文件: Triangle.cpp 项目: katik/naali
/// [groupSyntax]
float3 Triangle::ClosestPoint(const LineSegment &lineSegment, float3 *otherPt) const
    ///@todo The Triangle-LineSegment test is naive. Optimize!
    float3 closestToA = ClosestPoint(lineSegment.a);
    float3 closestToB = ClosestPoint(lineSegment.b);
    float d;
    float3 closestToSegment = ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(lineSegment, 0, 0, &d);
    float3 segmentPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(d);
    float distA = closestToA.DistanceSq(lineSegment.a);
    float distB = closestToB.DistanceSq(lineSegment.b);
    float distC = closestToSegment.DistanceSq(segmentPt);
    if (distA <= distB && distA <= distC)
        if (otherPt)
            *otherPt = lineSegment.a;
        return closestToA;
    else if (distB <= distC)
        if (otherPt)
            *otherPt = lineSegment.b;
        return closestToB;
        if (otherPt)
            *otherPt = segmentPt;
        return closestToSegment;
float3 Triangle::ClosestPoint(const Line &line, float3 *otherPt) const
	///\todo Optimize this function.
	float3 intersectionPoint;
	if (Intersects(line, 0, &intersectionPoint))
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = intersectionPoint;
		return intersectionPoint;

	float u1,v1,d1;
	float3 pt1 = ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(line, &u1, &v1, &d1);
	if (otherPt)
		*otherPt = line.GetPoint(d1);
	return pt1;
float3 Triangle::ClosestPoint(const LineSegment &lineSegment, float3 *otherPt) const
	///\todo Optimize.
	float3 intersectionPoint;
	if (Intersects(lineSegment, 0, &intersectionPoint))
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = intersectionPoint;
		return intersectionPoint;

	float u1,v1,d1;
	float3 pt1 = ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(lineSegment, &u1, &v1, &d1);

	float3 pt2 = ClosestPoint(lineSegment.a);
	float3 pt3 = ClosestPoint(lineSegment.b);
	float D1 = pt1.DistanceSq(lineSegment.GetPoint(d1));
	float D2 = pt2.DistanceSq(lineSegment.a);
	float D3 = pt3.DistanceSq(lineSegment.b);

	if (D1 <= D2 && D1 <= D3)
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(d1);
		return pt1;
	else if (D2 <= D3)
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.a;
		return pt2;
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.b;
		return pt3;
文件: Triangle.cpp 项目: katik/naali
/// [groupSyntax]
float3 Triangle::ClosestPoint(const Line &other, float *outU, float *outV, float *outD) const
    /** The implementation of the Triangle-Line test is based on the pseudo-code in
    	Schneider, Eberly. Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics pp. 433 - 441. */
    ///@todo The Triangle-Line code is currently untested. Run tests to ensure the following code works properly.

    // Point on triangle: T(u,v) = a + u*b + v*c;
    // Point on line:  L(t) = p + t*d;
    // Minimize the function Q(u,v,t) = ||T(u,v) - L(t)||.

    float3 e0 = b-a;
    float3 e1 = c-a;
    float3 d = other.dir;

    const float d_e0e0 = Dot(e0, e0);
    const float d_e0e1 = Dot(e0, e1);
    const float d_e0d = Dot(e0, d);
    const float d_e1e1 = Dot(e1, e1);
    const float d_e1d = Dot(e1, d);
    const float d_dd = Dot(d, d);

    float3x3 m;
    m[0][0] = d_e0e0;
    m[0][1] = d_e0e1;
    m[0][2] = -d_e0d;
    m[1][0] = d_e0e1;
    m[1][1] = d_e1e1;
    m[1][2] = -d_e1d;
    m[2][0] = -d_e0d;
    m[2][1] = -d_e1d;
    m[2][2] = d_dd;

