int Init_X (int swidth, int sheight)
    XGCValues vals;
    Colormap TheColormap;
    XColor TheColor;
    int i;

    Dv = 1 ;
    TheWidth = swidth ;
    TheHeight = sheight ;

    TheDisplay = XOpenDisplay("\0");
    TheRootWindow = DefaultRootWindow(TheDisplay);
    TheScreenNumber = DefaultScreen(TheDisplay); 
    TheDepth = DefaultDepth(TheDisplay, TheScreenNumber);
    if (TheDepth != 24) {
      printf("24 bit color not supported.\n") ;
      printf("Color function not likely to work.\n") ;
      return 0 ;

    int maxwidth,maxheight ;
    maxwidth = XDisplayWidth(TheDisplay,TheScreenNumber) ;
    maxheight = XDisplayHeight(TheDisplay,TheScreenNumber) ;
    if ((swidth > maxwidth) || (sheight > maxheight)) {
      printf("Requested dimensions of %dx%d exceeds max possible of %dx%d.\n",
	     swidth,sheight,maxwidth,maxheight) ;
      printf("Drawing to buffer only.\n") ;
      Dv = 0 ;


    if (Dv) {
    TheWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(TheDisplay, TheRootWindow,
                        0, 0, TheWidth, TheHeight, 0, 0, 0);

    if (!TheWindow) return 0 ;

    ThePixmap = XCreatePixmap(TheDisplay, TheRootWindow, TheWidth, TheHeight, 

    if (!ThePixmap) return 0 ;

    TheDrawable = ThePixmap;

    if (Dv) {
    XMapWindow(TheDisplay, TheWindow);
    XSelectInput(TheDisplay, TheWindow, ExposureMask |
					StructureNotifyMask |
					PointerMotionMask | 
					ButtonPressMask |
					KeyPressMask );

    if (Dv) {
    vals.graphics_exposures = 0; // False
    TheWindowContext = XCreateGC(TheDisplay, TheWindow,
                                 GCGraphicsExposures, &vals);
    if (!TheWindowContext) return 0;

    ThePixmapContext = XCreateGC(TheDisplay, ThePixmap, 0, 0);
    if (!ThePixmapContext) return 0;

    TheColormap = DefaultColormap(TheDisplay, TheScreenNumber);

    TheFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(TheDisplay, TheFont) ;
    //    XSetFont(TheDisplay, TheWindowContext, TheFontInfo->fid) ;
    XSetFont(TheDisplay, ThePixmapContext, TheFontInfo->fid) ;

    if (Dv) {
    XClearArea(TheDisplay, TheWindow, 0,0,0,0,True); 

    // most people expect a white piece of paper
    // with a black pencil
    Set_Color_Rgb_X (255,255,255) ; // white
    Clear_Buffer_X() ; // otherwise you can inherit garbage
    // from the parent window

    Copy_Buffer_X() ;

    if (Dv) {

    Set_Color_Rgb_X (0,0,0) ; // black pencil
    return 1 ;
文件: X_graphics.c 项目: javins/fpt
int Init_X (int swidth, int sheight)
    XGCValues vals;
    Colormap TheColormap;
    XColor TheColor;
    int i;

    TheWidth = swidth ;
    TheHeight = sheight ;

    TheDisplay = XOpenDisplay("\0");
    TheRootWindow = DefaultRootWindow(TheDisplay);
    TheScreenNumber = DefaultScreen(TheDisplay); 
    TheDepth = DefaultDepth(TheDisplay, TheScreenNumber);
    if (TheDepth != 24) {
      printf("24 bit color not supported.\n") ;
      printf("Color function not likely to work.\n") ;
    TheWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(TheDisplay, TheRootWindow,
                        0, 0, TheWidth, TheHeight, 0, 0, 0);

    if (!TheWindow) return 0 ;

    ThePixmap = XCreatePixmap(TheDisplay, TheRootWindow, TheWidth, TheHeight, 

    if (!ThePixmap) return 0 ;

    TheDrawable = ThePixmap;

    XMapWindow(TheDisplay, TheWindow);
    XSelectInput(TheDisplay, TheWindow, ExposureMask |
					StructureNotifyMask |
					PointerMotionMask | 
					ButtonPressMask |
					KeyPressMask );

    TheWindowContext = XCreateGC(TheDisplay, TheWindow, 0, 0);
    // this is a bad idea ... see test t02.c for an example
    // of what can happen to the behavior of the event handler,
    //       int Handle_Events_X(int *px, int *py)
    // if you do this, you'll get runaway calls to Handle_Events
    // with the default condition being met and this produces
    // a great deal of tearing in the animation of t02.c

    /* also a bad idea...same behavior as above
    vals.graphics_exposures = 1; // True

    // so this is what you want :
    vals.graphics_exposures = 0; // False
    TheWindowContext = XCreateGC(TheDisplay, TheWindow,
                                 GCGraphicsExposures, &vals);
    if (!TheWindowContext) return 0;

    ThePixmapContext = XCreateGC(TheDisplay, ThePixmap, 0, 0);
    if (!ThePixmapContext) return 0;

    TheColormap = DefaultColormap(TheDisplay, TheScreenNumber);
    for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
	TheColor.green = TheColor.blue = TheColor.red = (i << 8) | i;
	TheColor.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
	XAllocColor(TheDisplay, TheColormap, &TheColor);
	Grays[i] = TheColor.pixel;

    TheFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(TheDisplay, TheFont) ;
    XSetFont(TheDisplay, TheWindowContext, TheFontInfo->fid) ;

    //   XClearWindow(TheDisplay, TheWindow);
    //   XClearArea(TheDisplay, TheWindow, 0,0,0,0,False); // same as above
    XClearArea(TheDisplay, TheWindow, 0,0,0,0,True); 
                  // Does the boolean matter here?

    // most people expect a white piece of paper
    // with a black pencil
    Set_Color_Rgb_X (255,255,255) ; // white
    Clear_Buffer_X() ; // otherwise you can inherit garbage
    // from the parent window

    //    Set_Color_Rgb_X (255,0,255) ; // purple
    //    Fill_Rectangle_X(10,10,50,80) ;
    // above was just a test

    Copy_Buffer_X() ;

    // XSync(TheDisplay, False) ; // seems unnecessary

    Set_Color_Rgb_X (0,0,0) ; // black pencil
    return 1 ;