文件: mesh_data.c 项目: jinjoh/NOOR
int ED_mesh_uv_texture_add(bContext *C, Scene *scene, Object *ob, Mesh *me)
	EditMesh *em;
	int layernum;

	if(me->edit_mesh) {
		em= me->edit_mesh;

		layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&em->fdata, CD_MTFACE);
		if(layernum >= MAX_MTFACE)

		EM_add_data_layer(em, &em->fdata, CD_MTFACE);
		CustomData_set_layer_active(&em->fdata, CD_MTFACE, layernum);
	else {
		layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE);
		if(layernum >= MAX_MTFACE)

			CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, CD_DUPLICATE, me->mtface, me->totface);
			CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, me->totface);

		CustomData_set_layer_active(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, layernum);

	DAG_id_flush_update(&me->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM|ND_DATA, me);

	return 1;
static DerivedMesh *generate_ocean_geometry(OceanModifierData *omd)
	DerivedMesh *result;

	GenerateOceanGeometryData gogd;

	int num_verts;
	int num_polys;

	const bool use_threading = omd->resolution > 4;

	gogd.rx = omd->resolution * omd->resolution;
	gogd.ry = omd->resolution * omd->resolution;
	gogd.res_x = gogd.rx * omd->repeat_x;
	gogd.res_y = gogd.ry * omd->repeat_y;

	num_verts = (gogd.res_x + 1) * (gogd.res_y + 1);
	num_polys = gogd.res_x * gogd.res_y;

	gogd.sx = omd->size * omd->spatial_size;
	gogd.sy = omd->size * omd->spatial_size;
	gogd.ox = -gogd.sx / 2.0f;
	gogd.oy = -gogd.sy / 2.0f;

	gogd.sx /= gogd.rx;
	gogd.sy /= gogd.ry;

	result = CDDM_new(num_verts, 0, 0, num_polys * 4, num_polys);

	gogd.mverts = CDDM_get_verts(result);
	gogd.mpolys = CDDM_get_polys(result);
	gogd.mloops = CDDM_get_loops(result);

	gogd.origindex = CustomData_get_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX);

	/* create vertices */
	BLI_task_parallel_range(0, gogd.res_y + 1, &gogd, generate_ocean_geometry_vertices, use_threading);

	/* create faces */
	BLI_task_parallel_range(0, gogd.res_y, &gogd, generate_ocean_geometry_polygons, use_threading);


	/* add uvs */
	if (CustomData_number_of_layers(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV) < MAX_MTFACE) {
		gogd.mloopuvs = CustomData_add_layer(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_polys * 4);
		CustomData_add_layer(&result->polyData, CD_MTEXPOLY, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_polys);

		if (gogd.mloopuvs) { /* unlikely to fail */
			gogd.ix = 1.0 / gogd.rx;
			gogd.iy = 1.0 / gogd.ry;

			BLI_task_parallel_range(0, gogd.res_y, &gogd, generate_ocean_geometry_uvs, use_threading);

	result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	return result;
static void data_transfer_dtdata_type_preprocess(
        Object *UNUSED(ob_src), Object *UNUSED(ob_dst), DerivedMesh *dm_src, DerivedMesh *dm_dst, Mesh *me_dst,
        const int dtdata_type, const bool dirty_nors_dst, const bool use_split_nors_src, const float split_angle_src)
	if (dtdata_type == DT_TYPE_LNOR) {
		/* Compute custom normals into regular loop normals, which will be used for the transfer. */
		MVert *verts_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getVertArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->mvert;
		const int num_verts_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumVerts(dm_dst) : me_dst->totvert;
		MEdge *edges_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getEdgeArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->medge;
		const int num_edges_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumEdges(dm_dst) : me_dst->totedge;
		MPoly *polys_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getPolyArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->mpoly;
		const int num_polys_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumPolys(dm_dst) : me_dst->totpoly;
		MLoop *loops_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getLoopArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->mloop;
		const int num_loops_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumLoops(dm_dst) : me_dst->totloop;
		CustomData *pdata_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getPolyDataLayout(dm_dst) : &me_dst->pdata;
		CustomData *ldata_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getLoopDataLayout(dm_dst) : &me_dst->ldata;

		const bool use_split_nors_dst = (me_dst->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH) != 0;
		const float split_angle_dst = me_dst->smoothresh;

		dm_src->calcLoopNormals(dm_src, use_split_nors_src, split_angle_src);

		if (dm_dst) {
			dm_dst->calcLoopNormals(dm_dst, use_split_nors_dst, split_angle_dst);
		else {
			float (*poly_nors_dst)[3];
			float (*loop_nors_dst)[3];
			short (*custom_nors_dst)[2] = CustomData_get_layer(ldata_dst, CD_CUSTOMLOOPNORMAL);

			/* Cache poly nors into a temp CDLayer. */
			poly_nors_dst = CustomData_get_layer(pdata_dst, CD_NORMAL);
			if (dirty_nors_dst || !poly_nors_dst) {
				if (!poly_nors_dst) {
					poly_nors_dst = CustomData_add_layer(pdata_dst, CD_NORMAL, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_polys_dst);
					CustomData_set_layer_flag(pdata_dst, CD_NORMAL, CD_FLAG_TEMPORARY);
				BKE_mesh_calc_normals_poly(verts_dst, num_verts_dst, loops_dst, polys_dst,
				                           num_loops_dst, num_polys_dst, poly_nors_dst, true);
			/* Cache loop nors into a temp CDLayer. */
			loop_nors_dst = CustomData_get_layer(ldata_dst, CD_NORMAL);
			if (dirty_nors_dst || loop_nors_dst) {
				if (!loop_nors_dst) {
					loop_nors_dst = CustomData_add_layer(ldata_dst, CD_NORMAL, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_loops_dst);
					CustomData_set_layer_flag(ldata_dst, CD_NORMAL, CD_FLAG_TEMPORARY);
				BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(verts_dst, num_verts_dst, edges_dst, num_edges_dst,
				                            loops_dst, loop_nors_dst, num_loops_dst,
				                            polys_dst, (const float (*)[3])poly_nors_dst, num_polys_dst,
				                            use_split_nors_dst, split_angle_dst, NULL, custom_nors_dst, NULL);
static void allocate_custom_layers(CustomData *data, int type, int num_elements, int num_layers)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) {
		CustomData_add_layer(data, type, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, num_elements);
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
						   int useRenderParams, int isFinalCalc)
	SculptSession *ss= ob->sculpt;
	int sculpting= (ob->mode & OB_MODE_SCULPT) && ss;
	MultiresModifierData *mmd = (MultiresModifierData*)md;
	DerivedMesh *result;
	Mesh *me= (Mesh*)ob->data;

	if(mmd->totlvl) {
		if(!CustomData_get_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MDISPS)) {
			/* multires always needs a displacement layer */
			CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MDISPS, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totface);

	result = multires_dm_create_from_derived(mmd, 0, dm, ob, useRenderParams, isFinalCalc);

	if(result == dm)
		return dm;

	if(useRenderParams || !isFinalCalc) {
		DerivedMesh *cddm= CDDM_copy(result);
		result= cddm;
	else if(sculpting) {
		/* would be created on the fly too, just nicer this
		   way on first stroke after e.g. switching levels */
		ss->pbvh= result->getPBVH(ob, result);

	return result;
static void mesh_add_faces(Mesh *mesh, int len)
	CustomData fdata;
	MFace *mface;
	int i, totface;

	if(len == 0)

	totface= mesh->totface + len;	/* new face count */

	/* update customdata */
	CustomData_copy(&mesh->fdata, &fdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DEFAULT, totface);
	CustomData_copy_data(&mesh->fdata, &fdata, 0, 0, mesh->totface);

	if(!CustomData_has_layer(&fdata, CD_MFACE))
		CustomData_add_layer(&fdata, CD_MFACE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totface);

	CustomData_free(&mesh->fdata, mesh->totface);
	mesh->fdata= fdata;

	/* set default flags */
	mface= &mesh->mface[mesh->totface];
	for(i=0; i<len; i++, mface++)
		mface->flag= ME_FACE_SEL;

	mesh->totface= totface;
static void mesh_add_verts(Mesh *mesh, int len)
	CustomData vdata;
	MVert *mvert;
	int i, totvert;

	if(len == 0)

	totvert= mesh->totvert + len;
	CustomData_copy(&mesh->vdata, &vdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DEFAULT, totvert);
	CustomData_copy_data(&mesh->vdata, &vdata, 0, 0, mesh->totvert);

	if(!CustomData_has_layer(&vdata, CD_MVERT))
		CustomData_add_layer(&vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totvert);

	CustomData_free(&mesh->vdata, mesh->totvert);
	mesh->vdata= vdata;

	/* scan the input list and insert the new vertices */

	mvert= &mesh->mvert[mesh->totvert];
	for(i=0; i<len; i++, mvert++)
		mvert->flag |= SELECT;

