void Com_Parse2DMatrix( const char *( *buf_p ), int y, int x, float *m ) {
	int i;

	Com_MatchToken( buf_p, "(" );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < y ; i++ ) {
		Com_Parse1DMatrix( buf_p, x, m + i * x );

	Com_MatchToken( buf_p, ")" );
void idSplineList::parse(const char *(*text)  ) {
	const char *token;
	//Com_MatchToken( text, "{" );
	do {
		token = Com_Parse( text );
		if ( !token[0] ) {
		if ( !Q_stricmp (token, "}") ) {

		do {
			// if token is not a brace, it is a key for a key/value pair
			if ( !token[0] || !Q_stricmp (token, "(") || !Q_stricmp(token, "}")) {

			idStr key = Com_ParseOnLine(text);
			const char *token = Com_Parse(text);
			if (Q_stricmp(key.c_str(), "granularity") == 0) {
				granularity = atof(token);
			} else if (Q_stricmp(key.c_str(), "name") == 0) {
				name = token;
			token = Com_Parse(text);

		} while (1);

		if ( !Q_stricmp (token, "}") ) {

		// read the control point
		idVec3_t point;
		Com_Parse1DMatrix( text, 3, point );
		addPoint(point.x, point.y, point.z);
	} while (1);
	//Com_MatchToken( text, "}" );
	dirty = true;
void idFixedPosition::parse(const char *(*text)  ) {
	const char *token;
	Com_MatchToken( text, "{" );
	do {
		token = Com_Parse( text );
		if ( !token[0] ) {
		if ( !strcmp (token, "}") ) {

		// here we may have to jump over brush epairs ( only used in editor )
		do {
			// if token is not a brace, it is a key for a key/value pair
			if ( !token[0] || !strcmp (token, "(") || !strcmp(token, "}")) {

			idStr key = Com_ParseOnLine(text);
			//const char *token = Com_Parse(text);
			if (Q_stricmp(key.c_str(), "pos") == 0) {
				Com_Parse1DMatrix( text, 3, pos );
			} else {
				idCameraPosition::parseToken(key.c_str(), text);	
			token = Com_Parse(text);

		} while (1);

		if ( !strcmp (token, "}") ) {

	} while (1);
	Com_MatchToken( text, "}" );

parses the sides into buildBrush->sides[], nothing else.
no validation, back plane removal, etc.
static void ParseRawBrush( bool onlyLights )
	side_t		*side;
	float		planePoints[3][3];
	int		planenum;
	char 		name[MAX_SHADERPATH];
	char		shader[MAX_SHADERPATH];
	shaderInfo_t	*si;
	token_t		token;
	vects_t		vects;
	int		flags;
	buildBrush->numsides = 0;
	buildBrush->detail = false;
	if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_RADIANT )
		Com_CheckToken( mapfile, "{" );
	while( 1 )
		if( !Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_COMMENT_SEMICOLON, &token ))
		if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "}" )) break;
		if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_RADIANT )
			while( 1 )
				if( com.strcmp( token.string, "(" ))
					Com_ReadToken( mapfile, 0, &token );
				else break;
				Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &token );
		Com_SaveToken( mapfile, &token );
		if( buildBrush->numsides >= MAX_BUILD_SIDES )
			Sys_Break( "Entity %i, Brush %i MAX_BUILD_SIDES\n", buildBrush->entityNum, buildBrush->brushNum );
		side = &buildBrush->sides[ buildBrush->numsides ];
		Mem_Set( side, 0, sizeof( *side ));
		// read the three point plane definition
		Com_Parse1DMatrix( mapfile, 3, planePoints[0] );
		Com_Parse1DMatrix( mapfile, 3, planePoints[1] );
		Com_Parse1DMatrix( mapfile, 3, planePoints[2] );
		// read the texture matrix
		if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_RADIANT )
			Com_Parse2DMatrix( mapfile, 2, 3, (float *)side->texMat );
		// read the texturedef or shadername
		Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token );
		com.strncpy( name, token.string, sizeof( name ));
		if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_22 || g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_GEARCRAFT_40 ) // Worldcraft 2.2+
			// texture U axis
			Com_ReadToken( mapfile, 0, &token );
			if( com.strcmp( token.string, "[" )) Sys_Break( "missing '[' in texturedef (U)\n" );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.UAxis[0] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.UAxis[1] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.UAxis[2] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.shift[0] );
			Com_ReadToken( mapfile, 0, &token );
			if( com.strcmp( token.string, "]" )) Sys_Break( "missing ']' in texturedef (U)\n" );

			// texture V axis
			Com_ReadToken( mapfile, 0, &token );
			if( com.strcmp( token.string, "[" )) Sys_Break( "missing '[' in texturedef (V)\n" );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.VAxis[0] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.VAxis[1] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.VAxis[2] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.shift[1] );
			Com_ReadToken( mapfile, 0, &token );
			if( com.strcmp( token.string, "]" )) Sys_Break( "missing ']' in texturedef (V)\n");

