int main_set_core_defaults(void)
   float fConfigParamsVersion;
   int bSaveConfig = 0, bUpgrade = 0;

   if (ConfigGetParameter(g_CoreConfig, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fConfigParamsVersion, sizeof(float)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
      DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "No version number in 'Core' config section. Setting defaults.");
      ConfigOpenSection("Core", &g_CoreConfig);
      bSaveConfig = 1;
   else if (((int) fConfigParamsVersion) != ((int) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION))
      DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Incompatible version %.2f in 'Core' config section: current is %.2f. Setting defaults.", fConfigParamsVersion, (float) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION);
      ConfigOpenSection("Core", &g_CoreConfig);
      bSaveConfig = 1;
   else if ((CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION - fConfigParamsVersion) >= 0.0001f)
      float fVersion = (float) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION;
      ConfigSetParameter(g_CoreConfig, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fVersion);
      DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Updating parameter set version in 'Core' config section to %.2f", fVersion);
      bUpgrade = 1;
      bSaveConfig = 1;

   /* parameters controlling the operation of the core */
   ConfigSetDefaultFloat(g_CoreConfig, "Version", (float) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION,  "Mupen64Plus Core config parameter set version number.  Please don't change this version number.");
   ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_CoreConfig, "OnScreenDisplay", 1, "Draw on-screen display if True, otherwise don't draw OSD");
#if defined(DYNAREC)
   ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_CoreConfig, "R4300Emulator", 2, "Use Pure Interpreter if 0, Cached Interpreter if 1, or Dynamic Recompiler if 2 or more");
   ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_CoreConfig, "R4300Emulator", 1, "Use Pure Interpreter if 0, Cached Interpreter if 1, or Dynamic Recompiler if 2 or more");
   ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_CoreConfig, "NoCompiledJump", 0, "Disable compiled jump commands in dynamic recompiler (should be set to False) ");
   ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_CoreConfig, "DisableExtraMem", 0, "Disable 4MB expansion RAM pack. May be necessary for some games");
   ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_CoreConfig, "EnableDebugger", 0, "Activate the R4300 debugger when ROM execution begins, if core was built with Debugger support");
   ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_CoreConfig, "CountPerOp", 0, "Force number of cycles per emulated instruction.");
   ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_CoreConfig, "DelaySI", 1, "Delay interrupt after DMA SI read/write");

   if (bSaveConfig)

   return 1;
bool Config_SetDefault()
	if (ConfigOpenSection("Video-General", &g_configVideoGeneral) != M64ERR_SUCCESS) {
		LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open Video-General configuration section");
		return false;
	if (ConfigOpenSection("Video-GLideN64", &g_configVideoGliden64) != M64ERR_SUCCESS) {
		LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open GLideN64 configuration section");
		return false;

