void	AUControlGroup::CreateLabelledSliderAndEditText(
										AUCarbonViewBase *			auView,
										const CAAUParameter &		auvp,
										const Rect &				area,
										Point 						labelSize,
										Point						editTextSize,
										const ControlFontStyleRec &	inFontStyle)
#if !__LP64__
	ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle = inFontStyle;
	Rect sliderArea, textArea;
	ControlRef newControl;
	int width = area.right - area.left, height = area.bottom - area.top;

	bool horizontal = (width > height);

	sliderArea = area;
	textArea = area;
	if (horizontal) {
		textArea.left = area.right - editTextSize.h;
			// provide a large text box if param is generic and its values have strings...
		if (auvp.ValuesHaveStrings() && (auvp.ParamInfo().unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic))
			textArea.right += 30;
		sliderArea.right = textArea.left - kLabelAndSliderSpacing;
		textArea.top = area.top + (height - editTextSize.v) / 2;
		textArea.bottom = textArea.top + editTextSize.v;
	} else {
		textArea.top = area.bottom - editTextSize.v;
		sliderArea.bottom = textArea.top - kLabelAndSliderSpacing;
		textArea.left = area.left + (width - editTextSize.h) / 2;
		textArea.right = textArea.left + editTextSize.h;
	CreateLabelledSlider(auView, auvp, sliderArea, labelSize, fontStyle);

	verify_noerr(CreateEditUnicodeTextControl(auView->GetCarbonWindow(), &textArea, CFSTR(""), false,
			&fontStyle, &newControl));
	auView->AddCarbonControl(AUCarbonViewControl::kTypeText, auvp, newControl);
void IGraphicsCarbon::CreateTextEntry(IControl* pControl, IText* pText, IRECT* pTextRect, const char* pString, IParam* pParam)
  ControlRef control = 0;

  if (!pControl || mTextEntryView || !mIsComposited) return;

  Rect r = { pTextRect->T, pTextRect->L, pTextRect->B, pTextRect->R };

  // these adjustments should make it the same as the cocoa one, i.e. the same size as the pTextRect, but with the extra blue rim often this is too small
  //Rect r = { pTextRect->T+4, pTextRect->L+3, pTextRect->B-3, pTextRect->R -3 };

  if (CreateEditUnicodeTextControl(NULL, &r, NULL, false, NULL, &control) != noErr) return;

  HIViewAddSubview(mView, control);

  const EventTypeSpec events[] =
    { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
    { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat }

  InstallControlEventHandler(control, TextEntryHandler, GetEventTypeCount(events), events, this, &mTextEntryHandler);
  mTextEntryView = control;

  if (pString[0] != '\0')
    CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, pString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

    if (str)
      SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextCFStringTag, sizeof(str), &str);

    ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel;
    sel.selStart = 0;
    sel.selEnd = strlen(pString);
    SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(sel), &sel);

  int just = 0;

  switch ( pText->mAlign )
    case IText::kAlignNear:
      just = teJustLeft;
    case IText::kAlignCenter:
      just = teCenter;
    case IText::kAlignFar:
      just = teJustRight;
      just = teCenter;

  ControlFontStyleRec font = { kControlUseJustMask | kControlUseSizeMask | kControlUseFontMask, 0, pText->mSize, 0, 0, just, 0, 0 };
  CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, pText->mFont, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
  font.font = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(str, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);

  SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlFontStyleTag, sizeof(font), &font);

  Boolean singleLineStyle = true;
  SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextSingleLineTag, sizeof (Boolean), &singleLineStyle);

  HIViewSetVisible(mTextEntryView, true);
  HIViewAdvanceFocus(mTextEntryView, 0);
  SetKeyboardFocus(mWindow, mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart);

  mEdControl = pControl;
  mEdParam = pParam;