bool I2C_SerialDongle::Write
    I2C_Addr_t    slaveAddr,    ///< I2C Address of the slave device
    uint8_t       cmd,          ///< Command (type of write being performed)
    const Buffer *buf           ///< Buffer of data to send down to the device
    LOG( "Write SlaveAddr:0x%02x Cmd:0x%02x\n", slaveAddr, cmd );

    //  On the i2c bus, the following will take place (M=Master, S=Slave):
    //  M->S:   Start
    //  M->S:   slave-addr w/ W
    //  M->S:   command
    //  M->S:   len
    //  M->S:   data (first byte should be address of master)
    //  M->S:   CRC
    //  M->S:   Stop

    PKT_Packet  pkt;

    uint8_t len = buf->dataLen;
    if ( len > ( sizeof( pkt.data ) - 4 ))
        LogError( "I2C_SerialDongle::Write len (%d) is too big for packet (%d)\n", len, sizeof( pkt.data ));

        len = sizeof( pkt.data ) - 4;

    uint8_t    *pd = &pkt.data[ 0 ];
    uint8_t     crc = 0;

    *pd++ = WritePacket;     // Not send on i2c bus, therefore not included in crc

    *pd = ( slaveAddr << 1 ) | SlaveWrite;  crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;
    *pd = cmd;                              crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;
    *pd = len;                              crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;

    for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) 
        *pd = buf->data[ i ];
        crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );
    *pd++ = crc;

    pkt.len = pd - &pkt.data[ 0 ];

    return SendPacketWaitForResponse( &pkt, WriteReplyPacket, 0, NULL );

} // Write
uint8_t Crc8Block( uint8_t crc, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len )
    while ( len > 0 )
        crc = Crc8( crc, *data++ );

    return crc;

} // Crc8Block
bool I2C_SerialDongle::Read
    I2C_Addr_t  slaveAddr,  ///< I2C Address of the slave device
    uint8_t     cmd,        ///< Command (type of read being performed)
    Buffer     *buf         ///< Buffer to place results in
    LOG( "Read SlaveAddr:0x%02x Cmd:0x%02x\n", slaveAddr, cmd );

    //  On the i2c bus, the following will take place (M=Master, S=Slave):
    //  M->S:   Start
    //  M->S:   slave-addr w/ W
    //  M->S:   command
    //  M->S:   Repeated Start
    //  M->S:   slave-addr w/ R
    //  S->M:   len
    //  S->M:   data (first byte should be address of slave)
    //  S->M:   CRC
    //  M->S:   Stop

    PKT_Packet  pkt;

    uint8_t    *pd = &pkt.data[ 0 ];
    uint8_t     crc = 0;

    *pd++ = ReadPacket;     // Not send on i2c bus, therefore not included in crc

    *pd = ( slaveAddr << 1 ) | SlaveWrite;  crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;
    *pd = cmd;                              crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;
    *pd = ( slaveAddr << 1 ) | SlaveRead;   crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;

    pkt.len = pd - &pkt.data[ 0 ];

    // Since this is a synchronous call, we need to wait for the data to 
    // arrive.

    return SendPacketWaitForResponse( &pkt, ReadReplyPacket, crc, buf );

} // Read
* Function name	:
* Created by	:
* Date created	:
* Description	:
* Notes		:
void sensor_read (U8 command)
    DIS_command = command;

    write_packet.write_pos.start_byte = 0xAA;
    write_packet.write_pos.cmd_number = command;
    write_packet.write_pos.CRC = Crc8(write_packet.write_frame, 6);
    for(U8 i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        read_packet.read_frame[i] = 0x00;

    SPI_transfer (write_packet.write_frame, read_packet.read_frame, 7, read_callback);

// call the handler in accordance with the identifier received block
static bool ParsePacket(uint8_t *buf)
	uint8_t len = 0;
	uint8_t i = 0;

	while ((handlerTable[i].id != buf[1]) && (handlerTable[i].func != NULL))

	if (handlerTable[i].func == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	len = handlerTable[i].func(buf + 2);	// formation of the response packet

	buf[0] = (uint8_t)slave_addr;	// response ID is SLAVE_ADDR_RS485
	buf[1]++;	// id
	buf[2] = len + 4;
	buf[len + 3] = Crc8(buf, len + 3);