	// Set default values for "Video-General" section, if they are not set yet. Taken from RiceVideo
	m64p_error res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGeneral, "Fullscreen", config.video.fullscreen, "Use fullscreen mode if True, or windowed mode if False ");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGeneral, "ScreenWidth", config.video.windowedWidth, "Width of output window or fullscreen width");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGeneral, "ScreenHeight", config.video.windowedHeight, "Height of output window or fullscreen height");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGeneral, "VerticalSync", config.video.verticalSync, "If true, activate the SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL attribute");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "configVersion", CONFIG_VERSION_CURRENT, "Settings version. Don't touch it.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "MultiSampling", config.video.multisampling, "Enable/Disable MultiSampling (0=off, 2,4,8,16=quality)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "AspectRatio", config.frameBufferEmulation.aspect, "Screen aspect ratio (0=stretch, 1=force 4:3, 2=force 16:9, 3=adjust)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "BufferSwapMode", config.frameBufferEmulation.bufferSwapMode, "Swap frame buffers (0=On VI update call, 1=On VI origin change, 2=On buffer update)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "UseNativeResolutionFactor", config.frameBufferEmulation.nativeResFactor, "Frame buffer size is the factor of N64 native resolution.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	//#Texture Settings
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "bilinearMode", config.texture.bilinearMode, "Bilinear filtering mode (0=N64 3point, 1=standard)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "MaxAnisotropy", config.texture.maxAnisotropy, "Max level of Anisotropic Filtering, 0 for off");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "CacheSize", config.texture.maxBytes / uMegabyte, "Size of texture cache in megabytes. Good value is VRAM*3/4");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	//#Emulation Settings
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableNoise", config.generalEmulation.enableNoise, "Enable color noise emulation.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableLOD", config.generalEmulation.enableLOD, "Enable LOD emulation.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableHWLighting", config.generalEmulation.enableHWLighting, "Enable hardware per-pixel lighting.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableShadersStorage", config.generalEmulation.enableShadersStorage, "Use persistent storage for compiled shaders.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "CorrectTexrectCoords", config.generalEmulation.correctTexrectCoords, "Make texrect coordinates continuous to avoid black lines between them. (0=Off, 1=Auto, 2=Force)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "enableNativeResTexrects", config.generalEmulation.enableNativeResTexrects, "Render 2D texrects in native resolution to fix misalignment between parts of 2D image.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
#ifdef ANDROID
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "ForcePolygonOffset", config.generalEmulation.forcePolygonOffset, "If true, use polygon offset values specified below");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultFloat(g_configVideoGliden64, "PolygonOffsetFactor", config.generalEmulation.polygonOffsetFactor, "Specifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth offset for each polygon");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultFloat(g_configVideoGliden64, "PolygonOffsetUnits", config.generalEmulation.polygonOffsetUnits, "Is multiplied by an implementation-specific value to create a constant depth offset");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	//#Frame Buffer Settings:"
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableFBEmulation", config.frameBufferEmulation.enable, "Enable frame and|or depth buffer emulation.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableCopyAuxiliaryToRDRAM", config.frameBufferEmulation.copyAuxToRDRAM, "Copy auxiliary buffers to RDRAM");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableN64DepthCompare", config.frameBufferEmulation.N64DepthCompare, "Enable N64 depth compare instead of OpenGL standard one. Experimental.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "DisableFBInfo", config.frameBufferEmulation.fbInfoDisabled, "Disable buffers read/write with FBInfo. Use for games, which do not work with FBInfo.