	/* set final vertex list size */
	mesh->totvert= totvert;
static void rna_Mesh_create_normals_split(Mesh *mesh)
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_NORMAL)) {
		CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_NORMAL, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totloop);
		CustomData_set_layer_flag(&mesh->ldata, CD_NORMAL, CD_FLAG_TEMPORARY);
// =================================================================
// This functin is copied from source/blender/editors/mesh/mesh_data.c
// TODO: (As discussed with sergey-) :
// Maybe move this function to blenderkernel/intern/mesh.c 
// and add definition to BKE_mesh.c
// =================================================================
void MeshImporter::mesh_add_edges(Mesh *mesh, int len)
	CustomData edata;
	MEdge *medge;
	int i, totedge;

	if (len == 0)

	totedge = mesh->totedge + len;

	/* update customdata  */
	CustomData_copy(&mesh->edata, &edata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DEFAULT, totedge);
	CustomData_copy_data(&mesh->edata, &edata, 0, 0, mesh->totedge);

	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE))
		CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);

	CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge);
	mesh->edata = edata;
	BKE_mesh_update_customdata_pointers(mesh, false); /* new edges don't change tessellation */

	/* set default flags */
	medge = &mesh->medge[mesh->totedge];
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++, medge++)

	mesh->totedge = totedge;
文件: mesh_data.c 项目: jinjoh/NOOR
int ED_mesh_color_add(bContext *C, Scene *scene, Object *ob, Mesh *me)
	EditMesh *em;
	MCol *mcol;
	int layernum;

	if(me->edit_mesh) {
		em= me->edit_mesh;

		layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&em->fdata, CD_MCOL);
		if(layernum >= MAX_MCOL)
			return 0;

		EM_add_data_layer(em, &em->fdata, CD_MCOL);
		CustomData_set_layer_active(&em->fdata, CD_MCOL, layernum);
	else {
		layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL);
		if(layernum >= MAX_MCOL)
			return 0;

		mcol= me->mcol;

			CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL, CD_DUPLICATE, me->mcol, me->totface);
			CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, me->totface);

		CustomData_set_layer_active(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL, layernum);

			shadeMeshMCol(scene, ob, me);

	DAG_id_flush_update(&me->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM|ND_DATA, me);

	return 1;
void ED_vgroup_data_create(ID *id)
	/* create deform verts */

	if(GS(id->name)==ID_ME) {
		Mesh *me= (Mesh *)id;
		me->dvert= CustomData_add_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totvert);
	else if(GS(id->name)==ID_LT) {
		Lattice *lt= (Lattice *)id;
		lt->dvert= MEM_callocN(sizeof(MDeformVert)*lt->pntsu*lt->pntsv*lt->pntsw, "lattice deformVert");
文件: mesh_data.c 项目: jinjoh/NOOR
static void mesh_calc_edges(Mesh *mesh)
	CustomData edata;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	MFace *mf = mesh->mface;
	MEdge *med;
	EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new();
	int i, *index, totedge, totface = mesh->totface;

	for (i = 0; i < totface; i++, mf++) {
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v1, mf->v2))
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v1, mf->v2, NULL);
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v2, mf->v3))
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v2, mf->v3, NULL);
		if (mf->v4) {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v3, mf->v4))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v3, mf->v4, NULL);
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v4, mf->v1))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v4, mf->v1, NULL);
		} else {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v3, mf->v1))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v3, mf->v1, NULL);

	totedge = BLI_edgehash_size(eh);

	/* write new edges into a temporary CustomData */
	memset(&edata, 0, sizeof(edata));
	CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);

	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh);
	med = CustomData_get_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE);
	for(i = 0; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi);
	    BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++i, ++med, ++index) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, (int*)&med->v1, (int*)&med->v2);


	/* free old CustomData and assign new one */
	CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge);
	mesh->edata = edata;
	mesh->totedge = totedge;

	mesh->medge = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE);

	BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL);
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
                                  ModifierApplyFlag flag)
	MultiresModifierData *mmd = (MultiresModifierData *)md;
	DerivedMesh *result;
	Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data;
	const int useRenderParams = flag & MOD_APPLY_RENDER;

	if (mmd->totlvl) {
		if (!CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MDISPS)) {
			/* multires always needs a displacement layer */
			CustomData_add_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MDISPS, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totloop);

	result = multires_dm_create_from_derived(mmd, 0, dm, ob, useRenderParams);

	if (result == dm)
		return dm;

	if(useRenderParams || !(flag & MOD_APPLY_USECACHE)) {
		DerivedMesh *cddm;
		cddm = CDDM_copy(result);

		/* copy hidden flag to vertices */
		if (!useRenderParams) {
			struct MDisps *mdisps;
			mdisps = CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MDISPS);
			if (mdisps) {
				subsurf_copy_grid_hidden(result, me->mpoly,


		result = cddm;

	return result;
void MeshImporter::read_vertices(COLLADAFW::Mesh *mesh, Mesh *me)
	// vertices
	COLLADAFW::MeshVertexData& pos = mesh->getPositions();
	int stride = pos.getStride(0);
	if (stride == 0) stride = 3;
	me->totvert = mesh->getPositions().getFloatValues()->getCount() / stride;
	me->mvert = (MVert *)CustomData_add_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totvert);

	MVert *mvert;
	int i;

	for (i = 0, mvert = me->mvert; i < me->totvert; i++, mvert++) {
		get_vector(mvert->co, pos, i, stride);
static void rna_Mesh_calc_tangents(Mesh *mesh, ReportList *reports, const char *uvmap)
	float (*r_looptangents)[4];

	if (CustomData_has_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPTANGENT)) {
		r_looptangents = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPTANGENT);
		memset(r_looptangents, 0, sizeof(float[4]) * mesh->totloop);
	else {
		r_looptangents = CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPTANGENT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totloop);
		CustomData_set_layer_flag(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPTANGENT, CD_FLAG_TEMPORARY);

	/* Compute loop normals if needed. */
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_NORMAL)) {

	BKE_mesh_loop_tangents(mesh, uvmap, r_looptangents, reports);
static void rna_Mesh_normals_split_custom_do(Mesh *mesh, float (*custom_loopnors)[3], const bool use_vertices)
	float (*polynors)[3];
	short (*clnors)[2];
	const int numloops = mesh->totloop;
	bool free_polynors = false;

	clnors = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_CUSTOMLOOPNORMAL);
	if (clnors) {
		memset(clnors, 0, sizeof(*clnors) * numloops);
	else {
		clnors = CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_CUSTOMLOOPNORMAL, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, numloops);

	if (CustomData_has_layer(&mesh->pdata, CD_NORMAL)) {
		polynors = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->pdata, CD_NORMAL);
	else {
		polynors = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3]) * mesh->totpoly, __func__);
		            mesh->mvert, NULL, mesh->totvert,
		            mesh->mloop, mesh->mpoly, mesh->totloop, mesh->totpoly, polynors, false);
		free_polynors = true;

	if (use_vertices) {
		        mesh->mvert, custom_loopnors, mesh->totvert, mesh->medge, mesh->totedge, mesh->mloop, mesh->totloop,
		        mesh->mpoly, (const float (*)[3])polynors, mesh->totpoly, clnors);
	else {
		        mesh->mvert, mesh->totvert, mesh->medge, mesh->totedge, mesh->mloop, custom_loopnors, mesh->totloop,
		        mesh->mpoly, (const float (*)[3])polynors, mesh->totpoly, clnors);

	if (free_polynors) {
static void data_transfer_dtdata_type_postprocess(
        Object *UNUSED(ob_src), Object *UNUSED(ob_dst), DerivedMesh *UNUSED(dm_src), DerivedMesh *dm_dst, Mesh *me_dst,
        const int dtdata_type, const bool changed)
	if (dtdata_type == DT_TYPE_LNOR) {
		/* Bake edited destination loop normals into custom normals again. */
		MVert *verts_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getVertArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->mvert;
		const int num_verts_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumVerts(dm_dst) : me_dst->totvert;
		MEdge *edges_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getEdgeArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->medge;
		const int num_edges_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumEdges(dm_dst) : me_dst->totedge;
		MPoly *polys_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getPolyArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->mpoly;
		const int num_polys_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumPolys(dm_dst) : me_dst->totpoly;
		MLoop *loops_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getLoopArray(dm_dst) : me_dst->mloop;
		const int num_loops_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getNumLoops(dm_dst) : me_dst->totloop;
		CustomData *pdata_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getPolyDataLayout(dm_dst) : &me_dst->pdata;
		CustomData *ldata_dst = dm_dst ? dm_dst->getLoopDataLayout(dm_dst) : &me_dst->ldata;

		const float (*poly_nors_dst)[3] = CustomData_get_layer(pdata_dst, CD_NORMAL);
		float (*loop_nors_dst)[3] = CustomData_get_layer(ldata_dst, CD_NORMAL);
		short (*custom_nors_dst)[2] = CustomData_get_layer(ldata_dst, CD_CUSTOMLOOPNORMAL);


		if (!changed) {

		if (!custom_nors_dst) {
			custom_nors_dst = CustomData_add_layer(ldata_dst, CD_CUSTOMLOOPNORMAL, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_loops_dst);

