 * @brief	誘導交差点補正
 * @param	[I]誘導テーブル
static E_SC_RESULT RT_TBL_RevGuideCrs(RT_TBL_MAIN_t *guidetbl_p)
	RT_TBL_GUIDELINK_t			*guide_link_p;
	RT_TBL_GUIDECRS_t			*guide_crs_p;
	RT_XY_t						*guide_sharp_p;
	DOUBLE						l_real_x;
	DOUBLE						l_real_y;
	DOUBLE						ic_x,ic_y,oc_x,oc_y,ii_x,ii_y,oo_x,oo_y;
	UINT32						base_id;
	INT32						xsft,ysft;
	INT32						angle;
	INT16						ilp,jlp;
	INT16						i_no,o_no;
	UINT16						dir;
	UINT16						sharp_vol;

	if (NULL == guidetbl_p) {
		SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] ERROR " HERE);
		return (e_SC_RESULT_FAIL);

	// 誘導交差点2点(1点は目的地のはず)以上が判定条件
	if (1 > guidetbl_p->guide_crs_vol) {
		return (e_SC_RESULT_SUCCESS);

	l_real_x = RT_real_x;
	l_real_y = RT_real_y;

	// 先頭誘導リンク情報取得
	guide_link_p = guidetbl_p->guide_link_p;

	// 誘導リンク情報数分ループ
	for (ilp = 0; ilp < guidetbl_p->guide_link_vol - 1; ilp++) {
		// 交差点情報なし
		if (ALLF16 == (guide_link_p + ilp)->crs_offset) {

		// 一般誘導交差点でない
		guide_crs_p = (guidetbl_p->guide_crs_p + (guide_link_p + ilp)->crs_offset);
		if (CRSTYPE_NORMAL != guide_crs_p->crs_type) {

		i_no = ilp;

		// 交差点進入リンクは10m以下
		if (CRSREV_DIST > (guide_link_p + ilp)->dist) {
			i_no = 0;								// 下限設定

			// 10m以上のリンクを経路始点方向にサーチ
			for (jlp = ilp - 1 ; jlp > 0 ; jlp--) {
				if (CRSREV_DIST <= (guide_link_p + jlp)->dist) {
					i_no = jlp;

		o_no = (ilp+1);

		// 交差点退出リンクは10m以下
		if (CRSREV_DIST > (guide_link_p + (ilp+1))->dist) {
			o_no = guidetbl_p->guide_link_vol - 1;	// 上限設定

			// 10m以上のリンクを経路終点方向にサーチ
			for (jlp = ilp + 1 ; jlp < guidetbl_p->guide_link_vol ; jlp++) {
				if (CRSREV_DIST <= (guide_link_p + jlp)->dist) {
					o_no = jlp;

//		SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "i = %d->%d o = %d->%d", ilp, i_no, (ilp+1), o_no);

		// 角度補正の必要あり
		if ((i_no != ilp)||(o_no != (ilp+1))) {
			// 進入リンクの形状点情報取得
			guide_sharp_p = (guidetbl_p->guide_sharp_p + (guide_link_p + i_no)->sharp_offset);
			sharp_vol = (guide_link_p + i_no)->sharp_vol;

			// 進入パーセルを中心とした3×3左下パーセル算出
			base_id = SC_MESH_SftParcelId((guide_link_p + i_no)->parcel_id, -1, -1);

			// 進入座標取得
			ii_x  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[sharp_vol - 2].x + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			ii_x *= l_real_x;											// 実長変換
			ii_y  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[sharp_vol - 2].y + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			ii_y *= l_real_y;											// 実長変換

			// 中心座標取得
			ic_x  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[sharp_vol - 1].x + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			ic_x *= l_real_x;											// 実長変換
			ic_y  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[sharp_vol - 1].y + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			ic_y *= l_real_y;											// 実長変換

