins.js/%s", dir); plugin->SetDir(dir); plugin->SetPath(path); plugin->LoadModules(); plugin->CheckApi(); if(!plugin->LoadFile("Main.js", true)){ delete plugin; return NULL; } // Late loading if(smutils->IsMapRunning()){ HandleScope handle_scope(plugin->GetIsolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(plugin->GetContext()); auto hooks = plugin->GetHooks("OnMapStart"); for(auto it = hooks->begin(); it != hooks->end(); ++it){ (*it)->Call(plugin->GetContext()->Global(), 0, NULL); } for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(clients) / sizeof(clients[0]); ++i){ if(clients[i] == NULL) continue; v8::Handle<v8::Value> arg = clients[i]->GetWrapper(plugin); hooks = plugin->GetHooks("OnClientConnected"); for(auto it = hooks->begin(); it != hooks->end(); ++it){ (*it)->Call(plugin->GetContext()->Global(), 1, &arg); } if(clients[i]->inGame){ hooks = plugin->GetHooks("OnClientPutInGame"); for(auto it = hooks->begin(); it != hooks->end(); ++it){ (*it)->Call(plugin->GetContext()->Global(), 1, &arg); } } } } return plugin; }
void modify(HANDLE token, const LUID & priv, bool enable) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; memory::zero(tp); tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = priv; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = (enable) ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0; CheckApi(::AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, false, &tp, sizeof(tp), nullptr, nullptr)); }
PSID Sid::get_sid(PCWSTR name, PCWSTR srv) { DWORD size_sid = SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; PSID m_sid = (value_type)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, size_sid); DWORD size_dom = MAX_PATH; wchar_t dom[size_dom]; SID_NAME_USE type; CheckApi(::LookupAccountNameW(srv, name, m_sid, &size_sid, dom, &size_dom, &type)); return m_sid; }
ustring get_token_user(HANDLE hToken) { DWORD size = 0; if (!::GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, nullptr, 0, &size) && size) { Base::auto_buf<PTOKEN_USER> buf(size); CheckApi(::GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, buf, buf.size(), &size)); return Sid::get_name(buf->User.Sid); } return ustring(); }
WinAbsSD::WinAbsSD(): m_owner(nullptr), m_group(nullptr), m_dacl(nullptr), m_sacl(nullptr) { LogTrace(); m_sd = alloc(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); CheckApi(::InitializeSecurityDescriptor(m_sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)); }
void read(PCWSTR path, astring &buf) { memory::auto_close<HANDLE> file(::CreateFileW(path, GENERIC_READ, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, nullptr)); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD size = (DWORD)get_size(file); buf.reserve(size); CheckApi(::ReadFile(file, (PWSTR )buf.c_str(), buf.size(), &size, nullptr)); } }
bool is_enabled(HANDLE token, const LUID & priv) { BOOL ret = false; PRIVILEGE_SET ps; memory::zero(ps); ps.PrivilegeCount = 1; ps.Privilege[0].Luid = priv; CheckApi(::PrivilegeCheck(token, &ps, &ret)); return ret; }
uint64_t get_inode(PCWSTR path, size_t * nlink) { memory::auto_close<HANDLE> file(CheckHandle(::CreateFileW(path, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, nullptr))); BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info; CheckApi(::GetFileInformationByHandle(file, &info)); if (nlink) *nlink = info.nNumberOfLinks; return make_uint64(info.nFileIndexHigh, info.nFileIndexLow); }
Map::file_map_iterator & Map::file_map_iterator::operator ++() { m_impl->close(); if ((m_impl->m_seq->size() - m_impl->m_offs) > 0) { if ((m_impl->m_seq->size() - m_impl->m_offs) < m_impl->m_seq->get_frame()) m_impl->m_size = m_impl->m_seq->size() - m_impl->m_offs; ACCESS_MASK amask = (m_impl->m_seq->is_writeble()) ? FILE_MAP_WRITE : FILE_MAP_READ; m_impl->m_data = ::MapViewOfFile(m_impl->m_seq->map(), amask, high_part_64(m_impl->m_offs), low_part_64(m_impl->m_offs), m_impl->m_size); CheckApi(m_impl->m_data != nullptr); m_impl->m_offs += m_impl->m_size; } return *this; }
void ImplEnum::update() { PWTS_SESSION_INFOW all_info; DWORD cnt = 0; CheckApi(Wtsapi32_dll::inst().WTSEnumerateSessionsW(connection, 0, 1, &all_info, &cnt)); sessions.clear(); sessions.reserve(cnt); for (DWORD i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { sessions.emplace_back(simstd::make_shared<ImplSessionInfo>(connection, all_info[i].SessionId, all_info[i].pWinStationName, all_info[i].State)); } Wtsapi32_dll::inst().WTSFreeMemory(all_info); }