		/* Note loop_nors_dst contains our custom normals as transferred from source... */
		BKE_mesh_normals_loop_custom_set(verts_dst, num_verts_dst, edges_dst, num_edges_dst,
		                                 loops_dst, loop_nors_dst, num_loops_dst,
		                                 polys_dst, poly_nors_dst, num_polys_dst,
static bool data_transfer_layersmapping_cdlayers(
        ListBase *r_map, const int cddata_type, const int mix_mode, const float mix_factor, const float *mix_weights,
        const int num_elem_dst, const bool use_create, const bool use_delete,
        CustomData *cd_src, CustomData *cd_dst, const bool use_dupref_dst,
        const int fromlayers, const int tolayers)
	int idx_src, idx_dst;
	void *data_src, *data_dst = NULL;

	if (CustomData_layertype_is_singleton(cddata_type)) {
		if (!(data_src = CustomData_get_layer(cd_src, cddata_type))) {
			if (use_delete) {
				CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, 0);
			return true;

		data_dst = CustomData_get_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type);
		if (!data_dst) {
			if (!use_create) {
				return true;
			data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
		else if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst);

		if (r_map) {
			data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item_cd(r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
			                                        data_src, data_dst);
	else if (fromlayers == DT_LAYERS_ACTIVE_SRC || fromlayers >= 0) {
		/* Note: use_delete has not much meaning in this case, ignored. */

		if (fromlayers >= 0) {  /* Real-layer index */
			idx_src = fromlayers;
		else {
			if ((idx_src = CustomData_get_active_layer(cd_src, cddata_type)) == -1) {
				return true;
		data_src = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
		if (!data_src) {
			return true;

		if (tolayers >= 0) {  /* Real-layer index */
			idx_dst = tolayers;
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
				data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_ACTIVE_DST) {
			if ((idx_dst = CustomData_get_active_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type)) == -1) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
				if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
					data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
				else {
					data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_INDEX_DST) {
			int num = CustomData_number_of_layers(cd_dst, cddata_type);
			idx_dst = idx_src;
			if (num <= idx_dst) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				/* Create as much data layers as necessary! */
				for (; num <= idx_dst; num++) {
					CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
				data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_NAME_DST) {
			const char *name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
			if ((idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name)) == -1) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				CustomData_add_layer_named(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst, name);
				idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name);
			/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
			if (use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
				data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
			else {
				data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
		else {
			return false;

		if (!data_dst) {
			return false;

		if (r_map) {
			        r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights, data_src, data_dst);
	else if (fromlayers == DT_LAYERS_ALL_SRC) {
		int num_src = CustomData_number_of_layers(cd_src, cddata_type);
		bool *use_layers_src = num_src ? MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*use_layers_src) * (size_t)num_src, __func__) : NULL;
		bool ret;

		if (use_layers_src) {
			memset(use_layers_src, true, sizeof(*use_layers_src) * num_src);

		ret = data_transfer_layersmapping_cdlayers_multisrc_to_dst(
		        r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
		        num_elem_dst, use_create, use_delete, cd_src, cd_dst, use_dupref_dst,
		        tolayers, use_layers_src, num_src);

		if (use_layers_src) {
		return ret;
	else {
		return false;

	return true;
static void update_tface_color_layer(DerivedMesh *dm)
	MTFace *tface = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, CD_MTFACE);
	MFace *mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
	MCol *finalCol;
	int i, j;
	MCol *mcol = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_PREVIEW_MCOL);
	if (!mcol)
		mcol = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_MCOL);

	if (CustomData_has_layer(&dm->faceData, CD_TEXTURE_MCOL)) {
		finalCol = CustomData_get_layer(&dm->faceData, CD_TEXTURE_MCOL);
	else {
		finalCol = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MCol) * 4 * dm->getNumTessFaces(dm), "add_tface_color_layer");

		CustomData_add_layer(&dm->faceData, CD_TEXTURE_MCOL, CD_ASSIGN, finalCol, dm->numTessFaceData);

	for (i = 0; i < dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); i++) {
		Material *ma = give_current_material(Gtexdraw.ob, mface[i].mat_nr + 1);

		if (ma && (ma->game.flag & GEMAT_INVISIBLE)) {
			if (mcol)
				memcpy(&finalCol[i * 4], &mcol[i * 4], sizeof(MCol) * 4);
				for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = 255;
					finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = 255;
					finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = 255;
		else if (tface && set_draw_settings_cached(0, tface, ma, Gtexdraw)) {
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = 255;
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = 0;
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = 255;
		else if (ma && (ma->shade_flag & MA_OBCOLOR)) {
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = Gtexdraw.obcol[0];
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = Gtexdraw.obcol[1];
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = Gtexdraw.obcol[2];
		else if (!mcol) {
			if (tface) {
				for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = 255;
					finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = 255;
					finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = 255;
			else {
				float col[3];

				if (ma) {
					if (Gtexdraw.color_profile) linearrgb_to_srgb_v3_v3(col, &ma->r);
					else copy_v3_v3(col, &ma->r);
					for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = FTOCHAR(col[0]);
						finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = FTOCHAR(col[1]);
						finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = FTOCHAR(col[2]);
					for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = 255;
						finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = 255;
						finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = 255;
		else {
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].r = mcol[i * 4 + j].r;
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].g = mcol[i * 4 + j].g;
				finalCol[i * 4 + j].b = mcol[i * 4 + j].b;
文件: deform.c 项目: Brachi/blender
bool data_transfer_layersmapping_vgroups(
        ListBase *r_map, const int mix_mode, const float mix_factor, const float *mix_weights,
        const int num_elem_dst, const bool use_create, const bool use_delete, Object *ob_src, Object *ob_dst,
        CustomData *cd_src, CustomData *cd_dst, const bool use_dupref_dst, const int fromlayers, const int tolayers)
	int idx_src, idx_dst;
	MDeformVert *data_src, *data_dst = NULL;

	const size_t elem_size = sizeof(*((MDeformVert *)NULL));

	/* Note: VGroups are a bit hairy, since their layout is defined on object level (ob->defbase), while their actual
	 *       data is a (mesh) CD layer.
	 *       This implies we may have to handle data layout itself while having NULL data itself,
	 *       and even have to support NULL data_src in transfer data code (we always create a data_dst, though).

	if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&ob_src->defbase)) {
		if (use_delete) {
		return true;

	data_src = CustomData_get_layer(cd_src, CD_MDEFORMVERT);

	data_dst = CustomData_get_layer(cd_dst, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
	if (data_dst && use_dupref_dst && r_map) {
		/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
		data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer(cd_dst, CD_MDEFORMVERT, num_elem_dst);

	if (fromlayers == DT_LAYERS_ACTIVE_SRC || fromlayers >= 0) {
		/* Note: use_delete has not much meaning in this case, ignored. */

		if (fromlayers >= 0) {
			idx_src = fromlayers;
			BLI_assert(idx_src < BLI_listbase_count(&ob_src->defbase));
		else if ((idx_src = ob_src->actdef - 1) == -1) {
			return false;

		if (tolayers >= 0) {
			/* Note: in this case we assume layer exists! */
			idx_dst = tolayers;
			BLI_assert(idx_dst < BLI_listbase_count(&ob_dst->defbase));
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_ACTIVE_DST) {
			if ((idx_dst = ob_dst->actdef - 1) == -1) {
				bDeformGroup *dg_src;
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				dg_src = BLI_findlink(&ob_src->defbase, idx_src);
				BKE_object_defgroup_add_name(ob_dst, dg_src->name);
				idx_dst = ob_dst->actdef - 1;
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_INDEX_DST) {
			int num = BLI_listbase_count(&ob_src->defbase);
			idx_dst = idx_src;
			if (num <= idx_dst) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				/* Create as much vgroups as necessary! */
				for (; num <= idx_dst; num++) {
		else if (tolayers == DT_LAYERS_NAME_DST) {
			bDeformGroup *dg_src = BLI_findlink(&ob_src->defbase, idx_src);
			if ((idx_dst = defgroup_name_index(ob_dst, dg_src->name)) == -1) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				BKE_object_defgroup_add_name(ob_dst, dg_src->name);
				idx_dst = ob_dst->actdef - 1;
		else {
			return false;

		if (r_map) {
			/* At this stage, we **need** a valid CD_MDEFORMVERT layer on dest!
			 * use_create is not relevant in this case */
			if (!data_dst) {
				data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, CD_MDEFORMVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);

			data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item(r_map, CD_FAKE_MDEFORMVERT, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
			                                     data_src, data_dst, idx_src, idx_dst,
			                                     elem_size, 0, 0, 0, vgroups_datatransfer_interp, NULL);
	else {
		int num_src, num_sel_unused;
		bool *use_layers_src = NULL;
		bool ret = false;

