// Purpose: Called by the engine in material system init and shutdown.
//			Clients should override this in their inherited version, but the base
//			is to init all standard render targets for use.
// Input  : pMaterialSystem - the engine's material system (our singleton is not yet inited at the time this is called)
//			pHardwareConfig - the user hardware config, useful for conditional render target setup
void CBaseClientRenderTargets::SetupClientRenderTargets( IMaterialSystem* pMaterialSystem, IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* pHardwareConfig, int iWaterTextureSize, int iCameraTextureSize )
	IMaterialSystem *pSave = materials;

	// Make sure our config is loaded before we try to init rendertargets

	// Water effects
	materials = pMaterialSystem;							// in case not initted yet for mat system util
	g_pMaterialSystem = pMaterialSystem;
	g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig = pHardwareConfig;
	if ( iWaterTextureSize && !cl_disable_water_render_targets.GetBool() )
		m_WaterReflectionTexture.Init( CreateWaterReflectionTexture( pMaterialSystem, iWaterTextureSize ) );
		m_WaterRefractionTexture.Init( CreateWaterRefractionTexture( pMaterialSystem, iWaterTextureSize ) );

	// Monitors
	if ( iCameraTextureSize )
		m_CameraTexture.Init( CreateCameraTexture( pMaterialSystem, iCameraTextureSize ) );

	ITexture *pGlintTexture = pMaterialSystem->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( 

	materials = pSave;
// Purpose: Called by the engine in material system init and shutdown.
//			Clients should override this in their inherited version, but the base
//			is to init all standard render targets for use.
// Input  : pMaterialSystem - the engine's material system (our singleton is not yet inited at the time this is called)
//			pHardwareConfig - the user hardware config, useful for conditional render target setup
void CBaseClientRenderTargets::InitClientRenderTargets( IMaterialSystem* pMaterialSystem, IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* pHardwareConfig )
	// Water effects
	m_WaterReflectionTexture.Init( CreateWaterReflectionTexture( pMaterialSystem ) );
	m_WaterRefractionTexture.Init ( CreateWaterRefractionTexture( pMaterialSystem ) );

	// Monitors
	m_CameraTexture.Init ( CreateCameraTexture( pMaterialSystem ) );