BOOL PageReliefTrans::OnInitDialog() { PageTrans::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here m_dlgSpecial.Create(IDD_TWOSPECIAL,this); Combine(this,m_Box1,m_dlgSpecial); m_dlgInitTrans.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_dlgTransData.ChangeName(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void MergeSort(LinkedList* list, int (*comparator)(void* left, void* right)) { int size = LLSize(list); if ( size > 1 ) { int middle = size / 2; LinkedList* spliced = LLSplice(list, middle); MergeSort(list, comparator); MergeSort(spliced, comparator); Combine(list, spliced, comparator); LLDestroy(spliced); } }
BOOL PageReliefModel::OnInitDialog() { BaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here m_dlgBasisArea.Create(IDD_DLGBASISAREA,this); Combine(this,m_Box,m_dlgBasisArea); m_tab1.AddPage(_T("图表"),&m_page1,IDD_PAGECHART); m_tab1.Show(); UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
gbool GUrlCache::GetUmelUrl(const char *url, CString &srcFilePath,GFileInfo &info, gbool &isFile) { CString relFilePath,absFilePath; // get relative path //if (striprefix(url,G_URN_UMEL)) relFilePath=url; srcFilePath = relFilePath; // check UMEL writeMediaCacheDir directory if (writeMediaCacheDirValid) { if (Combine(writeMediaCacheDir,relFilePath,absFilePath) && (Exists(absFilePath,&info))) { srcFilePath = absFilePath; isFile = TRUE; return TRUE; } } // check readonly UMEL directory for (int i=0; i<umelCacheDirs.GetSize(); i++) { const CString &dir = umelCacheDirs.ElementAt(i); if (Combine(dir,relFilePath,absFilePath) && (Exists(absFilePath,&info))) { srcFilePath = absFilePath; isFile = TRUE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
GmDirEntryNode::GmDirEntryNode (GmDirectoryNode<GmLeafNode> * pDirNode , GmUifSourceEntry * pSource , GmRestoreNode * pParent) : _pParent (pParent) , _pSource (pSource) , _pDirNode (pDirNode) { assert (pDirNode); assert (pParent); assert (pSource); int iNodeType = _pParent->getType (); if (iNodeType == GNT_DIR) _prefixPath = Combine (((GmDirEntryNode*)_pParent)->_prefixPath, _pParent->getName ()); }
wxString GmSrcEntryNode::getName (void) { ubyte2 iSourceType = _pSource->sourceType; wxString szName; if (iSourceType == (ubyte2)FST_DIR_SOURCE) szName = ToWxString (_pSource->absolutePath); else if (iSourceType == (ubyte2)FST_FILE_SOURCE) { wxString path = ToWxString (_pSource->absolutePath); wxString file = ToWxString (_pSource->sourceFileName); szName = Combine (path, file); } else assert (false); return szName; }
//Ham tim to hop cua tap szX void Combine(CString szX, CString s, int k,CStringArray& aszC) { if(szX.GetLength() > 12) { AfxMessageBox("So to hop qua lon",MB_OK); szX = szX.Left(12); } int i,j; CStringArray aszTemp; for(i=k; i<szX.GetLength(); i++) { aszTemp.Add(s + szX[i]); aszC.Add(Union(s , szX[i])); } k++; for(j=0; j<aszTemp.GetSize(); j++) Combine(szX,aszTemp[j],j+k,aszC); }
void Combine(CStringArray& aszX, CString s, int k,CStringArray& aszC) { if(aszX.GetSize() > 10) { AfxMessageBox("So to hop qua lon",MB_OK); aszX.SetSize(10); } int i,j; CStringArray aszTemp; for(i=k; i<aszX.GetSize(); i++) { aszTemp.Add(s + aszX[i]); aszC.Add(Union(s , aszX[i])); } k++; for(j=0; j<aszTemp.GetSize(); j++) Combine(aszX,aszTemp[j],j+k,aszC); }
void main() { T_DATA_SET slist[3]; int set0[2] = {1, 2}; int set1[5] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int set2[2] = {7, 8}; slist[0].set = set0; slist[0].size = 2; slist[1].set = set1; slist[1].size = 5; slist[2].set = set2; slist[2].size = 2; Product(slist, 3); printf("******\n"); Combine(set1, 5, 3); }