			// texture rotation is implicit in U/V axes.
			Com_ReadToken( mapfile, 0, &token );
			vects.hammer.rotate = 0;

			// texure scale
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.scale[0] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.scale[1] );

			if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_GEARCRAFT_40 )
				Com_ReadLong( mapfile, false, &flags );	// read gearcraft flags
				Com_SkipRestOfLine( mapfile );	// gearcraft lightmap scale and rotate

				if( flags & GEARBOX_DETAIL )
					side->compileFlags |= C_DETAIL;

		else if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_21 || g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_QUARK )
			// worldcraft 2.1-, old Radiant, QuArK
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.shift[0] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.shift[1] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.rotate );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, false, &vects.hammer.scale[0] );
			Com_ReadFloat( mapfile, SC_COMMENT_SEMICOLON, &vects.hammer.scale[1] );

		// set default flags and values
		com.sprintf( shader, "textures/%s", name );
		if( onlyLights ) si = &shaderInfo[0];
		else si = ShaderInfoForShader( shader );

		side->shaderInfo = si;
		side->surfaceFlags = si->surfaceFlags;
		side->contentFlags = si->contentFlags;
		side->compileFlags = si->compileFlags;
		side->value = si->value;
		// bias texture shift for non-radiant sides
		if( g_bBrushPrimit != BRUSH_RADIANT && si->globalTexture == false )
			vects.hammer.shift[0] -= (floor( vects.hammer.shift[0] / si->shaderWidth ) * si->shaderWidth);
			vects.hammer.shift[1] -= (floor( vects.hammer.shift[1] / si->shaderHeight ) * si->shaderHeight);
		// historically, there are 3 integer values at the end of a brushside line in a .map file.
		// in quake 3, the only thing that mattered was the first of these three values, which
		// was previously the content flags. and only then did a single bit matter, the detail
		// bit. because every game has its own special flags for specifying detail, the
		// traditionally game-specified BASECONT_DETAIL flag was overridden for Q3Map 2.3.0
		// by C_DETAIL, defined in q3map2.h. the value is exactly as it was before, but
		// is stored in compileFlags, as opposed to contentFlags, for multiple-game
		// portability. :sigh:
                    if( g_bBrushPrimit != BRUSH_QUARK && Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_COMMENT_SEMICOLON, &token ))
			// overwrite shader values directly from .map file
			Com_SaveToken( mapfile, &token );
			Com_ReadLong( mapfile, false, &flags );
			Com_ReadLong( mapfile, false, NULL );
			Com_ReadLong( mapfile, false, NULL );
			if( flags & C_DETAIL ) side->compileFlags |= C_DETAIL;

		if( mapfile->TXcommand == '1' || mapfile->TXcommand == '2' )
			// we are QuArK mode and need to translate some numbers to align textures its way
			// from QuArK, the texture vectors are given directly from the three points
			vec3_t          texMat[2];
			float           dot22, dot23, dot33, mdet, aa, bb, dd;
			int             j, k;

			g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_QUARK;	// we can detect it only here
			k = mapfile->TXcommand - '0';
			for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
				texMat[1][j] = (planePoints[k][j] - planePoints[0][j]) * (0.0078125f);	// QuArK magic value

			k = 3 - k;
			for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
				texMat[0][j] = (planePoints[k][j] - planePoints[0][j]) * (0.0078125f);	// QuArK magic value

			dot22 = DotProduct( texMat[0], texMat[0] );
			dot23 = DotProduct( texMat[0], texMat[1] );
			dot33 = DotProduct( texMat[1], texMat[1] );
			mdet = dot22 * dot33 - dot23 * dot23;
			if( mdet < 1E-6 && mdet > -1E-6 )
				aa = bb = dd = 0;
				MsgDev( D_WARN, "Entity %i, Brush %i: degenerate QuArK-style texture: \n", buildBrush->entityNum, buildBrush->brushNum );
				mdet = 1.0 / mdet;
				aa = dot33 * mdet;
				bb = -dot23 * mdet;
				dd = dot22 * mdet;
			for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
				vects.quark.vecs[0][j] = aa * texMat[0][j] + bb * texMat[1][j];
				vects.quark.vecs[1][j] = -(bb * texMat[0][j] + dd * texMat[1][j]);
			vects.quark.vecs[0][3] = -DotProduct( vects.quark.vecs[0], planePoints[0] );
			vects.quark.vecs[1][3] = -DotProduct( vects.quark.vecs[1], planePoints[0] );

