void FGameConfigFile::AddAutoexec (FArgs *list, const char *game)
	char section[64];
	const char *key;
	const char *value;

	mysnprintf (section, countof(section), "%s.AutoExec", game);

	// If <game>.AutoExec section does not exist, create it
	// with a default autoexec.cfg file present.
	CreateStandardAutoExec(section, false);
	// Run any files listed in the <game>.AutoExec section
	if (!SectionIsEmpty())
		while (NextInSection (key, value))
			if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0 && *value != '\0')
				FString expanded_path = ExpandEnvVars(value);
				if (FileExists(expanded_path))
					list->AppendArg (ExpandEnvVars(value));
void FGameConfigFile::AddAutoexec (DArgs *list, const char *game)
	char section[64];
	const char *key;
	const char *value;

	mysnprintf (section, countof(section), "%s.AutoExec", game);

	if (bMigrating)
		FBaseCVar *autoexec = FindCVar ("autoexec", NULL);

		if (autoexec != NULL)
			UCVarValue val;
			char *path;

			val = autoexec->GetGenericRep (CVAR_String);
			path = copystring (val.String);
			delete autoexec;
			SetSection (section, true);
			SetValueForKey ("Path", path);
			list->AppendArg (path);
			delete[] path;
		// If <game>.AutoExec section does not exist, create it
		// with a default autoexec.cfg file present.
		CreateStandardAutoExec(section, false);
		// Run any files listed in the <game>.AutoExec section
		if (!SectionIsEmpty())
			while (NextInSection (key, value))
				if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0 && *value != '\0')
					FString expanded_path = ExpandEnvVars(value);
					if (FileExists(expanded_path))
						list->AppendArg (ExpandEnvVars(value));
FGameConfigFile::FGameConfigFile ()
#ifdef __APPLE__
	FString user_docs, user_app_support, local_app_support;
	FString pathname;
	bMigrating = false;
	pathname = GetConfigPath (true);
	ChangePathName (pathname);
	LoadConfigFile (MigrateStub, NULL);

	if (!HaveSections ())
	{ // Config file not found; try the old one
		MigrateOldConfig ();

	// If zdoom.ini was read from the program directory, switch
	// to the user directory now. If it was read from the user
	// directory, this effectively does nothing.
	pathname = GetConfigPath (false);
	ChangePathName (pathname);

	// Set default IWAD search paths if none present
	if (!SetSection ("IWADSearch.Directories"))
		SetSection ("IWADSearch.Directories", true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", ".", true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$DOOMWADDIR", true);
#ifdef __APPLE__
		char cpath[PATH_MAX];
		FSRef folder;
		if (noErr == FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kDocumentsFolderType, kCreateFolder, &folder) &&
			noErr == FSRefMakePath(&folder, (UInt8*)cpath, PATH_MAX))
			user_docs << cpath << "/" GAME_DIR;
			SetValueForKey("Path", user_docs, true);
			SetValueForKey("Path", "~/" GAME_DIR, true);
		if (noErr == FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kApplicationSupportFolderType, kCreateFolder, &folder) &&
			noErr == FSRefMakePath(&folder, (UInt8*)cpath, PATH_MAX))
			user_app_support << cpath << "/" GAME_DIR;
			SetValueForKey("Path", user_app_support, true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$PROGDIR", true);
		if (noErr == FSFindFolder(kLocalDomain, kApplicationSupportFolderType, kCreateFolder, &folder) &&
			noErr == FSRefMakePath(&folder, (UInt8*)cpath, PATH_MAX))
			local_app_support << cpath << "/" GAME_DIR;
			SetValueForKey("Path", local_app_support, true);
#elif !defined(unix)
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$HOME", true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$PROGDIR", true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "~/" GAME_DIR, true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", SHARE_DIR, true);

	// Set default search paths if none present
	if (!SetSection ("FileSearch.Directories"))
		SetSection ("FileSearch.Directories", true);
#ifdef __APPLE__
		SetValueForKey ("Path", user_docs, true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", user_app_support, true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$PROGDIR", true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", local_app_support, true);
#elif !defined(unix)
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$PROGDIR", true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", SHARE_DIR, true);
		SetValueForKey ("Path", "$DOOMWADDIR", true);

	// Create auto-load sections, so users know what's available.
	// Note that this totem pole is the reverse of the order that
	// they will appear in the file.

	// The same goes for auto-exec files.
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Chex.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Strife.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Hexen.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Heretic.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Doom.AutoExec", true);

	// Move search paths back to the top.