void MixMod::Compute(int * NUMK, double * LL, double * P, double * T, double * COMP_VAR) { int numk,i; // MessageBox (0, "0", "START", MB_ICONINFORMATION); Grid(); // construct grid of potential subpopulation means CalcMat(); // calculation of mxing kernel density vem(); // VEM algorithm Update(); // Find subpoplations with positve weight, i.e. p > 0.01 EM(numstep); // refiend soultion with EM algorithm numk=Combine(); // final solution: combine close components if (dens==0) COMP_VAR[0] = compvar; NUMK[0] = numk; LL[0] = ll; for(i=0;i<numk;i++){ P[i] = p[i]; T[i] = t[i]; } }
static void ShouldCutAndPaste() { auto text = L"one\ntwo\nthree"; auto expected = L"one\none\ntwo\nthreetwo\nthree"; document doc(null_view, text); { undo_group ug(doc); auto copy = Combine(doc.text()); doc.insert_text(ug, text_location(0, 1), copy); should::Equal(expected, doc.str()); } doc.undo(); should::Equal(text, doc.str(), L"undo"); doc.redo(); should::Equal(expected, doc.str(), L"redo"); }
void FEventGraphSample::Combine_Recurrent( const FEventGraphSamplePtr& Other ) { Combine( Other ); // Check other children. for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Other->_ChildrenPtr.Num(); ++ChildIndex ) { const FEventGraphSamplePtr& OtherChild = Other->_ChildrenPtr[ChildIndex]; FEventGraphSamplePtr ThisChild = FindChildPtr( OtherChild ); if( ThisChild.IsValid() ) { ThisChild->Combine_Recurrent( OtherChild ); } else { AddChildAndSetParentPtr( OtherChild->DuplicateWithHierarchyPtr() ); } } }
//Calculate the bonetransforms void MeshAnimator::Update(const tt::GameContext& context) { float currentTick = context.GameTimer.GetTotalSeconds() * m_CurrentClip.KeysPerSecond; //Get remainder of currentTick and clipDuration float clipDuration = (m_CurrentClip.Keys.end()-1)->KeyTime - m_CurrentClip.Keys.begin()->KeyTime; float targetTick = currentTick - ((int)(currentTick/clipDuration)) * clipDuration; //Get animation tick after target tick auto itNextTick = find_if(m_CurrentClip.Keys.begin(), m_CurrentClip.Keys.end(), [=](const AnimationKey& thisKey){ return thisKey.KeyTime > targetTick; }); //Get animation tick before target tick std::vector<AnimationKey>::iterator itPrevTick; if(itNextTick == m_CurrentClip.Keys.end()) MyServiceLocator::GetInstance()->GetService<DebugService>()->Log(_T("Failed to find next animation tick."), LogLevel::Error); else if(itNextTick == m_CurrentClip.Keys.begin()) itPrevTick = m_CurrentClip.Keys.end()-1; else itPrevTick = itNextTick - 1; //Lerp between transformations of previous and next animation tick float blendFactor = (targetTick - itPrevTick->KeyTime) / (itNextTick->KeyTime - itPrevTick->KeyTime); m_BoneTransforms.resize(itPrevTick->BoneTransforms.size()); m_DualQuats.resize(m_BoneTransforms.size()); for(UINT i = 0; i < itPrevTick->BoneTransforms.size(); ++i) { tt::DualQuaternion bindposeInv = tt::DualQuaternion::Inverse(m_pModel->m_Skeleton[i].BindPose)*-1; auto trans1 = itPrevTick->BoneTransforms[i]; auto trans2 = itNextTick->BoneTransforms[i]; auto dlb = tt::DualQuaternion::DLB(trans1, trans2, blendFactor); m_DualQuats[i] = Combine(bindposeInv, dlb); } }
Transformation3d :: Transformation3d (const Point3d & c, double alpha, double beta, double gamma) { // total = T_c x Rot_0 x T_c^{-1} // Use Euler angles, see many books from tech mech, e.g. // Shabana "multibody systems" Transformation3d tc(c); Transformation3d tcinv; tc.CalcInverse (tcinv); Transformation3d r1, r2, r3, ht, ht2; r1.SetAxisRotation (3, alpha); r2.SetAxisRotation (1, beta); r3.SetAxisRotation (3, gamma); ht.Combine (tc, r3); ht2.Combine (ht, r2); ht.Combine (ht2, r1); Combine (ht, tcinv); }
