  * \brief Initialize the DACC controller
  * \param pDACC Pointer to an DACC instance.
  * \param idDACC identifier of DAC peripheral
  * \param trgEn trigger mode, free running mode or external Hardware trigger
  * \param word transfer size,word or half word
  * \param trgSel hardware trigger selection
  * \param sleepMode sleep mode selection
  * \param mck value of MCK in Hz
  * \param refresh refresh period
  * \param user_sel user channel selection ,0 or 1
  * \param tag_mode tag for channel number
  * \param startup value of the start up time (in DACCClock) (see datasheet)
void DACC_Initialize (Dacc *pDACC,
                     uint8_t idDACC,
                     uint8_t trgEn,
                     uint8_t trgSel,
                     uint8_t word,
                     uint8_t sleepMode,
                     uint32_t mck,
                     uint8_t refresh,/*refresh period*/
                     uint8_t user_sel,/*user channel selection*/
                     uint32_t tag_mode,/*using tag for channel number*/
                     uint32_t startup
    ASSERT(1024*refresh*1000/(mck/2)<20,"Refresh preriod is too big!");

    /* Enable peripheral clock*/
    PMC->PMC_PCER0 = 1 << idDACC;

    /*  Reset the controller */

    /*  Write to the MR register */
    DACC_CfgModeReg( pDACC,
          ( trgEn & DACC_MR_TRGEN)
        | ( trgSel & DACC_MR_TRGSEL)
        | ( word & DACC_MR_WORD)
        | ( sleepMode & DACC_MR_SLEEP)
        | ( (refresh<<8) & DACC_MR_REFRESH)
        | ( (user_sel<<16)& DACC_MR_USER_SEL)
        | (  tag_mode &  DACC_MR_TAG)  
        | ( (startup<<24) & DACC_MR_STARTUP));
  * \brief Initialize the DACC controller
  * \param pDACC Pointer to an DACC instance.
  * \param idDACC identifier of DAC peripheral
  * \param trgEn trigger mode, free running mode or external Hardware trigger
  * \param trgSel hardware trigger selection
  * \param dacEn  enable DAC
  * \param word transfer size,word or half word
  * \param startup value of the start up time (in DACCClock) (see datasheet)
  * \param clkDiv value of the DAC clock divider for internal trigger
extern void DACC_Initialize( Dacc*    pDACC,
                             uint8_t  idDACC,
                             uint8_t  trgEn,
                             uint8_t  trgSel,
                             uint8_t  dacEn,
                             uint8_t  word,
                             uint32_t startup,
                             uint32_t clkDiv
    /* Enable peripheral clock*/
    PMC->PMC_PCER = 1 << idDACC;

    /*  Reset the controller */

    /*  Write to the MR register */
    DACC_CfgModeReg( pDACC,
          ( trgEn    & DACC_MR_TRGEN )
        | ( trgSel   & DACC_MR_TRGSEL )
        | ( dacEn    & DACC_MR_DACEN )
        | ( word     & DACC_MR_WORD )
        | ( startup  & DACC_MR_STARTUP )
        | ( clkDiv   & DACC_MR_CLKDIV ) );
  * \brief Initialize the DACC controller
  * \param pDACC Pointer to an DACC instance.
  * \param idDACC identifier of DAC peripheral
  * \param trgEn trigger mode, free running mode or external Hardware trigger
  * \param word transfer size,word or half word
  * \param trgSel hardware trigger selection
  * \param sleepMode sleep mode selection
  * \param mck value of MCK in Hz
  * \param refresh refresh period
  * \param user_sel user channel selection ,0 or 1
  * \param tag_mode tag for channel number
  * \param startup value of the start up time (in DACCClock) (see datasheet)
extern void DACC_Initialize( Dacc* pDACC,
                             uint8_t idDACC,
                             uint8_t trgEn,
                             uint8_t trgSel,
                             uint8_t word,
                             uint8_t sleepMode,
                             uint32_t mck,
                             uint8_t refresh,    /* refresh period */
                             uint8_t user_sel,   /* user channel selection */
                             uint32_t tag_mode,  /* using tag for channel number */
                             uint32_t startup
    /* Stop warning */
    mck = mck;

    /* Enable peripheral clock*/
    PMC->PMC_PCER0 = 1 << idDACC;

    /*  Reset the controller */

    /*  Write to the MR register */
    DACC_CfgModeReg( pDACC,
          ( trgEn & DACC_MR_TRGEN)
        |   DACC_MR_TRGSEL(trgSel)
        | ( word & DACC_MR_WORD)
        | ( sleepMode & DACC_MR_SLEEP)
        |   DACC_MR_REFRESH(refresh)
        | ( user_sel & DACC_MR_USER_SEL_Msk)
        | ( tag_mode &  DACC_MR_TAG)
        | ( startup & DACC_MR_STARTUP_Msk));