WinAbsSD::WinAbsSD(const ustring& name, const ustring& group, bool prot): m_owner(nullptr), m_group(nullptr), m_dacl(nullptr), m_sacl(nullptr) { m_sd = alloc(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); CheckApi(::InitializeSecurityDescriptor(m_sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)); m_dacl = WinDacl::create(64); if (!name.empty()) { try { Sid usr(name.c_str()); DWORD ownerSize = SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; m_owner = (PSID)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, ownerSize); usr.copy_to(m_owner, ownerSize); } catch (...) { } } if (!group.empty()) { try { DWORD groupSize = SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; m_group = (PSID)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, groupSize); Sid grp(group.c_str()); grp.copy_to(m_group, groupSize); } catch (...) { } } set_owner(m_sd, m_owner); set_group(m_sd, m_group); set_dacl(m_sd, m_dacl); CheckApi(::IsValidSecurityDescriptor(m_sd)); set_protect(prot); }
///==================================================================================== WinAbsSD void WinAbsSD::Init(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd) { m_owner = m_group = m_dacl = m_sacl = nullptr; DWORD sdSize = SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH; DWORD ownerSize = SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; DWORD groupSize = SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; DWORD daclSize = WinSD::get_dacl_size(sd); DWORD saclSize = WinSD::get_sacl_size(sd); m_sd = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, sdSize); m_owner = (PSID)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, ownerSize); m_group = (PSID)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, groupSize); if (daclSize) m_dacl = (PACL)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, daclSize); if (saclSize) m_sacl = (PACL)::LocalAlloc(LPTR, saclSize); CheckApi(::MakeAbsoluteSD(sd, m_sd, &sdSize, m_dacl, &daclSize, m_sacl, &saclSize, m_owner, &ownerSize, m_group, &groupSize)); }
Privilege::Privilege(PCWSTR priv_name) : m_disable(false) { memory::auto_close<HANDLE> token; if (::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &token)) { PRIVILEGE_SET ps; memory::zero(ps); ps.PrivilegeCount = 1; ps.Privilege[0].Luid = privilege::as_luid(priv_name); auto result = FALSE; if (::PrivilegeCheck(token, &ps, &result) && !result) { m_tp.PrivilegeCount = ps.PrivilegeCount; m_tp.Privileges[0].Luid = ps.Privilege[0].Luid; m_tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; m_disable = ::AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, false, &m_tp, sizeof(m_tp), nullptr, nullptr); CheckApi(m_disable); } } }
Item& ConfigRequest::execute(Item& svc) const { LogTrace("(%p)", static_cast<SC_HANDLE>(svc)); CheckApi( ::ChangeServiceConfigW(static_cast<SC_HANDLE>(svc), serviceType, (startType != SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) ? startType & 0xFFFF : startType, errorControl, binaryPathName, loadOrderGroup, tagId, dependencies, login, passw, displayName) ); if (startType != SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) { svc.set_delayed(startType == static_cast<DWORD>(Start::AUTO_DELAYED)); } return svc; }
uint64_t get_size(HANDLE handle) { LARGE_INTEGER size; CheckApi(::GetFileSizeEx(handle, &size)); return size.QuadPart; }
size_t write(HANDLE file, PCVOID data, size_t bytesToWrite) { DWORD bytesWritten = 0; CheckApi(::WriteFile(file, data, bytesToWrite, &bytesWritten, nullptr)); return bytesWritten; }
uint64_t get_size(const wchar_t* path) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA info; CheckApi(::GetFileAttributesExW(path, GetFileExInfoStandard, &info)); return make_uint64(info.nFileSizeHigh, info.nFileSizeLow); }
void remove(const wchar_t* path) { LogTrace2(L"('%s')", path); CheckApi(fsys::file::remove(path)); }
void link(const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* new_path) { CheckApi(fsys::file::link(path, new_path)); }
uint64_t get_position(HANDLE handle) { LARGE_INTEGER pos; CheckApi(::SetFilePointerEx(handle, pos, &pos, FILE_CURRENT)); return pos.QuadPart; }
void set_position(HANDLE handle, uint64_t pos, DWORD m) { LARGE_INTEGER p; p.QuadPart = pos; CheckApi(::SetFilePointerEx(handle, p, nullptr, m)); }