void main() { SqList la,lb,lc,ld; int i,j; Elemtype e; InitList_Sq(la); CreateList(la); print(la); printf("请输入要查找的元素:\n"); scanf("%d",&e); j=location(la,e); printf("该元素的位置为%d\n",j); printf("请输入要插入的位置和元素:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&i,&e); ListInsert_Sq(la,i,e); printf("输出插入后的顺序表:\n"); print(la); printf("请输入要删除的位置:\n"); scanf("%d",&i); ListDelect_Sq(la,i,e); printf("删除的那个元素是:%d\n",e); printf("输出删除后的顺序表:\n"); print(la); InitList_Sq(lb); CreateList(lb); print(lb); InitList_Sq(lc); CreateList(lc); print(lc); InitList_Sq(ld); Combine(lb,lc,ld); printf("合并后的顺序表为:\n"); print(ld); }
static void FindPhrases( void ) //================================= { msg_list *msg; msg_word *word; word_list *w1; word_list *w2; for( msg = HeadMsg; (word = msg->msg) != NULL; msg = msg->link ) { while( word != NULL ) { w1 = word->word; if( word->link == NULL ) break; w2 = word->link->word; if( ( w1 != w2 ) && ( w1->ref_count == w2->ref_count ) && ( PhraseCount( msg, word, w1, w2 ) == w1->ref_count ) ) { Combine( w1, w2 ); } else { word = word->link; } } } }
String Path::ChangeExtension(RCString path, RCString ext) { return Combine(GetDirectoryName(path), GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + ext); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build() // // Builds a strip forward as far as we can go, then builds backwards, and joins the two lists // void NvStripInfo::Build(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos) { // used in building the strips forward and backward WordVec scratchIndices; // build forward... start with the initial face NvFaceInfoVec forwardFaces, backwardFaces; forwardFaces.push_back(m_startInfo.m_startFace); MarkTriangle(m_startInfo.m_startFace); int v0 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1); int v1 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0); // easiest way to get v2 is to use this function which requires the // other indices to already be in the list. scratchIndices.push_back(v0); scratchIndices.push_back(v1); int v2 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, m_startInfo.m_startFace); scratchIndices.push_back(v2); // // build the forward list // int nv0 = v1; int nv1 = v2; NvFaceInfo *nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace); while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace)) { //check to see if this next face is going to cause us to die soon int testnv0 = nv1; int testnv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace); NvFaceInfo* nextNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, testnv0, testnv1, nextFace); if( (nextNextFace == NULL) || (IsMarked(nextNextFace)) ) { //uh, oh, we're following a dead end, try swapping NvFaceInfo* testNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, testnv1, nextFace); if( ((testNextFace != NULL) && !IsMarked(testNextFace)) ) { //we only swap if it buys us something //add a "fake" degenerate face NvFaceInfo* tempFace = new NvFaceInfo(nv0, nv1, nv0, true); forwardFaces.push_back(tempFace); MarkTriangle(tempFace); scratchIndices.push_back(nv0); testnv0 = nv0; ++m_numDegenerates; } } // add this to the strip forwardFaces.push_back(nextFace); MarkTriangle(nextFace); // add the index //nv0 = nv1; //nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace); scratchIndices.push_back(testnv1); // and get the next face nv0 = testnv0; nv1 = testnv1; nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace); } // tempAllFaces is going to be forwardFaces + backwardFaces // it's used for Unique() NvFaceInfoVec tempAllFaces; for(size_t i = 0; i < forwardFaces.size(); i++) tempAllFaces.push_back(forwardFaces[i]); // // reset the indices for building the strip backwards and do so // scratchIndices.resize(0); scratchIndices.push_back(v2); scratchIndices.push_back(v1); scratchIndices.push_back(v0); nv0 = v1; nv1 = v0; nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace); while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace)) { //this tests to see if a face is "unique", meaning that its