			// 退出リンクの形状点情報取得
			guide_sharp_p = (guidetbl_p->guide_sharp_p + (guide_link_p + o_no)->sharp_offset);
			sharp_vol = (guide_link_p + o_no)->sharp_vol;

			// 中心座標取得
			SC_MESH_GetAlterPos(base_id, (guide_link_p + o_no)->parcel_id, 1, (INT32 *)&xsft, (INT32 *)&ysft);
			oc_x  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[0].x + (4096 * xsft));		// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			oc_x *= l_real_x;											// 実長変換
			oc_y  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[0].y + (4096 * ysft));		// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			oc_y *= l_real_y;											// 実長変換

			// 退出座標取得
			oo_x  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[1].x + (4096 * xsft));		// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			oo_x *= l_real_x;											// 実長変換
			oo_y  = (DOUBLE)(guide_sharp_p[1].y + (4096 * ysft));		// 左下パーセルからの相対値
			oo_y *= l_real_y;											// 実長変換

			// 進入座標と中心座標、もしくは中心座標と退出座標が同一の場合
			if ((CompareDouble(ii_x, ic_x) && CompareDouble(ii_y, ic_y))
			||  (CompareDouble(oo_x, oc_x) && CompareDouble(oo_y, oc_y))) {
				dir = TURN_ST;
			} else {
				// 角度計算 (進入リンクと退出リンクが接続されていない場合の角度計算)
				angle = RT_LIB_GetCrossAngle2(ii_x, ii_y, ic_x, ic_y, oc_x, oc_y, oo_x, oo_y);
				if ((0 > angle) || (360 < angle)) {
					SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] ERROR " HERE);
					return (e_SC_RESULT_FAIL);

				// 案内方向取得
				dir = RT_TURNDIR_TBL[ RT_GET_ANGLE_NO(angle) ];

				// ターンバイターン案内の表示不正を防ぐため、退出リンクが存在する方向をチェック
				// TODO 海外対応時には自車の車線位置によって確認方向の追加が必要
				// 角度再計算 (進入リンクから見て退出リンクが存在する角度を計算)
				angle = RT_LIB_GetCrossAngle(ii_x, ii_y, ic_x, ic_y, oc_x, oc_y);
				if ((0 > angle) || (360 < angle)) {
					SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] ERROR " HERE);
					return (e_SC_RESULT_FAIL);

				// 左後方向かつ、第一交差点時に右折(退出リンクへの角度が180度未満)している場合はUターンで固定
				if (TURN_BL == dir && 180 > angle) {
					dir = TURN_UT;
				// Uターンかつ、第一交差点時に左折(退出リンクへの角度が180度超過)した場合は表示不正のため補正を行わない
				else if(TURN_UT == dir && 180 < angle){

			// 補正基点交差点情報更新
			if (TURN_ST == dir) {
				// 第1交差点
				guide_crs_p = (guidetbl_p->guide_crs_p + (guide_link_p + ilp)->crs_offset);
				guide_crs_p->crs_type = CRSTYPE_NOTCRS;					// 非誘導交差点
				guide_crs_p->dir      = TURN_ST;						// 案内方向
			} else {
				// 第1交差点
				guide_crs_p = (guidetbl_p->guide_crs_p + (guide_link_p + ilp)->crs_offset);
				guide_crs_p->crs_type = CRSTYPE_NORMAL;					// 案内交差点
				guide_crs_p->dir      = dir;							// 案内方向

			// 中継点交差点情報更新
			for (jlp = (ilp + 1) ; jlp < o_no; jlp++) {
				if (ALLF16 != (guide_link_p + jlp)->crs_offset) {
					guide_crs_p = (guidetbl_p->guide_crs_p + (guide_link_p + jlp)->crs_offset);
					guide_crs_p->crs_type = CRSTYPE_NOTCRS;				// 非誘導交差点
					guide_crs_p->dir      = TURN_ST;					// 案内方向


	return (e_SC_RESULT_SUCCESS);

bool Test()
	bool fail = false;

 	asIScriptEngine *engine = asCreateScriptEngine(ANGELSCRIPT_VERSION);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void Assert(bool)", asFUNCTION(Assert), asCALL_GENERIC);