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "FBInfoReadColorChunk", config.frameBufferEmulation.fbInfoReadColorChunk, "Read color buffer by 4kb chunks (strict follow to FBRead specification)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "FBInfoReadDepthChunk", config.frameBufferEmulation.fbInfoReadDepthChunk, "Read depth buffer by 4kb chunks (strict follow to FBRead specification)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableCopyColorToRDRAM", config.frameBufferEmulation.copyToRDRAM, "Enable color buffer copy to RDRAM (0=do not copy, 1=copy in sync mode, 2=copy in async mode)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM", config.frameBufferEmulation.copyDepthToRDRAM, "Enable depth buffer copy to RDRAM  (0=do not copy, 1=copy from video memory, 2=use software render)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableCopyColorFromRDRAM", config.frameBufferEmulation.copyFromRDRAM, "Enable color buffer copy from RDRAM.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	//#Texture filter settings
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "txFilterMode", config.textureFilter.txFilterMode, "Texture filter (0=none, 1=Smooth filtering 1, 2=Smooth filtering 2, 3=Smooth filtering 3, 4=Smooth filtering 4, 5=Sharp filtering 1, 6=Sharp filtering 2)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "txEnhancementMode", config.textureFilter.txEnhancementMode, "Texture Enhancement (0=none, 1=store as is, 2=X2, 3=X2SAI, 4=HQ2X, 5=HQ2XS, 6=LQ2X, 7=LQ2XS, 8=HQ4X, 9=2xBRZ, 10=3xBRZ, 11=4xBRZ, 12=5xBRZ), 13=6xBRZ");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txDeposterize", config.textureFilter.txDeposterize, "Deposterize texture before enhancement.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txFilterIgnoreBG", config.textureFilter.txFilterIgnoreBG, "Don't filter background textures.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "txCacheSize", config.textureFilter.txCacheSize/uMegabyte, "Size of filtered textures cache in megabytes.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txHiresEnable", config.textureFilter.txHiresEnable, "Use high-resolution texture packs if available.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txHiresFullAlphaChannel", config.textureFilter.txHiresFullAlphaChannel, "Allow to use alpha channel of high-res texture fully.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txHresAltCRC", config.textureFilter.txHresAltCRC, "Use alternative method of paletted textures CRC calculation.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txDump", config.textureFilter.txDump, "Enable dump of loaded N64 textures.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txCacheCompression", config.textureFilter.txCacheCompression, "Zip textures cache.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txForce16bpp", config.textureFilter.txForce16bpp, "Force use 16bit texture formats for HD textures.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "txSaveCache", config.textureFilter.txSaveCache, "Save texture cache to hard disk.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	// Convert to multibyte
	char txPath[PLUGIN_PATH_SIZE * 2];
	wcstombs(txPath, config.textureFilter.txPath, PLUGIN_PATH_SIZE * 2);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultString(g_configVideoGliden64, "txPath", txPath, "Path to folder with hi-res texture packs.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	res = ConfigSetDefaultString(g_configVideoGliden64, "fontName", config.font.name.c_str(), "File name of True Type Font for text messages.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "fontSize", config.font.size, "Font size.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultString(g_configVideoGliden64, "fontColor", "B5E61D", "Font color in RGB format.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	//#Bloom filter settings
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "EnableBloom", config.bloomFilter.enable, "Enable bloom filter");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "bloomThresholdLevel", config.bloomFilter.thresholdLevel, "Brightness threshold level for bloom. Values [2, 6]");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "bloomBlendMode", config.bloomFilter.blendMode, "Bloom blend mode (0=Strong, 1=Mild, 2=Light)");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "blurAmount", config.bloomFilter.blurAmount, "Blur radius. Values [2, 10]");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultInt(g_configVideoGliden64, "blurStrength", config.bloomFilter.blurStrength, "Blur strength. Values [10, 100]");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	//#Gamma correction settings
	res = ConfigSetDefaultBool(g_configVideoGliden64, "ForceGammaCorrection", config.gammaCorrection.force, "Force gamma correction.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);
	res = ConfigSetDefaultFloat(g_configVideoGliden64, "GammaCorrectionLevel", config.gammaCorrection.level, "Gamma correction level.");
	assert(res == M64ERR_SUCCESS);