vertices aren't already in the list // so, strips which "wrap-around" are not allowed if(!Unique(tempAllFaces, nextFace)) break; //check to see if this next face is going to cause us to die soon int testnv0 = nv1; int testnv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace); NvFaceInfo* nextNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, testnv0, testnv1, nextFace); if( (nextNextFace == NULL) || (IsMarked(nextNextFace)) ) { //uh, oh, we're following a dead end, try swapping NvFaceInfo* testNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, testnv1, nextFace); if( ((testNextFace != NULL) && !IsMarked(testNextFace)) ) { //we only swap if it buys us something //add a "fake" degenerate face NvFaceInfo* tempFace = new NvFaceInfo(nv0, nv1, nv0, true); backwardFaces.push_back(tempFace); MarkTriangle(tempFace); scratchIndices.push_back(nv0); testnv0 = nv0; ++m_numDegenerates; } } // add this to the strip backwardFaces.push_back(nextFace); //this is just so Unique() will work tempAllFaces.push_back(nextFace); MarkTriangle(nextFace); // add the index //nv0 = nv1; //nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace); scratchIndices.push_back(testnv1); // and get the next face nv0 = testnv0; nv1 = testnv1; nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace); } // Combine the forward and backwards stripification lists and put into our own face vector Combine(forwardFaces, backwardFaces); }
} typedef FastNlMeansDenoisingTestBase FastNlMeansDenoisingColored; OCL_TEST_P(FastNlMeansDenoisingColored, Mat) { for (int j = 0; j < test_loop_times; j++) { generateTestData(); OCL_OFF(cv::fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(src_roi, dst_roi, h[0], h[0], templateWindowSize, searchWindowSize)); OCL_ON(cv::fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(usrc_roi, udst_roi, h[0], h[0], templateWindowSize, searchWindowSize)); OCL_EXPECT_MATS_NEAR(dst, 1); } } OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Photo, FastNlMeansDenoising, Combine(Values(1, 2, 3, 4), Values((int)NORM_L2, (int)NORM_L1), Bool(), Values(true))); OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Photo, FastNlMeansDenoising_hsep, Combine(Values(1, 2, 3, 4), Values((int)NORM_L2, (int)NORM_L1), Bool(), Values(true))); OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Photo, FastNlMeansDenoisingColored, Combine(Values(3, 4), Values((int)NORM_L2), Bool(), Values(false))); } } // namespace cvtest::ocl #endif // HAVE_OPENCL
void wDocument::AscMemberSingle(wAscBuffer *buffer,sBool allowpif) { if(Scan->IfName("pif")) { if(!allowpif) Scan->Error("pifs are not allowed in this type"); Scan->Match('('); wPredicate *pred = _Predicate(); Scan->Match(')'); wPredicate *old = Predicate; Predicate = Combine(pred,old); AscMemberBlock(buffer,allowpif); if(Scan->IfName("pelse")) { Predicate = Combine(Negate(pred),old); AscMemberBlock(buffer,allowpif); } Predicate = old; } else { wAscMember *mem = new wAscMember(); wAscType *type = new wAscType(); moreflags: if(Scan->Token==TokExtern) { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_Extern; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==TokStatic) { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_Static; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==TokUniform) { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_Uniform; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==TokVolatile) { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_Volatile; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==sTOK_Name && Scan->Name=="nointerpolation") { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_NoInterpolation; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==sTOK_Name && Scan->Name=="precise") { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_Precise; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==sTOK_Name && Scan->Name=="groupshared") { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_GroupShared; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->Token==sTOK_Name && Scan->Name=="shared") { Scan->Scan(); mem->Flags |= wMF_Shared; goto moreflags; } if(Scan->IfName("row_major")) { } else if(Scan->IfName("column_major")) { type->ColumnMajor = 1; } sString<64> tname; Scan->ScanName(tname); sInt len = sGetStringLen(tname); if(len>0 && tname[len-1]>='1' && tname[len-1]<='4') { type->Columns = tname[len-1]-'0'; len--; if(len>1 && tname[len-1]=='x' && tname[len-2]>='1' && tname[len-2]<='4') { type->Rows = tname[len-2]-'0'; len-=2; } tname[len] = 0; } if(tname=="bool") type->Base = wTB_Bool; else if(tname=="int") type->Base = wTB_Int; else if(tname=="uint") type->Base = wTB_UInt; else if(tname=="float") type->Base = wTB_Float; else if(tname=="double") type->Base = wTB_Double; else if(tname=="min16float") type->Base = wTB_Min16Float; else if(tname=="min10float") type->Base = wTB_Min10Float; else if(tname=="min16int") type->Base = wTB_Min16Int; else if(tname=="min12int") type->Base = wTB_Min12Int; else if(tname=="min16uint") type->Base = wTB_Min16UInt; else Scan->Error("unknown type %q",tname); mem->Name = Scan->ScanName(); mem->Type = type; mem->Predicate = Predicate; if(Scan->IfToken('[')) { type->Array = Scan->ScanInt(); Scan->Match(']'); } if(Scan->IfToken(':')) mem->Binding = Scan->ScanName(); Scan->Match(';'); buffer->Members.AddTail(mem); } }
if (!eq || errdiff > 1e-1) { ++mistmatch; continue; } eq = std::abs(cpuErr[i] - err[i]) < 0.01; if(!eq) ++errmatch; } } double bad_ratio = static_cast<double>(mistmatch) / (nextPts.size()); double err_ratio = static_cast<double>(errmatch) / (nextPts.size()); ASSERT_LE(bad_ratio, eps); ASSERT_LE(err_ratio, erreps); } OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Video, PyrLKOpticalFlow, Combine( Values(11, 15, 21, 25), Values(3, 5) ) ); } } // namespace cvtest::ocl #endif // HAVE_OPENCL
bool Jets(Cluster_Amplitude *ampl,int mode) { DEBUG_FUNC("mode = "<<mode); msg_Debugging()<<*ampl<<"\n"; PHASIC::Jet_Finder *jf(ampl->JF<PHASIC::Jet_Finder>()); double q2cut(jf->Ycut()*sqr(rpa->gen.Ecms())); double q2min(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); size_t imin(0), jmin(0), kmin(0); Flavour mofl; for (size_t i(0);i<ampl->Legs().size();++i) { Cluster_Leg *li(ampl->Leg(i)); for (size_t j(Max(i+1,ampl->NIn()));j<ampl->Legs().size();++j) { Cluster_Leg *lj(ampl->Leg(j)); if (j<ampl->NIn()) continue; for (size_t k(0);k<ampl->Legs().size();++k) { if (k==i || k==j) continue; Cluster_Leg *lk(ampl->Leg(k)); if (i<ampl->NIn() && k>=ampl->NIn()) continue; if (lk->Flav().Strong() && li->Flav().Strong() && lj->Flav().Strong()) { if (i<ampl->NIn()) li->SetMom(-li->Mom()); if (k<ampl->NIn()) lk->SetMom(-lk->Mom()); double q2ijk(pT2pythia(ampl,*li,*lj,*lk,i<ampl->NIn()?-1:1)); msg_Debugging()<<"Q_{"<<ID(li->Id())<<ID(lj->Id()) <<","<<ID(lk->Id())<<"} = "<<sqrt(q2ijk)<<"\n"; if (i<ampl->NIn()) li->SetMom(-li->Mom()); if (k<ampl->NIn()) lk->SetMom(-lk->Mom()); if (mode==0) { if (q2ijk<q2cut) return false; } else { if (q2ijk<q2min) { q2min=q2ijk; mofl=Flavour(kf_gluon); if (li->Flav().IsGluon()) mofl=lj->Flav(); if (lj->Flav().IsGluon()) mofl=li->Flav(); imin=i; jmin=j; kmin=k; } } } } } } if (mode!=0 && imin!=jmin) { Vec4D_Vector p=Combine(*ampl,imin,jmin,kmin,mofl); if (p.empty()) { msg_Error()<<METHOD<<"(): Combine failed. Use R configuration."<<std::endl; return Jets(ampl,0); } Cluster_Amplitude *bampl(Cluster_Amplitude::New()); bampl->SetProc(ampl->Proc<void>()); bampl->SetMS(ampl->MS()); bampl->SetNIn(ampl->NIn()); bampl->SetJF(ampl->JF<void>()); for (int i(0), j(0);i<ampl->Legs().size();++i) { if (i==jmin) continue; if (i==imin) { bampl->CreateLeg(p[j],mofl,ampl->Leg(i)->Col()); bampl->Legs().back()->SetId(ampl->Leg(imin)->Id()|ampl->Leg(jmin)->Id()); bampl->Legs().back()->SetK(ampl->Leg(kmin)->Id()); } else { bampl->CreateLeg(p[j],ampl->Leg(i)->Flav(),ampl->Leg(i)->Col()); } ++j; } bool res=Jets(bampl,0); bampl->Delete(); return res; } msg_Debugging()<<"--- Jet veto ---\n"; return true; }
