文件: Ctxt.cpp 项目: fionser/HElib
// Add/subtract a ciphertext part to a ciphertext.
// With negative=true we subtract, otherwise we add.
void Ctxt::addPart(const DoubleCRT& part, const SKHandle& handle, 
		   bool matchPrimeSet, bool negative)

  assert (&part.getContext() == &context);

  if (parts.size()==0) { // inserting 1st part 
    primeSet = part.getIndexSet();
    if (negative) parts.back().Negate(); // not thread-safe??
  else {       // adding to a ciphertext with existing parts
    if (!(part.getIndexSet() <= primeSet)) {
      // add to the the prime-set of *this, if needed (this is expensive)
      if (matchPrimeSet) {
        IndexSet setDiff = part.getIndexSet() / primeSet; // set minus
        for (size_t i=0; i<parts.size(); i++) parts[i].addPrimes(setDiff);
      else // this should never happen
        throw std::logic_error("part has too many primes and matchPrimeSet==false");

    DoubleCRT tmp(context, IndexSet::emptySet());
    const DoubleCRT* ptr = &part;

    // mod-UP the part if needed
    IndexSet s = primeSet / part.getIndexSet();
    if (!empty(s)) { // if need to mod-UP, do it on a temporary copy
      tmp = part;
      ptr = &tmp;
    long j = getPartIndexByHandle(handle);
    if (j>=0) { // found a matching part, add them up
      if (negative) parts[j] -= *ptr;
      else          parts[j] += *ptr;
    } else {    // no mathing part found, just append this part
      if (negative) parts.back().Negate(); // not thread-safe??
文件: Ctxt.cpp 项目: Kverma517/HElib
// Dummy encryption, this procedure just encodes the plaintext in a Ctxt object
void Ctxt::DummyEncrypt(const ZZX& ptxt, double size)
  if (size < 0.0) {
    size = ((double) context.zMStar.getPhiM()) * ptxtSpace*ptxtSpace /12.0;
  noiseVar = size;
  primeSet = context.ctxtPrimes;

  // A single part, with the plaintext as data and handle pointing to 1

  long f = rem(context.productOfPrimes(context.ctxtPrimes),ptxtSpace);
  if (f == 1) { // scale by constant
    DoubleCRT dcrt(ptxt, context, primeSet);  
    parts.assign(1, CtxtPart(dcrt));
  } else {
    ZZX tmp;
    MulMod(tmp, ptxt, f, ptxtSpace, /*positive=*/false);
    DoubleCRT dcrt(tmp, context, primeSet);  
    parts.assign(1, CtxtPart(dcrt));