	return ConfigSaveSection("Video-GLideN64") == M64ERR_SUCCESS;
void load_configuration(int bPreConfig)
    char SectionName[32];
    int joy_plugged = 0;
    int n64CtrlIdx, sdlCtrlIdx, j;
    int sdlNumDevUsed = 0;
    int sdlDevicesUsed[4];
    eModeType OrigControlMode[4], ControlMode[4];
    int ControlDevice[4];
    char DeviceName[4][256];
    int ActiveControllers = 0;
    int sdlNumJoysticks = get_sdl_num_joysticks();
    float fVersion = 0.0f;
    const char *sdl_name;
    int ControllersFound = 0;

    /* tell user how many SDL joysticks are available */
    if (!bPreConfig)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "%i SDL joysticks were found.", sdlNumJoysticks);

    /* loop through 4 N64 controllers, initializing and validating special section parameters */
    for (n64CtrlIdx=0; n64CtrlIdx < 4; n64CtrlIdx++)
        m64p_handle pConfig;
        /* reset the controller configuration */

        /* Open the configuration section for this controller */
        sprintf(SectionName, "Input-SDL-Control%i", n64CtrlIdx + 1);
        if (ConfigOpenSection(SectionName, &pConfig) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
            // this should never happen
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't open config section '%s'.  Aborting...", SectionName);
        /* Check version number, and if it doesn't match: delete the config section */
        fVersion = 0.0f;
        if (ConfigGetParameter(pConfig, "version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fVersion, sizeof(float)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS || ((int) fVersion) != ((int) CONFIG_VERSION))
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Missing or incompatible config section '%s'. Clearing.", SectionName);
            // set local controller default parameters
            OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] = ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] = E_MODE_FULL_AUTO;
            ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx] = DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK;
            DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx][0] = 0;
            // write blank config for GUI front-ends
            init_controller_config(n64CtrlIdx, "", E_MODE_FULL_AUTO);
            // save it to the file too
            if (ConfigGetParameter(pConfig, "mode", M64TYPE_INT, &OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx], sizeof(int)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS ||
                (int) OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] < 0 || (int) OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] > 2)
                if (!bPreConfig)
                    DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Missing or invalid 'mode' parameter in config section '%s'.  Setting to 2 (Fully Auto)", SectionName);
                OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] = E_MODE_FULL_AUTO;
            ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] = OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx];
            if (ConfigGetParameter(pConfig, "device", M64TYPE_INT, &ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx], sizeof(int)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
                if (!bPreConfig)
                    DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Missing 'device' parameter in config section '%s'.  Setting to -1 (No joystick)", SectionName);
                ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx] = DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK;
            if (ConfigGetParameter(pConfig, "name", M64TYPE_STRING, DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx], 256) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
                DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx][0] = 0;

    /* loop through 4 N64 controllers and set up those in Fully Manual mode */
    for (n64CtrlIdx=0; n64CtrlIdx < 4; n64CtrlIdx++)
        if (ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] != E_MODE_MANUAL)
        /* load the stored configuration (disregard any errors) */
        sprintf(SectionName, "Input-SDL-Control%i", n64CtrlIdx + 1);
        load_controller_config(SectionName, n64CtrlIdx, ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx]);
        /* if this config uses an SDL joystick, mark it as used */
        if (ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx] == DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK)
            if (!bPreConfig)
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "N64 Controller #%i: Using manual config with no SDL joystick (keyboard/mouse only)", n64CtrlIdx+1);
            sdlDevicesUsed[sdlNumDevUsed++] = ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx];
            if (!bPreConfig)
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "N64 Controller #%i: Using manual config for SDL joystick %i", n64CtrlIdx+1, ControlDevice[n64CtrlIdx]);

    /* now loop through again, setting up those in Named Auto mode */
    for (n64CtrlIdx=0; n64CtrlIdx < 4; n64CtrlIdx++)
        if (ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] != E_MODE_NAMED_AUTO)
        /* if name is empty, then use full auto mode instead */
        if (DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx][0] == 0)
            ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] = E_MODE_FULL_AUTO;
        sprintf(SectionName, "Input-SDL-Control%i", n64CtrlIdx + 1);
        /* if user is looking for a keyboard, set that up */
        if (strcasecmp(DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx], "Keyboard") == 0)
            auto_set_defaults(DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK, "Keyboard");
            if (load_controller_config("AutoConfig0", n64CtrlIdx, DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK) > 0)
                if (!bPreConfig)
                    DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "N64 Controller #%i: Using auto-config for keyboard", n64CtrlIdx+1);
                /* copy the auto-config settings to the controller config section */
                auto_copy_inputconfig("AutoConfig0", SectionName, "Keyboard");
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Autoconfig keyboard setup invalid");
        /* search for an unused SDL device with the matching name */
        for (sdlCtrlIdx=0; sdlCtrlIdx < sdlNumJoysticks; sdlCtrlIdx++)
            /* check if this one is in use */
            int deviceAlreadyUsed = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < sdlNumDevUsed; j++)
                if (sdlDevicesUsed[j] == sdlCtrlIdx)
                    deviceAlreadyUsed = 1;
            if (deviceAlreadyUsed)
            /* check if the name matches */
            sdl_name = get_sdl_joystick_name(sdlCtrlIdx);
            if (sdl_name != NULL && strncmp(DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx], sdl_name, 255) == 0)
                /* set up one or more controllers for this SDL device, if present in InputAutoConfig.ini */
                int ControllersFound = setup_auto_controllers(bPreConfig, n64CtrlIdx, sdlCtrlIdx, sdl_name, ControlMode, OrigControlMode, DeviceName);
                if (ControllersFound == 0)
                    // error: no auto-config found for this SDL device
                    DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "No auto-config found for joystick named '%s' in InputAutoConfig.ini", sdl_name);
                    // mark this device as being used just so we don't complain about it again
                    sdlDevicesUsed[sdlNumDevUsed++] = sdlCtrlIdx;
                    // quit looking for SDL joysticks which match the name, because there's no valid autoconfig for that name.
                    // this controller will be unused; skip to the next one
                /* mark this sdl device as used */
                sdlDevicesUsed[sdlNumDevUsed++] = sdlCtrlIdx;
                ActiveControllers += ControllersFound;
        /* if we didn't find a match for this joystick name, then set the controller to fully auto */
        if (sdlCtrlIdx == sdlNumJoysticks)
            if (!bPreConfig)
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "N64 Controller #%i: No SDL joystick found matching name '%s'.  Using full auto mode.", n64CtrlIdx+1, DeviceName[n64CtrlIdx]);
            ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] = E_MODE_FULL_AUTO;