	COutStream out;
	CBufferedOutStream bout;

	float f = 0;
	double d = 0;
	asUINT ui = 0;
	asINT64 i64 = 0;
	int i = 0;
	signed char i8 = 0;
	asQWORD ui64 = 0;
	short i16 = 0;
	unsigned char ui8 = 0;
	unsigned short ui16 = 0;
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("float f", &f);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("double d", &d);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint ui", &ui);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint8 ui8", &ui8);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint16 ui16", &ui16);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint64 ui64", &ui64);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int i", &i);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int8 i8", &i8);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int16 i16", &i16);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int64 i64", &i64);

	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestDouble(double)", asFUNCTION(TestDouble), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestFloat(float)", asFUNCTION(TestFloat), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI64(int16)", asFUNCTION(TestI64), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestInt(int)", asFUNCTION(TestInt), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI16(int16)", asFUNCTION(TestI16), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI8(int8)", asFUNCTION(TestI8), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI64(uint)", asFUNCTION(TestUI64), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUInt(uint)", asFUNCTION(TestUInt), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI16(uint16)", asFUNCTION(TestUI16), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI8(uint8)", asFUNCTION(TestUI8), asCALL_GENERIC);

	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestDoubleByRef(double &in)", asFUNCTION(TestDoubleByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestFloatByRef(float &in)", asFUNCTION(TestFloatByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI64ByRef(int &in)", asFUNCTION(TestI64ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestIntByRef(int &in)", asFUNCTION(TestIntByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI16ByRef(int16 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestI16ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI8ByRef(int8 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestI8ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI64ByRef(uint &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUI64ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUIntByRef(uint &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUIntByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI16ByRef(uint16 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUI16ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI8ByRef(uint8 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUI8ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);
	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(d);");    if( d  !=   12.3  ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(f);");    if( d  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui);");   if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui8);");  if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui16);"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui64);"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i);");    if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i8);");   if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i16);");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i64);");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;