void sfTransform_Combine(sfTransform* transform, const sfTransform* other) { CSFML_CHECK(other); CSFML_CALL(transform, Combine(other->This)); }; TEST_CYCLE() warpPerspective(src, dst, warpMat, sz, interType, borderMode, borderColor); #ifdef __ANDROID__ SANITY_CHECK(dst, interType == INTER_LINEAR ? 5 : 10); #else SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1); #endif } PERF_TEST_P( TestWarpPerspectiveNear_t, WarpPerspectiveNear, Combine( Values( Size(640,480), Size(1920,1080), Size(2592,1944) ), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all(), Values( CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4 ) ) ) { Size size; int borderMode, interType, type; size = get<0>(GetParam()); interType = get<1>(GetParam()); borderMode = get<2>(GetParam()); type = get<3>(GetParam()); Scalar borderColor = Scalar::all(150); Mat src(size, type), dst(size, type); cvtest::fillGradient(src); if(borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT) cvtest::smoothBorder(src, borderColor, 1);
static void hash_aux(value obj) { unsigned char * p; mlsize_t i, j; tag_t tag; hash_univ_limit--; if (hash_univ_count < 0 || hash_univ_limit < 0) return; again: if (Is_long(obj)) { hash_univ_count--; Combine(Long_val(obj)); return; } /* Pointers into the heap are well-structured blocks. So are atoms. We can inspect the block contents. */ Assert (Is_block (obj)); if (Is_in_value_area(obj)) { tag = Tag_val(obj); switch (tag) { case String_tag: hash_univ_count--; i = caml_string_length(obj); for (p = &Byte_u(obj, 0); i > 0; i--, p++) Combine_small(*p); break; case Double_tag: /* For doubles, we inspect their binary representation, LSB first. The results are consistent among all platforms with IEEE floats. */ hash_univ_count--; #ifdef ARCH_BIG_ENDIAN for (p = &Byte_u(obj, sizeof(double) - 1), i = sizeof(double); i > 0; p--, i--) #else for (p = &Byte_u(obj, 0), i = sizeof(double); i > 0; p++, i--) #endif Combine_small(*p); break; case Double_array_tag: hash_univ_count--; for (j = 0; j < Bosize_val(obj); j += sizeof(double)) { #ifdef ARCH_BIG_ENDIAN for (p = &Byte_u(obj, j + sizeof(double) - 1), i = sizeof(double); i > 0; p--, i--) #else for (p = &Byte_u(obj, j), i = sizeof(double); i > 0; p++, i--) #endif Combine_small(*p); } break; case Abstract_tag: /* We don't know anything about the contents of the block. Better do nothing. */ break; case Infix_tag: hash_aux(obj - Infix_offset_val(obj)); break; case Forward_tag: obj = Forward_val (obj); goto again; case Object_tag: hash_univ_count--; Combine(Oid_val(obj)); break; case Custom_tag: /* If no hashing function provided, do nothing */ if (Custom_ops_val(obj)->hash != NULL) { hash_univ_count--; Combine(Custom_ops_val(obj)->hash(obj)); } break; default: hash_univ_count--; Combine_small(tag); i = Wosize_val(obj); while (i != 0) { i--; hash_aux(Field(obj, i)); } break; } return; } /* Otherwise, obj is a pointer outside the heap, to an object with a priori unknown structure. Use its physical address as hash key. */ Combine((intnat) obj); }
