* \author	Darryn Campbell (DCC, JRQ768)
* \date		May 2011 (Initial Creation)
void CNetworkDetectionBase::run()
	while( !isStopping() )    
		wait(m_iNetworkPollInterval / 1000);
		if (!isStopping())
	LOG(INFO) + "Stopping Network Detection Thread";
eConnectionBoxMode CHostTracker::OnTimeoutEvent(int& nPollInterval, int& nBadLinkTimer)
	eConnectionBoxMode mode = eNone;
	nBadLinkTimer = nBadLinkTimer + nPollInterval;
	nPollInterval = m_iNetworkPollInterval;
	if( CheckConnectivity())
		LOG(INFO) + "ConnectionChecking: CheckConnectivity passed";
		mode = eHideConnectionBox;
		nBadLinkTimer =0;
		LOG(INFO) + "ConnectionChecking: CheckConnectivity failed";
		mode = eShowConnectionBox;
		nBadLinkTimer = nBadLinkTimer + m_iPingTimeOut;
		if(nBadLinkTimer >= m_iConnectionDlgTimeout)
			//navigate to badlink
			rho::String navUrl = rho::common::convertToStringA(m_szBadLinkUrl);


			//set badlink counter to zero
			nBadLinkTimer =0;
			mode = eHideConnectionBox;
			nPollInterval = INFINITE;//once dlg time out happens we have to infinite until we get a navcomplete or any other event

	return mode;
void HClusterDlg::SpatialConstraintClustering()
    int transpose = 0; // row wise
    fastcluster::cluster_result Z2(rows-1);

    if (chk_contiguity->GetValue()) {
        vector<boost::uuids::uuid> weights_ids;
        WeightsManInterface* w_man_int = project->GetWManInt();

        int sel = combo_weights->GetSelection();
        if (sel < 0) sel = 0;
        if (sel >= weights_ids.size()) sel = weights_ids.size()-1;

        boost::uuids::uuid w_id = weights_ids[sel];
        GalWeight* gw = w_man_int->GetGal(w_id);

        if (gw == NULL) {
            wxMessageDialog dlg (this, _("Invalid Weights Information:\n\n The selected weights file is not valid.\n Please choose another weights file, or use Tools > Weights > Weights Manager\n to define a valid weights file."), _("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING);
        //GeoDaWeight* weights = w_man_int->GetGal(w_id);
        // Check connectivity
        if (!CheckConnectivity(gw)) {
            wxString msg = _("The connectivity of selected spatial weights is incomplete, please adjust the spatial weights.");
            wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, _("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING );

        double** ragged_distances = distancematrix(rows, columns, input_data,  mask, weight, dist, transpose);
        double** distances = DataUtils::fullRaggedMatrix(ragged_distances, rows, rows);
        for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++) free(ragged_distances[i]);
        std::vector<bool> undefs(rows, false);
        SpanningTreeClustering::AbstractClusterFactory* redcap = new SpanningTreeClustering::FirstOrderSLKRedCap(rows, columns, distances, input_data, undefs, gw->gal, NULL, 0);
        for (int i=0; i<redcap->ordered_edges.size(); i++) {
            Z2[i]->node1 = redcap->ordered_edges[i]->orig->id;
            Z2[i]->node2 = redcap->ordered_edges[i]->dest->id;
            Z2[i]->dist = redcap->ordered_edges[i]->length;

        delete redcap;
avtDatasetVerifier::VerifyDataset(vtkDataSet *ds, int dom)
    int  i, j;

    int nPts   = ds->GetNumberOfPoints();
    int nCells = ds->GetNumberOfCells();

    int nPtVars = ds->GetPointData()->GetNumberOfArrays();
    for (i = 0 ; i < nPtVars ; i++)
        vtkDataArray *pt_var = ds->GetPointData()->GetArray(i);
        int nscalars = pt_var->GetNumberOfTuples();
        if (nscalars != nPts)
            CorrectVarMismatch(pt_var, ds->GetPointData(), nPts); 
            // CorrectVarMismatch invalidates pt_var pointer. Grab it again.
            pt_var = ds->GetPointData()->GetArray(i);
            IssueVarMismatchWarning(nscalars, nPts,true,dom,pt_var->GetName());