	ui64 = asQWORD(I64(-1000000000000000000)); 
	double d2 = 18446744073709551615.0 + double(asINT64(ui64));
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui64);"); if( d  !=  d2  ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = d;");    if( d  !=   12.3  ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = f;");    if( d  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui;");   if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui8;");  if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui16;"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui64;"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i;");    if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i8;");   if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i16;");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i64;");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = 12.3; "); if( !CompareDouble(d,12.3) ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = 12.3f;"); if( !CompareDouble(d,12.3f) ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = 123;  "); if( !CompareDouble(d,123.0) ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = -123; "); if( !CompareDouble(d,-123.0) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(d);");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(f);");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui);");    if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui8);");   if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui16);");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui64);");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i);");     if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i8);");    if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i16);");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i64);");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = d;");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = f;");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui;");    if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui8;");   if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui16;");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui64;");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i;");     if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i8;");    if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i16;");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i64;");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = 12.3; "); if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = 12.3f;"); if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = 123;  "); if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = -123; "); if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(d);");      if( i64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(f);");      if( i64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui);");     if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui8);");    if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui16);");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui64);");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i);");      if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i8);");     if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i16);");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i64);");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = d;");      if( i64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = f;");      if( i64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui;");     if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui8;");    if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui16;");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui64;");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i;");      if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i8;");     if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i16;");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i64;");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = 12.3;  "); if( i64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = -12.3f;"); if( i64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = 123;   "); if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = -123;  "); if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(d);");      if( i  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(f);");      if( i  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui);");     if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui8);");    if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui16);");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui64);");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i);");      if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i8);");     if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i16);");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i64);");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = d;");      if( i  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = f;");      if( i  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui;");     if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui8;");    if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui16;");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui64;");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i;");      if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i8;");     if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i16;");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i64;");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = 12.3;  "); if( i  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = -12.3f;"); if( i  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = 123;   "); if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = -123;  "); if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(d);");     if( i8 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(f);");     if( i8 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui);");    if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui8);");   if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui16);");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui64);");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i);");     if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i8);");    if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i16);");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i64);");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = d;");     if( i8 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = f;");     if( i8 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui;");    if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui8;");   if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui16;");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui64;");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i;");     if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i8;");    if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i16;");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i64;");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = 12.3;  "); if( i8 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = -12.3f;"); if( i8 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = 123;   "); if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = -123;  "); if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(d);");    if( i16 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(f);");    if( i16 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui);");   if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui8);");  if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui16);"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui64);"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i);");    if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i8);");   if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i16);");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i64);");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = d;");    if( i16 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = f;");    if( i16 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui;");   if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui8;");  if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui16;"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui64;"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i;");    if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i8;");   if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i16;");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i64;");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = 12.3;  "); if( i16 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = -12.3f;"); if( i16 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = 123;   "); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = -123;  "); if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(d);");      if( ui64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(f);");      if( ui64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui);");     if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui8);");    if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui16);");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui64);");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i);");      if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i8);");     if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i16);");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i64);");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = d;");      if( ui64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = f;");      if( ui64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui;");     if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui8;");    if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui16;");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui64;");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i;");      if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i8;");     if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i16;");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i64;");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = 12.3;  "); if( ui64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = -12.3f;"); if( ui64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = 123;   "); if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = -123;  "); if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(d);");    if( ui != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(f);");    if( ui != asUINT(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui);");   if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui8);");  if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui16);"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui64);"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i);");    if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i8);");   if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i16);");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i64);");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = d;");    if( ui != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = f;");    if( ui != asUINT(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui;");   if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui8;");  if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui16;"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui64;"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i;");    if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i8;");   if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i16;");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i64;");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = 12.3;  "); if( ui != 12           ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = -12.3f;"); if( ui != asUINT(-12)  ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = 123;   "); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = -123;  "); if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(d);");    if( ui8 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(f);");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui);");   if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui8);");  if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui16);"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui64);"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i);");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i8);");   if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i16);");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i64);");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = d;");    if( ui8 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = f;");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui;");   if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui8;");  if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui16;"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui64;"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i;");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i8;");   if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i16;");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i64;");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = 12.3;  "); if( ui8 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = -12.3f;"); if( ui8 != asBYTE(-12)  ) fail = true; // asBYTE(-12.3f) doesn't seem to produce the same result on MSVC and GNUC
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = 123;   "); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = -123;  "); if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(d);");    if( ui16 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(f);");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui);");   if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui8);");  if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui16);"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui64);"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i);");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i8);");   if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i16);");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i64);");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = d;");    if( ui16 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = f;");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui;");   if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui8;");  if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui16;"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui64;"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i;");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i8;");   if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i16;");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i64;");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = 12.3;  "); if( ui16 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = -12.3f;"); if( ui16 != asWORD(-12)  ) fail = true; // asWORD(-12.3f) doesn't seem to produce the same result on MSVC and GNUC
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = 123;   "); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = -123;  "); if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(d); TestFloat(d); TestInt(d); TestI16(d); TestI8(d); TestUInt(d); TestUI16(d); TestUI8(d);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(f); TestFloat(f); TestInt(f); TestI16(f); TestI8(f); TestUInt(f); TestUI16(f); TestUI8(f);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui); TestFloat(ui); TestInt(ui); TestI16(ui); TestI8(ui); TestUInt(ui); TestUI16(ui); TestUI8(ui);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui8); TestFloat(ui8); TestInt(ui8); TestI16(ui8); TestI8(ui8); TestUInt(ui8); TestUI16(ui8); TestUI8(ui8);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui16); TestFloat(ui16); TestInt(ui16); TestI16(ui16); TestI8(ui16); TestUInt(ui16); TestUI16(ui16); TestUI8(ui16);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui64); TestFloat(ui64); TestInt(ui64); TestI16(ui64); TestI8(ui64); TestUInt(ui64); TestUI16(ui64); TestUI8(ui64);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i); TestFloat(i); TestInt(i); TestI16(i); TestI8(i); TestUInt(i); TestUI16(i); TestUI8(i);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i8); TestFloat(i8); TestInt(i8); TestI16(i8); TestI8(i8); TestUInt(i8); TestUI16(i8); TestUI8(i8);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i16); TestFloat(i16); TestInt(i16); TestI16(i16); TestI8(i16); TestUInt(i16); TestUI16(i16); TestUI8(i16);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i64); TestFloat(i64); TestInt(i64); TestI16(i64); TestI8(i64); TestUInt(i64); TestUI16(i64); TestUI8(i64);");