void ParsedObject::ReadExpression(LispInt depth) { ReadAtom(); for (;;) { //Handle special case: a[b]. a is matched with lowest precedence!! if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iProgOpen->String()) { // Match opening bracket MatchToken(iLookAhead); // Read "index" argument ReadExpression(KMaxPrecedence); // Match closing bracket if (iLookAhead != iParser.iEnvironment.iProgClose->String()) throw LispErrGeneric(std::string("Expecting a ] close bracket for program block, but got ") + *iLookAhead + std::string(" instead")); MatchToken(iLookAhead); // Build into Ntn(...) const LispString* theOperator = iParser.iEnvironment.iNth->String(); InsertAtom(theOperator); Combine(2); } else { LispOperators::const_iterator opi = iParser.iInfixOperators.find(iLookAhead); if (opi == iParser.iInfixOperators.end()) { if (!IsSymbolic((*iLookAhead)[0])) return; const std::size_t origlen = iLookAhead->size(); std::size_t len = origlen; while (len > 1) { len -= 1; const LispString* lookUp = iParser.iEnvironment.HashTable().LookUp(iLookAhead->substr(0, len)); opi = iParser.iInfixOperators.find(lookUp); if (opi != iParser.iInfixOperators.end()) { const LispString* lookUpRight = iParser.iEnvironment.HashTable().LookUp(iLookAhead->substr(len, origlen - len)); if (iParser.iPrefixOperators.find(lookUpRight) != iParser.iPrefixOperators.end()) { iLookAhead = lookUp; LispInput& input = iParser.iInput; LispInt newPos = input.Position() - (origlen - len); input.SetPosition(newPos); break; } opi = iParser.iInfixOperators.end(); } } if (opi == iParser.iInfixOperators.end()) return; } if (depth < opi->second.iPrecedence) return; LispInt upper = opi->second.iPrecedence; if (!opi->second.iRightAssociative) upper--; GetOtherSide(2, upper); } } }
bool udtPath::Combine(udtString& combinedPath, udtVMLinearAllocator& allocator, const udtString& folderPath, const char* extra) { return Combine(combinedPath, allocator, folderPath, udtString::NewConstRef(extra)); }
ComponentView* Component::Create (ClassId viewId) { ClassId gv = Combine(GetClassId(), viewId); return (ComponentView*) unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetCreator()->Create(gv); }
void ParsedObject::ReadAtom() { LispOperators::const_iterator opi = iParser.iPrefixOperators.find(iLookAhead); if (opi != iParser.iPrefixOperators.end()) { const LispString* theOperator = iLookAhead; MatchToken(iLookAhead); { ReadExpression(opi->second.iPrecedence); InsertAtom(theOperator); Combine(1); } } // Else parse brackets else if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iBracketOpen->String()) { MatchToken(iLookAhead); ReadExpression(KMaxPrecedence); // least precedence MatchToken(iParser.iEnvironment.iBracketClose->String()); } //Parse lists else if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iListOpen->String()) { LispInt nrargs = 0; MatchToken(iLookAhead); while (iLookAhead != iParser.iEnvironment.iListClose->String()) { ReadExpression(KMaxPrecedence); // least precedence nrargs++; if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iComma->String()) { MatchToken(iLookAhead); } else if (iLookAhead != iParser.iEnvironment.iListClose->String()) { throw LispErrGeneric(std::string("Expecting a } close bracket for program block, but got ") + *iLookAhead + std::string(" instead")); } } MatchToken(iLookAhead); const LispString* theOperator = iParser.iEnvironment.iList->String(); InsertAtom(theOperator); Combine(nrargs); } // Parse prog bodies else if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iProgOpen->String()) { LispInt nrargs = 0; MatchToken(iLookAhead); while (iLookAhead != iParser.iEnvironment.iProgClose->String()) { ReadExpression(KMaxPrecedence); // least precedence nrargs++; if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iEndStatement->String()) { MatchToken(iLookAhead); } else { throw LispErrGeneric(std::string("Expecting ; end of statement in program block, but got ") + *iLookAhead + std::string(" instead")); } } MatchToken(iLookAhead); const LispString* theOperator = iParser.iEnvironment.iProg->String(); InsertAtom(theOperator); Combine(nrargs); } // Else we have an atom. else { const LispString* theOperator = iLookAhead; MatchToken(iLookAhead); LispInt nrargs = -1; if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iBracketOpen->String()) { nrargs = 0; MatchToken(iLookAhead); while (iLookAhead != iParser.iEnvironment.iBracketClose->String()) { ReadExpression(KMaxPrecedence); // least precedence nrargs++; if (iLookAhead == iParser.iEnvironment.iComma->String()) { MatchToken(iLookAhead); } else if (iLookAhead != iParser.iEnvironment.iBracketClose->String()) { throw LispErrGeneric(std::string("Expecting a ) closing bracket for sub-expression, but got ") + *iLookAhead + std::string(" instead")); } } MatchToken(iLookAhead); opi = iParser.iBodiedOperators.find(theOperator); if (opi != iParser.iBodiedOperators.end()) { ReadExpression(opi->second.iPrecedence); // KMaxPrecedence nrargs++; } } InsertAtom(theOperator); if (nrargs >= 0) Combine(nrargs); } // Parse postfix operators while (iParser.iPostfixOperators.find(iLookAhead) != iParser.iPostfixOperators.end()) { InsertAtom(iLookAhead); MatchToken(iLookAhead); Combine(1); } }
namespace opencv_test { INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RGB2GrayTestFluid, RGB2GrayTest, Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BGR2GrayTestFluid, BGR2GrayTest, Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RGB2YUVTestFluid, RGB2YUVTest, Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(YUV2RGBTestFluid, YUV2RGBTest, Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(RGB2LabTestFluid, RGB2LabTest, Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); // FIXME: Not supported by Fluid yet (no kernel implemented) INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BGR2LUVTestFluid, BGR2LUVTest, Combine(Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(blurTestFluid, BlurTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(cv::BORDER_DEFAULT), Values(0.0), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(gaussBlurTestFluid, GaussianBlurTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(medianBlurTestFluid, MedianBlurTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(erodeTestFluid, ErodeTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_CROSS, cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_ELLIPSE), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(dilateTestFluid, DilateTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_CROSS, cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_ELLIPSE), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(SobelTestFluid, SobelTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(-1, CV_32F), Values(0, 1), Values(1, 2), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(boxFilterTestFluid, BoxFilterTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(cv::BORDER_DEFAULT), Values(-1, CV_32F), Values(0.0), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); // FIXME: Tests are failing on Fluid backend (accuracy issue?) INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(sepFilterTestFluid, SepFilterTest, Combine(Values(CV_32FC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=5 when implementation is ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480)), Values(-1, CV_32F), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(filter2DTestFluid, Filter2DTest, Combine(Values(CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1), Values(3), // add kernel size=4,5,7 when implementation ready Values(cv::Size(1280, 720), cv::Size(640, 480), cv::Size(128, 128)), Values(cv::BORDER_DEFAULT), Values(-1, CV_32F), Values(true, false), Values(cv::compile_args(IMGPROC_FLUID)))); } // opencv_test