		switch (fromlayers) {
				use_layers_src = BKE_object_defgroup_subset_from_select_type(ob_src, WT_VGROUP_ALL,
				                                                             &num_src, &num_sel_unused);
				use_layers_src = BKE_object_defgroup_subset_from_select_type(ob_src, WT_VGROUP_BONE_SELECT,
				                                                             &num_src, &num_sel_unused);
				use_layers_src = BKE_object_defgroup_subset_from_select_type(ob_src, WT_VGROUP_BONE_DEFORM,
				                                                             &num_src, &num_sel_unused);

		if (use_layers_src) {
			ret = data_transfer_layersmapping_vgroups_multisrc_to_dst(
			        r_map, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights, num_elem_dst, use_create, use_delete,
			        ob_src, ob_dst, data_src, data_dst, cd_src, cd_dst, use_dupref_dst,
			        tolayers, use_layers_src, num_src);

		return ret;

	return true;
文件: deform.c 项目: Brachi/blender
static bool data_transfer_layersmapping_vgroups_multisrc_to_dst(
        ListBase *r_map, const int mix_mode, const float mix_factor, const float *mix_weights,
        const int num_elem_dst, const bool use_create, const bool use_delete,
        Object *ob_src, Object *ob_dst, MDeformVert *data_src, MDeformVert *data_dst,
        CustomData *UNUSED(cd_src), CustomData *cd_dst, const bool UNUSED(use_dupref_dst),
        const int tolayers, bool *use_layers_src, const int num_layers_src)
	int idx_src;
	int idx_dst;
	int tot_dst = BLI_listbase_count(&ob_dst->defbase);

	const size_t elem_size = sizeof(*((MDeformVert *)NULL));

	switch (tolayers) {
			idx_dst = tot_dst;

			/* Find last source actually used! */
			idx_src = num_layers_src;
			while (idx_src-- && !use_layers_src[idx_src]);

			if (idx_dst < idx_src) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return false;
				/* Create as much vgroups as necessary! */
				for (; idx_dst < idx_src; idx_dst++) {
			else if (use_delete && idx_dst > idx_src) {
				while (idx_dst-- > idx_src) {
					BKE_object_defgroup_remove(ob_dst, ob_dst->defbase.last);
			if (r_map) {
				/* At this stage, we **need** a valid CD_MDEFORMVERT layer on dest!
				 * Again, use_create is not relevant in this case */
				if (!data_dst) {
					data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, CD_MDEFORMVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);

				while (idx_src--) {
					if (!use_layers_src[idx_src]) {
					data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item(r_map, CD_FAKE_MDEFORMVERT, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
					                                     data_src, data_dst, idx_src, idx_src,
					                                     elem_size, 0, 0, 0, vgroups_datatransfer_interp, NULL);
				bDeformGroup *dg_src, *dg_dst;

				if (use_delete) {
					/* Remove all unused dst vgroups first, simpler in this case. */
					for (dg_dst = ob_dst->defbase.first; dg_dst;) {
						bDeformGroup *dg_dst_next = dg_dst->next;

						if (defgroup_name_index(ob_src, dg_dst->name) == -1) {
							BKE_object_defgroup_remove(ob_dst, dg_dst);
						dg_dst = dg_dst_next;

				for (idx_src = 0, dg_src = ob_src->defbase.first;
				     idx_src < num_layers_src;
				     idx_src++, dg_src = dg_src->next)
					if (!use_layers_src[idx_src]) {

					if ((idx_dst = defgroup_name_index(ob_dst, dg_src->name)) == -1) {
						if (!use_create) {
							if (r_map) {
							return false;
						BKE_object_defgroup_add_name(ob_dst, dg_src->name);
						idx_dst = ob_dst->actdef - 1;
					if (r_map) {
						/* At this stage, we **need** a valid CD_MDEFORMVERT layer on dest!
						 * use_create is not relevant in this case */
						if (!data_dst) {
							data_dst = CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, CD_MDEFORMVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);

						        r_map, CD_FAKE_MDEFORMVERT, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
						        data_src, data_dst, idx_src, idx_dst,
						        elem_size, 0, 0, 0, vgroups_datatransfer_interp, NULL);
			return false;

	return true;
static DerivedMesh *generate_ocean_geometry(OceanModifierData *omd)
	DerivedMesh *result;

	MVert *mverts;
	MPoly *mpolys;
	MLoop *mloops;
	int *origindex;

	int cdlayer;

	const int rx = omd->resolution * omd->resolution;
	const int ry = omd->resolution * omd->resolution;
	const int res_x = rx * omd->repeat_x;
	const int res_y = ry * omd->repeat_y;

	const int num_verts = (res_x + 1) * (res_y + 1);
	/* const int num_edges = (res_x * res_y * 2) + res_x + res_y; */ /* UNUSED BMESH */
	const int num_faces = res_x * res_y;

	float sx = omd->size * omd->spatial_size;
	float sy = omd->size * omd->spatial_size;
	const float ox = -sx / 2.0f;
	const float oy = -sy / 2.0f;

	float ix, iy;

	int x, y;

	sx /= rx;
	sy /= ry;

	result = CDDM_new(num_verts, 0, 0, num_faces * 4, num_faces);

	mverts = CDDM_get_verts(result);
	mpolys = CDDM_get_polys(result);
	mloops = CDDM_get_loops(result);

	origindex = CustomData_get_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX);

	/* create vertices */
#pragma omp parallel for private(x, y) if (rx > OMP_MIN_RES)
	for (y = 0; y <= res_y; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x <= res_x; x++) {
			const int i = y * (res_x + 1) + x;
			float *co = mverts[i].co;
			co[0] = ox + (x * sx);
			co[1] = oy + (y * sy);
			co[2] = 0;

	/* create faces */
#pragma omp parallel for private(x, y) if (rx > OMP_MIN_RES)
	for (y = 0; y < res_y; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < res_x; x++) {
			const int fi = y * res_x + x;
			const int vi = y * (res_x + 1) + x;
			MPoly *mp = &mpolys[fi];
			MLoop *ml = &mloops[fi * 4];

			ml->v = vi;
			ml->v = vi + 1;
			ml->v = vi + 1 + res_x + 1;
			ml->v = vi + res_x + 1;

			mp->loopstart = fi * 4;
			mp->totloop = 4;

			mp->flag |= ME_SMOOTH;

			/* generated geometry does not map to original faces */
			origindex[fi] = ORIGINDEX_NONE;


	/* add uvs */
	cdlayer = CustomData_number_of_layers(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV);
	if (cdlayer < MAX_MTFACE) {
		MLoopUV *mloopuvs = CustomData_add_layer(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_faces * 4);
		CustomData_add_layer(&result->polyData, CD_MTEXPOLY, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_faces);

		if (mloopuvs) { /* unlikely to fail */
			ix = 1.0 / rx;
			iy = 1.0 / ry;
#pragma omp parallel for private(x, y) if (rx > OMP_MIN_RES)
			for (y = 0; y < res_y; y++) {
				for (x = 0; x < res_x; x++) {
					const int i = y * res_x + x;
					MLoopUV *luv = &mloopuvs[i * 4];

					luv->uv[0] = x * ix;
					luv->uv[1] = y * iy;

					luv->uv[0] = (x + 1) * ix;
					luv->uv[1] = y * iy;

					luv->uv[0] = (x + 1) * ix;
					luv->uv[1] = (y + 1) * iy;

					luv->uv[0] = x * ix;
					luv->uv[1] = (y + 1) * iy;


	result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	return result;
 * \brief Mesh -> BMesh
 * \param bm: The mesh to write into, while this is typically a newly created BMesh,
 * merging into existing data is supported.
 * Note the custom-data layout isn't used.
 * If more comprehensive merging is needed we should move this into a separate function
 * since this should be kept fast for edit-mode switching and storing undo steps.
 * \warning This function doesn't calculate face normals.
void BM_mesh_bm_from_me(
        BMesh *bm, Mesh *me,
        const struct BMeshFromMeshParams *params)
	const bool is_new =
	        !(bm->totvert ||
	          (bm->vdata.totlayer || bm->edata.totlayer || bm->pdata.totlayer || bm->ldata.totlayer));
	MVert *mvert;
	MEdge *medge;
	MLoop *mloop;
	MPoly *mp;
	KeyBlock *actkey, *block;
	BMVert *v, **vtable = NULL;
	BMEdge *e, **etable = NULL;
	BMFace *f, **ftable = NULL;
	float (*keyco)[3] = NULL;
	int totuv, totloops, i;

	if (!me || !me->totvert) {
		if (me && is_new) { /*no verts? still copy customdata layout*/
			CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);

			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, me->totvert, BM_VERT);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, me->totedge, BM_EDGE);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, me->totloop, BM_LOOP);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, me->totpoly, BM_FACE);
		return; /* sanity check */

	if (is_new) {
		CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);