	d = 0; i8 = -22; engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = d + i8"); if( d != -22 ) fail = true;

	engine->ExecuteString(0, "int[] a(1); a[0] = 0; a[0] == 1");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui + i");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "int a = 0, ui = 0; (a+ui)&1;");

	// There is no bitwise conversion between uint to float anymore
	// f = 0; engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(0x3f800000)"); if( f != 1 ) fail = true;

	bout.buffer = "";
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i == ui"); 
	if( bout.buffer != "ExecuteString (1, 3) : Warning : Signed/Unsigned mismatch\n" )
		fail = true;

	bout.buffer = "";

	int r;

	// TODO: PPC: We cannot allow this with PPC
	// Allow the conversion of a type to another even for reference parameters (C++ doesn't allow this)
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(d); TestFloatByRef(d); TestIntByRef(d); TestI16ByRef(d); TestI8ByRef(d); TestUIntByRef(d); TestUI16ByRef(d); TestUI8ByRef(d);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(f); TestFloatByRef(f); TestIntByRef(f); TestI16ByRef(f); TestI8ByRef(f); TestUIntByRef(f); TestUI16ByRef(f); TestUI8ByRef(f);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui); TestFloatByRef(ui); TestIntByRef(ui); TestI16ByRef(ui); TestI8ByRef(ui); TestUIntByRef(ui); TestUI16ByRef(ui); TestUI8ByRef(ui);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui8); TestFloatByRef(ui8); TestIntByRef(ui8); TestI16ByRef(ui8); TestI8ByRef(ui8); TestUIntByRef(ui8); TestUI16ByRef(ui8); TestUI8ByRef(ui8);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui16); TestFloatByRef(ui16); TestIntByRef(ui16); TestI16ByRef(ui16); TestI8ByRef(ui16); TestUIntByRef(ui16); TestUI16ByRef(ui16); TestUI8ByRef(ui16);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui64); TestFloatByRef(ui64); TestIntByRef(ui64); TestI16ByRef(ui64); TestI8ByRef(ui64); TestUIntByRef(ui64); TestUI16ByRef(ui64); TestUI8ByRef(ui64);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i); TestFloatByRef(i); TestIntByRef(i); TestI16ByRef(i); TestI8ByRef(i); TestUIntByRef(i); TestUI16ByRef(i); TestUI8ByRef(i);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i8); TestFloatByRef(i8); TestIntByRef(i8); TestI16ByRef(i8); TestI8ByRef(i8); TestUIntByRef(i8); TestUI16ByRef(i8); TestUI8ByRef(i8);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i16); TestFloatByRef(i16); TestIntByRef(i16); TestI16ByRef(i16); TestI8ByRef(i16); TestUIntByRef(i16); TestUI16ByRef(i16); TestUI8ByRef(i16);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i64); TestFloatByRef(i64); TestIntByRef(i64); TestI16ByRef(i64); TestI8ByRef(i64); TestUIntByRef(i64); TestUI16ByRef(i64); TestUI8ByRef(i64);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);
	asIScriptModule *mod = engine->GetModule(0, asGM_ALWAYS_CREATE);
	mod->AddScriptSection("script", script, strlen(script));

