// Name: ResolutionChanged
// Desc: Respond to a change of selected resolution by rebuilding the
//       refresh rate list.
void CD3DSettingsDialog::ResolutionChanged( void )
    if (m_d3dSettings.IsWindowed)

    D3DAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = (D3DAdapterInfo*)ComboBoxSelected( IDC_ADAPTER_COMBO );
    if( pAdapterInfo == NULL )

    // Update settingsNew with new resolution
    DWORD dwResolutionData = PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO ) );
    UINT width = LOWORD( dwResolutionData );
    UINT height = HIWORD( dwResolutionData );
    m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.Width = width;
    m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.Height = height;

    // Update refresh rate list based on new resolution
    D3DFORMAT adapterFormat = (D3DFORMAT)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO ) );
    for( UINT idm = 0; idm < pAdapterInfo->pDisplayModeList->Count(); idm++ )
        D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = *(D3DDISPLAYMODE*)pAdapterInfo->pDisplayModeList->GetPtr(idm);
        if (displayMode.Format == adapterFormat &&
            displayMode.Width  == width &&
            displayMode.Height == height)
            TCHAR strRefreshRate[50];
            if( displayMode.RefreshRate == 0 )
                lstrcpy( strRefreshRate, TEXT("Default Rate") );
                _sntprintf_s( strRefreshRate, 50, 50, TEXT("%d Hz"), displayMode.RefreshRate );
            strRefreshRate[49] = 0;
            if( !ComboBoxContainsText( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO, strRefreshRate ) )
                ComboBoxAdd( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO, UlongToPtr( displayMode.RefreshRate ), strRefreshRate );
                if (m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.RefreshRate == displayMode.RefreshRate)
                    ComboBoxSelect( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO, UlongToPtr( displayMode.RefreshRate ) );
    if (!ComboBoxSomethingSelected( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO ) && 
        ComboBoxCount( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO ) > 0)
        ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO, 0 );
// Handles window messages for the graphics settings dialog.
INT_PTR DeviceEnumeration::SettingsDialogProc( HWND dialog, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
	switch( msg )
			// Display the adapter details and its driver version.
			char version[16];
			sprintf( version, "%d", LOWORD( m_adapter.DriverVersion.LowPart ) );
			Edit_SetText( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_ADAPTER ), m_adapter.Description );
			Edit_SetText( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DRIVER_VERSION ), version );

			// Check if the settings script has anything in it.
			if( m_settingsScript->GetBoolData( "windowed" ) == NULL )
				// The settings script is empty, so default to windowed mode.
				CheckDlgButton( dialog, IDC_WINDOWED, m_windowed = true );
				// Load the window mode state.
				CheckDlgButton( dialog, IDC_WINDOWED, m_windowed = *m_settingsScript->GetBoolData( "windowed" ) );
				CheckDlgButton( dialog, IDC_FULLSCREEN, !m_windowed );

				// Check if running in fullscreen mode.
				if( m_windowed == false )
					// Enable all the fullscreen controls.
					EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_VSYNC ), true );
					EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ), true );
					EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ), true );
					EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ), true );

					// Load the vsync state.
					CheckDlgButton( dialog, IDC_VSYNC, m_vsync = *m_settingsScript->GetBoolData( "vsync" ) );

					// Fill in the display formats combo box.
					ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ) );
					m_displayModes->Iterate( true );
					while( m_displayModes->Iterate() )
						if( !ComboBoxContainsText( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->bpp ) )
							ComboBoxAdd( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT, (void*)m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Format, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->bpp );
					ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT, *m_settingsScript->GetNumberData( "bpp" ) );

					char text[16];

					// Fill in the resolutions combo box.
					ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) );
					m_displayModes->Iterate( true );
					while( m_displayModes->Iterate() )
						if( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Format == (D3DFORMAT)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_COLOUR_DEPTH ) ) )
							sprintf( text, "%d x %d", m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height );
							if (!ComboBoxContainsText( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, text ) )
								ComboBoxAdd( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, (void*)MAKELONG( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height ), text );
					ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, *m_settingsScript->GetNumberData( "resolution" ) );