    int nCellVars = ds->GetCellData()->GetNumberOfArrays();
    for (i = 0 ; i < nCellVars ; i++)
        vtkDataArray *cell_var = ds->GetCellData()->GetArray(i);
        int nscalars = cell_var->GetNumberOfTuples();
        if (nscalars != nCells)
            CorrectVarMismatch(cell_var, ds->GetCellData(), nCells);
            // CorrectVarMismatch invalidates cell_var pointer. Grab it again.
            cell_var = ds->GetCellData()->GetArray(i);
            bool issueWarning = true;
            vtkUnsignedCharArray *gz = (vtkUnsignedCharArray *)
            if (gz != NULL)
                int ntuples = gz->GetNumberOfTuples();
                int num_real = 0;
                for (j = 0 ; j < ntuples ; j++)
                    if (gz->GetValue(j) == '\0')
                if (num_real == nscalars)
                    issueWarning = false;
                    debug1 << "The input file has an invalid number of "
                           << "entries in a zonal variable.  Since the number"
                           << " of entries corresponds to the number of real "
                           << "zones, no warning is being issued." << endl;
            if (issueWarning)
                IssueVarMismatchWarning(nscalars, nCells, false, dom, 

    int dims[3];
    bool didDims = false;
    if (ds->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID)
        vtkRectilinearGrid *rg = (vtkRectilinearGrid *) ds;
        didDims = true;
    if (ds->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID)
        vtkStructuredGrid *sg = (vtkStructuredGrid *) ds;
        didDims = true;
    if (didDims)
        int dimsnpts   = (dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]);
        int dimsncells = 1;
        if (dims[0] > 1)
            dimsncells *= dims[0]-1;
        if (dims[1] > 1)
            dimsncells *= dims[1]-1;
        if (dims[2] > 1)
            dimsncells *= dims[2]-1;
        if (dimsnpts != nPts)
            if (! issuedWarningForVarMismatch)
                char msg[1024];
                sprintf(msg, "Your dimensions were declared to be %d x %d x %d, "
                             "which should mean %d points.  But your point "
                             "variables have %d points.  This is an unrecoverable "
                             "error.", dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], dimsnpts, nPts);
                issuedWarningForVarMismatch = true;
        if (dimsncells != nCells)
            if (! issuedWarningForVarMismatch)
                char msg[1024];
                sprintf(msg, "Your dimensions were declared to be %d x %d x %d, "
                             "which should mean %d cells.  But your cell "
                             "variables have %d cells.  This is an unrecoverable "
                             "error.", dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], dimsncells, nCells);
                issuedWarningForVarMismatch = true;

    if (avtCallback::GetSafeMode())
        issuedSafeModeWarning = false;
        if (ds->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_RECTILINEAR_GRID)
            vtkRectilinearGrid *rg = (vtkRectilinearGrid *) ds;
            CheckArray(dom, rg->GetXCoordinates(), "X-coordinates");
            CheckArray(dom, rg->GetYCoordinates(), "Y-coordinates");
            CheckArray(dom, rg->GetZCoordinates(), "Z-coordinates");
        else if (ds->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID)
            vtkStructuredGrid *sg = (vtkStructuredGrid *) ds;
            CheckArray(dom, sg->GetPoints()->GetData(), "Coordinates");
        else if (ds->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID)
            vtkUnstructuredGrid *ug = (vtkUnstructuredGrid *) ds;
            CheckArray(dom, ug->GetPoints()->GetData(), "Coordinates");
            CheckConnectivity(dom, ug->GetNumberOfPoints(), ug->GetCells(),
        else if (ds->GetDataObjectType() == VTK_POLY_DATA)
            vtkPolyData *pd = (vtkPolyData *) ds;
            CheckArray(dom, pd->GetPoints()->GetData(), "Coordinates");
            CheckConnectivity(dom, pd->GetNumberOfPoints(), pd->GetVerts(), 
                              "Vertex Cells");
            CheckConnectivity(dom, pd->GetNumberOfPoints(), pd->GetLines(), 
                              "Line Cells");
            CheckConnectivity(dom, pd->GetNumberOfPoints(), pd->GetPolys(), 
                              "Polygon Cells");
            CheckConnectivity(dom, pd->GetNumberOfPoints(), pd->GetStrips(), 
                              "Triangle Strip Cells");
        for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++)
            vtkDataSetAttributes *atts = NULL;
            if (i == 0)
                atts = ds->GetCellData();
                atts = ds->GetPointData();
            int narr = atts->GetNumberOfArrays();
            for (int j = 0 ; j < narr ; j++)
                vtkDataArray *arr = atts->GetArray(j);
                const char *name = arr->GetName();
                if (name == NULL)
                    if (i == 0)
                        name = "Unnamed Cell Var";
                        name = "Unnamed Point Var";
                CheckArray(dom, arr, name);