	// This test is to make sure that the float is in fact converted to a double
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestScript();");

	// Make sure uint and int can be converted to bits when using the ~ operator
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "uint x = 0x34; x = ~x;");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "int x = 0x34; x = ~x;");


	if( fail )
		printf("%s: failed\n", TESTNAME);

	// Success
	return fail;
 * @brief	誘導交差点情報設定
static UINT16 RT_TBL_GetGuideDir(RT_CROSSINFO_t *crs_p)

	INT32						angle;
	DOUBLE						l_real_x;
	DOUBLE						l_real_y;
	DOUBLE						c_x,c_y,i_x,i_y,o_x,o_y;
	UINT16						dir;
	UINT16						ilp;
	UINT16						case_f = 0;
	UINT32						base_id;
	INT32						xsft,ysft;
	INT32						angle_wk;


	if (NULL == crs_p) {
		SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] ERROR " HERE);
		return (ALLF16);

	l_real_x = RT_real_x;
	l_real_y = RT_real_y;

	// 進入パーセルを中心とした3×3左下パーセル算出
	base_id = SC_MESH_SftParcelId(crs_p->link[0].id.parcel_id, -1, -1);

	// 進入座標取得
	i_x  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[0].point.pos[ crs_p->link[0].point.vol - 2 ].x + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
	i_x *= l_real_x;																	// 実長変換
	i_y  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[0].point.pos[ crs_p->link[0].point.vol - 2 ].y + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
	i_y *= l_real_y;																	// 実長変換

	// 中心座標取得
	c_x  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[0].point.pos[ crs_p->link[0].point.vol - 1 ].x + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
	c_x *= l_real_x;																	// 実長変換
	c_y  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[0].point.pos[ crs_p->link[0].point.vol - 1 ].y + 4096);	// 左下パーセルからの相対値
	c_y *= l_real_y;																	// 実長変換

	// 退出座標取得
	SC_MESH_GetAlterPos(base_id, crs_p->link[1].id.parcel_id, 1, (INT32 *)&xsft, (INT32 *)&ysft);
	o_x  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[1].point.pos[1].x + (4096 * xsft));						// 左下パーセルからの相対値
	o_x *= l_real_x;																	// 実長変換
	o_y  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[1].point.pos[1].y + (4096 * ysft));						// 左下パーセルからの相対値
	o_y *= l_real_y;																	// 実長変換

	// 進入座標と中心座標、もしくは中心座標と退出座標が同一の場合
	if ((CompareDouble(i_x, c_x) && CompareDouble(i_y, c_y))
	||  (CompareDouble(o_x, c_x) && CompareDouble(o_y, c_y))) {
		return (TURN_EX);		// TODO

	// 角度計算
	angle = RT_LIB_GetCrossAngle(i_x, i_y, c_x, c_y, o_x, o_y);
	if ((0 > angle) || (360 < angle)) {
		SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] ERROR " HERE);
		return (ALLF16);

	// 案内方向取得
	dir = RT_TURNDIR_TBL[ RT_GET_ANGLE_NO(angle) ];

#if 0
	case TURN_ST:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (直進)" ,angle);break;
	case TURN_UT:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (直戻)" ,angle);break;
	case TURN_FR:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (右前)" ,angle);break;
	case TURN_R:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (右)"   ,angle);break;
	case TURN_BR:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (右後)" ,angle);break;
	case TURN_FL:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (左前)" ,angle);break;
	case TURN_L:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (左)"   ,angle);break;
	case TURN_BL:	SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] angle = %d (左後)" ,angle);break;

