void DOS_Drive_Cache::CreateEntry(CFileInfo* dir, const char* name, bool is_directory) {
	CFileInfo* info = new CFileInfo;
	strcpy(info->orgname, name);				
	info->shortNr = 0;
	info->isDir = is_directory;

	// Check for long filenames...
	CreateShortName(dir, info);		

	bool found = false;

	// keep list sorted (so GetLongName works correctly, used by CreateShortName in this routine)
	if (dir->fileList.size()>0) {
		if (!(strcmp(info->shortname,dir->fileList.back()->shortname)<0)) {
			// append at end of list
		} else {
			// look for position where to insert this element
			std::vector<CFileInfo*>::iterator it;
			for (it=dir->fileList.begin(); it!=dir->fileList.end(); ++it) {
				if (strcmp(info->shortname,(*it)->shortname)<0) {
					found = true;
			// Put file in lists
			if (found) dir->fileList.insert(it,info);
			else dir->fileList.push_back(info);
	} else {
		// empty file list, append
static void ResolveFullFileNames(
    TRootHandler_Diablo3 * pRootHandler,
    PDIABLO3_CORE_TOC_ENTRY pCoreTocEntries,
    PCASC_MAP pPackageMap,
    LPBYTE pbCoreTocFile,
    DWORD dwFileIndexes)
    PCASC_FILE_ENTRY pFileEntry;
    char * szPlainName;
    char * szNamePtr;
    size_t nLength;
    DWORD dwRootIndex;
    DWORD dwFileIndex;
    DWORD dwSubIndex;
    char szShortName[MAX_PATH+1];
    char szFullName[MAX_PATH+1];

    // Keep compiler happy

    // Parse the entire file table
    for(size_t i = 0; i < pRootHandler->FileTable.ItemCount; i++)
        // Retrieve the file entry at n-th position
        pFileEntry = (PCASC_FILE_ENTRY)Array_ItemAt(&pRootHandler->FileTable, i);

        // Skip the items that already have full name
        if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & CASC_ENTRY_SHORT_NAME)
            // Retrieve the file index of that file
            dwRootIndex = INDEX64_ROOT_INDEX(pFileEntry->FileNameHash);
            dwFileIndex = INDEX64_FILE_INDEX(pFileEntry->FileNameHash);
            dwSubIndex = (pFileEntry->dwFlags & CASC_ENTRY_HAS_SUBINDEX) ? INDEX64_SUB_INDEX(pFileEntry->FileNameHash) : DIABLO3_INVALID_INDEX;
            assert(dwFileIndex < dwFileIndexes);

            // Get the plain name of the file
            szPlainName = (char *)(pbCoreTocFile + pCoreTocEntries[dwFileIndex].NameOffset);

            // Create the short file name
            nLength = CreateShortName(pPackageMap,

            // Insert the short name to the list of the names
            szNamePtr = (char *)Array_Insert(&pRootHandler->FileNames, szShortName, nLength + 1);
            pFileEntry->dwFileName = (DWORD)Array_IndexOf(&pRootHandler->FileNames, szNamePtr);

            // Create the full file name
            nLength = CreateFileName(pRootHandler, szShortName, szFullName);
            pFileEntry->FileNameHash = CalcFileNameHash(szFullName);

            // Insert the entry to the name map. Use the mapping of FullName -> FileHash
            Map_InsertObject(pRootHandler->pRootMap, pFileEntry, &pFileEntry->FileNameHash);