/** 载入MD2文件 */
bool CMD2Loader::ImportMD2(t3DModel *pModel, char *strFileName, char *strTexture)
	char strMessage[255] = {0};

	/** 打开文件 */
	m_FilePointer = fopen(strFileName, "rb");

	/** 检查文件指针 */
		sprintf(strMessage, "打开文件: %s错误!", strFileName);
		MessageBox(NULL, strMessage, "Error", MB_OK);
		return false;
	/** 读取文件头 */
	fread(&m_Header, 1, sizeof(tMd2Header), m_FilePointer);

	/** 检查版本号 */
	if(m_Header.version != 8)
		sprintf(strMessage, "Invalid file format (Version not 8): %s!", strFileName);
		MessageBox(NULL, strMessage, "Error", MB_OK);
		return false;

	/** 读取MD2文件数据 */
	/** 将MD2数据转换为模型结构 */

	/** 如果具有纹理文件 */
		/** 材质信息结构体 */
		tMaterialInfo texture;

		/** 复制文件名 */
		strcpy(texture.strFile, strTexture);

		/** 纹理ID号为0 */
		texture.texureId = 0;

		texture.uTile = texture.uTile = 1;

		/** 模型材质数为1 */
		pModel->numOfMaterials = 1;

		/** 添加材质信息 */

	/** 释放内存 */
	return true;     /**< 成功返回 */
void CLoadMD3::ReadMD3Data(t3DModel *pModel)
	int i = 0;

		m_pBones = new tMd3Bone [m_Header.numFrames];
	fread(m_pBones, sizeof(tMd3Bone), m_Header.numFrames, m_FilePointer);
	delete [] m_pBones;
	pModel->pTags = new tMd3Tag [m_Header.numFrames * m_Header.numTags];
	fread(pModel->pTags, sizeof(tMd3Tag), m_Header.numFrames * m_Header.numTags, m_FilePointer);
	pModel->numOfTags = m_Header.numTags;
	pModel->pLinks = (t3DModel **) malloc(sizeof(t3DModel) * m_Header.numTags);
	for (i = 0; i < m_Header.numTags; i++)
		pModel->pLinks[i] = NULL;

	long meshOffset = ftell(m_FilePointer);

	tMd3MeshInfo meshHeader;

	for (i = 0; i < m_Header.numMeshes; i++)
		fseek(m_FilePointer, meshOffset, SEEK_SET);
		fread(&meshHeader, sizeof(tMd3MeshInfo), 1, m_FilePointer);

		m_pSkins     = new tMd3Skin [meshHeader.numSkins];
		m_pTexCoords = new tMd3TexCoord [meshHeader.numVertices];
		m_pTriangles = new tMd3Face [meshHeader.numTriangles];
		m_pVertices  = new tMd3Triangle [meshHeader.numVertices * meshHeader.numMeshFrames];

		fread(m_pSkins, sizeof(tMd3Skin), meshHeader.numSkins, m_FilePointer);
		fseek(m_FilePointer, meshOffset + meshHeader.triStart, SEEK_SET);
		fread(m_pTriangles, sizeof(tMd3Face), meshHeader.numTriangles, m_FilePointer);

		fseek(m_FilePointer, meshOffset + meshHeader.uvStart, SEEK_SET);
		fread(m_pTexCoords, sizeof(tMd3TexCoord), meshHeader.numVertices, m_FilePointer);

		fseek(m_FilePointer, meshOffset + meshHeader.vertexStart, SEEK_SET);
		fread(m_pVertices, sizeof(tMd3Triangle), meshHeader.numMeshFrames * meshHeader.numVertices, m_FilePointer);
		ConvertDataStructures(pModel, meshHeader);

		delete [] m_pSkins;    
		delete [] m_pTexCoords;
		delete [] m_pTriangles;
		delete [] m_pVertices;   

		meshOffset += meshHeader.meshSize;
bool CLoadMD2::ImportMD2(t3DModel *pModel, char *strFileName, char *strTexture)
	char strMessage[255] = {0};

	// Open the MD2 file in binary
	m_FilePointer = fopen(strFileName, "rb");

	// Make sure we have a valid file pointer (we found the file)
		// Display an error message and don't load anything if no file was found
		sprintf(strMessage, "Unable to find the file: %s!", strFileName);
		MessageBox(NULL, strMessage, "Error", MB_OK);
		return false;
	// Read the header data and store it in our m_Header member variable
	fread(&m_Header, 1, sizeof(tMd2Header), m_FilePointer);

	// Make sure the version is this crazy number '8' or else it's a bad egg
	if(m_Header.version != 8)
		// Display an error message for bad file format, then stop loading.
		sprintf(strMessage, "Invalid file format (Version not 8): %s!", strFileName);
		MessageBox(NULL, strMessage, "Error", MB_OK);
		return false;

	// Read in the model and animation data
	// Here we pass in our model structure so it can store and read Quake data
	// in our own model and object structure data.

