bool csPortalContainer::Draw (iRenderView* rview, iMovable* /*movable*/,
  	csZBufMode /*zbufMode*/)
  Prepare ();

  // We assume here that ObjectToWorld has already been called.
  iCamera* camera = rview->GetCamera ();
  const csReversibleTransform& camtrans = camera->GetTransform ();

  WorldToCamera (camera, camtrans);

  // Setup clip and far plane.
  csPlane3 portal_plane, *pportal_plane;
  bool do_portal_plane =
    ((CS::RenderManager::RenderView*)rview)->GetClipPlane (portal_plane);
  if (do_portal_plane)
    pportal_plane = &portal_plane;
    pportal_plane = 0;

  csPlane3 *farplane = camera->GetFarPlane ();
  bool mirrored = camera->IsMirrored ();

  const csReversibleTransform movtrans = 
    meshwrapper->GetCsMovable ().GetFullTransform ();

  csPoly2D poly;
  int viewWidth = rview->GetGraphics3D ()->GetWidth();
  int viewHeight = rview->GetGraphics3D ()->GetHeight();
  PerspectiveOutlet2D outlet (camera->GetProjectionMatrix(), poly, viewWidth, viewHeight);

  size_t i;
  if (clip_plane || clip_portal || clip_z_plane || do_portal_plane || farplane)
    for (i = 0 ; i < portals.GetSize () ; i++)
      csVector3 *verts;
      int num_verts;
      if (ClipToPlane ((int)i, pportal_plane, camtrans.GetOrigin (),
      	verts, num_verts))
        // The far plane is defined negative. So if the portal is entirely
        // in front of the far plane it is not visible. Otherwise we will render
        // it.
        if (!farplane ||
          csPoly3D::Classify (*farplane, verts, num_verts) != CS_POL_FRONT)
	  if (DoPerspective (outlet, verts, num_verts, mirrored,
	  	camera_planes[i]) && outlet.ClipAgainst (rview->GetClipper ()))
	    DrawOnePortal (portals[i], poly,
	      movtrans, rview, camera_planes[i]);
    for (i = 0 ; i < portals.GetSize () ; i++)
      csPortal* prt = portals[i];
      csDirtyAccessArray<int>& vt = prt->GetVertexIndices ();
      int num_vertices = (int)vt.GetSize ();
      int j;
      outlet.MakeEmpty ();
      for (j = 0 ; j < num_vertices ; j++)
        outlet.Add (camera_vertices[vt[j]]);
      DrawOnePortal (portals[i], poly, movtrans, rview, camera_planes[i]);

  return false;
文件: L65_3.c 项目: CHMyFork/GPBB
// Set up a clip plane with the specified normal.
void SetWorldspaceClipPlane(point_t *normal, plane_t *plane){    // Rotate the plane normal into worldspace    BackRotateVector(normal, &plane->normal);    plane->distance = DotProduct(&currentpos, &plane->normal) +            CLIP_PLANE_EPSILON;}
// Set up the planes of the frustum, in worldspace coordinates.
void SetUpFrustum(void){    double  angle, s, c;    point_t normal;    angle = atan(2.0 / fieldofview * maxscale / xscreenscale);    s = sin(angle);    c = cos(angle);    // Left clip plane    normal.v[0] = s;    normal.v[1] = 0;    normal.v[2] = c;    SetWorldspaceClipPlane(&normal, &frustumplanes[0]);    // Right clip plane    normal.v[0] = -s;    SetWorldspaceClipPlane(&normal, &frustumplanes[1]);    angle = atan(2.0 / fieldofview * maxscale / yscreenscale);    s = sin(angle);    c = cos(angle);    // Bottom clip plane    normal.v[0] = 0;    normal.v[1] = s;    normal.v[2] = c;    SetWorldspaceClipPlane(&normal, &frustumplanes[2]);    // Top clip plane    normal.v[1] = -s;    SetWorldspaceClipPlane(&normal, &frustumplanes[3]);}
// Clip a polygon to the frustum.
int ClipToFrustum(polygon_t *pin, polygon_t *pout){    int         i, curpoly;    polygon_t   tpoly[2], *ppoly;    curpoly = 0;    ppoly = pin;    for (i=0 ; i<(NUM_FRUSTUM_PLANES-1); i++)    {        if (!ClipToPlane(ppoly,                         &frustumplanes[i],                         &tpoly[curpoly]))            return 0;        ppoly = &tpoly[curpoly];        curpoly ^= 1;    }    return ClipToPlane(ppoly,                       &frustumplanes[NUM_FRUSTUM_PLANES-1],                       pout);}
void csPortalContainer::ComputeScreenPolygons (iRenderView* rview,
                                               csVector2* verts2D,
                                               csVector3* verts3D,  
                                               size_t vertsSize,
                                               size_t* numVerts, 
                                               int viewWidth, int viewHeight)
  Prepare ();

  csSphere world_sphere, cam_sphere;
  GetBoundingSpheres (rview, 0, 0, world_sphere, cam_sphere);

  if (!CS::RenderViewClipper::CullBSphere (rview->GetRenderContext (),
    cam_sphere, world_sphere, clip_portal, clip_plane, clip_z_plane))
    memset (numVerts, 0, portals.GetSize () * sizeof (size_t));

  // We assume here that ObjectToWorld has already been called.
  iCamera* camera = rview->GetCamera ();
  const csReversibleTransform& camtrans = camera->GetTransform ();

  WorldToCamera (camera, camtrans);

  // Setup clip and far plane.
  csPlane3 portal_plane, *pportal_plane;
  bool do_portal_plane =
    ((CS::RenderManager::RenderView*)rview)->GetClipPlane (portal_plane);
  if (do_portal_plane)
    pportal_plane = &portal_plane;
    pportal_plane = 0;

  csPlane3 *farplane = camera->GetFarPlane ();
  bool mirrored = camera->IsMirrored ();

  ScreenPolyOutputHelper outHelper (verts2D, verts3D, vertsSize, numVerts);
  size_t i;
  csPoly2D poly2D;
  csPoly3D poly3D;
  PerspectiveOutlet2D3D outlet (camera, poly2D, poly3D, viewWidth, viewHeight);
  if (clip_plane || clip_portal || clip_z_plane || do_portal_plane || farplane)
    for (i = 0 ; i < portals.GetSize () ; i++)
      csVector3 *verts;
      int num_verts;
      if (ClipToPlane ((int)i, pportal_plane, camtrans.GetOrigin (),
        verts, num_verts)
        // The far plane is defined negative. So if the portal is entirely
        // in front of the far plane it is not visible. Otherwise we will render
        // it.
        && (!farplane ||
        csPoly3D::Classify (*farplane, verts, num_verts) != CS_POL_FRONT)
        && DoPerspective (outlet, verts, num_verts, mirrored,
        && (poly2D.GetSignedArea() < 0)
        && outlet.ClipAgainst (rview->GetClipper ()))
        outHelper.AddPoly (poly2D, poly3D);
        outHelper.AddEmpty ();
    for (i = 0 ; i < portals.GetSize () ; i++)
      csPortal* prt = portals[i];
      csDirtyAccessArray<int>& vt = prt->GetVertexIndices ();
      int num_vertices = (int)vt.GetSize ();
      int j;
      for (j = 0 ; j < num_vertices ; j++)
        outlet.Add (camera_vertices[vt[j]]);
      if (poly2D.GetSignedArea() < 0)
        outHelper.AddPoly (poly2D, poly3D);
        outHelper.AddEmpty ();