static struct ast_frame *lintog723_frameout(struct ast_translator_pvt *pvt)
	struct g723_encoder_pvt *tmp = (struct g723_encoder_pvt *)pvt;
#ifdef ANNEX_B
	int x;
	FLOAT tmpdata[Frame];
	int cnt=0;
	/* We can't work on anything less than a frame in size */
	if (tmp->tail < Frame)
		return NULL;
	tmp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE;
	tmp->f.subclass = AST_FORMAT_G723_1;
	tmp->f.offset = AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET;
	tmp->f.src = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
	tmp->f.samples = 0;
	tmp->f.mallocd = 0;
	while(tmp->tail >= Frame) {
		/* Encode a frame of data */
		if (cnt + 24 >= sizeof(tmp->outbuf)) {
			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of buffer space\n");
			return NULL;
#ifdef ANNEX_B
		for (x=0;x<Frame;x++)
			tmpdata[x] = tmp->buf[x];
		Coder(&tmp->cod, tmpdata, tmp->outbuf + cnt);
		Coder(&tmp->cod, tmp->buf, tmp->outbuf + cnt);
		/* Assume 8000 Hz */
		tmp->f.samples += 240;
		cnt += g723_len(tmp->outbuf[cnt]);
		tmp->tail -= Frame;
		/* Move the data at the end of the buffer to the front */
		if (tmp->tail)
			memmove(tmp->buf, tmp->buf + Frame, tmp->tail * 2);
	tmp->f.datalen = cnt;
	tmp->f.data = tmp->outbuf;
#if 0
	/* Save to a g723 sample output file... */
		static int fd = -1;
		int delay = htonl(30);
		short size;
		if (fd < 0)
			fd = open("trans.g723", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
		if (fd < 0)
			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create demo\n");
		write(fd, &delay, 4);
		size = htons(tmp->f.datalen);
		write(fd, &size, 2);
		write(fd, tmp->f.data, tmp->f.datalen);
	return &tmp->f;	
uint8_t acp::compress(wstring filename, cmder set, ProgressInfo &pinfo)
	uint8_t *ftDATA = new uint8_t[2048000];
	uint64_t p_ftDATA = 0;
	//try open file
	bitWfile fout;
	FILE *inf = _wfopen(filename.c_str(), L"rb");
	if (inf == NULL)
		return 0x1;
	fseek(inf, 0, SEEK_END);
	pinfo.inlen = ftell(inf);
	fseek(inf, 0, SEEK_SET);

	fread(ftDATA, 1, pinfo.inlen, inf);
	fseek(inf, 0, SEEK_SET);

	wstring ofilename = filename + L".amc";
	if (!fout.open(ofilename))
		return 0x2;
	//wchar_t db_str[120];
	//Head Part

	FHeader fhead;
	fhead.diccount = set.dictcount;
	fhead.bufcount = set.bufcount;
	fout.putChars(20, fhead.data);//write file head
	uint8_t fnl = (uint8_t)filename.size();
	fout.putChars(1, &fnl);//file name length
	fout.putChars(fnl * 2, (uint8_t*)filename.c_str());//file name data
	fout.putChars(8, (uint8_t*)&pinfo.inlen);//input file length
	pinfo.outnow = fout.getpos();



	uint8_t next_read = 64;
	ChkItem chkdata;
	DictOP dOP;
	BufferOP bOP;
	CoderOP cOP;
	DictReport *dRep = new DictReport[set.thread];
	BufferReport *bRep = new BufferReport[set.thread];

	unique_lock <mutex> lck_DictUse(mtx_Dict_Use);
	thread T_FD = thread(FindInDict, set.thread, ref(dOP), dRep, ref(chkdata));
	dOP.op = 1;
	//give up lck to enable FindInDict to init
	cv_Dict_Ready.wait(lck_DictUse, [&] {return dOP.op == 0; });

	unique_lock <mutex> lck_BufUse(mtx_Buf_Use);
	thread T_FB = thread(FindInBuffer, set.thread, ref(bOP), bRep, ref(chkdata));
	bOP.op = 1;
	//give up lck to enable FindInBuffer to init
	cv_Buf_Ready.wait(lck_BufUse, [&] {return bOP.op == 0; });

	unique_lock <mutex> lck_CoderUse(mtx_Coder_Use);
	thread T_C = thread(CoderT, ref(fout), ref(cOP));
	cOP.op = 1;
	//give up lck to enable Coder to init
	cv_Coder_Ready.wait(lck_CoderUse, [&] {return cOP.op == 0; });