	return TRUE;
void Comm_Task(void *param)
	uint8_t buf_rec[BUFSIZE], i;
	uint16_t cnt = 0;
	static uint16_t datasize = 0;
	// init rs485
  	InitRS(USART1, 115200, e8N1, 100);
	while (1)
		if (Read(buf_rec + datasize, 1) == 1)
			if (datasize == 1)	// address verification
				  if (buf_rec[0] == (uint8_t)slave_addr)
					buf_rec[1] = BUFSIZE;	// temporary maximum packet length 
					memset(buf_rec + 2, 0, BUFSIZE - 2);
					datasize = 0;
			else if (datasize == 2)	// reception id
			  	datasize = datasize;
			else if (datasize == 3) // receiving a packet length
			  if ((buf_rec[2] > BUFSIZE) || (buf_rec[2] < 4))
			  	// incorrect packet length
				datasize = 0;
			else if (datasize >= buf_rec[2])
			  	uint16_t n = buf_rec[2] - 1;

				// checksum is OK?
				if (Crc8(buf_rec, n) == buf_rec[n])
					// parser packet
				 	memcpy(buf_tr, buf_rec, buf_rec[2]);
					if (ParsePacket(buf_tr))
					  Write(USART1, buf_tr, buf_tr[2]);
					// treated to remove the package from the buffer
					datasize = 0;
				  	// response when the checksum does not match
				  	for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
		  				buf_tr[i] = cnt++;
		  			Write(USART1, buf_tr, 1);
					// checksum is invalid
					datasize = 0;
		  	// reception timeout
			datasize = 0;

文件: dis.c 项目: sergeykam/DISPI
int get(uint8_t DIS_num, uint8_t cmd) {
	uint8_t curr_total_att = ATT_TOTAL;
	uint8_t curr_a5_att = ATT_A5;
	uint8_t curr_got_a5_att = ATT_GOT_A5;

	char read_tmp_buf[7];
	char dummy_byte = 0x55;
	char tmp = 0x55;
	uint8_t success = 0;

	// Стандартный стартовый байт
	write_packet.write_pos.start_byte = 0xAA;

	// Запишем команду
	write_packet.write_pos.cmd_number = cmd;

	// Данные - нули
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		write_packet.write_pos.data[i] = 0x00;
	// Считаем CRC
	write_packet.write_pos.crc = Crc8(write_packet.write_frame, 6);

	// Начинаем пробовать получить 0хА5
	while (curr_total_att) {
//		printf("Chip select... \n");
//		printf("Done Chip select... \n");

		bcm2835_spi_transfernb((char*) write_packet.write_frame, read_tmp_buf, 7);
//		printf("Transferred cmd... \n");

		// ждем получения 0хА5
		while (curr_a5_att) {
			bcm2835_spi_transfernb(&dummy_byte, &tmp, 1);

			// если получили, то перестаем ждать
			if (0xA5 == tmp) {

		// если был получен А5
		if (tmp == 0xA5) {
//			printf("Got 0xA5 \n");
			// ждем пока пройдут все A5
			while (((tmp == 0xA5) || (tmp == 0x55)) && curr_got_a5_att) {
				bcm2835_spi_transfernb(&dummy_byte, &tmp, 1);
			// получаем сами данные
			if (curr_got_a5_att) {
//				printf("Got data \n");
				bcm2835_spi_transfernb(&dummy_byte, (char*) read_packet.read_frame, 5);

				success = 1;
			curr_got_a5_att = ATT_GOT_A5;
		} else {
			curr_a5_att = ATT_A5;


	if (success == 1) {
		// скопируем в буфер данные
		for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++){
			usr_data_buf_ptr[i] = read_packet.read_pos.data[i];
			read_packet.read_pos.data[i] = 0;
		return 0;
	} else {
		printf("Failed to get \n");
		return 1;
byte UnityConnector::mCRC(const byte *data, int len)
  return Crc8(data, len) & 0x7F;
void I2C_SerialDongle::PacketReceived( PKT_Packet *packet )
    uint8_t    *pd = &packet->data[ 0 ];

    PacketType  packetType = (PacketType)*pd++;

    uint8_t crc = 0;
    uint8_t len = 0;

    if ( m_debugDongleData )
        DumpMem( "PktRcvd", 0, packet->data, packet->len );

    if ( packetType == ErrorPacket )
        m_response.m_errorCode = *pd;

        LogError( "Rcvd Error packet, error code:%d '%s'\n", m_response.m_errorCode, ErrorStr( m_response.m_errorCode ));
    if ( packetType == m_response.m_responseType )
        // This is the type of packet that the caller is waiting for.

