void RenderInterface::RenderGeometry(Rocket::Core::Vertex* vertices, int num_vertices, int* indices, int num_indices, Rocket::Core::TextureHandle texture, const Rocket::Core::Vector2f& translation)
     Rocket::Core::CompiledGeometryHandle Handle = CompileGeometry(vertices, num_vertices, indices, num_indices, texture);
     RenderCompiledGeometry(Handle, translation);
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt, *astmt, *estmt;
    int rc, n, i;
    void *pGeom = NULL;
    int nFwaCount;


    if( pszAnalysisAreaWkt )
        n = CompileGeometry( pszAnalysisAreaWkt, &pGeom );
        if( n > 0 )
            rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT disploc.name,fpu_code,"
                                         "Y(disploc.geometry) FROM "
                                         "disploc JOIN assoc ON "
                                         "name=disploc_name "
                                         "WHERE fwa_name NOT LIKE '%unassign%' "
                                         "AND substr(fwa_name, 0, 3) NOT IN "
                                         "('EA','SA','AK') "
                                         "AND fwa_name IN "
                                         "(SELECT name FROM fwa WHERE "
                                         "ST_Intersects(@geom, fwa.geometry) AND "
                                         "fwa.ROWID IN(SELECT pkid FROM "
                                         "idx_fwa_geometry WHERE "
                                         "xmin <= MbrMaxX(@geom) AND "
                                         "xmax >= MbrMinX(@geom) AND "
                                         "ymin <= MbrMaxY(@geom) AND "
                                         "ymax >= MbrMinY(@geom))) GROUP BY "
                                     -1, &stmt, NULL );

            rc = sqlite3_bind_blob( stmt,
                                    sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( stmt, "@geom" ),
                                    pGeom, n, sqlite3_free );
            return SQLITE_ERROR;
        rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT name,fpu_code,callback,"
                                     "X(geometry), Y(geometry) FROM disploc "
                                     "JOIN assoc ON name=disploc_name WHERE "
                                     "fwa_name NOT LIKE '%unassign%' "
                                     "AND substr(fwa_name, 0, 3) NOT IN "
                                     "('EA','SA','AK') "
                                     "GROUP BY disploc.name",
                                 -1, &stmt, NULL );
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT fwa_name, distance FROM assoc WHERE "
                             -1, &astmt, NULL );
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM resource WHERE disploc=?",
                             -1, &estmt, NULL );
    nFwaCount = poScenario->m_VFWA.size();

    const char *pszName, *pszFpu;
    const char *pszFwa;
    int nCallBack;
    double dfX, dfY;
    double dfDist;
    std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it;
    while( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
        pszName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 );
        assert( pszName );
        rc = sqlite3_bind_text( estmt, 1, pszName, -1, NULL );
        if( sqlite3_step( estmt ) != SQLITE_ROW ||
            sqlite3_column_int( estmt, 0 ) < 1 )
            sqlite3_reset( estmt );
        pszFpu = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 );
        assert( pszFpu );
        nCallBack = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 2 );
        assert( nCallBack >= 0 );
        dfX = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 3 );
        assert( dfX > -180 && dfX < 360 );
        dfY = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 4 );
        assert( dfY > -180 && dfY < 360 );
        CDispLoc oDispLoc( std::string( pszName ), nCallBack,
                           std::string( pszFpu ), dfY, dfX );

        rc = sqlite3_bind_text( astmt, 1, pszName, -1, NULL );
        while( sqlite3_step( astmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
            pszFwa = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text( astmt, 0 );
            assert( pszFwa );
            dfDist = sqlite3_column_double( astmt, 1 );
            assert( dfDist >= 0 );
            it = FwaIndexMap.find( std::string( pszFwa ) );
            if( it != FwaIndexMap.end() )
                i = it->second;
                poScenario->m_VFWA[i].AddAssociation( std::string( pszName ), dfDist );
                oDispLoc.AddAssocFWA( &(poScenario->m_VFWA[i]) );
        sqlite3_reset( astmt );
        sqlite3_reset( estmt );
        poScenario->m_VDispLoc.push_back( oDispLoc );

    sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
    sqlite3_finalize( astmt );
    sqlite3_finalize( estmt );


    return 0;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    sqlite3_stmt *rstmt;
    int rc, i, j, n, iLogic;
    void *pGeom;

