
Handles variable inspection and changing from the console
qboolean Cvar_Command( void )
    cvar_t *v;

    // check variables
    v = Cvar_FindVar( Cmd_Argv( 0 ) );

    if ( !v )
        return qfalse;

    // perform a variable print or set
    if ( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
        Com_Printf( _("\"%s\" is \"%s^7\" default: \"%s^7\"\n"), v->name, v->string, v->resetString );

        if ( v->latchedString )
            Com_Printf( _("latched: \"%s\"\n"), v->latchedString );

        return qtrue;

    // set the value if forcing isn't required
    Cvar_Set2( v->name, Cmd_UnquoteString( Cmd_Args() ), qfalse );
    return qtrue;

Sends a reliable command string to be interpreted by
the client game module: "cp", "print", "chat", etc
A nullptr client will broadcast to all clients
void QDECL PRINTF_LIKE(2) SV_SendServerCommand( client_t *cl, const char *fmt, ... )
	va_list  argptr;
	byte     message[ MAX_MSGLEN ];
	client_t *client;
	int      j;

	va_start( argptr, fmt );
	Q_vsnprintf( ( char * ) message, sizeof( message ), fmt, argptr );
	va_end( argptr );

	// do not forward server command messages that would be too big to clients
	// ( q3infoboom / q3msgboom stuff )
	if ( strlen( ( char * ) message ) > 1022 )

	if ( cl != nullptr )
		SV_AddServerCommand( cl, ( char * ) message );

	if ( Com_IsDedicatedServer() )
		if ( !strncmp( ( char * ) message, "print_tr_p ", 11 ) )
			SV_PrintTranslatedText( ( const char * ) message, true, true );
		else if ( !strncmp( ( char * ) message, "print_tr ", 9 ) )
			SV_PrintTranslatedText( ( const char * ) message, true, false );

		// hack to echo broadcast prints to console
		else if ( !strncmp( ( char * ) message, "print ", 6 ) )
			Com_Printf( "Broadcast: %s", Cmd_UnquoteString( ( char * ) message + 6 ) );

	// send the data to all relevent clients
	for ( j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < sv_maxclients->integer; j++, client++ )
		if ( client->state < CS_PRIMED )

		// Ridah, don't need to send messages to AI
		if ( SV_IsBot(client) )

		// done.
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, ( char * ) message );

Restart the server on a different map
static void SV_Map_f( void )
	char     *cmd;
	char     *map;
	const char *layouts;
	char     mapname[ MAX_QPATH ];
	qboolean cheat;
	char     expanded[ MAX_QPATH ];
	char     layout[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ];

	map = Cmd_Argv( 1 );

	if ( !map )

	// make sure the level exists before trying to change, so that
	// a typo at the server console won't end the game
	Com_sprintf( expanded, sizeof( expanded ), "maps/%s.bsp", map );

	if ( FS_ReadFile( expanded, NULL ) == -1 )
		Com_Printf(_( "Can't find map %s\n"), expanded );


	// layout(s) - note that ArgsFrom adds quoting which we don't want here
	// Also, if empty, don't override
	layouts = Cmd_UnquoteString( Cmd_ArgsFrom( 2 ) );
	if ( *layouts )
		Cvar_Set( "g_layouts", layouts );

	cheat = !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "devmap" );

	// save the map name here cause on a map restart we reload the q3config.cfg
	// and thus nuke the arguments of the map command
	Q_strncpyz( mapname, map, sizeof( mapname ) );

	// start up the map
	SV_SpawnServer( mapname );

	// set the cheat value
	// if the level was started with "map <levelname>", then
	// cheats will not be allowed.  If started with "devmap <levelname>"
	// then cheats will be allowed
	Cvar_Set( "sv_cheats", cheat ? "1" : "0" );

Allows setting and defining of arbitrary cvars from console, even if they
weren't declared in C code.
void Cvar_Set_f( void )
    int  c, unsafe = 0;
    char *value;

    c = Cmd_Argc();

    if ( c < 3 )
        Cmd_PrintUsage(_("<variable> <value> [unsafe]"), NULL);

    // ydnar: handle unsafe vars
    if ( c >= 4 && !strcmp( Cmd_Argv( c - 1 ), "unsafe" ) )
        unsafe = 1;

        if ( com_crashed != NULL && com_crashed->integer )
            Com_Printf(_( "%s is unsafe. Check com_crashed.\n"), Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

    value = strdup( Cmd_Cmd_FromNth( 2 ) );   // 3rd arg onwards, raw

    if ( unsafe )
        char *end = value + strlen( value );

        // skip spaces
        while ( --end > value )
            if ( *end != ' ' )


        // skip "unsafe" (may be quoted, so just scan it)
        while ( --end > value )
            if ( *end == ' ' )


        // skip spaces
        while ( --end > value )
            if ( *end != ' ' )

        end[ 1 ] = 0; // end of string :-)

    Cvar_Set2( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_UnquoteString( value ), qfalse );
    free( value );