HRESULT OGLTest::Init(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { parseCmdLine(lpCmdLine); HRESULT hr = initWindow(hInstance, nCmdShow); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { mpRender = CreateRender(miRenderId); if (mpRender) { hr = initOGL(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { setCurrentGLCtx(mhGLRC); hr = mpRender->InitRender(); if (FAILED(hr)) { TestShowError(hr, "InitRender"); } setCurrentGLCtx(NULL); } } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } return hr; }
IFXRESULT CIFXRenderContext::GetNumDevices(IFXRenderWindow& rWindow, U32& uNumDevices) { IFXRESULT rc = IFX_OK; // This will be in virtual coordinates (screen coordinates among all monitors) IFXRect VisibleSpriteRect; rWindow.GetWindowSizeVC(VisibleSpriteRect); uNumDevices = 0; // Only proceed further if some portion of the sprite is visible. if(VisibleSpriteRect.m_Width > 0 && VisibleSpriteRect.m_Height > 0) { m_rcWindowVC = VisibleSpriteRect; IFXRect rcWin; // Cycle over all monitors to find which of them the render context area // appears on. U32 i; for( i = 0; i < m_uNumMonitors; i++) { rcWin = VisibleSpriteRect; if((m_pMonitors[i].m_rcScreen.GetIntersection(rcWin) && !rWindow.GetDTS()) || (i == 0 && rWindow.GetDTS()) ) { // The above if statement will succeed if a portion of the render context // area appears on monitor i. uNumDevices++; if(!m_ppRender[i].IsValid()) { // Create a render object for this monitor if there isn't one yet. rc = CreateRender(i, rWindow); } // Do an addref of the render object that we are using. m_ppRender[i].IncRef(); } // DecRef will decrement the reference count of the object // only if the pointer is valid. So, if the render object // at i has already been destroyed, this will not break. // Also, since we have already addref'ed the objects that // we are currently using, only render objects that we are no // long using will end up with a lower reference count. m_ppRender[i].DecRef(); } } IFXASSERTBOXEX(IFXSUCCESS(rc), "Failed GetNumDevices", FALSE, TRUE); return rc; }
/** * ALI_DTV_SUB_Region_Render_Context_Create: * @ SUBHandle: IN, the context ptr of SUB module * @ display_set: IN, the ready display set. * @ region_id: IN, the ID of the region you want to render. * @ hline_callback: IN, function to draw a horizontal line (may be NULL) * @ string_callback: IN, function to draw a string (may be NULL) * @ set_color_callback: IN, function to map pseudo color to display color * @ priv: IN, private data to callback functions * * Description: Create a rendering context of a region * * Returns: !NULL, the Context * NULL, err */ void* ALI_DTV_SUB_Region_Render_Context_Create(HANDLE SUBHandle,void* display_set,unsigned int region_id, DrawHLine_CB hline_callback,DrawString_CB string_callback, ColorSet_CB set_color_callback,void *priv) { pSUBCtxt hr = (pSUBCtxt)SUBHandle; tDisplaySet *ds=(tDisplaySet *)display_set; if(IS_HANDLE_VALID(hr)&& IS_HANDLE_VALID(ds)){ return CreateRender(ds,region_id,hline_callback,string_callback,set_color_callback,priv); } return NULL; }
SYSTEM::CSmartPtr<IRender> IRender::CreateRenderFromStream(SYSTEM::IArchive &ar) { int startpos = ar.GetCurrentPos(); int i; ar & i; std::string renderName = ""; IRenderPtr pRender = CreateRender( (RENDER_TYPE)i , renderName); ar.GetCurrentPos() = startpos; if (pRender != NULL) pRender->serialization( ar ); return pRender; }