    /* Clear our lookup */


    if( pszAnalysisAreaWkt )
        n = CompileGeometry( pszAnalysisAreaWkt, &pGeom );
        if( n > 0 )
            rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT displog.name,indice,num_lev,bp_1,"
                                         "bp_2,bp_3,bp_4 FROM fwa JOIN displog "
                                         "ON fwa.displogic_name=displog.name "
                                         "JOIN brk_point ON "
                                         "displog.name=brk_point.name "
                                         "WHERE ST_Intersects(@geom, geometry) "
                                         "AND fwa.name NOT LIKE '%unassign%' "
                                         "AND substr(fwa.name, 0, 3) NOT IN "
                                         "('EA','SA','AK') "
                                         "AND fwa.ROWID IN "
                                         "(SELECT pkid FROM "
                                         "idx_fwa_geometry WHERE "
                                         "xmin <= MbrMaxX(@geom) AND "
                                         "xmax >= MbrMinX(@geom) AND "
                                         "ymin <= MbrMaxY(@geom) AND "
                                         "ymax >= MbrMinY(@geom)) "
                                         "group by displog.name",
                                     -1, &stmt, NULL );

            rc = sqlite3_bind_blob( stmt,
                                    sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( stmt, "@geom" ),
                                    pGeom, n, sqlite3_free );
            /* Geometry is bad */
            return SQLITE_ERROR;
        rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT displog.name,indice,"
                                     "num_lev,bp_1,bp_2,bp_3,bp_4 FROM "
                                     "fwa JOIN displog ON "
                                     "fwa.displogic_name=displog.name "
                                     "JOIN brk_point ON "
                                     "displog.name=brk_point.name "
                                     "WHERE fwa.name NOT LIKE '%unassign%' "
                                     "AND substr(fwa.name, 0, 3) NOT IN "
                                     "('EA','SA','AK') "
                                     "GROUP BY displog.name",
                                 -1, &stmt, NULL );
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT * FROM  num_resc WHERE name=?", -1,
                             &rstmt, NULL );

    const char *pszName, *pszIndice;
    int nLevels, anBps[4];
    int nBp, anRescCount[13][5];
    iLogic = 0;

    /* Push a default displogic on so we avoid errors */
    poScenario->m_VDispLogic.push_back( CDispLogic() );
    DispLogIndexMap.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>( poScenario->m_VDispLogic[0].GetLogicID(), iLogic++ ) );

    while( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
        pszName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 0 );
        assert( pszName );
        pszIndice = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 );
        /* No assert currently, but do we assume BI? */
        nLevels = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 2 );
        assert( nLevels >= 3 && nLevels <= 5 );
        memset( anBps, 0, sizeof( int ) * 4 );
        for( i = 0; i < nLevels - 1; i++ )
            anBps[i] = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 3 + i );
        sqlite3_bind_text( rstmt, 1, pszName, -1, NULL );
        i = 0;
        memset( anRescCount, 0, sizeof( int ) * 13 * 5 );
        while( sqlite3_step( rstmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
            for( j = 0; j < 13; j++ )
                anRescCount[j][i] = sqlite3_column_int( rstmt, j+2 );
                assert( anRescCount[j][i] >= 0 );
                assert( i < 5 );
        poScenario->m_VDispLogic.push_back( CDispLogic( std::string( pszName ),
                                            std::string( pszIndice ), nLevels,
                                            anBps, anRescCount ) );
        DispLogIndexMap.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>( pszName, iLogic++ ) );
        sqlite3_reset( rstmt );
    assert( DispLogIndexMap.size() == poScenario->m_VDispLogic.size() );
    sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
    sqlite3_finalize( rstmt );
    return 0;
    //assert( poScenario->m_VDispLogic.size() > 0 );
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int rc, n, i;
    void *pGeom;

    /* Clear our lookup */


    if( pszAnalysisAreaWkt )
        n = CompileGeometry( pszAnalysisAreaWkt, &pGeom );
        if( n > 0 )
            rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT * FROM fwa JOIN reload ON "
                                         "fwa.name=reload.fwa_name JOIN "
                                         "walk_in ON "
                                         "reload.fwa_name=walk_in.fwa_name "
                                         "WHERE ST_Intersects(@geom, geometry) "
                                         "AND name NOT LIKE '%unassigned%' "
                                         "AND substr(fwa.name, 0, 3) NOT IN "
                                         "('EA','SA','AK') "
                                         "AND fwa.ROWID IN "
                                         "(SELECT pkid FROM "
                                         "idx_fwa_geometry WHERE "
                                         "xmin <= MbrMaxX(@geom) AND "
                                         "xmax >= MbrMinX(@geom) AND "
                                         "ymin <= MbrMaxY(@geom) AND "
                                         "ymax >= MbrMinY(@geom))",
                                     -1, &stmt, NULL );