    ///@todo Add optimized float3x3::InverseSymmetric().
    bool inv = m.Inverse();
    if (!inv)
        return ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(other, outU, outV, outD);

    float3 v_m_p = a - other.pos;
    float v_m_p_e0 = v_m_p.Dot(e0);
    float v_m_p_e1 = v_m_p.Dot(e1);
    float v_m_p_d = v_m_p.Dot(d);
    float3 b = float3(-v_m_p_e0, -v_m_p_e1, v_m_p_d);
    float3 uvt = m * b;
    // We cannot simply clamp the solution to (uv) inside the constraints, since the expression we
    // are minimizing is quadratic.
    // So, examine case-by-case which part of the space the solution lies in. Because the function is convex,
    // we can clamp the search space to the boundary planes.
    float u = uvt.x;
    float v = uvt.y;
    float t = uvt.z;
    if (u < 0)
        if (outU) *outU = 0;

        // Solve 2x2 matrix for the (v,t) solution when u == 0.
        float m00 = m[2][2];
        float m01 = -m[2][1];
        float m10 = -m[1][2];
        float m11 = m[1][1];
        /// @bug This variable should be used somewhere below? Review the code, and test!
        float det = m00*m11 - m01*m10;

        // 2x2 * 2 matrix*vec mul.
        v = m00*b[1] + m01*b[2];
        t = m10*b[1] + m11*b[2];
        if (outD) *outD = t;

        // Check if the solution is still out of bounds.
        if (v <= 0)
            if (outV) *outV = 0;
            t = v_m_p_d / d_dd;
            return Point(0, 0);
        else if (v >= 1)
            if (outV) *outV = 1;
            t = (v_m_p_d - d_e1d) / d_dd;
            return Point(0, 1);
        else // (0 <= v <= 1).
            if (outV) *outV = v;
            return Point(0, v);
    else if (v <= 0)
        if (outV) *outV = 0;

        // Solve 2x2 matrix for the (u,t) solution when v == 0.
        float m00 = m[2][2];
        float m01 = -m[2][0];
        float m10 = -m[0][2];
        float m11 = m[0][0];
        float det = 1.f / (m00*m11 - m01*m10);

        // 2x2 * 2 matrix*vec mul.
        u = (m00*b[0] + m01*b[2]) * det;
        t = (m10*b[0] + m11*b[2]) * det;
        if (outD) *outD = t;

        // Check if the solution is still out of bounds.
        if (u <= 0)
            if (outU) *outU = 0;
            t = v_m_p_d / d_dd;
            return Point(0, 0);
        else if (u >= 1)
            if (outU) *outU = 1;
            t = (v_m_p_d - d_e0d) / d_dd;
            return Point(1, 0);
        else // (0 <= u <= 1).
            if (outU) *outU = u;
            return Point(u, 0);
    else if (u + v >= 1.f)
        // Set v = 1-u.
        float m00 = d_e0e0 + d_e1e1 - 2.f * d_e0e1;
        float m01 = -d_e0d + d_e1d;
        float m10 = -d_e0d + d_e1d;
        float m11 = d_dd;
        float det = 1.f / (m00*m11 - m01*m10);

        float b0 = d_e1e1 - d_e0e1 + v_m_p_e0 - v_m_p_e1;
        float b1 = d_e1d + v_m_p_d;
        // Inverse 2x2 matrix.
        Swap(m00, m11);
        Swap(m01, m10);
        m01 = -m01;
        m10 = -m10;

        // 2x2 * 2 matrix*vec mul.
        u = (m00*b0 + m01*b1) * det;
        t = (m10*b0 + m11*b1) * det;
        if (outD) *outD = t;

        // Check if the solution is still out of bounds.
        if (u <= 0)
            if (outU) *outU = 0;
            if (outV) *outV = 1;
            t = (d_e1d + v_m_p_d) / d_dd;
            return Point(0, 1);
        else if (u >= 1)
            if (outU) *outU = 1;
            if (outV) *outV = 0;
            t = (v_m_p_d + d_e0d) / d_dd;
            return Point(1, 0);
        else // (0 <= u <= 1).
            if (outU) *outU = u;
            if (outV) *outV = 1.f - u;
            return Point(u, 1.f - u);
    else // Each u, v and t are in appropriate range.
        if (outU) *outU = u;
        if (outV) *outV = v;
        if (outD) *outD = t;
        return Point(u, v);