    /* Final loop through N64 controllers, setting up those in Full Auto mode */
    for (n64CtrlIdx=0; n64CtrlIdx < 4; n64CtrlIdx++)
        if (ControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] != E_MODE_FULL_AUTO)
        sprintf(SectionName, "Input-SDL-Control%i", n64CtrlIdx + 1);
        /* search for an unused SDL device */
        for (sdlCtrlIdx=0; sdlCtrlIdx < sdlNumJoysticks; sdlCtrlIdx++)
            /* check if this one is in use */
            int deviceAlreadyUsed = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < sdlNumDevUsed; j++)
                if (sdlDevicesUsed[j] == sdlCtrlIdx)
                    deviceAlreadyUsed = 1;
            if (deviceAlreadyUsed)
            /* set up one or more controllers for this SDL device, if present in InputAutoConfig.ini */
            sdl_name = get_sdl_joystick_name(sdlCtrlIdx);
            ControllersFound = setup_auto_controllers(bPreConfig, n64CtrlIdx, sdlCtrlIdx, sdl_name, ControlMode, OrigControlMode, DeviceName);
            if (!bPreConfig && ControllersFound == 0)
                // error: no auto-config found for this SDL device
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "No auto-config found for joystick named '%s' in InputAutoConfig.ini", sdl_name);
                // mark this device as being used just so we don't complain about it again
                sdlDevicesUsed[sdlNumDevUsed++] = sdlCtrlIdx;
                // keep trying more SDL devices to see if we can auto-config one for this N64 controller
            /* mark this sdl device as used */
            sdlDevicesUsed[sdlNumDevUsed++] = sdlCtrlIdx;
            ActiveControllers += ControllersFound;
        /* if this N64 controller was not activated, set device to -1 */
        if (sdlCtrlIdx == sdlNumJoysticks)
            m64p_handle section;
            if (ConfigOpenSection(SectionName, &section) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
                const int iNoDevice = -1;
                ConfigSetParameter(section, "device", M64TYPE_INT, &iNoDevice);
                if (OrigControlMode[n64CtrlIdx] == E_MODE_FULL_AUTO)
                    ConfigSetParameter(section, "name", M64TYPE_STRING, "");

