void displayTwitch(char name[], char title[], char game[]) { if (timerStruct(lastDisplayTime) % 10 < 5) { ClearLcd(); if(strlen(name) < 16) { LcdArrayLineOne(name, strlen(name)); }else { LcdArrayLineOne(name, 16); } LcdArrayLineTwo("is streaming ", 16); } else { ClearLcd(); if(strlen(title) > 16) { LcdArrayLineOne(title, 16); }else { LcdArrayLineOne(title, strlen(title)); }if(strlen(game) > 16) { LcdArrayLineTwo(game, 16); }else{ LcdArrayLineTwo(game, strlen(game)); } } LcdBackLight(LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON); }
void displayTwitter(char* text) { ClearLcd(); LcdBackLight(LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON); LcdArrayLineOne(" Twitter ", 16); int j = 0; int i; char text1[16]; for(i = 0; i<140;i++){ if (text[i] != 0){ j++; } } for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){ if (text[Scroller+i]!= 0) { text1[i] = text[Scroller + i]; } else { text1[i] = ' '; } } LcdArrayLineTwo(text1,16); Scroller++; if (Scroller > j){ Scroller = 0; } }
void showMenu() { ClearLcd(); LcdArrayLineOne("Main menu", 9); switch (isSettings) { case 0: { tm time; X12RtcGetClock(&time); char str1[16]; sprintf(str1, "< %02d:%02d:%02d >", time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); LcdArrayLineTwo(str1, 16); break; } case 1: { showSettings(); break; } case 2: { showPlay(); break; } } }
static void EnterShippingMode(void) { /* Turn off the watchdog timer */ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; #ifdef DIGITAL ClearLcd(); #endif ConfigResetPin(RST_PIN_ENABLED); __delay_cycles(100000); __disable_interrupt(); __no_operation(); DisableRtosTick(); /* * the radio draws more current in reset than it does after * the patch is loaded */ DISABLE_DISPLAY_POWER(); DISABLE_LCD_ENABLE(); BATTERY_CHARGE_DISABLE(); LIGHT_SENSOR_SHUTDOWN(); BATTERY_SENSE_DISABLE(); HARDWARE_CFG_SENSE_DISABLE(); APPLE_POWER_DISABLE(); ACCELEROMETER_INT_DISABLE(); DISABLE_BUTTONS(); #ifdef DIGITAL /* SHIPPING */ ENABLE_SHIPPING_WAKEUP(); #endif SELECT_ACLK(SELA__REFOCLK); SELECT_FLLREF(SELREF__REFOCLK); UCSCTL8 &= ~SMCLKREQEN; UCSCTL6 |= SMCLKOFF; /* disable aclk */ P11SEL &= ~BIT0; XT1_Stop(); /* turn off the regulator */ PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H; PMMCTL0_L = PMMREGOFF; __low_power_mode_4(); __no_operation(); __no_operation(); /* should not get here without a power event */ SoftwareReset(); }