	// If there is a valid texture name passed in, we want to set the texture data
		// Create a local material info structure
		tMaterialInfo texture;

		// Copy the name of the file into our texture file name variable
		strcpy(texture.strFile, strTexture);

		// Since there is only one texture for a .Md2 file, the ID is always 0
		texture.texureId = 0;

		// The tile or scale for the UV's is 1 to 1 (but Quake saves off a 0-256 ratio)
		texture.uTile = texture.uTile = 1;

		// We only have 1 material for a model
		pModel->numOfMaterials = 1;

		// Add the local material info to our model's material list

	// Clean up after everything

	// Return a success
	return true;
bool CLoadMD2::ImportMD2(t3DModel *pModel, char *strFileName, char *strTexture)
	char strMessage[255] = {0};

	// Open the MD2 file in binary
	m_FilePointer = fopen(strFileName, "rb");

	// Make sure we have a valid file pointer (we found the file)
		// Display an error message and don't load anything if no file was found
		sprintf(strMessage, "Unable to find the file: %s!", strFileName);
		MessageBox(NULL, strMessage, "Error", MB_OK);
		return false;
	// Just like most file formats, there is a header that needs to be read
	// from the .MD2 format.  If you look at the tMd2Header structure you will
	// find all the data that will be read in.  It's nice to know up front about
	// the data that we will be reading.  This makes it easy to just to large
	// binary reads using fread, instead of counting and reading chunks.

	// Read the header data and store it in our m_Header member variable
	fread(&m_Header, 1, sizeof(tMd2Header), m_FilePointer);

	// For some reason, .Md2 files MUST have a version of 8.  I am not sure why,
	// but if it doesn't there is something wrong and the header was read in
	// incorrectly, or perhaps the file format is bad.
	if(m_Header.version != 8)
		// Display an error message for bad file format, then stop loading
		sprintf(strMessage, "Invalid file format (Version not 8): %s!", strFileName);
		MessageBox(NULL, strMessage, "Error", MB_OK);
		return false;

	// Now that we made sure the header had correct data, we want to read in the
	// rest of the data.  Once the data is read in, we need to convert it to our structures.
	// Since we are only reading in the first frame of animation, there will only
	// be ONE object in our t3DObject structure, held within our pModel variable.
	// Here we pass in our model structure to it can store the read Quake data
	// in our own model and object structure data.

	// After we have read the whole MD2 file, we want to calculate our own vertex normals.

	// If there is a valid texture name passed in, we want to set the texture data.
		// Create a local material info structure
		tMaterialInfo texture;

		// Copy the name of the file into our texture file name variable
		strcpy(texture.strFile, strTexture);

		// Since there is only one texture for a .MD2 file, the ID is always 0
		texture.texureId = 0;

		// The tile or scale for the UV's is 1 to 1 (but Quake saves off a 0-256 ratio)
		texture.uTile = texture.uTile = 1;

		// We only have 1 material for a model
		pModel->numOfMaterials = 1;

		// Add the local material info to our model's material list

	// Clean up after everything

	// Return a success
	return true;
文件: gtf.cpp 项目: 88er/tutorials
void CLoadGTF::ReadGTFData(t3DModel *pModel)
	// Read in the number of objects for this scene
	int numObjects = 0;
	fread(&numObjects, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
	// Go through all of the objects in the scene
	for(int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)
		// Create a structure to hold the size of the data lists
		tMeshInfo meshInfo = {0};

		// In our loading code we first want to load in all of the materials.
		// First we load the number of materials in the file.
		fread(&meshInfo.numMaterials, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
		// Go through all of our materials and load them
		for(int m = 0; m < meshInfo.numMaterials; m++)
			// Load in only MAX_FILE_NAME characters for the texture name
			char szMaterial[MAX_FILE_NAME] = {0};
			fread(szMaterial, sizeof(char), MAX_FILE_NAME, m_FilePointer);