		/* make sure uv layer names are consisten */
		totuv = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
		for (i = 0; i < totuv; i++) {
			int li = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY, i);
			CustomData_set_layer_name(&bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, i, bm->pdata.layers[li].name);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Shape Key */
	int tot_shape_keys = me->key ? BLI_listbase_count(&me->key->block) : 0;
	if (is_new == false) {
		tot_shape_keys = min_ii(tot_shape_keys, CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY));
	const float (**shape_key_table)[3] = tot_shape_keys ? BLI_array_alloca(shape_key_table, tot_shape_keys) : NULL;

	if ((params->active_shapekey != 0) && (me->key != NULL)) {
		actkey = BLI_findlink(&me->key->block, params->active_shapekey - 1);
	else {
		actkey = NULL;

	if (is_new) {
		if (tot_shape_keys || params->add_key_index) {
			CustomData_add_layer(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX, CD_ASSIGN, NULL, 0);

	if (tot_shape_keys) {
		if (is_new) {
			/* check if we need to generate unique ids for the shapekeys.
			 * this also exists in the file reading code, but is here for
			 * a sanity check */
			if (!me->key->uidgen) {
				        "%s had to generate shape key uid's in a situation we shouldn't need to! "
				        "(bmesh internal error)\n",

				me->key->uidgen = 1;
				for (block = me->key->block.first; block; block = block->next) {
					block->uid = me->key->uidgen++;

		if (actkey && actkey->totelem == me->totvert) {
			keyco = params->use_shapekey ? actkey->data : NULL;
			if (is_new) {
				bm->shapenr = params->active_shapekey;

		for (i = 0, block = me->key->block.first; i < tot_shape_keys; block = block->next, i++) {
			if (is_new) {
				CustomData_add_layer_named(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY,
				                           CD_ASSIGN, NULL, 0, block->name);
				int j = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY, i);
				bm->vdata.layers[j].uid = block->uid;
			shape_key_table[i] = (const float (*)[3])block->data;

	if (is_new) {
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, me->totvert, BM_VERT);
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, me->totedge, BM_EDGE);
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, me->totloop, BM_LOOP);
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, me->totpoly, BM_FACE);

		BM_mesh_cd_flag_apply(bm, me->cd_flag);

	const int cd_vert_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	const int cd_edge_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	const int cd_edge_crease_offset  = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_CREASE);
	const int cd_shape_key_offset = me->key ? CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY) : -1;
	const int cd_shape_keyindex_offset = is_new && (tot_shape_keys || params->add_key_index) ?
	          CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX) : -1;

	vtable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMVert **) * me->totvert, __func__);

	for (i = 0, mvert = me->mvert; i < me->totvert; i++, mvert++) {
		v = vtable[i] = BM_vert_create(bm, keyco ? keyco[i] : mvert->co, NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flag */
		v->head.hflag = BM_vert_flag_from_mflag(mvert->flag & ~SELECT);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (mvert->flag & SELECT) {
			BM_vert_select_set(bm, v, true);

		normal_short_to_float_v3(v->no, mvert->no);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, i, &v->head.data, true);

		if (cd_vert_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(v, cd_vert_bweight_offset, (float)mvert->bweight / 255.0f);

		/* set shape key original index */
		if (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_INT(v, cd_shape_keyindex_offset, i);

		/* set shapekey data */
		if (tot_shape_keys) {
			float (*co_dst)[3] = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, cd_shape_key_offset);
			for (int j = 0; j < tot_shape_keys; j++, co_dst++) {
				copy_v3_v3(*co_dst, shape_key_table[j][i]);
	if (is_new) {
		bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	etable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMEdge **) * me->totedge, __func__);

	medge = me->medge;
	for (i = 0; i < me->totedge; i++, medge++) {
		e = etable[i] = BM_edge_create(bm, vtable[medge->v1], vtable[medge->v2], NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		BM_elem_index_set(e, i); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flags */
		e->head.hflag = BM_edge_flag_from_mflag(medge->flag & ~SELECT);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (medge->flag & SELECT) {
			BM_edge_select_set(bm, e, true);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->edata, &bm->edata, i, &e->head.data, true);

		if (cd_edge_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_bweight_offset, (float)medge->bweight / 255.0f);
		if (cd_edge_crease_offset  != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_crease_offset,  (float)medge->crease  / 255.0f);

	if (is_new) {
		bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_EDGE; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	/* only needed for selection. */
	if (me->mselect && me->totselect != 0) {
		ftable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMFace **) * me->totpoly, __func__);

	mloop = me->mloop;
	mp = me->mpoly;
	for (i = 0, totloops = 0; i < me->totpoly; i++, mp++) {
		BMLoop *l_iter;
		BMLoop *l_first;

		f = bm_face_create_from_mpoly(mp, mloop + mp->loopstart,
		                              bm, vtable, etable);
		if (ftable != NULL) {
			ftable[i] = f;

		if (UNLIKELY(f == NULL)) {
			printf("%s: Warning! Bad face in mesh"
			       " \"%s\" at index %d!, skipping\n",
			       __func__, me->id.name + 2, i);

		/* don't use 'i' since we may have skipped the face */
		BM_elem_index_set(f, bm->totface - 1); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flag */
		f->head.hflag = BM_face_flag_from_mflag(mp->flag & ~ME_FACE_SEL);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (mp->flag & ME_FACE_SEL) {
			BM_face_select_set(bm, f, true);

		f->mat_nr = mp->mat_nr;
		if (i == me->act_face) bm->act_face = f;

		int j = mp->loopstart;
		l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f);
		do {
			/* don't use 'j' since we may have skipped some faces, hence some loops. */
			BM_elem_index_set(l_iter, totloops++); /* set_ok */

			/* Save index of correspsonding MLoop */
			CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, j++, &l_iter->head.data, true);
		} while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, i, &f->head.data, true);

		if (params->calc_face_normal) {
	if (is_new) {
		bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~(BM_FACE | BM_LOOP); /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* MSelect clears the array elements (avoid adding multiple times).
	 * Take care to keep this last and not use (v/e/ftable) after this.

	if (me->mselect && me->totselect != 0) {
		MSelect *msel;
		for (i = 0, msel = me->mselect; i < me->totselect; i++, msel++) {
			BMElem **ele_p;
			switch (msel->type) {
				case ME_VSEL:
					ele_p = (BMElem **)&vtable[msel->index];
				case ME_ESEL:
					ele_p = (BMElem **)&etable[msel->index];
				case ME_FSEL:
					ele_p = (BMElem **)&ftable[msel->index];

			if (*ele_p != NULL) {
				BM_select_history_store_notest(bm, *ele_p);
				*ele_p = NULL;
	else {

	if (ftable) {
 * Calculate edges from polygons
 * \param mesh  The mesh to add edges into
 * \param update  When true create new edges co-exist
void BKE_mesh_calc_edges(Mesh *mesh, bool update, const bool select)
	CustomData edata;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	MPoly *mp;
	MEdge *med, *med_orig;
	EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new();
	int i, totedge, totpoly = mesh->totpoly;
	int med_index;
	/* select for newly created meshes which are selected [#25595] */
	const short ed_flag = (ME_EDGEDRAW | ME_EDGERENDER) | (select ? SELECT : 0);

	if (mesh->totedge == 0)
		update = false;

	if (update) {
		/* assume existing edges are valid
		 * useful when adding more faces and generating edges from them */
		med = mesh->medge;
		for (i = 0; i < mesh->totedge; i++, med++)
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, med->v1, med->v2, med);

	/* mesh loops (bmesh only) */
	for (mp = mesh->mpoly, i = 0; i < totpoly; mp++, i++) {
		MLoop *l = &mesh->mloop[mp->loopstart];
		int j, l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1))->v;
		for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, l_prev, l->v)) {
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, l_prev, l->v, NULL);
			l_prev = l->v;

	totedge = BLI_edgehash_size(eh);

	/* write new edges into a temporary CustomData */
	CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);

	med = CustomData_get_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE);
	for (ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh), i = 0;
	     BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi) == FALSE;
	     BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++i, ++med)
		if (update && (med_orig = BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi))) {
			*med = *med_orig; /* copy from the original */
		else {
			BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &med->v1, &med->v2);
			med->flag = ed_flag;

		/* store the new edge index in the hash value */
		BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i));

	if (mesh->totpoly) {
		/* second pass, iterate through all loops again and assign
		 * the newly created edges to them. */
		for (mp = mesh->mpoly, i = 0; i < mesh->totpoly; mp++, i++) {
			MLoop *l = &mesh->mloop[mp->loopstart];
			MLoop *l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1));
			int j;
			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) {
				/* lookup hashed edge index */
				med_index = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(eh, l_prev->v, l->v));
				l_prev->e = med_index;
				l_prev = l;

	/* free old CustomData and assign new one */
	CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge);
	mesh->edata = edata;
	mesh->totedge = totedge;

	mesh->medge = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE);

	BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL);
// =================================================================
// Return the number of faces by summing up
// the facecounts of the parts.
// hint: This is done because mesh->getFacesCount() does
// count loose edges as extra faces, which is not what we want here.
// =================================================================
void MeshImporter::allocate_poly_data(COLLADAFW::Mesh *collada_mesh, Mesh *me)
	COLLADAFW::MeshPrimitiveArray& prim_arr = collada_mesh->getMeshPrimitives();
	int total_poly_count  = 0;
	int total_loop_count  = 0;

	// collect edge_count and face_count from all parts
	for (int i = 0; i < prim_arr.getCount(); i++) {
		COLLADAFW::MeshPrimitive *mp = prim_arr[i];
		int type = mp->getPrimitiveType();
		switch (type) {
			case COLLADAFW::MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLES:
			case COLLADAFW::MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_FANS:
			case COLLADAFW::MeshPrimitive::POLYLIST:
			case COLLADAFW::MeshPrimitive::POLYGONS:
				COLLADAFW::Polygons *mpvc = (COLLADAFW::Polygons *)mp;
				size_t prim_poly_count    = mpvc->getFaceCount();

				size_t prim_loop_count    = 0;
				for (int index=0; index < prim_poly_count; index++) {
					prim_loop_count += get_vertex_count(mpvc, index);

				total_poly_count += prim_poly_count;
				total_loop_count += prim_loop_count;


	// Add the data containers
	if (total_poly_count > 0) {
		me->totpoly = total_poly_count;
		me->totloop = total_loop_count;
		me->mpoly   = (MPoly *)CustomData_add_layer(&me->pdata, CD_MPOLY, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totpoly);
		me->mloop   = (MLoop *)CustomData_add_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOP, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totloop);

		unsigned int totuvset = collada_mesh->getUVCoords().getInputInfosArray().getCount();
		for (int i = 0; i < totuvset; i++) {
			if (collada_mesh->getUVCoords().getLength(i) == 0) {
				totuvset = 0;

		if (totuvset > 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i < totuvset; i++) {
				COLLADAFW::MeshVertexData::InputInfos *info = collada_mesh->getUVCoords().getInputInfosArray()[i];
				COLLADAFW::String &uvname = info->mName;
				// Allocate space for UV_data
				CustomData_add_layer_named(&me->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, me->totpoly, uvname.c_str());
				CustomData_add_layer_named(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, me->totloop, uvname.c_str());
			// activate the first uv map
			me->mtpoly  = (MTexPoly *)CustomData_get_layer_n(&me->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY, 0);
			me->mloopuv = (MLoopUV *) CustomData_get_layer_n(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, 0);

		int totcolset = collada_mesh->getColors().getInputInfosArray().getCount();
		if (totcolset > 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i < totcolset; i++) {
				COLLADAFW::MeshVertexData::InputInfos *info = collada_mesh->getColors().getInputInfosArray()[i];
				COLLADAFW::String colname = extract_vcolname(info->mName);
				CustomData_add_layer_named(&me->ldata,CD_MLOOPCOL,CD_DEFAULT,NULL,me->totloop, colname.c_str());
			me->mloopcol = (MLoopCol *) CustomData_get_layer_n(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL, 0);

static bool data_transfer_layersmapping_cdlayers_multisrc_to_dst(
        ListBase *r_map, const int cddata_type, const int mix_mode, const float mix_factor, const float *mix_weights,
        const int num_elem_dst, const bool use_create, const bool use_delete,
        CustomData *cd_src, CustomData *cd_dst, const bool use_dupref_dst,
        const int tolayers, bool *use_layers_src, const int num_layers_src)
	void *data_src, *data_dst = NULL;
	int idx_src = num_layers_src;
	int idx_dst, tot_dst = CustomData_number_of_layers(cd_dst, cddata_type);
	bool *data_dst_to_delete = NULL;

	if (!use_layers_src) {
		/* No source at all, we can only delete all dest if requested... */
		if (use_delete) {
			idx_dst = tot_dst;
			while (idx_dst--) {
				CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, idx_dst);
		return true;

	switch (tolayers) {
			idx_dst = tot_dst;

			/* Find last source actually used! */
			while (idx_src-- && !use_layers_src[idx_src]);

			if (idx_dst < idx_src) {
				if (!use_create) {
					return true;
				/* Create as much data layers as necessary! */
				for (; idx_dst < idx_src; idx_dst++) {
					CustomData_add_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst);
			else if (use_delete && idx_dst > idx_src) {
				while (idx_dst-- > idx_src) {
					CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, idx_dst);
			if (r_map) {
				while (idx_src--) {
					if (!use_layers_src[idx_src]) {
					data_src = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
					/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
					if (use_dupref_dst) {
						data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_src, num_elem_dst);
					else {
						data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_src);
					data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item_cd(r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
					                                        data_src, data_dst);
			if (use_delete) {
				if (tot_dst) {
					data_dst_to_delete = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*data_dst_to_delete) * (size_t)tot_dst, __func__);
					memset(data_dst_to_delete, true, sizeof(*data_dst_to_delete) * (size_t)tot_dst);

			while (idx_src--) {
				const char *name;

				if (!use_layers_src[idx_src]) {

				name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);
				data_src = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_src, cddata_type, idx_src);

				if ((idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name)) == -1) {
					if (!use_create) {
						if (r_map) {
						return true;
					CustomData_add_layer_named(cd_dst, cddata_type, CD_CALLOC, NULL, num_elem_dst, name);
					idx_dst = CustomData_get_named_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, name);
				else if (data_dst_to_delete) {
					data_dst_to_delete[idx_dst] = false;
				if (r_map) {
					/* If dest is a derivedmesh, we do not want to overwrite cdlayers of org mesh! */
					if (use_dupref_dst) {
						data_dst = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst, num_elem_dst);
					else {
						data_dst = CustomData_get_layer_n(cd_dst, cddata_type, idx_dst);
					data_transfer_layersmapping_add_item_cd(r_map, cddata_type, mix_mode, mix_factor, mix_weights,
					                                        data_src, data_dst);

			if (data_dst_to_delete) {
				/* Note: This won't affect newly created layers, if any, since tot_dst has not been updated!
				 *       Also, looping backward ensures us we do not suffer from index shifting when deleting a layer.
				for (idx_dst = tot_dst; idx_dst--;) {
					if (data_dst_to_delete[idx_dst]) {
						CustomData_free_layer(cd_dst, cddata_type, num_elem_dst, idx_dst);

			return false;

	return true;
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
                                  ModifierApplyFlag flag)
	MultiresModifierData *mmd = (MultiresModifierData *)md;
	DerivedMesh *result;
	Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data;
	const bool useRenderParams = (flag & MOD_APPLY_RENDER) != 0;
	const bool ignore_simplify = (flag & MOD_APPLY_IGNORE_SIMPLIFY) != 0;
	MultiresFlags flags = 0;
	const bool has_mask = CustomData_has_layer(&me->ldata, CD_GRID_PAINT_MASK);

	if (mmd->totlvl) {
		if (!CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MDISPS)) {
			/* multires always needs a displacement layer */
			CustomData_add_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MDISPS, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totloop);

	if (has_mask)

	if (useRenderParams)

	if (ignore_simplify)

	result = multires_make_derived_from_derived(dm, mmd, ob, flags);

	if (result == dm)
		return dm;

	if (useRenderParams || !(flag & MOD_APPLY_USECACHE)) {
		DerivedMesh *cddm;
		cddm = CDDM_copy(result);

		/* copy hidden/masks to vertices */
		if (!useRenderParams) {
			struct MDisps *mdisps;
			struct GridPaintMask *grid_paint_mask;
			mdisps = CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MDISPS);
			grid_paint_mask = CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_GRID_PAINT_MASK);
			if (mdisps) {
				subsurf_copy_grid_hidden(result, me->mpoly,

			if (grid_paint_mask) {
				float *paint_mask = CustomData_add_layer(&cddm->vertData,
				                                         CD_CALLOC, NULL,

				subsurf_copy_grid_paint_mask(result, me->mpoly,
				                             paint_mask, grid_paint_mask);

		result = cddm;

	return result;
int ED_object_modifier_convert(ReportList *UNUSED(reports), Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob, ModifierData *md)
	Object *obn;
	ParticleSystem *psys;
	ParticleCacheKey *key, **cache;
	ParticleSettings *part;
	Mesh *me;
	MVert *mvert;
	MEdge *medge;
	int a, k, kmax;
	int totvert=0, totedge=0, cvert=0;
	int totpart=0, totchild=0;

	if(md->type != eModifierType_ParticleSystem) return 0;
	if(ob && ob->mode & OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT) return 0;

	psys=((ParticleSystemModifierData *)md)->psys;
	part= psys->part;

	if(part->ren_as != PART_DRAW_PATH || psys->pathcache == NULL)
		return 0;

	totpart= psys->totcached;
	totchild= psys->totchildcache;

	if(totchild && (part->draw&PART_DRAW_PARENT)==0)
		totpart= 0;

