//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Create list of argument objects each holding a value extract from the command
//          options line.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrTxt   - (R) Some options text.
// Return:  bool -  True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdArgValListOfN::CreateList(const CMIUtilString &vrTxt)
    CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions;
    if ((m_eArgType == eArgValType_StringQuoted) || (m_eArgType == eArgValType_StringQuotedNumber) ||
        (m_eArgType == eArgValType_StringQuotedNumberPath) || (m_eArgType == eArgValType_StringAnything))
        if (vrTxt.SplitConsiderQuotes(" ", vecOptions) == 0)
            return MIstatus::failure;
    else if (vrTxt.Split(" ", vecOptions) == 0)
        return MIstatus::failure;

    CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
    while (it != vecOptions.end())
        const CMIUtilString &rOption = *it;
        CMICmdArgValBase *pOption = CreationObj(rOption, m_eArgType);
        if (pOption != nullptr)
            return MIstatus::failure;

        // Next

    return MIstatus::success;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the text following *this argument and extract the options the values of
//			CMICmdArgValListBase::m_eArgType forming argument objects for each of those
//			options extracted.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwTxt		- (RW)	The command's argument options string.
//			nArgIndex	- (R)	The Nth arg position in argument context from the left.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValOptionLong::ExtractExpectedOptions( CMICmdArgContext & vrwTxt, const MIuint nArgIndex ) 
	CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions;
	MIuint nOptionsPresent = 0;
	if( (m_eExpectingOptionType != eArgValType_StringQuoted) && 
		(m_eExpectingOptionType != eArgValType_StringQuotedNumber) &&
		(m_eExpectingOptionType != eArgValType_StringQuotedNumberPath) )
		nOptionsPresent = vrwTxt.GetArgsLeftToParse().Split( " ", vecOptions );
		nOptionsPresent = vrwTxt.GetArgsLeftToParse().SplitConsiderQuotes( " ", vecOptions );
	if( nOptionsPresent == 0 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	MIuint nArgIndexCnt = 0;
	MIuint nTypeCnt = 0;
	MIuint nTypeCnt2 = 0;
	MIuint nFoundNOptionsCnt = 0;
	CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
	while( it != vecOptions.end() )
		// Move to the Nth argument position from left before do validation/checking
		if( nArgIndexCnt++ == nArgIndex )
			const CMIUtilString & rOption( *it ); 
			if( IsExpectedCorrectType( rOption, m_eExpectingOptionType ) )
				CMICmdArgValBase * pOptionObj = CreationObj( rOption, m_eExpectingOptionType );
				if( (pOptionObj != nullptr) && vrwTxt.RemoveArgAtPos( rOption, nArgIndex ) )
					m_vecArgsExpected.push_back( pOptionObj );

			// Is the sequence 'options' of same type broken. Expecting the same type until the
			// next argument.
			if( nTypeCnt != nTypeCnt2 )
				return MIstatus::failure;

			if( nFoundNOptionsCnt == m_nExpectingNOptions )
				return MIstatus::success;

		// Next
	if( nFoundNOptionsCnt != m_nExpectingNOptions )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	return MIstatus::success;