            rc = sqlite3_bind_blob( stmt,
                                    sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( stmt, "@geom" ),
                                    pGeom, n, sqlite3_free );
            return SQLITE_ERROR;
        rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT * FROM fwa JOIN reload ON "
                                     "fwa.name=reload.fwa_name JOIN "
                                     "walk_in ON "
                                     "reload.fwa_name=walk_in.fwa_name "
                                     "WHERE fwa.name NOT LIKE '%unassigned%' "
                                     "AND substr(fwa.name, 0, 3) NOT IN "
                                 -1, &stmt, NULL );
    const char *pszName, *pszFpu;
    int nWalkIn, nPumpRoll, nHead, nTail, nPara;
    double dfAttDist;
    int bWaterDrops, bExcluded;
    double dfDiscSize, dfEslSize, dfEslTime, dfAirGrnd;
    int nFirstDelay;
    const char *pszLogic;
    int anReload[5];
    int anWalkIn[6];
    int iFwa = 0;
    std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it;
    while( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
        pszName = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 );
        assert( pszName );
        pszFpu = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 2 );
        assert( pszFpu );
        // FMG 3
        nWalkIn = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 4 );
        assert( nWalkIn >= 0 || nWalkIn <= 100 );
        nPumpRoll = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 5 );
        assert( nPumpRoll >= 0 || nPumpRoll <= 100 );
        nHead = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 6 );
        assert( nHead >= 0 || nHead <= 100 );
        nTail = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 7 );
        assert( nTail >= 0 || nTail <= 100 );
        nPara = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 8 );
        assert( nPara >= 0 || nPara <= 100 );
        assert( nPara + nTail + nHead < 101 );
        dfAttDist = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 9 );
        assert( dfAttDist >= 0.0 );
        bWaterDrops = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 10 );
        assert( bWaterDrops == 0 || bWaterDrops == 1 );
        bExcluded = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 11 );
        assert( bExcluded == 0 || bExcluded == 1 );
        dfDiscSize = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 12 );
        assert( dfDiscSize >= 0 );
        dfEslTime = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 13 );
        assert( dfEslTime >= 0 );
        dfEslSize = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 14 );
        assert( dfEslSize >= 0 );
        dfAirGrnd = sqlite3_column_double( stmt, 15 );
        assert( dfAirGrnd >= 0 );
        nFirstDelay = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 16 );
        assert( nFirstDelay >= 0 );
        pszLogic = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 17 );
        assert( pszLogic );
        memset( anReload, 0, sizeof( int ) * 5 );
        for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
            anReload[i] = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 18+i );
            assert( anReload[i] >= 0 );
        memset( anWalkIn, 0, sizeof( int ) * 6 );
        for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
            anWalkIn[i] = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 18+5+i );
            assert( anWalkIn[i] >= 0 );
        ** We use defaults now for some delays: From FPA:
        ** Post Escape Delay 20 minutes for all but smokejumpers, smokejumpers 
        ** 120 minutes.
        ** Post Unused Delay 10 minutes for all.
        ** Post Used Delay 30 minutes for all but boats and smokejumpers, boats
        ** and smokejumpers 120 minutes.
        ** Columns:
        ** tracked,boat,crew,engine,helitack,smkjmp
        int anPostEscape[6] = {20,20, 20,20,20,120};
        int anPostUnused[6] = {10,10, 10,10,10,10};
        int anPostUsed[6]   = {30,120,30,30,30,120};
        /* Fixed, no assert */

        ** These values have also been defaulted.
        std::string aoRos[10];
        double adfRosCoeff[10];
        double adfDiurn[24];
        for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
            aoRos[i] = std::string( "NA" );
            adfRosCoeff[i] = 1.0;
        /* Fixed, no assert */
        for( i = 0; i < 24; i++ )
            adfDiurn[i] = 1.;
        /* Fixed, no assert */

        ** The value of this is up for discussion...
        it = DispLogIndexMap.find( pszLogic );
        if( it == DispLogIndexMap.end() )
            i = 0;
            printf("Failed to load logic: %s for fwa: %s\n", pszLogic, pszName);
            i = it->second;
        poScenario->m_VFWA.push_back( CFWA( std::string( pszName ),
                                            std::string( "" ), nWalkIn,
                                            nPumpRoll, nHead, nTail, nPara,
                                            dfAttDist, bWaterDrops, bExcluded,
                                            dfDiscSize, dfEslTime, dfEslSize,
                                            dfAirGrnd, anWalkIn, anPostUsed,
                                            anPostUnused, anPostEscape, anReload,
                                            nFirstDelay, adfDiurn, aoRos,
                                            adfRosCoeff, iFwa,
                                            std::string( pszFpu ) ) );
        FwaIndexMap.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>( std::string( pszName ),
                                                         iFwa ) );
    assert( FwaIndexMap.size() == poScenario->m_VFWA.size() );
    sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
    return 0;