void SDetailsViewBase::UpdatePropertyMap()
	// Reset everything

	// We need to be able to create a new detail layout and properly clean up the old one in the process
	check(!DetailLayout.IsValid() || DetailLayout.IsUnique());


	DetailLayout = MakeShareable(new FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl(ClassToPropertyMap, PropertyUtilities.ToSharedRef(), SharedThis(this)));

	auto RootPropertyNode = GetRootNode();
	// Currently object property nodes do not provide any useful information other than being a container for its children.  We do not draw anything for them.
	// When we encounter object property nodes, add their children instead of adding them to the tree.
	UpdatePropertyMapRecursive(*RootPropertyNode, *DetailLayout, NAME_None, RootPropertyNode.Get());


	// Ask for custom detail layouts, unless disabled. One reason for disabling custom layouts is that the custom layouts
	// inhibit our ability to find a single property's tree node. This is problematic for the diff and merge tools, that need
	// to display and highlight each changed property for the user. We could whitelist 'good' customizations here if 
	// we can make them work with the diff/merge tools.
	if( !bDisableCustomDetailLayouts )

void SDetailsViewBase::UpdateSinglePropertyMap(TSharedPtr<FComplexPropertyNode>& InRootPropertyNode, FDetailLayoutData& LayoutData)
	// Reset everything

	TSharedPtr<FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl> DetailLayout = MakeShareable(new FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl(InRootPropertyNode, LayoutData.ClassToPropertyMap, PropertyUtilities.ToSharedRef(), SharedThis(this)));
	LayoutData.DetailLayout = DetailLayout;

	TSharedPtr<FComplexPropertyNode> RootPropertyNode = InRootPropertyNode;

	bool const bEnableFavoriteSystem = GIsRequestingExit ? false : (GetDefault<UEditorExperimentalSettings>()->bEnableFavoriteSystem && DetailsViewArgs.bAllowFavoriteSystem);

	// Currently object property nodes do not provide any useful information other than being a container for its children.  We do not draw anything for them.
	// When we encounter object property nodes, add their children instead of adding them to the tree.
	UpdateSinglePropertyMapRecursive(*RootPropertyNode, LayoutData, NAME_None, RootPropertyNode.Get(), bEnableFavoriteSystem, false);


	// Ask for custom detail layouts, unless disabled. One reason for disabling custom layouts is that the custom layouts
	// inhibit our ability to find a single property's tree node. This is problematic for the diff and merge tools, that need
	// to display and highlight each changed property for the user. We could whitelist 'good' customizations here if 
	// we can make them work with the diff/merge tools.