	/* count */
	cache= psys->pathcache;
	for(a=0; a<totpart; a++) {
		key= cache[a];

		if(key->steps > 0) {
			totvert+= key->steps+1;
			totedge+= key->steps;

	cache= psys->childcache;
	for(a=0; a<totchild; a++) {
		key= cache[a];

		if(key->steps > 0) {
			totvert+= key->steps+1;
			totedge+= key->steps;

	if(totvert==0) return 0;

	/* add new mesh */
	obn= add_object(scene, OB_MESH);
	me= obn->data;
	me->totvert= totvert;
	me->totedge= totedge;
	me->mvert= CustomData_add_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totvert);
	me->medge= CustomData_add_layer(&me->edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);
	me->mface= CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, 0);
	mvert= me->mvert;
	medge= me->medge;

	/* copy coordinates */
	cache= psys->pathcache;
	for(a=0; a<totpart; a++) {
		key= cache[a];
		kmax= key->steps;
		for(k=0; k<=kmax; k++,key++,cvert++,mvert++) {
			if(k) {
				medge->v1= cvert-1;
				medge->v2= cvert;
			else {
				/* cheap trick to select the roots */
				mvert->flag |= SELECT;

	for(a=0; a<totchild; a++) {
		for(k=0; k<=kmax; k++,key++,cvert++,mvert++) {
			if(k) {
			else {
				/* cheap trick to select the roots */
				mvert->flag |= SELECT;

	DAG_scene_sort(bmain, scene);

	return 1;
static Mesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, Mesh *mesh)
  BLI_assert(mesh != NULL);

  WeightVGMixModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGMixModifierData *)md;

  MDeformVert *dvert = NULL;
  MDeformWeight **dw1, **tdw1, **dw2, **tdw2;
  float *org_w;
  float *new_w;
  int *tidx, *indices = NULL;
  int numIdx = 0;
  int i;
  /* Flags. */
#if 0
  const bool do_prev = (wmd->modifier.mode & eModifierMode_DoWeightPreview) != 0;

  /* Get number of verts. */
  const int numVerts = mesh->totvert;

  /* Check if we can just return the original mesh.
   * Must have verts and therefore verts assigned to vgroups to do anything useful!
  if ((numVerts == 0) || BLI_listbase_is_empty(&ctx->object->defbase)) {
    return mesh;

  /* Get vgroup idx from its name. */
  const int defgrp_index = defgroup_name_index(ctx->object, wmd->defgrp_name_a);
  if (defgrp_index == -1) {
    return mesh;
  /* Get second vgroup idx from its name, if given. */
  int defgrp_index_other = -1;
  if (wmd->defgrp_name_b[0] != '\0') {
    defgrp_index_other = defgroup_name_index(ctx->object, wmd->defgrp_name_b);
    if (defgrp_index_other == -1) {
      return mesh;

  const bool has_mdef = CustomData_has_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
  /* If no vertices were ever added to an object's vgroup, dvert might be NULL. */
  if (!has_mdef) {
    /* If not affecting all vertices, just return. */
    if (wmd->mix_set != MOD_WVG_SET_ALL) {
      return mesh;

  if (has_mdef) {
    dvert = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT, numVerts);
  else {
    /* Add a valid data layer! */
    dvert = CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, numVerts);
  /* Ultimate security check. */
  if (!dvert) {
    return mesh;
  mesh->dvert = dvert;

  /* Find out which vertices to work on. */
  tidx = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(int), "WeightVGMix Modifier, tidx");
  tdw1 = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(MDeformWeight *), "WeightVGMix Modifier, tdw1");
  tdw2 = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(MDeformWeight *), "WeightVGMix Modifier, tdw2");
  switch (wmd->mix_set) {
    case MOD_WVG_SET_A:
      /* All vertices in first vgroup. */
      for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        MDeformWeight *dw = defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);
        if (dw) {
          tdw1[numIdx] = dw;
          tdw2[numIdx] = (defgrp_index_other >= 0) ?
                             defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index_other) :
          tidx[numIdx++] = i;
    case MOD_WVG_SET_B:
      /* All vertices in second vgroup. */
      for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        MDeformWeight *dw = (defgrp_index_other >= 0) ?
                                defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index_other) :
        if (dw) {
          tdw1[numIdx] = defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);
          tdw2[numIdx] = dw;
          tidx[numIdx++] = i;
    case MOD_WVG_SET_OR:
      /* All vertices in one vgroup or the other. */
      for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        MDeformWeight *adw = defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);
        MDeformWeight *bdw = (defgrp_index_other >= 0) ?
                                 defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index_other) :
        if (adw || bdw) {
          tdw1[numIdx] = adw;
          tdw2[numIdx] = bdw;
          tidx[numIdx++] = i;
    case MOD_WVG_SET_AND:
      /* All vertices in both vgroups. */
      for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        MDeformWeight *adw = defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);
        MDeformWeight *bdw = (defgrp_index_other >= 0) ?
                                 defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index_other) :
        if (adw && bdw) {
          tdw1[numIdx] = adw;
          tdw2[numIdx] = bdw;
          tidx[numIdx++] = i;
    case MOD_WVG_SET_ALL:
      /* Use all vertices. */
      for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
        tdw1[i] = defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);
        tdw2[i] = (defgrp_index_other >= 0) ? defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index_other) :
      numIdx = -1;
  if (numIdx == 0) {
    /* Use no vertices! Hence, return org data. */
    return mesh;
  if (numIdx != -1) {
    indices = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numIdx, sizeof(int), "WeightVGMix Modifier, indices");
    memcpy(indices, tidx, sizeof(int) * numIdx);
    dw1 = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numIdx, sizeof(MDeformWeight *), "WeightVGMix Modifier, dw1");
    memcpy(dw1, tdw1, sizeof(MDeformWeight *) * numIdx);
    dw2 = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numIdx, sizeof(MDeformWeight *), "WeightVGMix Modifier, dw2");
    memcpy(dw2, tdw2, sizeof(MDeformWeight *) * numIdx);
  else {
    /* Use all vertices. */
    numIdx = numVerts;
    /* Just copy MDeformWeight pointers arrays, they will be freed at the end. */
    dw1 = tdw1;
    dw2 = tdw2;

  org_w = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numIdx, sizeof(float), "WeightVGMix Modifier, org_w");
  new_w = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numIdx, sizeof(float), "WeightVGMix Modifier, new_w");

  /* Mix weights. */
  for (i = 0; i < numIdx; i++) {
    float weight2;
    org_w[i] = dw1[i] ? dw1[i]->weight : wmd->default_weight_a;
    weight2 = dw2[i] ? dw2[i]->weight : wmd->default_weight_b;

    new_w[i] = mix_weight(org_w[i], weight2, wmd->mix_mode);

  /* Do masking. */
  struct Scene *scene = DEG_get_evaluated_scene(ctx->depsgraph);

  /* Update (add to) vgroup.
   * XXX Depending on the MOD_WVG_SET_xxx option chosen, we might have to add vertices to vgroup.
      dvert, defgrp_index, dw1, numIdx, indices, org_w, true, -FLT_MAX, false, 0.0f);

  /* If weight preview enabled... */
#if 0 /* XXX Currently done in mod stack :/ */
  if (do_prev)
    DM_update_weight_mcol(ob, dm, 0, org_w, numIdx, indices);

  /* Freeing stuff. */

  /* Return the vgroup-modified mesh. */
  return mesh;
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob,
                                  DerivedMesh *derivedData,
                                  ModifierApplyFlag flag)
	DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData;
	DerivedMesh *result;
	ScrewModifierData *ltmd = (ScrewModifierData *) md;
	const int useRenderParams = flag & MOD_APPLY_RENDER;
	int *origindex;
	int mpoly_index = 0;
	unsigned int step;
	unsigned int i, j;
	unsigned int i1, i2;
	unsigned int step_tot = useRenderParams ? ltmd->render_steps : ltmd->steps;
	const bool do_flip = ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP ? 1 : 0;

	const int quad_ord[4] = {
	    do_flip ? 3 : 0,
	    do_flip ? 2 : 1,
	    do_flip ? 1 : 2,
	    do_flip ? 0 : 3,
	const int quad_ord_ofs[4] = {
	    do_flip ? 2 : 0,
	    do_flip ? 1 : 1,
	    do_flip ? 0 : 2,
	    do_flip ? 3 : 3,

	unsigned int maxVerts = 0, maxEdges = 0, maxPolys = 0;
	const unsigned int totvert = (unsigned int)dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	const unsigned int totedge = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	const unsigned int totpoly = (unsigned int)dm->getNumPolys(dm);

	unsigned int *edge_poly_map = NULL;  /* orig edge to orig poly */
	unsigned int *vert_loop_map = NULL;  /* orig vert to orig loop */