void ffplayer::RenderThreadRun() { if (m_hwnd) { CreateRender(); } int iWidth = 0; int iHeight = 0; bool bFirst = true; while (1) { // Sleep(10); if (m_bStop) break; /* if (bFirst) { if (m_renderBuf.getCurCount() < 2)//这里会导致音乐.mp3的画面没显示 { continue; } }*/ if (m_bStepNext&&m_bStepEnd){ RefreshRender(); continue; } if (m_bPause &&!m_bPausedSeek){ RefreshRender(); continue; } PInfo pYuvInfo = m_renderBuf.getInfoFromList(); if (!pYuvInfo){ RefreshRender(); if (m_bFileEnd&&m_fileEndBak){ m_fileEndBak(m_nID, m_pUser); Sleep(1000); continue;// } Sleep(10); continue; }else{ if (bFirst){ bFirst = false; }else{ if (pYuvInfo->frameInfo.serial == m_serial/*&&!m_bSeekState&&m_serial == m_audclk.serial*/)//暂停后再seek后,声音暂停了m_audclk.serial还是原来的,不等于m_serial { if (pYuvInfo->frameInfo.serial == m_lastserial){ /* if (m_seekTime != 0) { //秒 double duation = pYuvInfo->frameInfo.iTimestampObsolute* av_q2d(m_pFormatCtx->streams[m_videoStream]->time_base); if (m_seekTime < duation) { UpdateVideoPts(pYuvInfo); m_freeRenderBuf.insertList(pYuvInfo);// continue; } else { m_seekTime = 0; } }*/ // if (m_serial == m_audclk.serial)//有这句会导致无音频的视频不会Async if (!m_bFastNoDelay) { int dif = Async(pYuvInfo->frameInfo.iTimestampObsolute); } /* if (dif < 0) { UpdateVideoPts(pYuvInfo); m_freeRenderBuf.insertList(pYuvInfo); continue; }*/ if (m_bPausedSeek) m_bPausedSeek = false; }else{ UpdateVideoPts(pYuvInfo); m_freeRenderBuf.insertList(pYuvInfo);//只更新pts和serial,不显示,显示会花屏 continue; } }else{ m_freeRenderBuf.insertList(pYuvInfo);//另一个系列不用显示,忽略 continue; } } if (m_displayBak) { DISPLAYCALLBCK_INFO pDisplayInfo; pDisplayInfo.pBuf = (char*)pYuvInfo->Data; pDisplayInfo.nBufLen = pYuvInfo->width*pYuvInfo->height * 3 / 2; pDisplayInfo.nWidth = pYuvInfo->width; pDisplayInfo.nHeight = pYuvInfo->height; pDisplayInfo.nUser = (long)m_pDisplayUser; pDisplayInfo.nStamp = GetPlayedTime(); m_displayBak(&pDisplayInfo); } if (m_hwnd) { int w, h; RECT rc; GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rc); w = rc.right - rc.left; h = rc.bottom -; if (iWidth != w || iHeight != h){ iWidth = w; iHeight = h; SDL_SetWindowSize(m_sdlWindow, w, h); } if (m_pTexture == NULL) m_pTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(m_pRender, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, pYuvInfo->width, pYuvInfo->height); //计算yuv一行数据占的字节数 int iPitch = pYuvInfo->width*SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV); int i = SDL_UpdateTexture(m_pTexture, NULL, pYuvInfo->Data, iPitch); SDL_RenderClear(m_pRender); SDL_RenderCopy(m_pRender, m_pTexture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(m_pRender); } if (m_bReadFrameFinish) m_curFrameCount++; else m_tmpFrameCount++; m_picSnopshot = pYuvInfo; UpdateVideoPts(pYuvInfo); m_freeRenderBuf.insertList(pYuvInfo); m_bStepEnd = true; } } DestoryRender(); }
// // Constructor // CDemo_GL::CDemo_GL( HINSTANCE Instance, UINT Width, UINT Height, const WCHAR *Caption ): IDemo( Instance, Width, Height, Caption ) { Vec3<float> Eye( 0.0f, 50.0f, 120.0f ); Vec3<float> At( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); Vec3<float> Up( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); m_View.LookAtRH( Eye, At, Up ); m_Proj.PerspectiveRH( 60.0f, (float)m_Width / (float)m_Height, 1.0f, 1000.0f ); m_Ortho.Ortho2DRH( 0.0f, m_Width, 0.0f, m_Height ); try { CreateRender(); } catch (const Sys::CException& Ex) { DestroyRender(); throw Ex; } // // Render // try { CreateRender(); } catch (const Sys::CException& Ex) { DestroyRender(); throw Ex; } // // Driver description // GL::CDriver::GetDesc( &m_DriverDesc ); // // Font // GLU::CFont::TDesc Desc; Desc.Height = 14; Desc.Width = 0; Desc.Weight = FW_NORMAL; Desc.Italic = false; Desc.Underline = false; Desc.CharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; Desc.OutputPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; Desc.Quality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;//DEFAULT_QUALITY; Desc.PitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE | DEFAULT_PITCH; wcscpy( Desc.FaceName, L"Microsoft Sans Serif" ); m_Font = new GLU::CBitmapFont( Desc ); m_Stack = new GLU::CMatrixStack(); }