	// 直進以外と判断
	if (TURN_ST != dir) { return (dir); }

	// 以下、直進補正
	for (ilp = 2 ; ilp < crs_p->link_vol ; ilp++) {
		// 歩道とかはスキップ
		if (SC_MA_ROAD_TYPE_ATHER <= crs_p->link[ilp].road_type) {

		// 退出方向=リンク順方向
		if (0 == crs_p->link[ilp].id.link_dir) {
			// 通行不可
			if ((0 != crs_p->link[ilp].onway_code) && (1 != crs_p->link[ilp].onway_code)) {
		// 退出方向=リンク逆方向
		} else {
			// 通行不可
			if ((0 != crs_p->link[ilp].onway_code) && (2 != crs_p->link[ilp].onway_code)) {

		// 退出座標取得
		SC_MESH_GetAlterPos(base_id, crs_p->link[ilp].id.parcel_id, 1, (INT32 *)&xsft, (INT32 *)&ysft);
		o_x  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[ilp].point.pos[1].x + (4096 * xsft));			// 左下パーセルからの相対値
		o_x *= l_real_x;															// 実長変換
		o_y  = (DOUBLE)(crs_p->link[ilp].point.pos[1].y + (4096 * ysft));			// 左下パーセルからの相対値
		o_y *= l_real_y;															// 実長変換

		// 進入座標と中心座標、もしくは中心座標と退出座標が同一の場合
		if ((CompareDouble(i_x, c_x) && CompareDouble(i_y, c_y))
		||  (CompareDouble(o_x, c_x) && CompareDouble(o_y, c_y))) {
			continue;	// 進入or退出リンク長0の場合は、非経路と判定しない為、スキップ

		// 角度計算
		angle_wk = RT_LIB_GetCrossAngle(i_x, i_y, c_x, c_y, o_x, o_y);
		if ((0 > angle_wk) || (360 < angle_wk)) {
			SC_LOG_ErrorPrint(SC_TAG_RT, "[TBL] ERROR " HERE);
			return (ALLF16);

		// 非経路にも直進あり
		if (TURN_ST == RT_TURNDIR_TBL[ RT_GET_ANGLE_NO(angle_wk) ]){
			// 進入・退出は道路種別・リンク種別ともに一致
			if ((crs_p->link[0].road_type == crs_p->link[1].road_type) &&
				(crs_p->link[0].link_kind == crs_p->link[1].link_kind) ) {
				// 進入・非経路は道路種別かリンク種別が不一致
				if ((crs_p->link[0].road_type != crs_p->link[ilp].road_type) ||
					(crs_p->link[0].link_kind != crs_p->link[ilp].link_kind) ) {
					case_f = 0;		// 退出が道なりと判断
				} else {
					case_f = 2;		// 道なり方向は角度差で決める
			else {
				// 進入・非経路は道路種別かリンク種別が不一致
				if ((crs_p->link[0].road_type != crs_p->link[ilp].road_type) ||
					(crs_p->link[0].link_kind != crs_p->link[ilp].link_kind) ) {
					case_f = 2;		// 道なり方向は角度差で決める
				} else {
					case_f = 1;		// 非経路が道なりと判断

			switch (case_f) {
			case 0:
			case 1:
				// 角度同値の場合は変更せず
				if (angle != angle_wk) {
					if (angle < angle_wk) {
						dir = TURN_FR;	// 非経路から見て右寄り
					} else {
						dir = TURN_FL;	// 非経路から見て左寄り
			case 2:
				// 角度同値の場合は変更せず
				if (angle != angle_wk) {
					// 非経路の方が、退出より直進
					if ((abs(180 - angle)) > (abs(180 - angle_wk))) {
						// 退出は右寄り
						if (180 >= angle) {
							dir = TURN_FR;	// 非経路から見て右寄り
						// 退出は左寄り
						} else {
							dir = TURN_FL;	// 非経路から見て左寄り


	return (dir);
