double CBratAlgorithmGeosVelAtp::Run(CVectorBratAlgorithmParam& args)
    int32_t iRecord = m_callerProduct->GetCurrentRecordNumber();

    if (iRecord == m_callerProductRecordPrev)
        // Do nothing: data have been already computed
        return m_velocity;

    // Gets the next record regarding to the current product record.
    // and save previous values.





    // Compute geostrophic velocity.

    m_callerProductRecordPrev = iRecord;

    return m_velocity;
bool UProjectileMovementComponent::HandleSliding(FHitResult& Hit, float& SubTickTimeRemaining)
	FHitResult InitialHit(Hit);
	const FVector OldHitNormal = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Hit.Normal);

	// Velocity is now parallel to the impact surface.
	// Perform the move now, before adding gravity/accel again, so we don't just keep hitting the surface.
	SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(Velocity * SubTickTimeRemaining, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat(), true, Hit);

	if (HasStoppedSimulation())
		return false;

	// A second hit can deflect the velocity (through the normal bounce code), for the next iteration.
	if (Hit.bBlockingHit)
		const float TimeTick = SubTickTimeRemaining;
		SubTickTimeRemaining = TimeTick * (1.f - Hit.Time);
		if (HandleBlockingHit(Hit, TimeTick, Velocity * TimeTick, SubTickTimeRemaining) == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Abort ||
			return false;
		// Find velocity after elapsed time
		const FVector PostTickVelocity = ComputeVelocity(Velocity, SubTickTimeRemaining);

		// If pointing back into surface, apply friction and acceleration.
		const FVector Force = (PostTickVelocity - Velocity);
		const float ForceDotN = (Force | OldHitNormal);
		if (ForceDotN < 0.f)
			const FVector ProjectedForce = FVector::VectorPlaneProject(Force, OldHitNormal);
			const FVector NewVelocity = Velocity + ProjectedForce;

			const FVector FrictionForce = -NewVelocity.GetSafeNormal() * FMath::Min(-ForceDotN * Friction, NewVelocity.Size());
			Velocity = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(NewVelocity + FrictionForce);
			Velocity = PostTickVelocity;

		// Check min velocity
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(BounceVelocityStopSimulatingThreshold))
			return false;

		SubTickTimeRemaining = 0.f;

	return true;
FVector UProjectileMovementComponent::ComputeMoveDelta(const FVector& InVelocity, float DeltaTime) const
	// Velocity Verlet integration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verlet_integration#Velocity_Verlet)
	// The addition of p0 is done outside this method, we are just computing the delta.
	// p = p0 + v0*t + 1/2*a*t^2

	// We use ComputeVelocity() here to infer the acceleration, to make it easier to apply custom velocities.
	// p = p0 + v0*t + 1/2*((v1-v0)/t)*t^2
	// p = p0 + v0*t + 1/2*((v1-v0))*t

	const FVector NewVelocity = ComputeVelocity(InVelocity, DeltaTime);
	const FVector Delta = (InVelocity * DeltaTime) + (NewVelocity - InVelocity) * (0.5f * DeltaTime);
	return Delta;
void UProjectileMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_ProjectileMovementComponent_TickComponent );

	// skip if don't want component updated when not rendered or updated component can't move
	if (HasStoppedSimulation() || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime))

	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	AActor* ActorOwner = UpdatedComponent->GetOwner();
	if ( !ActorOwner || !CheckStillInWorld() )

	if (UpdatedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics())

	float RemainingTime	= DeltaTime;
	uint32 NumBounces = 0;
	int32 Iterations = 0;
	FHitResult Hit(1.f);
	while( RemainingTime >= MIN_TICK_TIME && (Iterations < MaxSimulationIterations) && !ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() && !HasStoppedSimulation() )

		// subdivide long ticks to more closely follow parabolic trajectory
		const float TimeTick = ShouldUseSubStepping() ? GetSimulationTimeStep(RemainingTime, Iterations) : RemainingTime;
		RemainingTime -= TimeTick;

		Hit.Time = 1.f;
		const FVector OldVelocity = Velocity;
		const FVector MoveDelta = ComputeMoveDelta(OldVelocity, TimeTick);

		const FRotator NewRotation = (bRotationFollowsVelocity && !OldVelocity.IsNearlyZero(0.01f)) ? OldVelocity.Rotation() : ActorOwner->GetActorRotation();

		// Move the component
		if (bShouldBounce)
			// If we can bounce, we are allowed to move out of penetrations, so use SafeMoveUpdatedComponent which does that automatically.
			SafeMoveUpdatedComponent( MoveDelta, NewRotation, true, Hit );
			// If we can't bounce, then we shouldn't adjust if initially penetrating, because that should be a blocking hit that causes a hit event and stop simulation.
			TGuardValue<EMoveComponentFlags> ScopedFlagRestore(MoveComponentFlags, MoveComponentFlags | MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps);
			MoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, NewRotation, true, &Hit );
		// If we hit a trigger that destroyed us, abort.
		if( ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() || HasStoppedSimulation() )

		// Handle hit result after movement
		if( !Hit.bBlockingHit )
			PreviousHitTime = 1.f;
			bIsSliding = false;

			// Only calculate new velocity if events didn't change it during the movement update.
			if (Velocity == OldVelocity)
				Velocity = ComputeVelocity(Velocity, TimeTick);				
			// Only calculate new velocity if events didn't change it during the movement update.
			if (Velocity == OldVelocity)
				// re-calculate end velocity for partial time
				Velocity = (Hit.Time > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) ? ComputeVelocity(OldVelocity, TimeTick * Hit.Time) : OldVelocity;

			// Handle blocking hit
			float SubTickTimeRemaining = TimeTick * (1.f - Hit.Time);
			const EHandleBlockingHitResult HandleBlockingResult = HandleBlockingHit(Hit, TimeTick, MoveDelta, SubTickTimeRemaining);
			if (HandleBlockingResult == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Abort || HasStoppedSimulation())
			else if (HandleBlockingResult == EHandleBlockingHitResult::Deflect)
				HandleDeflection(Hit, OldVelocity, NumBounces, SubTickTimeRemaining);
				PreviousHitTime = Hit.Time;
				PreviousHitNormal = ConstrainNormalToPlane(Hit.Normal);
			else if (HandleBlockingResult == EHandleBlockingHitResult::AdvanceNextSubstep)
				// Reset deflection logic to ignore this hit
				PreviousHitTime = 1.f;
				// Unhandled EHandleBlockingHitResult
			// A few initial bounces should add more time and iterations to complete most of the simulation.
			if (NumBounces <= 2 && SubTickTimeRemaining >= MIN_TICK_TIME)
				RemainingTime += SubTickTimeRemaining;

// Deprecated
FVector UProjectileMovementComponent::CalculateVelocity(FVector OldVelocity, float DeltaTime, bool bGravityEnabled_UNUSED) const
	return ComputeVelocity(OldVelocity, DeltaTime);