			// Create a material structure instance and store the material info
			tMaterialInfo newMaterial;
			strcpy(newMaterial.strFile, szMaterial);
			newMaterial.texureId = (int)pModel->pMaterials.size();

			// Add a new material
		// Read the number of vertices, allocate memory and read them from the file.
		fread(&meshInfo.numVertices, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
		m_pVertices  = new CVector3 [meshInfo.numVertices];
		fread(m_pVertices, sizeof(CVector3), meshInfo.numVertices, m_FilePointer);

		// Read the number of indices, allocate memory and read them from the file.
		fread(&meshInfo.numIndices, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
		m_pIndices = new int [meshInfo.numIndices];
		fread(m_pIndices, sizeof(int), meshInfo.numIndices, m_FilePointer);
		// Read the number of UV coordinates, allocate memory and read them from the file.
		fread(&meshInfo.numTexCoords, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
		m_pTexCoords = new CVector3 [meshInfo.numTexCoords];
		fread(m_pTexCoords, sizeof(CVector3), meshInfo.numTexCoords, m_FilePointer);

		// Read the number of UV indices, allocate memory and read them from the file.
		fread(&meshInfo.numTexIndices, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
		m_pTexIndices = new int [meshInfo.numTexIndices];
		fread(m_pTexIndices, sizeof(int), meshInfo.numTexIndices, m_FilePointer);

		// Now that we have the data, let's convert it to our model structure
		ConvertDataStructures(pModel, meshInfo);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////
		// Everything below in this *NEW* block is for loading the animation
		// and bone data.  First we grab a pointer to our current object.
		t3DObject *pObject = &pModel->pObject[pModel->numOfObjects-1];

		// Grab the boolean that tells us if there is animation or not
		fread(&pObject->bAnimated, sizeof(bool), 1, m_FilePointer);

		// If there is animation let's load it
			// We need to go through every vertice and load the corresponding
			// weight-influence data.  
			for(int w = 0; w < meshInfo.numVertices; w++)
				// Create an instance of our weight info class to hold weights
				tWeightInfo weightInfo;

				// Read in the number of blend links for this vertex and add it to our list
				fread(&weightInfo.numBlendLinks, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);

				// Since we are working with pointers, just to be safe we wanted to add 
				// the weight info to our list first, and then grab a pointer to it.
				// We can then use that pointer to allocate memory for a list of all the
				// blend links (weight influences).  Then we will read in the links into
				// our pWeightInfo pointer that is allocated.

				// Grab a pointer to the last weight info in our list (that was just added).
				tWeightInfo *pWeightInfo = &(pObject->vWeightInfo[pObject->vWeightInfo.size() - 1]);
				// Allocate memory for the weight links.  It's a CVector3 because we store
				// the bone index and the weight value (between 0 and 1).
				pWeightInfo->pWeightInfo = new CVector2 [pWeightInfo->numBlendLinks];

				// Read in all the influences for the weight according to this vertex.
				fread(pWeightInfo->pWeightInfo, sizeof(CVector2), pWeightInfo->numBlendLinks, m_FilePointer);

			// Read in the number of bones, animation frame rate and number of anim frames.
			fread(&pObject->numBones, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
			fread(&pModel->animSpeed, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);
			fread(&pObject->numFrames, sizeof(int), 1, m_FilePointer);

			// Now we will go through every frame of animation and get the matrix data
			for(int a = 0; a < pObject->numFrames; a++)
				// Create a structure to hold the matrix information
				tBoneInfo boneInfo;

				// Store the number of bones so we know how big the list is, then
				// add our structure to the list of vBoneInfo.
				boneInfo.numBones = pObject->numBones;
				// Just like when we loaded our weight influences we want to grab
				// a pointer to the last item we just added to our list.  We then
				// allocate memory for the matrix information for each bone and
				// read in the data.
				tBoneInfo *pBoneInfo = &pObject->vBoneInfo[pObject->vBoneInfo.size() - 1];
				pBoneInfo->pBoneMatrices = new tBoneMatrix [pObject->numBones];
				fread(pBoneInfo->pBoneMatrices, sizeof(tBoneMatrix), pObject->numBones, m_FilePointer);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// Free all the memory for this mesh since we just converted it to our structures
		delete [] m_pVertices;   
		delete [] m_pIndices; 
		delete [] m_pTexCoords;
		delete [] m_pTexIndices; 

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////
	// Make sure the current frame of animation is set to 0
	pModel->currentFrame = 0;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////