    /* fallback to keyboard if no controllers were configured */
    if (ActiveControllers == 0)
        if (!bPreConfig)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "N64 Controller #1: Forcing default keyboard configuration");
        auto_set_defaults(DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK, "Keyboard");
        if (load_controller_config("AutoConfig0", 0, DEVICE_NO_JOYSTICK) > 0)
            /* copy the auto-config settings to the controller config section */
            if (OrigControlMode[0] == E_MODE_FULL_AUTO)
                auto_copy_inputconfig("AutoConfig0", "Input-SDL-Control1", "Keyboard");
                auto_copy_inputconfig("AutoConfig0", "Input-SDL-Control1", NULL);  // don't overwrite 'name' parameter
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Autoconfig keyboard setup invalid");

    /* see how many joysticks are plugged in */
    joy_plugged = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
        if (controller[j].control->Present)

    /* print out summary info message */
    if (!bPreConfig)
        if (joy_plugged > 0)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "%i controller(s) found, %i plugged in and usable in the emulator", ActiveControllers, joy_plugged);
            if (ActiveControllers == 0)
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "No joysticks/controllers found");
                DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "%i controllers found, but none were 'plugged in'", ActiveControllers);

int event_set_core_defaults(void)
    float fConfigParamsVersion;
    int bSaveConfig = 0;

    if (ConfigOpenSection("CoreEvents", &l_CoreEventsConfig) != M64ERR_SUCCESS || l_CoreEventsConfig == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Failed to open CoreEvents config section.");
        return 0; /* fail */

    if (ConfigGetParameter(l_CoreEventsConfig, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fConfigParamsVersion, sizeof(float)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "No version number in 'CoreEvents' config section. Setting defaults.");
        ConfigOpenSection("CoreEvents", &l_CoreEventsConfig);
        bSaveConfig = 1;
    else if (((int) fConfigParamsVersion) != ((int) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Incompatible version %.2f in 'CoreEvents' config section: current is %.2f. Setting defaults.", fConfigParamsVersion, (float) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION);
        ConfigOpenSection("CoreEvents", &l_CoreEventsConfig);
        bSaveConfig = 1;
    else if ((CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION - fConfigParamsVersion) >= 0.0001f)
        /* handle upgrades */
        float fVersion = CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION;
        ConfigSetParameter(l_CoreEventsConfig, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fVersion);
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Updating parameter set version in 'CoreEvents' config section to %.2f", fVersion);
        bSaveConfig = 1;

    ConfigSetDefaultFloat(l_CoreEventsConfig, "Version", CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION,  "Mupen64Plus CoreEvents config parameter set version number.  Please don't change this version number.");
    /* Keyboard presses mapped to core functions */
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdStop, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE),          "SDL keysym for stopping the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdFullscreen, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_NUM_SCANCODES),      "SDL keysym for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdSave, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F5),              "SDL keysym for saving the emulator state");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdLoad, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F7),              "SDL keysym for loading the emulator state");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdIncrement, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN),    "SDL keysym for advancing the save state slot");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdReset, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F9),             "SDL keysym for resetting the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdSpeeddown, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F10),        "SDL keysym for slowing down the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdSpeedup, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F11),          "SDL keysym for speeding up the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdScreenshot, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F12),       "SDL keysym for taking a screenshot");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdPause, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_P),              "SDL keysym for pausing the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdMute, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_M),               "SDL keysym for muting/unmuting the sound");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdIncrease, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET),"SDL keysym for increasing the volume");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdDecrease, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET), "SDL keysym for decreasing the volume");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdForward, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_F),            "SDL keysym for temporarily going really fast");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdAdvance, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH),        "SDL keysym for advancing by one frame when paused");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_CoreEventsConfig, kbdGameshark, sdl_native2keysym(SDL_SCANCODE_G),          "SDL keysym for pressing the game shark button");
    /* Joystick events mapped to core functions */
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyStop], "",       "Joystick event string for stopping the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyFullscreen], "", "Joystick event string for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joySave], "",       "Joystick event string for saving the emulator state");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyLoad], "",       "Joystick event string for loading the emulator state");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyIncrement], "",  "Joystick event string for advancing the save state slot");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyScreenshot], "", "Joystick event string for taking a screenshot");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyPause], "",      "Joystick event string for pausing the emulator");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyMute], "",       "Joystick event string for muting/unmuting the sound");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyIncrease], "",   "Joystick event string for increasing the volume");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyDecrease], "",   "Joystick event string for decreasing the volume");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyForward], "",    "Joystick event string for fast-forward");
    ConfigSetDefaultString(l_CoreEventsConfig, JoyCmdName[joyGameshark], "",  "Joystick event string for pressing the game shark button");

