bool getSavedGamesStack (stackHandler * sH, char * ext) {
	char * pattern = joinStrings ("*", ext);
	if (! pattern) return false;

	variable newName;
	newName.varType = SVT_NULL;

#ifdef _WIN32

    WCHAR *w_pattern = ConvertToUTF16(pattern);

	WIN32_FIND_DATA theData;
	HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile (w_pattern, & theData);

    delete w_pattern;

	if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		bool keepGoing;
		do {
			theData.cFileName[lstrlen (theData.cFileName) - strlen (ext)] = TEXT('\0');
			char * fileName = ConvertFromUTF16(theData.cFileName);
			char * decoded = decodeFilename (fileName);
			makeTextVar (newName, decoded);
			delete fileName;
			delete decoded;
			if (! addVarToStack (newName, sH -> first)) return false;
			if (sH -> last == NULL) sH -> last = sH -> first;
			keepGoing = FindNextFile (handle, & theData);
		} while (keepGoing);
		FindClose (handle);


		DIR * dir = opendir (".");
		if (! dir) return false;

		struct dirent *d = readdir (dir);
		while (d != NULL) {
			if (! strcmp(d->d_name + strlen (d->d_name) - strlen (ext), ext)) {
				d->d_name[strlen (d->d_name) - strlen (ext)] = 0;
				char * decoded = decodeFilename (d->d_name);
				makeTextVar (newName, decoded);
				delete[] decoded;
				if (! addVarToStack (newName, sH -> first)) return false;
				if (sH -> last == NULL) sH -> last = sH -> first;

			d = readdir (dir);

		closedir (dir);


	delete[] pattern;
	pattern = NULL;
	return true;
nsScriptLoader::PrepareLoadedRequest(nsScriptLoadRequest* aRequest,
                                     nsIStreamLoader* aLoader,
                                     nsresult aStatus,
                                     PRUint32 aStringLen,
                                     const PRUint8* aString)
    if (NS_FAILED(aStatus)) {
        return aStatus;

    // If we don't have a document, then we need to abort further
    // evaluation.
    if (!mDocument) {
        return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    // If the load returned an error page, then we need to abort
    nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest> req;
    nsresult rv = aLoader->GetRequest(getter_AddRefs(req));
    NS_ASSERTION(req, "StreamLoader's request went away prematurely");
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(req);
    if (httpChannel) {
        PRBool requestSucceeded;
        rv = httpChannel->GetRequestSucceeded(&requestSucceeded);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !requestSucceeded) {
            return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(req);
    NS_GetFinalChannelURI(channel, getter_AddRefs(aRequest->mFinalURI));
    if (aStringLen) {
        // Check the charset attribute to determine script charset.
        nsAutoString hintCharset;
        rv = ConvertToUTF16(channel, aString, aStringLen, hintCharset, mDocument,

                     "Could not convert external JavaScript to Unicode!");
        NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

        if (!ShouldExecuteScript(mDocument, channel)) {
            return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    // This assertion could fire errorously if we ran out of memory when
    // inserting the request in the array. However it's an unlikely case
    // so if you see this assertion it is likely something else that is
    // wrong, especially if you see it more than once.
    NS_ASSERTION(mPendingRequests.IndexOf(aRequest) >= 0,
                 "aRequest should be pending!");

    // Mark this as loaded
    aRequest->mLoading = PR_FALSE;

    return NS_OK;
bool UTF16Encoding::ConvertFromUTF16(const byte_t* pInBuffer, size_t uInByteCount, byte_t* pOutBuffer, size_t uOutBufferByteCount, size_t* pBytesUsed, size_t* pCharsUsed, bool* pUsedDefaultChar) const
	*pUsedDefaultChar = false;	// 単なるコピーなのでデフォルト文字はありえない
	return ConvertToUTF16(pInBuffer, uInByteCount, pOutBuffer, uOutBufferByteCount, pBytesUsed, pCharsUsed);