					// Fill in the refresh rates combo box.
					ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) );
					m_displayModes->Iterate( true );
					while( m_displayModes->Iterate() )
						if( (DWORD)MAKELONG( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height ) == (DWORD)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) ) )
							sprintf( text, "%d Hz", m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.RefreshRate );
							if (!ComboBoxContainsText( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, text ) )
								ComboBoxAdd( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, (void*)m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.RefreshRate, text );
					ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, *m_settingsScript->GetNumberData( "refresh" ) );

			return true;

		case WM_COMMAND:
			switch( LOWORD(wparam) )
				case IDOK:
					// Store the details of the selected display mode.
					m_selectedDisplayMode.Width = LOWORD( PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) ) );
					m_selectedDisplayMode.Height = HIWORD( PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) ) );
					m_selectedDisplayMode.RefreshRate = PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) );
					m_selectedDisplayMode.Format = (D3DFORMAT)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ) );
					m_windowed = IsDlgButtonChecked( dialog, IDC_WINDOWED ) ? true : false;
					m_vsync = IsDlgButtonChecked( dialog, IDC_VSYNC ) ? true : false;

					// Destroy the display modes list.
					SAFE_DELETE( m_displayModes );

					// Get the selected index from each combo box.
					long bpp = ComboBox_GetCurSel( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ) );
					long resolution = ComboBox_GetCurSel( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) );
					long refresh = ComboBox_GetCurSel( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) );

					// Check if the settings script has anything in it.
					if( m_settingsScript->GetBoolData( "windowed" ) == NULL )
						// Add all the settings to the script.
						m_settingsScript->AddVariable( "windowed", VARIABLE_BOOL, &m_windowed );
						m_settingsScript->AddVariable( "vsync", VARIABLE_BOOL, &m_vsync );
						m_settingsScript->AddVariable( "bpp", VARIABLE_NUMBER, &bpp );
						m_settingsScript->AddVariable( "resolution", VARIABLE_NUMBER, &resolution );
						m_settingsScript->AddVariable( "refresh", VARIABLE_NUMBER, &refresh );
						// Set all the settings.
						m_settingsScript->SetVariable( "windowed", &m_windowed );
						m_settingsScript->SetVariable( "vsync", &m_vsync );
						m_settingsScript->SetVariable( "bpp", &bpp );
						m_settingsScript->SetVariable( "resolution", &resolution );
						m_settingsScript->SetVariable( "refresh", &refresh );

					// Save all the settings out to the settings script.

					// Destroy the settings script.
					SAFE_DELETE( m_settingsScript );

					// Close the dialog.
					EndDialog( dialog, IDOK );

					return true;

				case IDCANCEL:
					// Destroy the display modes list.
					SAFE_DELETE( m_displayModes );

					// Destroy the settings script.
					SAFE_DELETE( m_settingsScript );

					EndDialog( dialog, IDCANCEL );

					return true;

					if( CBN_SELCHANGE == HIWORD(wparam) )
						char res[16];
						DWORD selectedRes = (DWORD)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) );

						// Update the resolution combo box.
						ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) );
						m_displayModes->Iterate( true );
						while( m_displayModes->Iterate() )
							if( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Format == (D3DFORMAT)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_COLOUR_DEPTH ) ) )
								sprintf( res, "%d x %d", m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height );
								if( !ComboBoxContainsText( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, res ) )
									ComboBoxAdd( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, (void*)MAKELONG( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height ), res );
									if( selectedRes == (DWORD)MAKELONG( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height ) )
										ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, (void*)selectedRes );
						if( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) == NULL )
							ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION, 0 );

					return true;

					if( CBN_SELCHANGE == HIWORD(wparam) )
						char refresh[16];
						DWORD selectedRefresh = (DWORD)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) );