	// Add some self-documentation.
		"# These are the directories to automatically search for IWADs.\n"
		"# Each directory should be on a separate line, preceded by Path=\n");
		"# These are the directories to search for wads added with the -file\n"
		"# command line parameter, if they cannot be found with the path\n"
		"# as-is. Layout is the same as for IWADSearch.Directories\n");
		"# Files to automatically execute when running the corresponding game.\n"
		"# Each file should be on its own line, preceded by Path=\n\n");
		"# WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before\n"
		"# any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded\n"
		"# by Path=\n");
		"# Wad files to automatically load depending on the game and IWAD you are\n"
		"# playing.  You may have have files that are loaded for all similar IWADs\n"
		"# (the game) and files that are only loaded for particular IWADs. For example,\n"
		"# any files listed under Doom.Autoload will be loaded for any version of Doom,\n"
		"# but files listed under Doom2.Autoload will only load when you are\n"
		"# playing Doom 2.\n\n");
void FGameConfigFile::DoAutoloadSetup (FIWadManager *iwad_man)
	// Create auto-load sections, so users know what's available.
	// Note that this totem pole is the reverse of the order that
	// they will appear in the file.

	double last = 0;
	if (SetSection ("LastRun"))
		const char *lastver = GetValueForKey ("Version");
		if (lastver != NULL) last = atof(lastver);

	if (last < 211)
		RenameSection("Chex3.Autoload", "chex.chex3.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Chex1.Autoload", "chex.chex1.Autoload");
		RenameSection("HexenDK.Autoload", "hexen.deathkings.Autoload");
		RenameSection("HereticSR.Autoload", "heretic.shadow.Autoload");
		RenameSection("FreeDM.Autoload", "doom.freedoom.freedm.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Freedoom2.Autoload", "doom.freedoom.phase2.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Freedoom1.Autoload", "doom.freedoom.phase1.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Freedoom.Autoload", "doom.freedoom.Autoload");
		RenameSection("DoomBFG.Autoload", "doom.id.doom1.bfg.Autoload");
		RenameSection("DoomU.Autoload", "doom.id.doom1.ultimate.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Doom1.Autoload", "doom.id.doom1.registered.Autoload");
		RenameSection("TNT.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.tnt.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Plutonia.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.plutonia.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Doom2BFG.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.bfg.Autoload");
		RenameSection("Doom2.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.commercial.Autoload");
	else if (last < 218)
		RenameSection("doom.doom1.bfg.Autoload", "doom.id.doom1.bfg.Autoload");
		RenameSection("doom.doom1.ultimate.Autoload", "doom.id.doom1.ultimate.Autoload");
		RenameSection("doom.doom1.registered.Autoload", "doom.id.doom1.registered.Autoload");
		RenameSection("doom.doom2.tnt.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.tnt.Autoload");
		RenameSection("doom.doom2.plutonia.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.plutonia.Autoload");
		RenameSection("doom.doom2.bfg.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.bfg.Autoload");
		RenameSection("doom.doom2.commercial.Autoload", "doom.id.doom2.commercial.Autoload");
	const FString *pAuto;
	for (int num = 0; (pAuto = iwad_man->GetAutoname(num)) != NULL; num++)
		if (!(iwad_man->GetIWadFlags(num) & GI_SHAREWARE))	// we do not want autoload sections for shareware IWADs (which may have an autoname for resource filtering)
			FString workname = *pAuto;

			while (workname.IsNotEmpty())
				FString section = workname + ".Autoload";
				long dotpos = workname.LastIndexOf('.');
				if (dotpos < 0) break;

	// The same goes for auto-exec files.
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Chex.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Strife.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Hexen.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Heretic.AutoExec", true);
	CreateStandardAutoExec("Doom.AutoExec", true);

	// Move search paths back to the top.

		"# Files to automatically execute when running the corresponding game.\n"
		"# Each file should be on its own line, preceded by Path=\n\n");
		"# WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before\n"
		"# any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded\n"
		"# by Path=\n");
		"# Wad files to automatically load depending on the game and IWAD you are\n"
		"# playing.  You may have have files that are loaded for all similar IWADs\n"
		"# (the game) and files that are only loaded for particular IWADs. For example,\n"
		"# any files listed under 'doom.Autoload' will be loaded for any version of Doom,\n"
		"# but files listed under 'doom.doom2.Autoload' will only load when you are\n"
		"# playing a Doom 2 based game (doom2.wad, tnt.wad or plutonia.wad), and files listed under\n"
		"# 'doom.doom2.commercial.Autoload' only when playing doom2.wad.\n\n");