		// find the plane number
		planenum = MapPlaneFromPoints( planePoints );
		if( planenum == -1 )
			MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Entity %i, Brush %i: plane with no normal\n", buildBrush->entityNum, buildBrush->brushNum );
		side->planenum = planenum;

		if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_QUARK ) 
			// QuArK format completely matched with internal
			// FIXME: don't calculate vecs, use QuArK texMat instead ?
			Mem_Copy( side->vecs, vects.quark.vecs, sizeof( side->vecs ));
		else if( g_bBrushPrimit != BRUSH_RADIANT )
			vec3_t	vecs[2];
			float	ang, sinv, cosv, ns, nt;
			int	i, j, sv, tv;
			if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_21 )
				TextureAxisFromPlane( &mapplanes[planenum], vecs[0], vecs[1] );
			if( !vects.hammer.scale[0] ) vects.hammer.scale[0] = 1.0f;
			if( !vects.hammer.scale[1] ) vects.hammer.scale[1] = 1.0f;

			if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_21 )
				// rotate axis
				if( vects.hammer.rotate == 0 )
					sinv = 0;
					cosv = 1;
				else if( vects.hammer.rotate == 90 )
					sinv = 1;
					cosv = 0;
				else if( vects.hammer.rotate == 180 )
					sinv = 0;
					cosv = -1;
				else if( vects.hammer.rotate == 270 )
					sinv = -1;
					cosv = 0;
					ang = vects.hammer.rotate / 180 * M_PI;
					sinv = sin( ang );
					cosv = cos( ang );
				if( vecs[0][0] ) sv = 0;
				else if( vecs[0][1] ) sv = 1;
				else sv = 2;

				if( vecs[1][0] ) tv = 0;
				else if( vecs[1][1] ) tv = 1;
				else tv = 2;
				for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
					ns = cosv * vecs[i][sv] - sinv * vecs[i][tv];
					nt = sinv * vecs[i][sv] + cosv * vecs[i][tv];
					vecs[i][sv] = ns;
					vecs[i][tv] = nt;

				for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
					for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
						side->vecs[i][j] = vecs[i][j] / vects.hammer.scale[i];
			else if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_22 || g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_GEARCRAFT_40 )
				float	scale;

				scale = 1.0f / vects.hammer.scale[0];
				VectorScale( vects.hammer.UAxis, scale, side->vecs[0] );
				scale = 1.0f / vects.hammer.scale[1];
				VectorScale( vects.hammer.VAxis, scale, side->vecs[1] );

			// add shifts
			side->vecs[0][3] = vects.hammer.shift[0];
			side->vecs[1][3] = vects.hammer.shift[1];
	if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_RADIANT )
		Com_SaveToken( mapfile, &token );
		Com_CheckToken( mapfile, "}" );
		Com_CheckToken( mapfile, "}" );

reads a surface info file (<map>.srf)
void LoadSurfaceExtraFile( const char *path )
	char		srfPath[MAX_SYSPATH];
	surfaceExtra_t	*se;
	int		surfaceNum;
	script_t		*script;
	token_t		token;
	if( path == NULL || path[0] == '\0' )
	com.strcpy( srfPath, path );
	FS_StripExtension( srfPath );
	FS_DefaultExtension( srfPath, ".srf" );
	Msg( "Loading %s\n", srfPath );

	script = (void *)Com_OpenScript( srfPath, NULL, 0 );
	if( !script ) Sys_Break( "unable to load %s\n", srfPath ); // q3map is always crashed if this missed
	while( 1 )
		if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token ))
		if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "default" )) se = &seDefault;
			surfaceNum = com.atoi( token.string );
			if( surfaceNum < 0 || surfaceNum > MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS )
				Sys_Error( "ReadSurfaceExtraFile(): %s, line %d: bogus surface num %d", srfPath, token.line, surfaceNum );
			while( surfaceNum >= numSurfaceExtras )
				se = AllocSurfaceExtra();
			se = &surfaceExtras[surfaceNum];
		// handle { } section
		if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token ) || com.strcmp( token.string, "{" ))
			Sys_Error( "ReadSurfaceExtraFile(): %s, line %d: { not found\n", srfPath, token.line );
		while( 1 )
			if( !Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token ))
			if( !com.strcmp( token.string, "}" ))
			if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "shader" ))
				Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token );
				se->si = ShaderInfoForShader( token.string );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "parent" ))
				Com_ReadLong( script, false, &se->parentSurfaceNum );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "entity" ))
				Com_ReadLong( script, false, &se->entityNum );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "castShadows" ))
				Com_ReadLong( script, false, &se->castShadows );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "receiveShadows" ))
				Com_ReadLong( script, false, &se->recvShadows );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "sampleSize" ))
				Com_ReadLong( script, false, &se->sampleSize );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "longestCurve" ))
				Com_ReadFloat( script, false, &se->longestCurve );
			else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "lightmapAxis" ))
				Com_Parse1DMatrix( script, 3, se->lightmapAxis );
			// ignore all other tokens on the line
			Com_SkipRestOfLine( script );
	Com_CloseScript( script );