						// Update the refresh rate combo box.
						ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) );
						m_displayModes->Iterate( true );
						while( m_displayModes->Iterate() )
							if( (DWORD)MAKELONG( m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Width, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Height ) == (DWORD)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) ) )
								sprintf( refresh, "%d Hz", m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.RefreshRate );
								if( !ComboBoxContainsText( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, refresh ) )
									ComboBoxAdd( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, (void*)m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.RefreshRate, refresh );
									if( selectedRefresh == m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.RefreshRate )
										ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, (void*)selectedRefresh );
						if( ComboBoxSelected( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) == NULL )
							ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE, 0 );

					return true;

				case IDC_WINDOWED:
					// Check if the user has change to windowed or fullscreen mode.
					if( IsDlgButtonChecked( dialog, IDC_WINDOWED ) )
						// Clear and disable all the fullscreen controls.
						ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ) );
						ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ) );
						ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ) );
						CheckDlgButton( dialog, IDC_VSYNC, false );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_VSYNC ), false );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ), false );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ), false );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ), false );
						// Enable all the fullscreen controls.
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_VSYNC ), true );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ), true );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_RESOLUTION ), true );
						EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_REFRESH_RATE ), true );

						// Fill in the display formats combo box.
						ComboBox_ResetContent( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT ) );
						m_displayModes->Iterate( true );
						while( m_displayModes->Iterate() )
							if( !ComboBoxContainsText( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->bpp ) )
								ComboBoxAdd( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT, (void*)m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->mode.Format, m_displayModes->GetCurrent()->bpp );
						ComboBoxSelect( dialog, IDC_DISPLAY_FORMAT, 0 );

					return true;

	return false;
// Name: AdapterFormatChanged
// Desc: Respond to a change of selected adapter format by rebuilding the
//       resolution list and back buffer format list.  Updating the selected 
//       resolution and back buffer format will trigger updates of the rest 
//       of the dialog.
void CD3DSettingsDialog::AdapterFormatChanged( void )
    if( !IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hDlg, IDC_WINDOW ) )
        D3DAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = (D3DAdapterInfo*)ComboBoxSelected( IDC_ADAPTER_COMBO );
        D3DFORMAT adapterFormat = (D3DFORMAT)PtrToUlong( ComboBoxSelected( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO ) );
        m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.Format = adapterFormat;

        ComboBoxClear( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO );
        for( UINT idm = 0; idm < pAdapterInfo->pDisplayModeList->Count(); idm++ )
            D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = *(D3DDISPLAYMODE*)pAdapterInfo->pDisplayModeList->GetPtr(idm);
            if (displayMode.Format == adapterFormat)
                DWORD dwResolutionData;
                TCHAR strResolution[50];
                dwResolutionData = MAKELONG( displayMode.Width, displayMode.Height );
                _sntprintf_s( strResolution, 50, 50, TEXT("%d by %d"), displayMode.Width, displayMode.Height );
                strResolution[49] = 0;
                if (!ComboBoxContainsText( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO, strResolution ) )
                    ComboBoxAdd( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO, ULongToPtr( dwResolutionData ), strResolution );
                    if (m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.Width == displayMode.Width &&
                        m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.Height == displayMode.Height)
                        ComboBoxSelect( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO, ULongToPtr( dwResolutionData ) );
        if (!ComboBoxSomethingSelected( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO ) && 
            ComboBoxCount( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO ) > 0)
            ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO, 0 );