    if (bSaveConfig)

    return 1;
static int setup_auto_controllers(int bPreConfig, int n64CtrlStart, int sdlCtrlIdx, const char *sdlJoyName, eModeType ControlMode[], eModeType OrigControlMode[], char DeviceName[][256])
    char SectionName[32];
    int ActiveControllers = 0;
    int j;

    /* create auto-config section(s) for this joystick (if this joystick is in the InputAutoConfig.ini) */
    int ControllersFound = auto_set_defaults(sdlCtrlIdx, sdlJoyName);
    if (ControllersFound == 0)
        return 0;

    /* copy the auto-config settings to the controller config section, and load our plugin joystick config from this */
    sprintf(SectionName, "Input-SDL-Control%i", n64CtrlStart + 1);
    if (OrigControlMode[n64CtrlStart] == E_MODE_FULL_AUTO)
        auto_copy_inputconfig("AutoConfig0", SectionName, sdlJoyName);
        auto_copy_inputconfig("AutoConfig0", SectionName, NULL);  // don't overwrite 'name' parameter if original mode was "named auto"
    if (load_controller_config("AutoConfig0", n64CtrlStart, sdlCtrlIdx) > 0)
        if (!bPreConfig)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "N64 Controller #%i: Using auto-config with SDL joystick %i ('%s')", n64CtrlStart+1, sdlCtrlIdx, sdlJoyName);
        if (!bPreConfig)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Autoconfig data invalid for SDL joystick '%s'", sdlJoyName);

    /* we have to handle the unfortunate case of a USB device mapping more than > 1 controller */
    if (ControllersFound > 1)
        for (j = 1; j < ControllersFound; j++)
            char AutoSectionName[32];
            sprintf(AutoSectionName, "AutoConfig%i", j);
            /* if this would be > 4th controller, then just delete the auto-config */
            if (n64CtrlStart + j >= 4)
            /* look for another N64 controller that is in AUTO mode */
            if (ControlMode[n64CtrlStart+j] == E_MODE_FULL_AUTO ||
                (ControlMode[n64CtrlStart+j] == E_MODE_NAMED_AUTO && strncmp(DeviceName[n64CtrlStart+j], sdlJoyName, 255) == 0))
                sprintf(SectionName, "Input-SDL-Control%i", n64CtrlStart + j + 1);
                /* load our plugin joystick settings from the autoconfig */
                if (load_controller_config(AutoSectionName, n64CtrlStart+j, sdlCtrlIdx) > 0)
                    /* copy the auto-config settings to the controller config section */
                    if (OrigControlMode[n64CtrlStart+j] == E_MODE_FULL_AUTO)
                        auto_copy_inputconfig(AutoSectionName, SectionName, sdlJoyName);
                        auto_copy_inputconfig(AutoSectionName, SectionName, NULL);  // don't overwrite 'name' parameter if original mode was "named auto"
                    if (!bPreConfig)
                        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "N64 Controller #%i: Using auto-config with SDL joystick %i ('%s')", n64CtrlStart+j+1, sdlCtrlIdx, sdlJoyName);
                    /* set the local controller mode to Manual so that we won't re-configure this controller in the next loop */
                    ControlMode[n64CtrlStart+j] = E_MODE_MANUAL;
                    if (!bPreConfig)
                        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Autoconfig data invalid for SDL device '%s'", sdlJoyName);
                /* delete the autoconfig section */

    return ActiveControllers;