	/* UV Coords */
	const unsigned int mloopuv_layers_tot = (unsigned int)CustomData_number_of_layers(&dm->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV);
	MLoopUV **mloopuv_layers = BLI_array_alloca(mloopuv_layers, mloopuv_layers_tot);
	float uv_u_scale;
	float uv_v_minmax[2] = {FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX};
	float uv_v_range_inv;
	float uv_axis_plane[4];

	char axis_char = 'X';
	bool close;
	float angle = ltmd->angle;
	float screw_ofs = ltmd->screw_ofs;
	float axis_vec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float tmp_vec1[3], tmp_vec2[3]; 
	float mat3[3][3];
	float mtx_tx[4][4]; /* transform the coords by an object relative to this objects transformation */
	float mtx_tx_inv[4][4]; /* inverted */
	float mtx_tmp_a[4][4];
	unsigned int vc_tot_linked = 0;
	short other_axis_1, other_axis_2;
	const float *tmpf1, *tmpf2;

	unsigned int edge_offset;
	MPoly *mpoly_orig, *mpoly_new, *mp_new;
	MLoop *mloop_orig, *mloop_new, *ml_new;
	MEdge *medge_orig, *med_orig, *med_new, *med_new_firstloop, *medge_new;
	MVert *mvert_new, *mvert_orig, *mv_orig, *mv_new, *mv_new_base;

	ScrewVertConnect *vc, *vc_tmp, *vert_connect = NULL;

	const char mpoly_flag = (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_SMOOTH_SHADING) ? ME_SMOOTH : 0;

	/* don't do anything? */
	if (!totvert)
		return CDDM_from_template(dm, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	switch (ltmd->axis) {
		case 0:
			other_axis_1 = 1;
			other_axis_2 = 2;
		case 1:
			other_axis_1 = 0;
			other_axis_2 = 2;
		default: /* 2, use default to quiet warnings */
			other_axis_1 = 0;
			other_axis_2 = 1;

	axis_vec[ltmd->axis] = 1.0f;

	if (ltmd->ob_axis) {
		/* calc the matrix relative to the axis object */
		invert_m4_m4(mtx_tmp_a, ob->obmat);
		copy_m4_m4(mtx_tx_inv, ltmd->ob_axis->obmat);
		mul_m4_m4m4(mtx_tx, mtx_tmp_a, mtx_tx_inv);

		/* calc the axis vec */
		mul_mat3_m4_v3(mtx_tx, axis_vec); /* only rotation component */

		/* screw */
		if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_OFFSET) {
			/* find the offset along this axis relative to this objects matrix */
			float totlen = len_v3(mtx_tx[3]);

			if (totlen != 0.0f) {
				float zero[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
				float cp[3];
				screw_ofs = closest_to_line_v3(cp, mtx_tx[3], zero, axis_vec);
			else {
				screw_ofs = 0.0f;

		/* angle */

#if 0   /* cant incluide this, not predictable enough, though quite fun. */
		if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_ANGLE) {
			float mtx3_tx[3][3];
			copy_m3_m4(mtx3_tx, mtx_tx);

			float vec[3] = {0, 1, 0};
			float cross1[3];
			float cross2[3];
			cross_v3_v3v3(cross1, vec, axis_vec);

			mul_v3_m3v3(cross2, mtx3_tx, cross1);
				float c1[3];
				float c2[3];
				float axis_tmp[3];

				cross_v3_v3v3(c1, cross2, axis_vec);
				cross_v3_v3v3(c2, axis_vec, c1);

				angle = angle_v3v3(cross1, c2);

				cross_v3_v3v3(axis_tmp, cross1, c2);

				if (len_v3v3(axis_tmp, axis_vec) > 1.0f)
					angle = -angle;

	else {
		/* exis char is used by i_rotate*/
		axis_char = (char)(axis_char + ltmd->axis); /* 'X' + axis */

		/* useful to be able to use the axis vec in some cases still */
		axis_vec[ltmd->axis] = 1.0f;

	/* apply the multiplier */
	angle *= (float)ltmd->iter;
	screw_ofs *= (float)ltmd->iter;
	uv_u_scale = 1.0f / (float)(step_tot);

	/* multiplying the steps is a bit tricky, this works best */
	step_tot = ((step_tot + 1) * ltmd->iter) - (ltmd->iter - 1);

	/* will the screw be closed?
	 * Note! smaller then FLT_EPSILON * 100 gives problems with float precision so its never closed. */
	if (fabsf(screw_ofs) <= (FLT_EPSILON * 100.0f) &&
	    fabsf(fabsf(angle) - ((float)M_PI * 2.0f)) <= (FLT_EPSILON * 100.0f))
		close = 1;
		if (step_tot < 3) step_tot = 3;
		maxVerts = totvert  * step_tot;   /* -1 because we're joining back up */
		maxEdges = (totvert * step_tot) + /* these are the edges between new verts */
		           (totedge * step_tot);  /* -1 because vert edges join */
		maxPolys = totedge * step_tot;

		screw_ofs = 0.0f;
	else {
		close = 0;
		if (step_tot < 3) step_tot = 3;

		maxVerts =  totvert  * step_tot; /* -1 because we're joining back up */
		maxEdges =  (totvert * (step_tot - 1)) + /* these are the edges between new verts */
		           (totedge * step_tot);  /* -1 because vert edges join */
		maxPolys =  totedge * (step_tot - 1);

	if ((ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_UV_STRETCH_U) == 0) {
		uv_u_scale = (uv_u_scale / (float)ltmd->iter) * (angle / ((float)M_PI * 2.0f));
	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, (int)maxVerts, (int)maxEdges, 0, (int)maxPolys * 4, (int)maxPolys);
	/* copy verts from mesh */
	mvert_orig =    dm->getVertArray(dm);
	medge_orig =    dm->getEdgeArray(dm);
	mvert_new =     result->getVertArray(result);
	mpoly_new =     result->getPolyArray(result);
	mloop_new =     result->getLoopArray(result);
	medge_new =     result->getEdgeArray(result);

	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX)) {
		CustomData_add_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX, CD_CALLOC, NULL, (int)maxPolys);

	origindex = CustomData_get_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX);

	DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)totvert); /* copy first otherwise this overwrites our own vertex normals */

	if (mloopuv_layers_tot) {
		float zero_co[3] = {0};
		plane_from_point_normal_v3(uv_axis_plane, zero_co, axis_vec);

	if (mloopuv_layers_tot) {
		unsigned int uv_lay;
		for (uv_lay = 0; uv_lay < mloopuv_layers_tot; uv_lay++) {
			mloopuv_layers[uv_lay] = CustomData_get_layer_n(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, (int)uv_lay);

		if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_UV_STRETCH_V) {
			for (i = 0, mv_orig = mvert_orig; i < totvert; i++, mv_orig++) {
				const float v = dist_squared_to_plane_v3(mv_orig->co, uv_axis_plane);
				uv_v_minmax[0] = min_ff(v, uv_v_minmax[0]);
				uv_v_minmax[1] = max_ff(v, uv_v_minmax[1]);
			uv_v_minmax[0] = sqrtf_signed(uv_v_minmax[0]);
			uv_v_minmax[1] = sqrtf_signed(uv_v_minmax[1]);

		uv_v_range_inv = uv_v_minmax[1] - uv_v_minmax[0];
		uv_v_range_inv = uv_v_range_inv ? 1.0f / uv_v_range_inv : 0.0f;

	/* Set the locations of the first set of verts */
	mv_new = mvert_new;
	mv_orig = mvert_orig;
	/* Copy the first set of edges */
	med_orig = medge_orig;
	med_new = medge_new;
	for (i = 0; i < totedge; i++, med_orig++, med_new++) {
		med_new->v1 = med_orig->v1;
		med_new->v2 = med_orig->v2;
		med_new->crease = med_orig->crease;
		med_new->flag = med_orig->flag &  ~ME_LOOSEEDGE;
	/* build polygon -> edge map */
	if (totpoly) {
		MPoly *mp_orig;

		mpoly_orig = dm->getPolyArray(dm);
		mloop_orig = dm->getLoopArray(dm);
		edge_poly_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_poly_map) * totedge, __func__);
		memset(edge_poly_map, 0xff, sizeof(*edge_poly_map) * totedge);

		vert_loop_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*vert_loop_map) * totvert, __func__);
		memset(vert_loop_map, 0xff, sizeof(*vert_loop_map) * totvert);

		for (i = 0, mp_orig = mpoly_orig; i < totpoly; i++, mp_orig++) {
			unsigned int loopstart = (unsigned int)mp_orig->loopstart;
			unsigned int loopend = loopstart + (unsigned int)mp_orig->totloop;

			MLoop *ml_orig = &mloop_orig[loopstart];
			unsigned int k;
			for (k = loopstart; k < loopend; k++, ml_orig++) {
				edge_poly_map[ml_orig->e] = i;
				vert_loop_map[ml_orig->v] = k;

				/* also order edges based on faces */
				if (medge_new[ml_orig->e].v1 != ml_orig->v) {
					SWAP(unsigned int, medge_new[ml_orig->e].v1, medge_new[ml_orig->e].v2);