	uint32_t d_cycle = 0;
	dOP.op = bOP.op = 1;
	CodeAns Dans, Bans;
	auto chkadddata = [&]
		for (auto a = 0; a < bOP.len; ++a)
			if (ftDATA[p_ftDATA++] != bOP.data[a])
				return false;
		return true;
	while (Chk_upd(chkdata, inf, next_read) >= 3)//loop untill file end
		// swprintf(db_str, L"**Main loop %d .\n",++z_cycle); db_log(db_str);
		Chk_pre(chkdata, 3);
		if (bOP.op == 0xfe)

			if (dOP.op == 0xfd)
				//if (d_cycle == 6)
			if (!chkadddata())
				//wprintf(L"\nwrong add data!at %d dict-cycle\n",d_cycle);
		//Dict Part
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** noti DC0\n");
		cv_Dict_Ready.wait(lck_DictUse, [&] {return dOP.op == 0x7f; });
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** wa<- DC0\n");

		//pre Dict Ans
		future<CodeAns> GetDictTestAns = async(Code_TestDict,set.thread,dRep);
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** make CTD\n");

		//prepare data for buffer
		if (dOP.findlen > 3)
			Chk_pre(chkdata, dOP.findlen);

		//Buffer Part

#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** noti BC0\n");
		cv_Buf_Ready.wait(lck_BufUse, [&] {return bOP.op == 0x7f; });
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** wa<- BC0\n");

		//pre Buf Ans
		future<CodeAns> GetBufTestAns = async(Code_TestBuffer, set.thread, bRep);
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** make CTB\n");
		//get Ans
		Dans = GetDictTestAns.get();
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** get CTD\n");

		bOP.op = 0xfe;
		Bans = GetBufTestAns.get();
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"M** get CTB\n");
#if DEBUG_Thr
		db_log(L"**Get Ans\n");
		//pre next op
		//#if DEBUG { swprintf(db_str, L"@Main  ANS dans=%d bans=%d\n", Dans.len, Bans.len); db_log(1, db_str, true); }
		if(Bans.savelen >= Dans.savelen)//Buffer find more&equal byte OR Buffer save more&equal space
			//if (Bans.savelen == (int16_t)0x8000)//both unavaliable
			if (Bans.savelen < 0)//no saving bits
				//put one byte and add buffer
				cOP.bdata = chkdata.data[0];
				bOP.len = next_read = 1;
				bOP.data[0] = cOP.bdata;
				cOP.op = 0xfe;
				dOP.op = 0x33;
				//put buffer and add dict and buffer
				cOP.cdata = Bans;
				dOP.op = 0xfe;
				bOP.len = dOP.len = next_read = Bans.srclen;
				memcpy(bOP.data, chkdata.data, next_read);
				memcpy(dOP.data, chkdata.data, next_read);
				//bOP.data = dOP.data = Bans.addr;
				cOP.op = 0xfd;

				dOP.bOffset = Bans.part_data[5];
				dOP.p_b = Bans.p_b;
				dOP.s_b = Bans.s_b;
			//put dict and use dict and add buffer
			cOP.cdata = Dans;
			dOP.op = 0xfd;
			//bOP.data = Dans.addr;
			dOP.len = bOP.len = next_read = Dans.srclen;
			memcpy(bOP.data, Dans.addr, next_read);
			dOP.dID = Dans.dID;
			cOP.op = 0xfd;

		//send data to coder
		cv_Coder_Ready.wait(lck_CoderUse, [&] {return cOP.op == 0x0; });//give up lock so that coder can do work
		Coder(fout, cOP);

		//refresh progress-info
		pinfo.innow += next_read;
		pinfo.outnow = fout.pos();

	if (chkdata.limit)//still little data
		cOP.enddata[0] = chkdata.limit;
		pinfo.innow += chkdata.limit;
		cOP.enddata[1] = chkdata.data[0];
		cOP.enddata[2] = chkdata.data[1];

	bOP.op = cOP.op = dOP.op = 0xff;
	//end dict
	cv_Dict_Ready.wait(lck_DictUse, [&] {return dOP.op == 0x7f; });
	//end buffer
	cv_Buf_Ready.wait(lck_BufUse, [&] {return bOP.op == 0x7f; });
	//end coder
	cv_Coder_Ready.wait(lck_CoderUse, [&] {return cOP.op == 0x7f; });//give up lock so that coder can do work
	Coder(fout, cOP);

	pinfo.outlen = fout.close();
	return 0x0;