    // Update backbuffer format combo box
    D3DDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = (D3DDeviceInfo*)ComboBoxSelected( IDC_DEVICE_COMBO );
    if( pDeviceInfo == NULL )
    for( UINT idc = 0; idc < pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList->Count(); idc++ )
        D3DDeviceCombo* pDeviceCombo = (D3DDeviceCombo*)pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList->GetPtr(idc);
        if (pDeviceCombo->IsWindowed == m_d3dSettings.IsWindowed &&
            pDeviceCombo->AdapterFormat == m_d3dSettings.DisplayMode().Format)
            if (!ComboBoxContainsText( IDC_BACKBUFFERFORMAT_COMBO, 
                D3DUtil_D3DFormatToString( pDeviceCombo->BackBufferFormat ) ) )
                ComboBoxAdd( IDC_BACKBUFFERFORMAT_COMBO, (void*)pDeviceCombo->BackBufferFormat,
                    D3DUtil_D3DFormatToString( pDeviceCombo->BackBufferFormat ) );
                if (pDeviceCombo->BackBufferFormat == m_d3dSettings.BackBufferFormat() )
                    ComboBoxSelect( IDC_BACKBUFFERFORMAT_COMBO, (void*)pDeviceCombo->BackBufferFormat );
    if (!ComboBoxSomethingSelected( IDC_BACKBUFFERFORMAT_COMBO ) && 
        ComboBoxCount( IDC_BACKBUFFERFORMAT_COMBO ) > 0)
        ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_BACKBUFFERFORMAT_COMBO, 0 );
// Name: WindowedFullscreenChanged
// Desc: Respond to a change of windowed/fullscreen state by rebuilding the
//       adapter format list, resolution list, and refresh rate list.
//       Updating the selected adapter format will trigger updates of the 
//       rest of the dialog.
void CD3DSettingsDialog::WindowedFullscreenChanged( void )
    D3DAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = (D3DAdapterInfo*)ComboBoxSelected( IDC_ADAPTER_COMBO );
    D3DDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = (D3DDeviceInfo*)ComboBoxSelected( IDC_DEVICE_COMBO );
    if( pAdapterInfo == NULL || pDeviceInfo == NULL )

    if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hDlg, IDC_WINDOW ) )
        m_d3dSettings.IsWindowed = true;
        m_d3dSettings.pWindowed_AdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo;
        m_d3dSettings.pWindowed_DeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo;

        // Update adapter format combo box
        ComboBoxClear( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO );
        ComboBoxAdd( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO, (void*)m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.Format,
            D3DUtil_D3DFormatToString( m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.Format ) );
        ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO, 0 );
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO ), false );

        // Update resolution combo box
        DWORD dwResolutionData;
        TCHAR strResolution[50];
        dwResolutionData = MAKELONG( m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.Width,
                                     m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.Height );
        _sntprintf_s( strResolution, 50, 50, TEXT("%d by %d"), m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.Width, 
            m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.Height );
        strResolution[49] = 0;
        ComboBoxClear( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO );
        ComboBoxAdd( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO, ULongToPtr(dwResolutionData), strResolution );
        ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO, 0 );
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO ), false );

        // Update refresh rate combo box
        TCHAR strRefreshRate[50];
        if( m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.RefreshRate == 0 )
            lstrcpy( strRefreshRate, TEXT("Default Rate") );
            _sntprintf_s( strRefreshRate, 50, 50, TEXT("%d Hz"), m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.RefreshRate );
        strRefreshRate[49] = 0;
        ComboBoxClear( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO );
        ComboBoxAdd( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO, ULongToPtr(m_d3dSettings.Windowed_DisplayMode.RefreshRate),
            strRefreshRate );
        ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO, 0 );
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO ), false );
        m_d3dSettings.IsWindowed = false;
        m_d3dSettings.pFullscreen_AdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo;
        m_d3dSettings.pFullscreen_DeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo;

        // Update adapter format combo box
        ComboBoxClear( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO );
        for( UINT idc = 0; idc < pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList->Count(); idc++ )
            D3DDeviceCombo* pDeviceCombo = (D3DDeviceCombo*)pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList->GetPtr(idc);
            if( pDeviceCombo->IsWindowed )
            D3DFORMAT adapterFormat = pDeviceCombo->AdapterFormat;
            if( !ComboBoxContainsText( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO, D3DUtil_D3DFormatToString( adapterFormat ) ) )
                ComboBoxAdd( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO, (void*)adapterFormat, 
                    D3DUtil_D3DFormatToString( adapterFormat ) );
                if( adapterFormat == m_d3dSettings.Fullscreen_DisplayMode.Format )
                    ComboBoxSelect( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO, (void*)adapterFormat );
        if( !ComboBoxSomethingSelected( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO ) &&
            ComboBoxCount( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO ) > 0 )
            ComboBoxSelectIndex( IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO, 0 );
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ADAPTERFORMAT_COMBO), true );
        // Update resolution combo box
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_RESOLUTION_COMBO), true );
        // Update refresh rate combo box
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_REFRESHRATE_COMBO), true );