void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg );

    wxString baseCfgName = ConfigBaseName();

    bool btmp;
    if( aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + ShowGridEntryKeyword, &btmp ) )
        SetGridVisibility( btmp );

    // Read grid color:

    if( wtmp.SetFromWxString( aCfg->Read(
                baseCfgName + GridColorEntryKeyword, wxT( "NONE" ) ) ) )
        SetGridColor( wtmp );

    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + LastGridSizeIdKeyword, &m_LastGridSizeId, 0L );

    // m_LastGridSizeId is an offset, expected to be >= 0
    if( m_LastGridSizeId < 0 )
        m_LastGridSizeId = 0;

    m_UndoRedoCountMax = aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + MaxUndoItemsEntry,
            long( DEFAULT_MAX_UNDO_ITEMS ) );

    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + FirstRunShownKeyword, &m_firstRunDialogSetting, 0L );

    m_galDisplayOptions->ReadConfig( aCfg, baseCfgName + GalDisplayOptionsKeyword );
void EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    int maximized = 0;

    wxString baseCfgName = ConfigBaseName();

    wxString text = baseCfgName + entryPosX;
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FramePos.x );

    text = baseCfgName + entryPosY;
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FramePos.y );

    text = baseCfgName + entrySizeX;
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FrameSize.x, 600 );

    text = baseCfgName + entrySizeY;
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FrameSize.y, 400 );

    text = baseCfgName + entryMaximized;
    aCfg->Read( text, &maximized, 0 );

    if( m_hasAutoSave )
        text = baseCfgName + entryAutoSaveInterval;
        aCfg->Read( text, &m_autoSaveInterval, DEFAULT_AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL );

    // Ensure the window is on a connected display, and is visible.
    // (at least a corner of the frame must be visible on screen)
    // Sometimes, if a window was moved on an auxiliary display, and when this
    // display is no more available, it is not the case.
    wxRect rect( m_FramePos, m_FrameSize );

    if( wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( rect.GetTopLeft() ) == wxNOT_FOUND &&
        wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( rect.GetTopRight() ) == wxNOT_FOUND &&
        wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( rect.GetBottomLeft() ) == wxNOT_FOUND &&
        wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( rect.GetBottomRight() ) == wxNOT_FOUND )
        m_FramePos = wxDefaultPosition;

    // Ensure Window title bar is visible
#if defined( __WXMAC__ )
    // for macOSX, the window must be below system (macOSX) toolbar
    // Ypos_min = GetMBarHeight(); seems no more exist in new API (subject to change)
    int Ypos_min = 20;
    int Ypos_min = 0;
    if( m_FramePos.y < Ypos_min )
        m_FramePos.y = Ypos_min;

    if( maximized )

    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + entryPerspective, &m_perspective );
    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + entryMruPath, &m_mruPath );
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SaveSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    EDA_BASE_FRAME::SaveSettings( aCfg );

    wxString baseCfgName = ConfigBaseName();

    aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + ShowGridEntryKeyword, IsGridVisible() );
    aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + GridColorEntryKeyword,
                 GetGridColor().ToColour().GetAsString( wxC2S_CSS_SYNTAX ) );
    aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + LastGridSizeIdKeyword, ( long ) m_LastGridSizeId );
    aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + FirstRunShownKeyword, m_firstRunDialogSetting );

    if( GetScreen() )
        aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + MaxUndoItemsEntry, long( GetScreen()->GetMaxUndoItems() ) );

    m_galDisplayOptions->WriteConfig( aCfg, baseCfgName + GalDisplayOptionsKeyword );
void EDA_BASE_FRAME::SaveSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    wxString        text;

    if( IsIconized() )

    wxString baseCfgName = ConfigBaseName();

    m_FrameSize = GetSize();
    m_FramePos  = GetPosition();

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Pos_x" );
    aCfg->Write( text, (long) m_FramePos.x );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Pos_y" );
    aCfg->Write( text, (long) m_FramePos.y );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Size_x" );
    aCfg->Write( text, (long) m_FrameSize.x );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Size_y" );
    aCfg->Write( text, (long) m_FrameSize.y );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Maximized" );
    aCfg->Write( text, IsMaximized() );

    if( m_hasAutoSave )
        text = baseCfgName + entryAutoSaveInterval;
        aCfg->Write( text, m_autoSaveInterval );

    // Once this is fully implemented, wxAuiManager will be used to maintain
    // the persistance of the main frame and all it's managed windows and
    // all of the legacy frame persistence position code can be removed.
    wxString perspective = m_auimgr.SavePerspective();

    // printf( "perspective(%s): %s\n",
    //    TO_UTF8( m_FrameName + entryPerspective ), TO_UTF8( perspective ) );
    aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + entryPerspective, perspective );
    aCfg->Write( baseCfgName + entryMruPath, m_mruPath );
void EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    int maximized = 0;

    wxString baseCfgName = ConfigBaseName();

    wxString text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Pos_x" );
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FramePos.x );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Pos_y" );
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FramePos.y );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Size_x" );
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FrameSize.x, 600 );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Size_y" );
    aCfg->Read( text, &m_FrameSize.y, 400 );

    text = baseCfgName + wxT( "Maximized" );
    aCfg->Read( text, &maximized, 0 );

    if( m_hasAutoSave )
        text = baseCfgName + entryAutoSaveInterval;
        aCfg->Read( text, &m_autoSaveInterval, DEFAULT_AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL );

    // Ensure Window title bar is visible
#if defined( __WXMAC__ )
    // for macOSX, the window must be below system (macOSX) toolbar
    // Ypos_min = GetMBarHeight(); seems no more exist in new API (subject to change)
    int Ypos_min = 20;
    int Ypos_min = 0;
    if( m_FramePos.y < Ypos_min )
        m_FramePos.y = Ypos_min;

    if( maximized )

    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + entryPerspective, &m_perspective );
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg );

    wxString baseCfgName = ConfigBaseName();
    wxConfigBase* cmnCfg = Pgm().CommonSettings();

    // Read units used in dialogs and toolbars
    EDA_UNITS_T unitsTmp;

    if( aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + UserUnitsEntryKeyword, (int*) &unitsTmp ) )
        SetUserUnits( unitsTmp );
        SetUserUnits( MILLIMETRES );

    // Read show/hide grid entry
    bool btmp;
    if( aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + ShowGridEntryKeyword, &btmp ) )
        SetGridVisibility( btmp );

    // Read grid color:

    if( wtmp.SetFromWxString( aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + GridColorEntryKeyword, wxT( "NONE" ) ) ) )
        SetGridColor( wtmp );

    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + LastGridSizeIdKeyword, &m_LastGridSizeId, 0L );

    // m_LastGridSizeId is an offset, expected to be >= 0
    if( m_LastGridSizeId < 0 )
        m_LastGridSizeId = 0;

    m_UndoRedoCountMax = aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + MaxUndoItemsEntry,
            long( DEFAULT_MAX_UNDO_ITEMS ) );

    aCfg->Read( baseCfgName + FirstRunShownKeyword, &m_firstRunDialogSetting, 0L );

    m_galDisplayOptions.ReadConfig( *cmnCfg, *aCfg, baseCfgName, this );