        crc = m_response.m_partialCrc;

        if ( packet->len > 1 )
            // Check the CRC to see if it's valid
            len = *pd;    crc = Crc8( crc, *pd ); pd++;
            // Sanity check the length. The packet length should equal the i2c len
            // plus 3 (1 for packet type, 1 for len, 1 for CRC)
            if (( len + 3 ) != packet->len )
                LogError( "I2C_SerialDongle::PacketReceived Inconsistent packet length. Serial packetLen = %d, i2c packetLen = %d (expecting %d)\n",
                          packet->len, len, packet->len - 3 );
                m_response.m_errorCode = I2C_ERROR_BAD_LEN;
                packetType = ErrorPacket;
                for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) 
                    crc = Crc8( crc, pd[ i ]);
                if ( crc != pd[ len ] )
                    LogError( "I2C_SerialDongle::PacketReceived CRC failure. Found 0x%02x, expecting 0x%02x\n", pd[ len ], crc );
                    m_response.m_errorCode = I2C_ERROR_BAD_CRC;
                    packetType = ErrorPacket;

            // We've received a good packet, and we're waiting for this type
            // of packet. Wakeup the reader
            if ( len < 1 )
                LogError( "I2C_SerialDongle::PacketReceived packet len too small (%d). Needs to be at least 1 to store address of sender\n", len );
                len = 1;
            if ( len > m_response.m_buf->dataLen )
                LogError( "I2C_SerialDongle::PacketReceived packet buffer too small. bufferSize = %d, received %d\n", m_response.m_buf->dataLen, len );
                len = m_response.m_buf->dataLen;

            m_response.m_buf->dataLen = len;
            if (( len > 0 ) && ( m_response.m_buf != NULL ))
                memcpy( &m_response.m_buf->data[ 0 ], &pd[ 0 ], len );

    if (( packetType == m_response.m_responseType ) || ( packetType == ErrorPacket ))
        // Setting m_responseType to NoPacket signals that we're no longer
        // waiting for a packet.

        m_response.m_responseType = NoPacket;

        sem_post( &m_response.m_semaphore );

    // Call the registered callback to report the received packet

    if ( m_callback != NULL )
        m_callback->PacketReceived( m_response.m_buf );
        LogError( "m_callback == NULL\n" );
        LogError( "packetType:%d m_response.m_responseType:%d\n", packetType, m_response.m_responseType );
        LogError( "packet len: %d\n", packet->len );
        DumpMem( "  pkt", 0, packet->data, packet->len );

} // PacketReceived
bool I2C_SerialDongle::Call
    I2C_Addr_t    slaveAddr,    ///< I2C Address of the slave device
    uint8_t       cmd,          ///< Command (type of call being performed)
    const Buffer *writeBuf,     ///< Buffer of data to send down to the device
    Buffer        *readBuf      ///< Buffer to place results in
    LOG( "Call SlaveAddr:0x%02x Cmd:0x%02x\n", slaveAddr, cmd );

    //  Does a Write/Read (aka Process Call) with an i2c slave
    //  On the i2c bus, the following will take place (M=Master, S=Slave):
    //  M->S:   Start
    //  M->S:   slave-addr w/ W
    //  M->S:   command
    //  M->S:   len
    //  M->S:   data (first byte should be address of master)
    //  M->S:   Repeated Start
    //  M->S:   slave-addr w/ R
    //  S->M:   len
    //  S->M:   data (first byte should be address of slave)
    //  S->M:   CRC
    //  M->S:   Stop

    PKT_Packet  pkt;

    uint8_t len = writeBuf->dataLen;
    if ( len > ( sizeof( pkt.data ) - 5 ))
        LogError( "I2C_SerialDongle::Call len (%d) is too big for packet (%d)\n", len, sizeof( pkt.data ));

        len = sizeof( pkt.data ) - 5;

    uint8_t    *pd = &pkt.data[ 0 ];
    uint8_t     crc = 0;

    *pd++ = CallPacket;     // Not sent on i2c bus, therefore not included in crc

    *pd = ( slaveAddr << 1 ) | SlaveWrite;  crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;
    *pd = cmd;                              crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;
    *pd = len;                              crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;

    for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) 
        *pd = writeBuf->data[ i ];
        crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );
    *pd = ( slaveAddr << 1 ) | SlaveRead;   crc = Crc8( crc, *pd );    pd++;

    pkt.len = pd - &pkt.data[ 0 ];

    // Since this is a synchronous call, we need to wait for the data to 
    // arrive.

    return SendPacketWaitForResponse( &pkt, CallReplyPacket, crc, readBuf );

} // Call